• Breaking News

    Monday, December 14, 2020

    Mount & Blade Mod Night - Vikingr

    Mount & Blade Mod Night - Vikingr

    Mod Night - Vikingr

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:24 AM PST


    Welcome to Mod Night!

    Mod Night is a community event where we visit less popular/empty multiplayer mods that you wouldn't otherwise have a chance to try out.

    • This month we'll be playing Vikingr, a mod set during the viking conquest of England.

    • The mod attempts to depict a more brutal, realistic version of Warband combat. It features the incredibly unique gamemode Raid, where one team attempts to sack a village for loot while the other defends it as the levy and peasants.

    The event will be an assortment of maps and gamemodes. To join the event, just join the server! There are no sign-ups required, and while it is recommended to join voice chat for bants and vague tactics, it isn't required.

    Server Info

    • Game: Mount and Blade: Warband
    • Module: Vikingr
    • When: Saturday, December 19th, 4:00PM EDT
    • Server: Reddit_Mod_Night
    • Password: reddit
    • Voice: Mount & Blade Discord

    Becoming Involved in the Calradic Campaign

    The Calradic Campaign team is always looking for new additions, whether it be scene makers, technical wizards, or anything else of use.

    Particularly, we are always looking for mapping talent. Don't be constrained by our regular format either, get creative - an unorthodox battle map, a new dueling map, a really innovative use of an underused game mode, anything!

    If you'd like to contribute your area of expertise, be sure to join our Discord to connect with the members of our team. Many of us earned our positions by bringing something new to the Campaign. We hope you'll join us in continuing one of the top community events in Warband!

    Leave any question, complaints, observations, memes and faction based riffing in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/SuicidalCake
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    Knocking people off their horse makes you feel like a badass

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:31 AM PST

    I promise I didn’t spend hours on this..

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Not touched since initial launch - whats new?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Last time I played this was for a fairly hefty stint in/around the first month it released on steam early access. Don't think I got too deep into it, but got to the point where I felt it could do with some more content and put it down. I've been having a hard time ascertaining from the updates what's actually been included in the game, and whats still to be added, so I'm just curious to know what has been added/changed since launch?

    submitted by /u/Marzipas
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    Death before Victory

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:18 AM PST

    Sir Neval turned 75 this weekend. At age 40 he established his first kingdom only to be destroyed by the combined forces of the S. Empire, Vlandians and the Khuzaits. After gathering up his scattered companions and wife he established his second kingdom which lasted only a year as the Vlandians attacked non-stop, took his fief and forced him to live a life without property for some time. In his late 50's, determined not to fail in his effort to secure his rightful place on the throne. He found a weak city in the Vlandian lands and took it and has grown to the second strongest faction (20,000 troops) behind the S. Empire (26,000 troops). The Khuzaits have 12,000 and the Asera at 7,000. He has taken about 30% of Calradic and has 8 Vassals.

    It is obvious that he will not obtain total domination of Calradic and must pass the torch to his son.

    This is my story. I tell it so that others will not let set backs kill their game. If you look at history you will see tales of Kings and the trials and tribulations that had to be overcome to become a ruler.

    Have faith aspiring Kings.. :)

    submitted by /u/wales1958
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    Tip for sieging enemy settlements

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:23 AM PST

    It was probably posted before, but I just found out in my game and wanted to share :)

    When you build a catapult/trebuchet/whatever you can store it in reserve and later pull them all at once, yes that was written here thousand times.

    But if you leave one slot not building anything, you can put your new catapult into reserve AND immediately take it out and put it in the free slot you have left, not only it will not take damage like they do when you just put them into reserve, but it will also shoot enemy while their engines target now empty place. When they aim at the current position, again put it in reserve and place back at the original position and shoot once. And again and again. This way i managed to destoy all enemy siege engines with just one catapult :) In meantime your other catapults will finish and you can destroy the walls unopposed :)

    Because now you dont have to wait for all 4 catapults to finish so they have chance against enemy 4 you start slowly destroying walls already with your second and that makes the siege much faster.

    submitted by /u/Lodrigues
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    So my smith with a skill of 61 crafted a weapon worth more gold than most traders have....

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:46 PM PST

    gekokujo makes me horny sometimes

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Help please

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:25 AM PST

    So king Ragnar gave me a quest to tax praven , he does not own praven. What do I do

    submitted by /u/10383fjsoa
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    Do you like seeing NPCs with back spears?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Wars that never end

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Anyways, I have a great campaign going with the Northern Empire. Lucon's an old ass man and not long for this world. When he's dead and buried I'll be Emperor but the AI lords insist on fight three factions at a time. Battania, Khuzait, and the Southern Empire over and over again on a loop. They refuse to just be a peace for a couple years. I can't keep waisting the influence I'll use to usurp the throne or destroying my Calvary corps to push back the Horse Lords while the highland heathens burn all my shit and the rebels besiege everything else. Is their a mod or something to ensure peace for a while. The diplomacy mod has been obsolete for a while. Any alternatives?

    submitted by /u/AmewoloMuaddib
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    Is it just me, or is final endgame kind of boring?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:46 PM PST

    I have most of the map under my control now. I just eliminated Swadia and Vaegirs. Rhodoks has 2 towns and a castle, Nords 3 castles, Khergits declared war to curb my power, so I took their last 2 towns leaving them with about 5 castles, and Sarranids are pretty intact with 4 towns and multiple castles. All but one of the good natured and upstanding lords are actively under my banner and have max relations to me. I'm marshal and leading a warband of over 2500 strong. Victory seems so inevitable, that the only thing really slowing me down from just steam rolling everything is gathering up enough recruits to hold the castles and towns I take. My castle in Sargoth is full of vassals wanting to join my Kingdom, and lords are leaving the realm altogether in droves. Even calculating and martial lords I would have eventually taken in. Is there a gotcha moment I am missing, did I do something wrong, or something too right? I am playing vanilla, but I always heard when you got to the end game, all those lords would gang up against you, and that you would be the one facing armies over 2000 strong with less than 100 men, not the other way around. Even the Kings armies are a joke now. I just have my companions in my party now so I can try to recruit all the prisoners to fill my garrison back up.

    submitted by /u/rancidmilkmonkey
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    Death changes

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:28 PM PST

    I wish they left in the option to disable death as a whole. I know a lot of people like character death in mount and blade but having Derthert die of old age before I even hit clan tier 2 is kind of a bummer.

    submitted by /u/SadBoiHrs7
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    Poor Admins

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Permanent exclamation mark on elder brother

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:26 AM PST

    So I just finished the finished the first quest by teaming up with Ragados and attacking the bandit camp. After this I let Ragados go and my older brother told me to meet him in town. I went to the tavern and directly recruited him to my party (didn't see any talk options about the siblings) but now everywhere I go there is an exclamation mark above his head (like he has a quest or something) but when I talk to him there is nothing of interest and the mark stays there. Every place I go to he is always standing there with the mark. I still don't know where the siblings are

    Did I do something wrong?

    submitted by /u/TG__
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    The economy and it's balancing issues

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:09 PM PST

    So going through this reddit I've seen constant talk about people wanting to pick it up (I'm in this boat, don't have the specs on a craptop) or wanting to come back to the game after a bit of a bad taste. One thing I've seen is the blacksmithing and it's way to break the game, have people thought about ways to balance the trade a little more and the blacksmithing. I'm honestly interested in hearing it!

    submitted by /u/Malevolent_Toaster
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    Permanent freeze in battle

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:41 AM PST

    Has anyone else experienced permanent freezing in battles? The majority of my battles would end in the game freezing permanently. When I check task manager, it told me that it wasn't not responding. Is this because of me running the game with mods?

    submitted by /u/messerschmitt100
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    Character Export/Import (Mount and blade 2 bannerlord mod)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:17 PM PST

    [Mod]Our first mod - "Lore Friendly Names and Locations"

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Hey guys, I've just released me and @abbtolchester's first mod. It edits the settlement names to make them fit in with Warband's settlements. A lot of people (including us) are a bit surprised by the placement of some settlements, so this is supposed to be a temporary fix until TW changes stuff.

    We didn't forget that Calradia is a dynamic world, so logically some settlements have different names from their Warband counterparts (because it's set 200 years later) but generally we've tried to keep similarities between the naming conventions.

    Here's a link

    submitted by /u/DJSkrillex
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    Can I run a save game in different version?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:39 PM PST

    If I have a save from Warband 1.161 can I run it in 1.172?

    submitted by /u/dragonedeath
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    Switching from consol to pc need advice

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Hello pc gods I am a xbox pesent I recently found mount and blade warband and I'm hooked I've done pretty much all there is to do on vanilla and now I decided that I'm going to convert to pc just for bannerlord and mods I've never owned a pc and would like some advice on what to buy. my friend built his pc and he said he will help me do the same but I've been thinking of buying a gameing pc can anyone recomend 1 for me that will be able to run bannerlord and mods as well thanks

    submitted by /u/markoslyons123
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