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    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    Mount & Blade Custom Model modding is going well... not | The Old World

    Mount & Blade Custom Model modding is going well... not | The Old World

    Custom Model modding is going well... not | The Old World

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:49 AM PST

    There should be a attach to caravan button in case things like this happens.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:23 AM PST

    There's been some tough months - but recent reviews are reflecting the work TW have put in. Game is on the up!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Returning player having a question about gear in Bannerlord.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Hey, I haven't played in a while, since like May I believe. I see a lot has changed since then, lamellar armor was the best and it seems not the case anymore. Any Google searches just lead to outdated posts about then. So I'm just wondering what the new best in slot armor is for each piece, maybe some good alternatives too, and what some of the best weapons.

    submitted by /u/PieTheSexy
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    Bannerlord Warhammer Mod | Epic Dwarf Battle | The Old World

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:52 AM PST

    can someone from outside the ruling clan inherit kingdoms

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    basically I married ira thinking that she would inherit the southern empire then our kids would but it just occurred me that since she's not in the ruling clan anymore that she wont be on the vote. is this true?

    submitted by /u/Bruhski_Baggins
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    Whats your ideal army size and composition?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:37 PM PST

    For me its around 160 or so, typically first 10 slots are myself and companions, 50 legionnaires, 50 palintine guard, 25 imperial horse archers last 25 is a mixture of whatever cavalry I can get as the imperial heavy horse recruits are hard to find, what about you?

    submitted by /u/rosethorn87
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    Day 180 and Managed to start a successful kingdom in Pendor

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Day 180 and Managed to start a successful kingdom in Pendor

    Started the game with 7 leadership with character creation, read a book to increase it do 8. recruited 115 soldiers (it was my limit), almost no renown (~140) then sent out companions to max out the army to ~220 and increase RtR to 30.


    With those 220 soldiers i captured 1 castle and gave a village to Sir Alistair, then snowballed with a mercenary company and took another castle and gave it to Sir Roland.
    Won some field battles to stop a siege with 9 in surgery and 110 soldiers in army while the mercenary company was guarding the newly taken castle just in case.

    That was enough time for Alistair and Roland to have ~110 soldiers both. Grabbed them both and the mercenary company and took 2 more castles by storm, 1 went to Boardice and the other one will go to some Noble companion too. Im level 15 did nothing special, almost no renown still ~300 at the moment.

    The Baccus were pretty torn from D'Shar and Sarleon but still holding up all 3 cities.

    submitted by /u/TheRuneWanderer
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    Ottoman Revival?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:26 AM PST

    Looking for a 16th(ish) century mod for Warband

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:01 AM PST

    Is there a (complete) mod set in the 16th or 17th century europe-style? (like with nations similar to native). I crave that feeling of pike and shot warfare, with early firearms and pistol cavalry etc etc. preferably not historical but anything will do at this point.

    Edit: I made the post more clear and added some details on what I'm looking for

    submitted by /u/Rototom94
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    Roman Shield Pack 1. (Made for CA - Eagle Rising)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Why is my battlefield ally so suicidal

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:28 AM PST

    So I own Reyvil as an independent faction which I took from Vlandia who are very busy conquering Sturgian lands. I then made peace with Vlandia in exchange for 2 diplomacy sticks (crafted Javelin) Then after building up and having a strong party patrol the Area I decided it was time to conquer Ustokol castle so I have a nice defendable corner as a base for a future kingdom. In preparation I decided to travel to Omor to convince Idrun to marry me so I have a Sturgian governor for Ustokol (my brother being governor of Reyvil).

    Lo and behold a 1000 men strong Vlandian Army is besieging it so I turn away a bit, see a lone Vlandian and attack her and thus declare war on Vlandia. So far so good.

    The great Vlandian army breaks of the siege ans is disintegrating but manages to catvh me and my 150 strong party. A Sturgian lord with 112 men was nearby and decided to join the battle.

    I'm thinking, ok no problem we are outnumbered but if we use the terrain well we can pull through thanks to our archers, shieldwall and good use of cavalry and horse archers.

    I click start battle, see we have the high ground and begin setting up my forces in a defensive way that can also rain arrows on the approaching Vlandians, my ally however immediately yells "Valhalla here I come" and charges the enemy head on and is wiped out in no time with barely any losses for Vlandia and then they swarm my position.

    Why oh why is my ally so stupid? Is it a Sturgia thing? Because I noticed Vlandians, Imperials and asserai tend to form up defensively on a hill if outnumbered.

    Is the Sturgia AI programed to consider 112 vs 860 favourable odds?

    submitted by /u/naamalbezet
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    This is the first time I saw a lord died at the age of 100 in Bannerlord

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:51 AM PST

    Aserai Guard in MB2 bannerlord Multiplayer

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    My Lords are instigating fights? How to stop?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:14 PM PST

    So, i never see messages about my lords attacking caravans, or raiding villages were not at war with (i also rarely read the feed) but i see the popups notifying me when another kingdom fails to respond to my kingdoms provocations.

    Another Leader also made a comment about me attacking his caravans.The only thing i can think of is that i have 2 unsavory lords with poor personalities, and they are attacking other kingdoms for no reason, either that or all lords do it for some reason.

    Is there a way to prevent this or pinpoint the offending lord?

    (EDIT) also, im playing warband unmodded

    submitted by /u/Stephens280z
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    Location of hidden chest bannerpage mod warband

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:48 PM PST

    Anyone know the location of the chest in bannerpage mod?. I have scour every city and tavern and only able to find 6

    submitted by /u/DarkDeathBlade
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    [PoP] Hoping to get some advice on how to transition into mid/late game on Pendor

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:49 PM PST

    I always go into too much detail, I just can't help myself, so forgive me for the wall of text, this is gonna be kind of a combination of looking for advice and an AAR I guess, haha.

    First of all, this mod is absolutely amazing, I had only played Floris and ASoIaF before this because I was intimidated by everyone saying Pendor is super hard and for pros only, but I'm having a fucking blast and it kinda seems like the difficulty has been overhyped by this community, but maybe I've just gotten better at the game over the years.

    Anyway, I'm further into a Warband playthrough than I've ever gotten, and I'm thrilled. I am a vassal of Fierdsvain; a decent chunk of the Fierdsvain Jarls and Lords favor me due to all the battles I've aided them in, my renown is 1425 as a result of grinding battles and tournaments, my max party size is 165, and I'm about to receive my fifth fief.

    I already had the villages Odasan and Kogosi (really shitty placement, but what can you do, Valdis offered them to me early in my career as a vassal so I wasn't going to decline), and then I managed to convince enough lords to support me for Dagon Castle after it was captured during a campaign against Ravenstern so Valdis forked it over about two months ago (I'm on day 230).

    I panicked when he gave me the castle so I went off and spent a fortune on mercenaries to defend it, then I realized my weekly expenses skyrocketed as a result... so I switched up my approach and started dumping Ravenstern Kierguards and Rangers that I freed from the Vanskerry into my garrison, and when I had an army composed almost entirely of my companions, Huscarls, Rangers, Kierguards and Mercenary Sergeants / Sharpshooters, I managed to sack Stoutheart Castle all by myself, with an army of roughly 150 versus a garrison of over 300!

    I was ecstatic about getting Stoutheart Castle, moreso because everyone endorsed me to be the recipient since I had captured it and most of the lords are my buddies, and also because it's only a stonethrow from Dagon Castle. Then about two weeks later, Valdis named me marshal! My first time ever receiving that honor in Warband, and I didn't want to let it go to waste, so I summoned the Fierdsvain host and besieged Evasolde Castle (right between Stoutheart and Dagon), and to my immense pleasure we captured it without trouble... then to my immense surprise I discovered Valdis and most of the lords supported me to receive it, despite having just received Stoutheart not long ago and already holding 4 fiefs!

    So that's where I'm at; Valdis has yet to name the recipient, but I'm 90% sure I'm about to have 3 castles in a tight little row on the northwest corner of the map, so I'm trying to plan my next move. I suppose I should mention that Fierdsvain is becoming quite powerful, and that's why I feel the need to carefully choose the perfect time to declare my independence, it seems the sweet spot is fast approaching. Sarleon and the Empire are both roughly the same size they were at the beginning of the game, but we have diminished the D'shar and Ravenstern quite a bit. Fierdsvain now holds Senderfall and Rane and several castles in the north, and we have taken about half of the D'shar castles but none of their towns yet. Fierdsvain is by and far the largest faction, at this rate it won't be long until we control half the map.

    Jarl Aedin Redsword has high relations with me, and he rules both Valonbray and Senderfall plus a few castles. I was thinking between Senderfall and my three castles I'd control the northwest corner almost completely, so I should focus on ensuring that Redsword will defect to me when I make my move, but when I tried to 'cement a lasting alliance' he said he doesn't have any eligible family members for marriage despite having a 19 year old unmarried daughter who I've gotten to 10 relations through tournament dedications. What's that shit about?

    Also, the Custom Knight Order thing is totally badass, I founded one in Dagon Castle and named it the Northern Star Cultists, my knights are Astral Celebrants and my sergeants are Star Acolytes. They are still pretty weak shit at this point because my finances fluctuate a lot and I've yet to find either of the 'preferred' trainers so I'm using Frederick of Mettenheim, and none of this is really relevant but holy fuck it's so cool. Also I founded a chapter of the Ebony Gauntlet in Stoutheart Castle after reading about how effective they were on both ends of a siege.

    So I guess I've rambled enough. Here are my main questions; how big should I help Fierdsvain get before I upend it with a civil war? Should I wait until we've also diminished Sarleon and the Empire, or will that be too late? What's up with Redsword's eligible daughter being ineligible? If I succeed in swaying Redsword to my cause, will he bring his family with him? (he's got several brothers/cousins/nephews who are Fierdsvain lords) What Knighthood Chapter should I found in Evasolde Castle when I get it? Which is a better use of my next Valdis Gem, another knighthood chapter, those potions that boost your stats, or saving them up to get an improved rune weapon?

    Also, please feel free to rant about your own playthroughs, part of the reason I'm posting this is because my friends die inside every time I talk about Warband and I'm desperate to discuss this phenomenal mod.

    submitted by /u/Chambadon
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    [PoP] Show off your Customer Knighthood Orders

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:30 AM PST

    Stop Feasting and Take My Money

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Oh King Graveth, I have collected the taxes you requested on your one day effort to join the war. 8k gold in my purse awaiting delivery. Oh great one, please stop spamming feasts too grand for a peasant like me witness. The weight of this purse in one feast away from funding my own army you bourgeois prick.

    Btw, I'm like an in game week into this run and seriously about to just flee the kingdom if he throw one more damn feast.

    submitted by /u/SolarChallenger
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    Have nobles deserted Calradia?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:30 AM PST

    I finally got to buy bannerlord the other day. I finished the tutorial and I've been roaming across the map for several in-game weeks.

    I'm yet to run into a noble party. All I ever see are peasants, caravans, looters and foot parties eternally chasing said looters at equal speeds.

    Who rules the land??

    submitted by /u/itsyenzabar
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    How do you make your kid siblings useful?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:22 PM PST

    So I know your adult brother is useful, the one who gives the main quest, but the other two just seem rather useless to me in my current playthrough. I thought when the older of the two kid siblings reached adult-hood "why not start a party to see what happens?". Then 2~3 years later she now has 60 steward as her highest stat, so I made her a governor to free up a companion slot. Not sure if she'd have better served as a companion, but the abysmal stats make it seem rather difficult to make her into anything. Are there better ways to make the younger siblings useful, and if so how are you doing it?

    submitted by /u/Riohandz
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    Does killing enemy commanders in battle affect anything?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:31 PM PST

    It feels like it doesn't. When my character is dead, the troops turn 180 degrees and go climb the nearest mountain, being killed in the process. But the enemy just keeps doing whatever they were doing before, nothing changes. Is that a bug or a feature?

    submitted by /u/Terminus_GPD
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