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    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Mount & Blade ):

    Mount & Blade ):


    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    I honestly don't know why he keeps trying

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    So I was trying to make a badass sturgian for my next campaign and accidentally created Putin

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Development Update #2: Modding Tools and More

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    taking a flaming balista bolt to the face with 945 damage

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    When some cheese stealers can defeat a whole manhunter squad, some hussars and a companion

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Just a giant queuing to siege down a castle nothing out of the ordinary

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:33 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Made a playlist of videos of videos with my tutorials and bugs i have found so far! And happy weekend all!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Fuck Harlaus

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    There's somethings I need to complain about that I can only do here since I don't know anybody that plays this game or even would chose to play this game apart from myself.

    I've been playing for a month or two now and slowly have figured out how to play after a rough start. I built a bit of renown as a mercenary for the Rhodoks before swearing vassalage to King Harlaus. Having pledged I've began growing my army and investments even further and was eventually given Chide. After a bit of time I now had a few villages and Slezkh Castle and was given the marshallship.

    During a tumultuous administration, I managed to capture Suno, which I was given, and Dhirim back from the Nords but I also lost Uxhall and Dhirim, this time to the Sarranids. I really grew to admire the capabilities of Count Grainwad, who our best Marshall by far, and Count Rhyis, who was strategically crucial for holding down the center of Swadia. These two were Swadia's pillars and we became friends as I grew to be the third pillar, putting in good works against the Rhodoks and particularly the Vaegirs, who I would go on to destroy later. I respected Grainwad enough that I didn't elope with Sonadel despite putting in a good amount of effort.

    Fast forward a little while, Swadia now controls all the towns in the north and the center of the map. We'd taken Veluca from the Khergits during my second go as Marshall, as well as Uxhall, Wercheg, Rivacheg, and several castles. I was given Uxhall and Wercheg, despite not asking for the latter. We were looking strong and sturdy. I was prepared to give up my dream of being king to see Harlaus as the one true king.

    This is when the troubles start.

    We're all familiar with lords defecting or being indicted with treason, happens every few minutes or so. However, this one hurt.

    It wasn't until I saw that Dhirim was light blue that I realized what had happened. Our pillar in the middle, Count Rhyis, was now Jarl Rhyis. Taking several castles and Dhirim with him, along with Chide, my favourite village. Before the shock even passed I strolled into Reyvadin, which had been Grainwad's for months. Only to find out it that it was now no one's town. With a few minutes of game play we had lost two pillars who had been crucial for the growth of Swadia from the start.

    I was shocked, hurt, confused, worried, and angry at the sudden loss of two of my friends. It began my questioning of Harlaus, who I also share a friendship with and didn't mind his feasting ways.

    Soon after I got married to Lady Tuan and hosted a feast. During which Harlaus was distributing all of Grainwad's, Veluca and Reyvadin, and Count Belir's, Sargoth and Thir, recently vacated fiefs. In a room full of new faces of the ever rotating lords of Calradia, I grew my relations while thinking about my next steps. I still wasn't sure if I should rebel, join the Nords or Rhodoks, or just stick it out with Swadia, when Harlaus made up my mind. He gave every town that was available to Count Tellrog who only just returned to Swadia after making the rounds. He made this treasonous bitch the most powerful lord within a day because fuck everyone else.

    So I'm going to destroy Harlaus and everything he stands for and hopefully Grainwad and Rhyis join me for it.

    Tl:dr Fuck Harlaus and his dumbassery

    submitted by /u/Kyle_did_911
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    Ancient family smithing craft

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    A camel's perspective...

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    the war has been raging for 3 in-game years, when will the bloodshed end? tens of thousands lost all over a single town, Diathma is the true city of blood, no one can take it for too long, i am tired of the khuzait war, I long for peace.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Why am I still capturing and selling bandits...

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Development Update #2: Modding Tools and More

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    How to celebrate/emotes???

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    How to celebrate/activate emotes? it says "O" in the dev blog but it doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/Edqim
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    Warband on my ps4, a dream come true

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Is there a way to make prophesy of pendor easier i am scared to play the mod do to how hard i hear it is.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    I have always wanted to play this mod but i always hear how hard it is is there a way to make it more in the line of native difficulty?

    submitted by /u/ryan7251
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    Experience as a M&B Newbie

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    I just started playing bannerlord 2 days ago, and wanted to share my experience of the game so far from a newcomer's perspective.

    First of all, I think it's really fun. I enjoy games like CK2 and Civ5 so the medieval castle-building aspect of the game is fun for me. Some things that I had to get used to were the in-game economy and manual fights, which aren't in many other medieval strategy games. The learning curve wasn't too hard, though once you know the tricks it becomes stupidly easy to make money.

    Though this game has been really fun to play, there's many times where I've felt wanting for better features or game mechanics. This game is still in early access, so it's completely understandable that these issues exist, I just wanted to point some of them out because I think criticism is necessary for improving the game.

    1. As a new player I expected the first hideout boss to be easy to beat. But instead I was given two options, 1v1 a boss who killed me easily due to my inexperience with combat, or 5v5 the boss, but my troops sustained damage already, so they die quickly and it turns into a 1v5.
      1. After dying once, you can re-enter the hideout and kill off some more of the enemies before fighting the enemy boss in a 5v3. But it's incredibly disheartening to die so early on in the game.
      2. And I know the combat is meant to be 'realistic' so there may be people who just say 'get good' in response to this, but this is a player tutorial, you shouldn't need to be good to beat it handily. If the player wants to get good, they should be free to do that after they've put in more hours.
    2. After beating the hideout boss you get tasked with finding out about Neretze's Folly. The first noble I talk to tells me to ask Lucon about it, but I'm given no further directions and had to look up how to find Lucon online.
      1. They probably didn't add a tutorial for the encyclopedia yet because it's a mechanic in other M&B games, and most early access players will come from those games.
      2. Honestly, it's good they haven't added a tutorial for this yet because it shows they're focusing on other aspects of the game.
    3. As a new player I expected to start off near where my chosen faction would be, but the training grounds was pretty far off from where the faction was. I expect they will change the starting location based off starting faction in the future.
    4. After getting to Clan level 1, I was stuck on the last quest objective from my brother; which to find a companion. Should definitely add a tutorial for that as well.
      1. But again, I understand why they haven't yet
    5. After grinding to Clan level 2, I joined up with a faction to hopefully start grabbing land. But the system for land distribution is pretty wonky. Sometimes you can't vote for yourself, and even if you can, you need a majority, not just a plurality of the votes, which is unintuitive.
      1. I personally don't like the voting system. I'm in favour of war declarations between clans instead of entire factions. I don't know if they can implement a different war system at this point though, so I'm not too optimistic about what waging war will look like in the end. But for a more 'realistic' experience I think factions should have varying levels of centralization. Factions can have policies like mutual defense pacts (where if anyone in the faction is attacked, everyone else must defend) or a highly centralized faction may have a policy which allows for the leader to declare faction-wide war declarations without a vote.
      2. To add onto this idea, factions like the old empire could start off with more centralized rules, whereas the khuzait would have little to no rules.
    6. After getting a few castles working for my faction leader, I wanted to strike off on my own faction instead. But I wasn't nearly strong enough to hold off any armies. This made me realize it's super hard to start your own clan without previously joining one yourself, getting some settlements, leaving and immediately abusing the quest which end wars against your clan.
      1. It's really unfulfilling that the only reasonable way to get your own clan is through cheesing game mechanics. They should let new players have a straightforward path towards either starting your own clan or joining an existing faction and gaining land from them (with the former being harder as it's likely more fulfilling to most).
      2. I think most people agree it's strange that by the time you have enough troops to start an independent faction without abusing the game, you're already so big that you can take whatever you want anyways.
      3. I would suggest having some castles be unaffiliated with a faction to start. So that a new player with ~50-100 troops can easily siege it down for their first castle, without having to deal with a giant army crashing their siege. Of course they'd need to find some balance so that a player doesn't just take every small, unaffiliated castle with little push-back. One way is through mutual defense pacts against aggressive clans. This would require a richer clan-based war system, which I imagine can be difficult to implement.

    I think that's all I'm going to write for now. There's a lot more that I would like to say, but I don't want to come off as complaining too much. I really do enjoy the game, just hope that the developers will address some of these concerns before the release. And I might write more if this is received well.

    submitted by /u/zero_t_
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    Bannerlord Army Command Glitch

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Video of the Glitch

    I have noticed this really frustrating bug in Mount and Blade Bannerlord 2. Whenever I lead an Army with other nobles into a field battle, and I give the army a formation command, they always spread out. This makes winning these battles nearly impossible. I was wondering if anyone was having this same issue in update v.1.4.3. The only mod I have used was Bannerpaste, and I even tried disabling the mod to fix the bug with no luck.

    submitted by /u/HevEagle_
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    Does anyone else prefer Warband's tone/artstyle/color palette?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I don't know if it's just me, or if there's even a basis for what I'm saying beyond whatever vague, arbitrary feelings are brought on by nostalgia and that iconic soundtrack, but I think I prefer Warband's tone to Bannerlord's. It's something about the loneliness of the instruments in Town Neutral and the more muted colors than Bannerlord that just draws me in. Sometimes, when travelling across the map on my way to the next butter feast, I would just hit space and pause time to listen to the music. I don't think the phrase makes sense in this context, but Warband feels more gloomy, in a way. Even though Bannerlord has some darker features (such as lord executions), something about the overly reflective armor, stream of forgettable cannon fodder notables and fodder, and slightly more zany sidequests (I'm looking at you, company of trouble or whatever you're called) just make it feel more disconnected from reality. Does anyone else feel this way, or have I finally lost my mind writing out this post. Personally, I'm leading towards the latter.

    Hell, maybe my saturation is just too high and I'm rambling for no reason. Who knows?

    submitted by /u/Lightfinger253
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    Got any help for a noob? (Warband)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    So I was pretty alright, I joined the ruduks and had a solid army of around 40 soldiers. My companions where Nazir/Nazar (I cant remember) and Jeremus. Then suddenly a huge army of swadians wiped the floor with me and now all I have is Nazir/Nazar my okay armour weapons and around 13000 denars. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Moalxo
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