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    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    Mount & Blade The Empire Strikes ____ - Star Wars Galactic Campaign

    Mount & Blade The Empire Strikes ____ - Star Wars Galactic Campaign

    The Empire Strikes ____ - Star Wars Galactic Campaign

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    What started as clandestine operations has evolved into full scale warfare between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. The Empire has moved to strike at the rebel occupied planet of Kashyyyk, bringing with it the full force of the Empire's fleet under General Fencock. The upcoming offensive will be sure to signal the start of a new era - The Galactic Civil War.

    In Meta Terms

    Welcome to the First Galactic Campaign! This event will see the Empire attacking the Rebel planet of Kashyyyk in a series of battles.

    The event will be fought on an assortment of battle maps. The first team to win 2 out of the 3 maps will emerge victorious. If the Empire can break the Rebel defense on Kashyyyk, they will seize the planet and send the rebels scattering.

    /u/Phoenix223 will be leading the Empire invasion force, and /u/Powerhatthewizard will be leading the Rebel defense. A marshal will be appointed if either cannot attend.

    To join the event, just join the server! There are no sign-ups required, and while it is recommended to join voice chat for bants and vague tactics, it isn't required.

    Getting Involved in the Campaign

    Be sure to join our community Discord, where you'll be able to proclaim your allegiance to the Rebellion or Empire, which will allow you to plan your strikes against the opposing faction with fellow members.

    Subsequent planets will be attacked based on voting happening on our community Discord. Be sure to join and select a faction role to decide the course of the war for the galaxy.

    Feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments.

    Server Info

    Galactic Campaign Map

    Donating to the Galactic Campaign

    The Galactic Campaign server is the same used for the Calradic Campaign, Mod Night, and all other associated events provided by the /r/mountandblade subreddit, ran entirely on a donation basis as we have for nearly five years. We have a Patreon that you can put in a monthly or one time amount to contribute. There are multiple reward tiers with more coming, and with a larger pool of money we can prepare for the expected high server costs of Bannerlord (custom servers when lol).

    submitted by /u/SuicidalCake
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    The lusty sturgian maid

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Proposed Mechanic - Navies of Calradia (Description in comments)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Apparently, they are now making a Star Wars Mod for Bannerlord!!!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Trying to play the Medieval Conquest mod for Warband, but enemy units immediately retreat after initiating battle

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Beautiful mod based on Anno Domini 1257, but the only time I can engage the enemy in battle is a siege, also when I order my units to charge they walk toward the enemy while the enemy walks away to route. Anyone know how to fix this or is it just a broken mod and I should just abandon it?

    submitted by /u/basedsmeth
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    Modifying the chance of capturing lords in warband

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Can I do that for a mod? Because when i go to modules, i only see native. I want to change it for native gold edition from the steam workshop

    submitted by /u/Bramdog
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    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Im. a good way into the game as a vessel to a non empire kingdom, problem is they voted and made peace with everyone. all thats left are a few homeless clans of the northern empire and i cant get them. how do i raise war support? ive scoured forums but cant find any

    submitted by /u/Culteredpman25
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    Is there some kind of trainer skill in Bannerlord?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    It was so easy to build a big and elite army in Warband with villages that like me and companions with max training skill but It takes so much time to upgrade troops in Bannerlord, how can I fix this?

    submitted by /u/DarthSandTheWise
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    M&BW noob here. Have been playing Native for awhile now, what next? Should I do VC first before a total overhaul?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Lol I know everyone's on to Bannerlord, while I'm here still figuring out what's available in Warband! And I totally regretted putting off playing it all these years.

    I'm wondering whether I should go for VC or dive straight into either Bannerpage or PoP, though I was kinda more interested with all the features in Bannerpage. Paradigm's World is on my radar as well lol.

    And I will only have a look at Bannerlord when it's completed, seems to me from the comments I read, it's mostly cosmetic upgrades and soulless? Geez I hope I'm wrong there.

    submitted by /u/zxadnalxen
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    I heard that modding tools for bannerlord are out ? Is that true ? Cause I can't find anything on them.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Is there a way to get the full cataphract armor, if so I'd love to know.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Do the body of soldiers change when they are died?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Or it's just my imagination.

    submitted by /u/macvru
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    My khuzait army troops help

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Hi im trying to build a khuzait army . Between tier 5 troops ( heavy horse archer / heavy lancer / marksman/ darkhan ) which one are the best ? I already have 25 khuzait heavy horse archer but im thinking to train 25 heavy lancer , caz i think i cant only focus on archers in my army . So is heavy lancer good and necessary ? What about darkhan ? They look nice tho . Thank you for your times friends

    submitted by /u/Sicariotheoldboy
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    Anyone know what happened to the Witcher mods in development?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Think they were called war of margim and men from monsters. Did they just stop development?

    submitted by /u/Whitechix
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    I present. Joe Rogan

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Do i have any chances? (Warband)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    I'm fighting a defensive siege battle against a city, there's 300+ garrison plus 180 of my army against 1800 troops. Is there any chance I win? I don't mind cheesing or cheating, I've done it before

    submitted by /u/GrandmasterJohn
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    Turned up the difficulty slightly in Bannerlord and I gotta say the battles are a lot more intense.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I'm not a veteren at m&b by any means, have about 30 hours in Warband. So when I got Bannerlo4d I played on relatively easy settings. I made damage for my party and enemy armies realistic but the AI combat was set to Normal and my characters damage was set to 2/3 easy. I recently started a campaign and ticked up AI combat difficulty to Veteren and all damage to realistic and holy shit! The fighting is so much more intense lol. The AI is actually decent, even duels in tournaments feel more intense.

    I highly recommend to anybody wanting more of a challenge that may play on easier settings, it's very fun.

    submitted by /u/DubiousDevil
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    A couple of quick questions

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    Greetings, butterlords. I played MB2 shortly after release a lot, but decided to give it some time. Now I am picking it up again, and I have a few questions:

    • Has the tent-bug been fixed? (If you're laying siege to a city, get attacked, but manage to convince the attacking lord to join you, you'll be stuck as a siege tent.

    • Is disguise-yourself-and-sneak-into-town broken? It gave me 27% chance, but after at least 10 tries and eons in jail, wasting thousands on bribes and ransoms, I gave up.

    • What do you do if you're a wanted criminal in a city you need to visit for the main quest?

    submitted by /u/kjarmund
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    Swadian knights op? Pick a fight with nord's killing absolute swarms of them

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Just got bannerlord, looking for mod recommendations

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! Just got bannerlord, its going to be my first mount and blade game, looking forward to booting the game. Any mod recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Riveration
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    As someone who has always played Mount and Blade for it's multiplayer, I'm sad to say I can't recommend Bannerlord (for its multiplayer)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    First off, I enjoy the hell out of it whenever I play it. But it has so many issues, not least of which is a player base that is just too small. I haven't been able to find a siege game in weeks, and there are maybe two or three TDM maps in circulation. The class system was fun to begin with, but damn does it make me miss warbands system. It runs so much better and looks great, but warband is just a better multiplayer experience :(

    submitted by /u/DoubleUnderscore
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