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    Saturday, July 11, 2020

    Mount & Blade Made the Bannerlord coverboy in warband since that helmet isnt in the game yet (BannerPage mod)

    Mount & Blade Made the Bannerlord coverboy in warband since that helmet isnt in the game yet (BannerPage mod)

    Made the Bannerlord coverboy in warband since that helmet isnt in the game yet (BannerPage mod)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    May I please have a crumb of the dlc?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    I gave her almost half of empire and she didn't even noticed me

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I've been streaming Bannerlord, so I've had to play on "Very Low" settings. Earlier today, I took a screencap of a portrait that looked especially weird, and added an "Oil Paint" filter to it.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Civil war

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Cool thing that happened with Separatism mod...

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    I decided to give the Separatism mod a whirl, and it's been really interesting so far. Regular rebellions have been all well and good, but something happened which was really intriguing, although I can't tell if it occurred by design or luck.

    I'm sworn to Vlandia in my current game, and early on Dethert rolled over the Sturgians. Shortly before the war ended, one of the Sturgian lords left their kingdom. He bounced around from kingom to kingdom (including Vlandia) looking for someone who would give him a fief, but he never joined a particular kingdom when they were at war so he never received anything.

    Right before I install Separatism, the Western Empire declares war on Vlandia (along with the Southern Empire and a rebel Vlandian faction, so we've got our hands full). With the exception of my own party waiting and hoping not to get shellacked by an enemy army in Sibir, all the Vlandian lords are busy down south taking Western Empire territory while the Western Empire army goes wild in the north. They take Varcheg relatively unopposed.

    Since the Western Empire finally has a free fief, they give it to that former Sturgian lord. About a day after the lord receives it, he immediately declares himself a rebel faction from the Western Empire with Varcheg as his capital. It's like he bided his time, waiting until he could resurrect Sturgia from the ashes.

    So...kudos to Separatism. It's certainly thrown an interesting plot twist into the defeat of foreign kingdoms.

    submitted by /u/brownnblackwolf
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    What mods are people enjoying for the stable version of bannerlord? (None beta)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Looking to install mods to enhance my playthrough or maybe even start a new one, was wondering which ones you guys enjoy :D


    EDIT: Does anyone know how to fix cavalry being called infantry when I issue battle commands? My characters yells "INFANTRY" which kind of takes me out of the moment, I heard its something to do with companions being in certain formations?

    submitted by /u/archiebaker
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    500 Sharpshooters vs 500 Master Archers

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    TIL that Family Feud has a special option if both sides life in villages you control

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is in Vanilla or in a mod that I downloaded, but when I went to do Family Feud for one of my villagers, the dialogue was slightly different because both parties were under my jurisdiction. I could pull rank as "magistrate of this district". Now, it does kind of hilarious bug out because, when you exit the village after that dialogue, the initiator of the quest will immediately reopen dialogue and talk as if he were the other party, requesting that you rescind your decree. I gain +16 rep with party 1 and -5 rep with party 2, thus resolving the mission. I'm not sure if it's the best way to handle it, but I appreciate that the option's there.

    (This is where someone tells me, "No, that's a mod," and I lose faith in the quest design again.)

    submitted by /u/brownnblackwolf
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    Warband help: My vassals are all rulers of my new faction

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    I can't find any other threads about this on google, so hopefully someone else here has had this problem. Playing Warband with Age of Calradia Enhanced.

    When lords join my faction, the "List of Known Lords by Relation" screen shows them as ruler of the faction. It also doesn't show their morals, (upstanding, martial, etc.) which is annoying. Everything else seems normal. I can start a campaign, and they follow. They address me correctly, and accept my orders. The character screen shows them as my vassals. Its just the lord relations screen that's wrong.

    Lord Relations Screen

    Character Screen

    I only have two lords so far. They're both dicks, so I don't care if I have to kick them out, but I don't want every lord that joins to be crowned king. It's bruising my ego.

    The only explanation I can think of is that I don't think I had met these two guys previously, and that somehow affected things when they joined up. If I accept another vassal that I already know, I'll update this post.

    Anybody run into this before?

    submitted by /u/notCrazyMike
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    Proposed "Slavery" mechanic

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Made the Bannerlord coverboy in warband since that helmet isnt in the game yet (BannerPage mod)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    The Last Stand

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    floris mod pack

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    i started to play the floris mod pack and noticed that mountain, forest, taiga bandits and sea raiders are all buffed to the point where they can easily kill tier 3 units. is there a way to lower their strength or remove their existence from the game and replace them with vanilla raiders?

    i'd also be grateful if someone knows a good strategy to kill them effectively.

    submitted by /u/knight_daubeny
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    Game crashes when attempting to load a particular save. Can this be fixed?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    When I try to load this save it simply exits from the game and back to desktop. This doesn't happen when loading any other saves. Is there any way to fix this, or is the save file corrupt?

    submitted by /u/Zaktastic
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    Why do vassals/mecs leave my kingdom?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I have like 30 relation with them. Somtimes mercs join another kingdom while their leader is in an army with me - I dont even know how that is possible

    submitted by /u/supersoviet888
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    "ThEsE pEoPlE aRe MaLnOuRiShEd"

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Cant access companions inventory even though they're in party

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Hey i'm using the stable current branch (non beta) and can't access my companions inventories via the "inventory" screen, I can access one of them, however the other 3 I can't

    Has anyone experienced this and found a fix? I'm wanting to change their gear

    submitted by /u/archiebaker
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    Should I reset to older save to finish story

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    So I didn't realize that the main quest had a timer and now I've timed out the 'create a non empire kingdom' quest, but I was really enjoying my playthrough without it. I'm wondering if I can eventually create my own faction without the quest and if so is the story actually finished to the point where it's worth losing some hours of playtime to go back and do

    submitted by /u/Cellsomiter
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    Getting frustrated with Bannerlord recently

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I've put roughly 60 hours into Bannerlord in the last two weeks (only got it 2 weeks ago), so it's safe to say that I was really addicted to the early game and played it a lot. To me, it was a great upgrade to warband that followed the formula really closely. However, as I get further in, I'm growing increasingly frustrated with many parts of the game. This is intended to be more of a rant than constructive criticism.

    1. Bugs: Bugs are really starting to ruin my play through. I've heard about the reboots and other tech related issues Taleworlds had during development, but my patience is wearing thin, even if it is an "early access" game. For starters, some of the quests in the game either dont function properly or are just broken completely.
    • The "spy among us" rarely ever gives me conflicting clues, forcing me to just pick a random guy and guess since I have no way of knowing which clue is false

    • The "hunt bandit groups" quest often stops spawning the selected groups halfway through, making finishing the quest impossible

    • The "Family Feud" quest has never worked for me at all, the negotiation skill check conversation never begins

    • Other quests may also be bugged, but I haven't tried them all yet

    1. Balancing issues: I'm not just talking about the faction disparities, but more so in regards to quest difficulty. Some quests are ridiculously hard to complete due to them being so unfair. The most egregious examples have to be the "Bandit lair" quests, which often spawn camps of 50+ bandits that I'm somehow supposed to beat with 7 or 8 soldiers, and the "x needs garrison troops at y castle", which is often scaled terribly (Caladog just gave me a quest to get 21 tier 3 troops for him in a month). Even if you can complete them, these quests are so unrewarding. 3400 gold for 21 troops? Are you joking me?

    2. Fiefs and campaign AI: This has been the biggest source of frustration for me. My faction is literally brain-dead. We have been at war for over 400 days, and the AI armies have taken two fiefs themselves without my help, one of which has been retaken. Not only that, despite us having inflicted a quarter more casualties to our enemy than they have to us, they have consistently higher army counts than us. I believe this is due to my faction NEVER having raided an enemy village. I am the only lord in my faction who raids villages, allowing enemies to rebuild their forces easily (our successful raids ratio sits at 18:52). Most recently, I spent nearly 150 influence building a 700 man army to siege Omor, and in the 6 days I waited there I was attacked by 3 groups of 450ish men, built up by separate lords. Every single time I beat 1000 men, another 1200 spring up in their place.

    Also, the fief-giving system is just awful. I understand that getting fiefs should be hard, but investing hundreds of influence, thousands of denars and dozens of dead men just to get 0% support on a city you lead the attack on for a 3rd time in a row, when you haven't even received a fief from that faction at all, just gets unbelievably unfair.

    All in all, I am enjoying Bannerlord, but the more frustrated I get, the more I get tempted to run my save into the ground by beheading every lord I see. Dont get me wrong, I understand that if I'm that bothered I can just stop playing the game, and if it does get too bothersome i will, but i really just wanted to vent about the problems plaguing my current favourite game.

    submitted by /u/Big_Daymo
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    Anyway to see what perks are actively working?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Really wanting to play, but the majority of perks missing when I last played really made me want to wait. Steward was some big ones missing for example, +1 companions, or +size to party per fief perk wasn't working, along with a lot of other combat/riding ones. Having trouble finding what perks are working as of now though.

    Edit: As a side question, did they change the main quest requirement to create an army? (Felt that it was unneeded and tedious to talk with each lord and complete a quest line for us to start a kingdom., but I thought I saw somewhere that they changed this.

    submitted by /u/SnooDonuts8846
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    I was looking to start playing bannerlord again but have they fixed/changed the main quest with the timeout?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    So I was wanting to start playing bannerlord again and play through the quests and stuff, but I really don't enjoy being rushed to complete the main quest in a time frame. I don't really feel like looking through the past 2-3 months of patch notes to find out. So, have they added any update that gets rid of the time limit on the main quest?

    submitted by /u/randomguy301048
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