• Breaking News

    Monday, July 13, 2020

    Mount & Blade Next time I'll set up camp and watch your party get wiped out, asshole.

    Mount & Blade Next time I'll set up camp and watch your party get wiped out, asshole.

    Next time I'll set up camp and watch your party get wiped out, asshole.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Sorry Graveth Veluca belongs to Rolf now

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    There aren't even any voivodes in M&B games

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Any idea when Bannerlord modding tools will be released? Any speculations or predictions?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Of course, we all know about the modding tool news and how desperately we neeeeeeeeed these tools. When Bannerlord first came about, modding tools was said to be released alongside the full release but recently we got some idea that it is going to be released before full release. But when we do not know. Hopefully itll be within a month cause I can't wait that long and I'm sure a lot you have your own issues with Bannerlord. Mine is the replayability aspect. Sure it's great and replayable but at some point its gonna hit you like a train where you realize that you need conversion mods now!

    submitted by /u/LemonoSharky19
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    What exactly are you supposed to do after forming a Kingdom?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    The game seems woefully incomplete after some months, and while the combat is superb, the diplomacy side of things is just silly. Like, we could at least get a button to declare war or peace. Right now, diplomacy is randomized and automatic, and getting lords to join you works for about 30 seconds before they deflect.

    If you start small, you can get several 6-10K factions declaring war on you while you're starting at 1-2k power. Even if you inflict 15-1 casualties on another faction, you have to spend half your money to get peace, and taking castles means nothing without manpower to defend them.

    What exactly is my goal here? Defend against impossible odds eternally until I can farm deflections? Execute every lord in Calradia? How does this make for good gameplay?

    submitted by /u/Kraphomus
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    Current Maximum Level [1.4.1]

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    A few things to note, especially for those looking to min/max:

    1. There is a Skill Cap. Once the cap is reached the Skill cannot not be leveled higher as the XP Multiplyer is 0.

    2. The minimum Skill Cap is 18 if the associated Attribute is at the base of 2 and the Skill has 0 Focus Points.

    3. The maximum Skill Cap is 330 if the associated Attribute is at the max of 10 and the Skill has 5 Focus Points.

    4. Attribute Points (not counting the base of 2) in an Attribute add 14 to the Skill Cap.

    5. Focus Points add 40 to the Skill Cap

    6. There are two ways to reach the last perk in a Skill Tree (excluding One Handed and Two Handed which are obtainable at 250). You can either get the associated Attribute to 7 and put 5 Focus Points in the Skill, or you get the associated Attribute to 9 and put 4 Focus Points in the Skill.

    Maximum Legitimate Level: 31

    Odds are that once permadeath is introduced (unless it can be turned off) this will more than likely be unreachable. The amount of time and XP required to level up skills as you get closer to the Skill Cap is immense (a few 100,000xp per skill point as the XP Modifier gets smaller). However, if you want to grind it out then there is one requirement. If unmet it is not possible to reach this level.

    For the most part you can put your attribute points and focus points wherever you want because the amount of Skill Points you can achieve remains the same. However, for Max Level you must get Smithing to 225 and take the following perks:

    1. Vigorous or Controlled Smith (150) - 42 more Skill Points
    2. Enduring Smith or Fencer Smith (225) - 42 more Skill Points or 80 more Skill Points

    Without the above perks you will fall short of Level 31 by 47 Skill Points. If you take Fencer Smith the Maximum Skill Points you can achieve is 2,712 leaving you 85 short of Level 32.

    Overall Maximum Level: 47

    This currently cannot be achieved without cheats as you do not get enough Attribute or Focus Points to reach this level legitimately.


    This may change in the future as they hopefully rework the leveling system to make it not so much of a grind especially when permadeath comes out.

    One last recommendation is to get Soc to 10 and put 5 focus points into leadership because at the max Skill Level the final perk in the tree gives almost 100 party size.

    submitted by /u/ProgOwl
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    Uhtred from The Last Kingdom in the VC Campaign.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    All time favourite warband mods?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    What are some of you guys personal favourite mods for warband?

    submitted by /u/samdkitchen137
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    How do I increase my honour and relations with my lords?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    New Warband player here. How should I handle my decreasing honor due to capturing enemy lords? Also when is it safe to release them?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Hey so I know I'm super super late to the game, but I'm playing for the first time (Native), and am absolutely addicted to it.

    I'm playing as a female and am currently on day 607. I am a vassal for the Vaegirs and have Rivacheg, Narra, Veluca and a few castles as fiefs, and I'm also the marshal of their armies.

    Were currently at war with the Nords and I've been hitting them pretty aggressively as I plan on wiping their faction out. We already hold all of the north now and just captured Sargoth, next up we'll take the castles west of it and then Tihr etc

    In order to speed up the process I have been imprisoning all of the Jarls I capture. I've got about 15 of them locked up in my prison tower in Rivacheg.

    Every now and then I'll get an offer to free one of them and when I reject it I lose honor. I'm happy to let them go, but only after I wipe out the faction first, which is why I'm attacking them pretty aggressively at the moment.

    Basically I just want to know if this is the right move, and once the Nords are wiped out, can I release the Jarls without them bringing back their dead faction? And will I get some honor back for letting them go?

    I just want the Nords out of the picture so I can resign my marshalship, and then relax a bit and focus on raising my army and earning my honor back and getting high relations with the Boyars, so I can eventually rebel and start my own faction. My plan is to establish Rivacheg as my capital and be queen of the north, and then move on from there. 😄 I requested Wercheg too but it was not given to me unfortunately, as I already had too many fiefs. I should have denied Veluca and Narra as I don't like the locations of them but I guess I was just happy to receive them that I accepted, and I believe Rivacheg and Wercheg are very strategic positions as the enemy can only come from the south. I asked the Boyar of Wercheg if he wanted to marry me with the idea that I'd get Wercheg with him when I rebel but he said other women captured his heart or whatever. 🙁 Ah well hopefully he likes me enough to join me when I rebel.

    submitted by /u/ArthursHorse
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    Me and my buddy in Captain mode :P

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Can someone post more Warband memes?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I miss warband memes on this subreddit

    submitted by /u/flyingsqueakers
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    Necessary mods for a new start

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    I havent played for a month or so and i want to start a new game. What mods are currently necessary regarding Quality of Life?

    submitted by /u/edcw
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    Navel Battle Concept 1

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Where to get a bastard sword? (Warband)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Hi, new to the game and heard that the bastard sword was a good weapon, although I just cannot seem to find it right now. Is there a certain city I can purchase it in?

    submitted by /u/JELLYJEESH
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    Unable to find Sarranid Battle Axe in single player.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    I really liked it in MP but I can't find it in SP, is this a bug or am I really unlucky?

    submitted by /u/Xx20_CharactersxX
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    How long till vassalage is offered

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Im approaching clan lvl3 got about 30k on average from hunting bandits etc and selling loot, im using palatine guard got about 20 and around 15 various imperial infantry types and two companions on horse with sword shield and bows.

    Im no stranger to this game but I started only being able to command twenty or so troops but im not far off the 100 mark so come on lords im tired of asking you, you ask me lol

    submitted by /u/rosethorn87
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    A remedy for the constant indictments?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    So I've noticed that the mid-late game of warband has a bunch of lords bouncing from kingdom to kingdom, lasting almost no time in each before they get indicted or defect again. Is there a mod to let the AI create their own splinter factions, or act independently of a liege, or have all the constantly indicted lords start a rebel kingdom of their own, or really just anything to stop this loop? In an RP sense, this whole loop of indictments make no sense as well, as these lords in the real world would at least attempt to start their own kingdom after a few months of getting passed around like a hot potato and indicted as soon as their liege wants another castle.

    thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/KerbalKore
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    Shreks Buttery Rampage

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Warband Between Empires Mod - Victorian Age Warfare (With Cannons)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    question about warband

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I know its an old game but I was wondering if any one knew a way to increase my ability to get one of the smaller towns that you can recruit from

    submitted by /u/Shadowwatcher666
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