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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    Mount & Blade Every time I see ugly characters, but have you tried create beautiful one?

    Mount & Blade Every time I see ugly characters, but have you tried create beautiful one?

    Every time I see ugly characters, but have you tried create beautiful one?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Count Harald won't leave me alone.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Turkic city names in Calradia

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Tried asking Baron Ralf to join my kingdom and he started reminiscing about times long past.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST


    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Finally beat Pendor

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:41 AM PST

    First post got removed for some reason. So here it goes once more, without my username. Best 1.000 hours ever.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Why everyone says multiplayer is shite?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:29 AM PST

    I have 4k hours in warband and 3k+ is multi for sure. The amount of hours people have on this game is mostly out of mp. The ai doesn't know how to use combat mechanics and that's the core of MnB. People on this community dismiss mp as niche but the mp is what it makes the community feel alive.

    If they dumbed dumb down the combat system is gonna be terrible for the community overall as the multiplayer will die

    submitted by /u/Carlosdelsol
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    1257AD looks better than 1257AD Enhanced?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:23 AM PST

    Is it just me? Somehow it looks worse than 1257AD.

    submitted by /u/griff2202
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    When I use influence to get King Dain II to siege an outpost, he doesn't actually he do it... he just runs there, sieges it for a second, and then runs off.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:47 AM PST

    Title. Mod is Last Days of the Third Age for Warband.

    I've wasted a bunch of influence trying to get him to siege and raze Gundabad Mirkwood Outpost. I also don't see how I can actually progress the game and win if this goes on??

    submitted by /u/-Caesar
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    Chronicles of Count Francois De Bordeaux, French Knight, Lord of Nantes, Evreux and it's castle, Zaragoza and Tarragona.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:12 AM PST

    (Hello all, because I'm rather bored, I decided to write a diary entry as if written by my character, Lord Francois De Bordeaux, Lord of Nantles, Evreux castle and its' village, Zaragoza castle and Tarragona. The following is taken from an event that has just happened, and I have tried to write it in an old style, I hope this is entertaining for some, as I had fun writing it.)

    On the morning of February 18th, year of our lord 1259, my fair village of Evreux came under burden from English forces wrongfully so.

    I with my knights and levies set forth with haste to the village of Evreux, with thanks to the messenger for good timings, with which I rewarded him so, 20 livres in kind. Upon the arrival of my fair village of Evreux, it was scorched to the ground, the peasants, men of the village, God help us, put up a valiant fight in dismay, however, the English were not far afoot from us.

    Farther up the coast, that is to say, to the village of Rennes, I and my knights did so perceive the English force with which had raided my fair village of Evreux. They did so have a superior force to mine own, of about 300 men. Knights, their levies and archers therewith. Thyself maintained a fair force of 123 men, including fair Henri, my fair quartermaster and trainer of my soldiers, and fair Charles, a medic whom I had hired under my services. Thirty of mine own, were knights, 20 of which, archers, the rest, a contingent of spears and longarms both, drilled and well equipped, an effective force.

    I and my knights, gave fair chase to the English and their force, catching them further west from the village of Rennes, whereof we pitched ourselves. My archers, upon top a hill with my spears and longarms down below the slope, my knights set off aside by a thicket of trees, hidden from view.

    Few fair minutes gave way to tense waiting until the whistling of arrows was heard ahead me and my archers. Through the thick fog that had descended upon us, we could not fire back, only blindly so into the hill above us we presumed the arrows came. Few soldiers were injured from arrows, two men in my spear column, rest their souls were gravely wounded, one archer so, before, at long last, the main force came into view. English bows fired down upon us with no relent. I gave command for my knights, and my spears and longarms to charge forthwith at the English our foes, and we fell upon them.

    I charged so with my knights, and perceived a bowman who was holding his bow, arched to fire. He had been too hasty, and thus was isolated from his column. At the moment, he pulled his string to fire, I gave him my lance under the neck and laid him dead. I with my knights fell upon the left most flank of the English, into their archers and levies, which were not such as well trained as I and my knights. I and my knights valiantly felled English opposition to us, with which I realised a grave error. From our right, my infantry was fell upon by the English knights, for which fair men of mine were slain.

    I set spurs to my horse, and so told my knights to give relief to our column, and we fell upon them. I held my shield close to my neck as I fell upon one men of arms, who pressed his lance upon me, so that I could not take arms to my foe.

    This moment of battle was most glorious so, for not a moment of it was from arrow or bolt, for all was fought with sword, mace and shield. For time, we gave steel to our foes, with which they fought valiantly against. They struck dead many of my fair men, including my Knight Deringuer of Calais, My Knight Ricuarde of Rennes, my Knight Huigues of Paris, my Knight Gemain of Tolouse, my Knight Frederic of Aquitane, and finally, my fair Knight Guillame of Lacq, God rest their souls.

    I and my knights still we pressed upon the English, giving taste to with our swords, until word reached hereof that two lords of the English had been captured by my own men. We pressed on, for which we had an advantage. As dismay took our foes, we gave lance to the backs of any which chanced upon us, and for we had now won, I retreated.

    Taking note and voice of the men fallen in battle, I had lost six of my knights, one of my archers, and three so of my spears. My heart did sorrow for these men, for they fought valiantly in this, and had done so for many battles before. In good tidings though, were the Lords, we had captured. William of Valence, and Humphrey of Bohun, both of which were taken as, and delivered to me with haste. The English they did offer me some 9,200 livres for Lord Humphrey, which I rightly denied, and have both placed under lock in my town of Nantes.

    submitted by /u/PreciousWritingFan
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    Looking for a mod

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:15 AM PST

    There was this mod awhile back that was a native+ type thing. It was in Calradia and had a bunch of invading factions. I distinctly remember Samurai bandits in the north. It also had a bunch of the armor other mods use. Anyone else remember this?

    submitted by /u/MilkMilkerton
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    is there a mod that lets you start out owning a city but everything else is completely vanilla?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Gods beuaty

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Do all villages have a castle?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:45 AM PST


    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST

    Anyone else in the Bannerlord Beta annoyed by how slow projectiles are?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:10 PM PST

    I just got invited into the Beta last week. I'm loving the improved visuals and fluidity of movements, but the thing that's really bugging me are projectile speeds. They're insanely slow and I hope they're going to be sped up when it becomes public to everyone.

    I can't be the only one that's thrown off by the speed of projectiles.

    submitted by /u/iChoke
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    Dickplomacy custom troops

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:40 AM PST

    How do i go about getting more of them? I created all 7 tiers when I captured a castle and all of a sudden like 400 spawned in. But I cant seem to find an option on how to recruit more of them. Do they just keep popping into your garrison out of no where?

    submitted by /u/SliceablePillow
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    "Is it true that bannerlord's release date is in march?"

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:11 PM PST

    [AWOIAF] How to take Kings Landing without bloodshed

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:51 PM PST

    Create a 2. Army without being King?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:17 AM PST

    So I've read in game concept of my Viking Conquest (with VC balance mod) playthrough that its possible to create a second army by asking a bandit leader to lead an army.

    So because I'm playing Floris now I wish to know if that also works or if its even possible to appoint a companion instead of a filthy bandit to create an army.

    (I currently dont have a fief and am not part if a faction)

    submitted by /u/r_bernhard1
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    Do you guys think the game will be successful/ actually good?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Now i know this a M&B subreddit, people here enjoy the genre/ the game. But from what we have seen so far, nothing revolutionary caught my eye. Considering 8-10 years in development that is. Graphics seem ok, if a bit dated, but the main thing is gameplay. From the gameplay videos, i saw some improvements but nothing big. Quests seemed pretty much the same. Voice acting seemed close to the levels of Warband. Towns seemed about as empty/ for decorative purposes, with nothing actually going on. There seems to be some improvements in battles but not much. People seem to be OK with it for now. However i feel like, based on the material we have so far, it seems a bit underwhelming, with the release date is being ,supposedly, almost here. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Summer1Man
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    Good Mods?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 05:20 PM PST

    I've been playing Native for a while now and want to try out mods but don't know which ones are good what would suggestions be

    submitted by /u/VeirdJim
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