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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Mount & Blade Could be worse I suppose. They could be Swadians.

    Mount & Blade Could be worse I suppose. They could be Swadians.

    Could be worse I suppose. They could be Swadians.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    Don't forget about the horse riding infantry

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:30 PM PST

    Updated banners of major factions of Bannerlord

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:22 AM PST

    We all should unite to exile Swadians forever.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    "RhODoKs HaVE ThE bEsT TroOpS"

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:56 PM PST

    I'd love to visit

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:24 AM PST

    The latest Calradic Campaign in a nutshell

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

    The "train the peasants" mission is actually cruel

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:08 PM PST

    You "train" them, then get into a fight with the bandits where the peasants are just meat shields that get mowed down by the dozens while you and your warband clean up. Then you tell the peasants that they are capable of defending themselves even though you did all the actual work and go off on your merry way, leaving behind a bunch of nobodies who think they're tough stuff.

    The next group of bandits who harass them are going to be such a tragic wake up call.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Illic
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    tips n tricks on villages please?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Bannerlord Beta- (My First!) Kick Kill

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:14 PM PST

    Resist Swadia!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    Which Crusades Era Mod Would You Recommend?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:49 AM PST

    From a little bit of searching around, I have discovered quite a few Crusades era mods. I've narrowed them down to three, in my opinion, very high quality mods. These mods are as follows:

    In the Name of Jerusalem: https://www.moddb.com/mods/in-the-name-of-jerusalem

    Sands of Faith: https://www.moddb.com/mods/sands-of-faith

    Crusade Against Jihad: https://www.moddb.com/mods/mommy-turks-seljuk-empire

    My question is, which one of these would you consider the best? If you have played any of these, could you please share your experiences?

    submitted by /u/Brock__
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    How come no one made MnB clone?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:56 PM PST

    After Dark Souls struck gold we saw a lot of DS clones, or GTA clones like Saints Row or Just Cause. Now how come no one tried to make a MnB clone ? Have I missed it?

    Imagine Dark Souls like combat but MnB :0

    submitted by /u/Stormxlr
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    Oh my gosh!!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:47 AM PST

    So in the past four in game days, the king of the Teutonic order has made war with two over powered kingdoms and both of those kingdoms taken half of his land including my village, and then moral loss caused 5 of the vassels to start a rebellion called the the Teutonic Prussians. And the rebellion has taken another half, so im going down with a fallen kingdom. And the leader of the rebellion captured and exacuted my king! So its me and 12 other vassels who are picking up the scraps. By the way, im playing midevil conquest!

    "Tensions are high!

    submitted by /u/arrriah
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    Looking for a fun mod

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:19 AM PST

    I'm looking for a decent mod as I am getting bored of native.
    I went to ModDB and found a few, didn't like them much. Is there any other GOOD mods? (preferably not fantasy)

    submitted by /u/FudgeOnMyNipz
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    Which Warband mod do you think could get a sequel/ prequel in Bannerlord?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Personally, my money is on a Perisno prequel. Here's why:

    1. Upgrades in modding tools will allow way better-looking fantasy races, as well as improved quests.

    2. The lore for "ancient" Perisno is pretty vague, allowing for the implementation for new factions, as well as old factions that would've been around at that time.

    What mods, if any, do you think could get a sequel or prequel in Bannerlord? Are there any new mods that you're excited for?

    submitted by /u/Scrivener4
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    Top 5 photos taken before the disaster

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:38 AM PST

    Is the most recent Perisno update on steam?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:35 AM PST

    PERISNO - Jaded by Zann sieges, facing defense of Elsinore against Falcons...can I do it?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    Sitting at work trying to figure out if I should defend Elsinore from 1,600 realm of the falcon soldiers (1,000 Elintor total in Elsinore as our defense force). Last night I ended my session after surveying the invading force, one stack of over 10,000 strength rating and another handful of elite stacks totaling 1,600 falcon bois.

    I've been slaying Zann, then Queen Arwen decided to war with the falcons as well. So Falcons promptly marched to Elsinore, which is not my city. I'm having a hard time translating the falcon strength rating to siege offense, as they obviously will be weaker than in a field battle...but still, they're very strong. Just jaded after doing a bunch of 160 (me) vs 700 zann sieges with great success.

    So fight or flight, both army stacks are roughly similar in composition of elite/non-elite units, and I've got the crimson rangers on my side...but will it be enough? I feel like if Elsinore falls it will be a long time before Arwen grants me a fief, as she'll give herself the first city taken (I imagine) to recoup the loss of Elsinore. I'm still building up my RTR so not ready to go it on my own yet.

    I've also got about 400k aurums in my pocket (my only fief is a village, so I don't believe I can stash it anywhere), which I definitely don't want to lose, and with many friendly towns looted it would take me a long time to rebuild my force...I just feel like fleeing would be a SHAMEFUL DISPLAY.

    submitted by /u/creedlar
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    Hints about how to continue my journey in Calradia

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:13 AM PST

    Hi there, I'm playing M&B:W with Floris Expanded. It's my first playthrough after a long hiatus, so I took my time to grow my warband without rush and basically I managed to overcome the first steps where you're afraid of travelling because of bandits, now it's time for playing the game of thrones (oh well at least there's no Walder Frey in Calradia).

    I got about 60 men (45% rhodok crossbowmen, 45% nord axemen and the rest mercenary sellswords and slave traders), I'm a vassal (just a fief, Saren) of Doge Graveth and I've installed three ironworks in Rhodok Republic. Since I'm now into expanding my warband I decided to found economic safety before recruiting more men, so my very last mission was to install a dyeworks in Rivacheg (and it took long because first I had to receive approvation by his lord saving his relative from prison and then the guild master sent me to hunt a band of taiga bandits).

    Now I have a net gain of about 900-1000 denars a week so I can safely take my next steps. That's where you good brothers in arms come to help me. What's in your mind the best (or most interesting) course I can take? I'm wondering about looking for a spouse and since I have solid relations with Matheas (he's the new marshal too) I believe I can woo his daughter Aliena. But maybe this is something like a "side quest", I'm looking for a bigger goal to achieve. Rhodok Republic is currently at war with Swadia, so maybe I can follow my dear wannabe father-in-law into war.

    To be honest, if I have to roleplay my character for real his first interest would be to pet Saren into a well established village, but my warband cannot stand by itself against swadian armies that run in that f*ing frontier sector where Saren is.

    So, my comrades, it's not that I have no idea where to go, but I'd appreciate hints about the path to reach my destination. Thanks to all who help me :)

    submitted by /u/OverWear7
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