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    Monday, August 10, 2020

    Mount & Blade I miss him so much

    Mount & Blade I miss him so much

    I miss him so much

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    One man army

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    Peasant Lord

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    I'm making a mod that replaces the standard tavern hired blades in Bannerlord with Nord mercenaries. What do you think?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    I'm making a mod that replaces the standard tavern hired blades in Bannerlord with Nord mercenaries. What do you think?

    We always hear that Nord mercenaries were a common sight in Calradia before their actual invasion of the northern shores. I aim to bring that to life in bannerlord by replacing the boring and uninspired vlandia-knock-off watchmen-Hired blade line in taverns with these guys.

    They are a fairly adaptable troop tree.

    The main infantry line is composed by heavy skirmisher shield-wall units. The veteran-shield brothers can be thought of as slightly less armored sturgian veteran warriors , to give you an idea of their role.

    This infantry line can be brought all the way to the tier six huscarls, a highly skilled unit that keeps filling their role in the shield wall during the initial skirmishing phase but can rely on their armor to effectively fight with a two handed axe once the infantry lines clash.

    An alternative upgrade for the infantry line is the mounted skirmisher line, that is very much like the sturgian one, but with a lance instead of a short melee weapon (they retain 2 jav quivers).

    The ranged troops are slightly harder to get, since they won't spawn in taverns but can only be obtained by upgrading the basic nord adventurers.

    They can be thought as equivalent to freebooters-forest bandits-basic fians in skill and equipment.

    they can double as fairly subpar and light armored shock troops in dire situations with their 2 handed axes.

    A final offshoot of the archer line in the Nord ranger who can be thought of as an equivalent of an imperial bucellarii.

    EDIT:added possible extra branch of the archers going to berzerkers














    submitted by /u/PCDug
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    Sultan Hakim seems to be taking the loss of his kingdom rather well

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Separate loadouts for sieges and field battles

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    So I fight mainly on horseback with a lance, but use a sword and shield on foot, but as horses and lances are useless in a siege, I also use a crossbow in sieges. I've come to find it a bit problematic that as I can't fit all of my gear on me at all times, I have change them around before and after sieges. Not rarely will I forget to change my lance to a crossbow, and have that useless thing just sitting on my back during the siege. Also sometimes I might forget to change back to the lance and have a crossbow that I can't reload on horseback.

    What I sugest to improve the quality of life, is to add two separate loadouts for sieges and field battles. It would be quite simple as the game already has your battle load out and your "civilian" loadout. It could just add a third slot that would have a picture of a castle on it, and it would be your siege loadout. With that you could also eliminating the "problem" of being spawned on horseback at the start of a siege.

    submitted by /u/Teppo_Duunari
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    How has M&B Bannerlord progressed as far as fleshed out feature lists since it's release?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    I'm sorry if this question comes up frequently. If there is a repository for general progress somewhere I'd be really interested to look over it. Patch notes are good for knowing the progress from one patch to the next, however I feel they don't give me a good perspective on progress when I don't follow a game regularly.

    Assuming I haven't played since the first week of release, how would you say Bannerlord progressed so far? Is there a list somewhere of features and game-play loops that have made progress since it was released to Early Access?

    I'm looking for progress on features like:

    • More fleshed out diplomacy
    • Making a lineage for your clan
    • Healthy economy to trade and interact with
    • Item progression
    • Implemented skills that were not functional at launch
    • Balancing progression of exp-gain (extremely slow progression, making useful early game perks only drop when they are no longer relevant)

    Another question: How do people feel about simulation balance? One of the things that has always made it hard to get invested in a Mount & Blade campaign has been how quickly lords or factions can bounce back after getting heavily defeated. It can be hard building up an army of upgraded units, take heavy losses in a victory against the enemy, only for them to come back instantly.

    It makes battles feel less like tactical victories and more like building sandcastles while the sea crashes over it.

    TL;DR: I put a solid 150h into the game upon release and decided to wait until it was more rounded. Would you say that now is a good time to come back?

    submitted by /u/Garper
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    I see no difference

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Has anyone worked out the cost of the equipment used by each troop type?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    I don't mean upgrade cost, I mean the loadout value of each troop type. Would be interesting to get an idea of the average loadout value of each tier - the idea being a model for a mod where the player is allowed to create custom units but restricted with price caps of equipment in each tier (and possibly stats). I'd do this myself but I want to check if someone has already done this tedious step in excel.

    submitted by /u/Moppy771
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    I know it's been posted here before, but multiplayer is becoming a ghost town

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    It really bums me out, the community was really growing and now you never see any new players, even the older players are quitting. I love captain mode, but I can see why people don't want to play anymore. The meta never changes, playing the same maps over and over and over gets really old. When can we expect a revival, if ever?

    submitted by /u/bigchungus5000
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    Shouls i buy mab warband or mab2 bannerlord?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I used to play warband on console and it was really fun and now i have a pc and can't decide wich one i should get

    submitted by /u/potato0815
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    I am on top of the world

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    Jeremus is dead last in battle order but still shows up in every battle

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    Assaulting a castle of 150 with a marshalled army of 450. I can bring 20 guys, my allies 40 and the enemy 60. Jeremus is knocked unconscious instantly. Alt-F4 out of rage.

    submitted by /u/2woke4ufgt
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    This is a bad omen

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    After a particularly brutal siege, this fellow has snapped

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Leaving a Kingdom and not keeping the owned fiefs.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Some patches ago i could leave a kingdom and could decide to keep the fiefs against the rulers will. Somehow now i can not choose anymore.

    Did they fix this or depends on your relation?

    submitted by /u/LICHM
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    How hard would it be to make a mod that allows you to give sub-fiefs to clan members?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Mount & Blade: Warband — Best Mod of All Time Poll

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    154 Old Norse ship names

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I prepared an expanded list of random ship names for VC Balance Mod 13, and thought some players (vanilla or modded) might find the list useful for naming their own custom ships.

    Each name is in old norse, with the english translation after the # to the right. All are either historical or mythological ship names from the Viking Age, or are constructed according to the types of kennings the Norse used in naming ships. You might recognize some of the first 23 names from vanilla VC, though some of those have been changed to correct historical anachronisms, mainly, removing the names taken from later Christianized Norse, like "Langfredag" (Good Friday), "Kristsud" (Christ), "Mariusud" (The Virgin Mary), etc.

    ("ship_name_1", "Saegammr"), #Sea Vulture

    ("ship_name_2", "Saebroga"), #Dread of the Sea, Sea Terror

    ("ship_name_3", "Ormurin Langi"),#Long Serpent

    ("ship_name_4", "Visundur"),#Bison

    ("ship_name_5", "Ognabrandur"), #Threatening flame, threatening sword. May refer to the sword of Tyr

    ("ship_name_6", "Segltrani"),#Sail Crane

    ("ship_name_7", "Sessrumnir"),#Seat Room, space with many seats, the hall of the Goddess Freyja, and included in a list of ships in the Prose Edda

    ("ship_name_8", "Hlunnbjorn"),#Roller Bear, roller here referencing the norse practice of felling trees and then laying them out underneath a longship to roll it over land

    ("ship_name_9", "Skidbladnir"),#Name means assembled from thin pieces of wood, belongs to either Freyr or Odin, in mythology can be folded up into one's pocket

    ("ship_name_10", "Hringhorni"),#Name means ship with a circle on the stem, belongs to Baldr. After Baldr is killed by Loki, he is burned in a funeral pyre on this ship, along with his wife, who died of grief

    ("ship_name_11", "Barden"),#Beard

    ("ship_name_12", "Barufakr"),#Wave Horse

    ("ship_name_13", "Hrafn"),#Raven

    ("ship_name_14", "Baruelptr"),#Wave Swan

    ("ship_name_15", "Hreinn"),#Reindeer

    ("ship_name_16", "Unnblakkr"),#Wave dark/black/dusky, here perhaps following horse naming conventions, as Blakkr would be a common name for a horse, and the norse liked to name ships after horses

    ("ship_name_17", "Seglhundr"),#Sail hound

    ("ship_name_18", "Bortlvalr"),#Board Falcon

    ("ship_name_19", "Fjardlinni"),#Fjord Serpent, fjord is a long narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs created by glacier cutting a u shape valley

    ("ship_name_20", "Svalbardi"),#Cold Edge

    ("ship_name_21", "Fiardakolla"),#Cattle of the Fjord

    ("ship_name_22", "Elptr"),#Swan

    ("ship_name_23", "Saeulfr"),#Sea Wolf

    ("ship_name_24", "Saefakr"),#Sea Horse

    ("ship_name_25", "Saehrafn"),#Sea Raven

    ("ship_name_26", "Saevalr"),#Sea Falcon

    ("ship_name_27", "Saehundr"),#Sea Hound

    ("ship_name_28", "Saeblakkr"),#Sea Dark/black/dusky

    ("ship_name_29", "Saebjorn"),#Sea Bear

    ("ship_name_30", "Saeormr"),#Sea Serpent

    ("ship_name_31", "Saelinni"),#Sea Serpent

    ("ship_name_32", "Saevisundur"),#Sea Bison

    ("ship_name_33", "Saebrandur"),#Sea flame

    ("ship_name_34", "Saehreinn"),#Sea Reindeer

    ("ship_name_35", "Saeuxi"),#Sea Ox

    ("ship_name_36", "Ormen"),#Serpent

    ("ship_name_37", "Ormurin Skamma"),#Short Serpent

    ("ship_name_38", "Saedrasill"),#Sea horse

    ("ship_name_39", "Saemarr"),#Sea horse

    ("ship_name_40", "Saeviggr"),#Sea horse

    ("ship_name_41", "Saehestr"),#Sea horse

    ("ship_name_42", "Seglelptr"),#Sail Swan

    ("ship_name_43", "Seglulfr"),#Sail Wolf

    ("ship_name_44", "Seglfakr"),#Sail Horse

    ("ship_name_45", "Seglhrafn"),#Sail Raven

    ("ship_name_46", "Seglvalr"),#Sail Falcon

    ("ship_name_47", "Seglbroga"),#Sail Dread

    ("ship_name_48", "Seglblakkr"),#Sail Dark/black/dusky

    ("ship_name_49", "Seglbjorn"),#Sail Bear

    ("ship_name_50", "Seglormr"),#Sail Serpent

    ("ship_name_51", "Seglgammr"),#Sail Vulture

    ("ship_name_52", "Seglvisundur"),#Sail Bison

    ("ship_name_53", "Seglbrandur"),#Sail flame

    ("ship_name_54", "Seglhreinn"),#Sail Reindeer

    ("ship_name_55", "Segluxi"),#Sail Ox

    ("ship_name_56", "Soti"),#Sooty, a traditional name for a horse

    ("ship_name_57", "hasleipnir"),#Slepnir of the oarlocks, Slepnir is Odin's horse, and the child of Loki (given birth from Loki turning into a mare and mating with a stallion as part of a scheme)

    ("ship_name_58", "Segldrasill"),#Sail horse

    ("ship_name_59", "Seglmarr"),#Sail horse

    ("ship_name_60", "Seglviggr"),#Sail horse

    ("ship_name_61", "Seglhestr"),#Sail horse

    ("ship_name_62", "Unnelptr"),#Wave Swan

    ("ship_name_63", "Unnulfr"),#Wave Wolf

    ("ship_name_64", "Unnfakr"),#Wave Horse

    ("ship_name_65", "Unnhrafn"),#Wave Raven

    ("ship_name_66", "Unnvalr"),#Wave Falcon

    ("ship_name_67", "Unnbroga"),#Wave Dread

    ("ship_name_68", "Barublakkr"),#Wave Dark/black/dusky

    ("ship_name_69", "Barubjorn"),#Wave Bear

    ("ship_name_70", "Baruormr"),#Wave Serpent

    ("ship_name_71", "Barugammr"),#Wave Vulture

    ("ship_name_72", "Baruvisundur"),#Wave Bison

    ("ship_name_73", "Barubrandur"),#Wave flame

    ("ship_name_74", "Baruhreinn"),#Wave Reindeer

    ("ship_name_75", "Baruvalr"),#Wave Falcon

    ("ship_name_76", "Barubroga"),#Wave Dread

    ("ship_name_77", "Svalbroga"),#Cold Dread

    ("ship_name_78", "Barudrasill"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_79", "Barumarr"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_80", "Baruviggr"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_81", "Baruhestr"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_82", "Unnvisundur"),#Wave Bison

    ("ship_name_83", "Unnbrandur"),#Wave flame

    ("ship_name_84", "Unnhreinn"),#Wave Reindeer

    ("ship_name_85", "Unnuxi"),#Wave Ox

    ("ship_name_86", "Svalmarr"),#Cold horse

    ("ship_name_87", "Baruhrafn"),#Wave Raven

    ("ship_name_88", "Unndrasill"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_89", "Unnmarr"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_90", "Unnviggr"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_91", "Unnhestr"),#Wave horse

    ("ship_name_92", "Fjardormr"),#Fjord Serpent

    ("ship_name_93", "Fjardbrandur"),#Fjord flame

    ("ship_name_94", "Fjardhreinn"),#Fjord Reindeer

    ("ship_name_95", "Fjarduxi"),#Fjord Ox

    ("ship_name_96", "Fjardgammr"),#Fjord Vulture

    ("ship_name_97", "Fjardhrafn"),#Fjord Raven

    ("ship_name_98", "Fjardbroga"),#Fjord Dread

    ("ship_name_99", "Fjardmarr"),#Fjord horse

    ("ship_name_100", "Fjardviggr"),#Fjord horse

    ("ship_name_101", "Fjardhestr"),#Fjord horse

    ("ship_name_102", "Svalviggr"),#Cold Horse

    ("ship_name_103", "Svalormr"),#Cold Serpent

    ("ship_name_104", "Svalvalr"),#Cold Falcon

    ("ship_name_105", "Svalbrandur"),#Cold Flame

    ("ship_name_106", "Svalgammr"),#Cold Vulture

    ("ship_name_107", "Fjardbjorn"),#Fjord Bear

    ("ship_name_108", "Fjardvalr"),#Fjord Falcon

    ("ship_name_109", "Fjardelptr"),#Fjord Swan

    ("ship_name_110", "Fjardulfr"),#Fjord Wolf

    ("ship_name_111", "Fjardfakr"),#Fjord horse

    ("ship_name_112", "Svalhundr"),#Cold Hound

    ("ship_name_113", "Fjardhundr"),#Fjord Hound

    ("ship_name_114", "Unnhundr"),#Wave Hound

    ("ship_name_115", "Baruhundr"),#Wave Hound

    ("ship_name_116", "Svaluxi"),#Cold Ox

    ("ship_name_117", "Svalbjorn"),#Cold Bear

    ("ship_name_118", "Bortlbjorn"),#Board Bear

    ("ship_name_119", "Bortlhundr"),#Board Hound

    ("ship_name_120", "Svalulfr"),#Cold Wolf

    ("ship_name_121", "Svalfakr"),#Cold horse

    ("ship_name_122", "Bortlgammr"),#Board Vulture

    ("ship_name_123", "Bortlbroga"),#Board Dread

    ("ship_name_124", "Bortlormr"),#Board Serpent

    ("ship_name_125", "Bortldrasill"),#Board Horse

    ("ship_name_126", "Bortluxi"),#Board Ox

    ("ship_name_127", "Bortlmarr"),#Board Horse

    ("ship_name_128", "Bortlhestr"),#Board Horse

    ("ship_name_129", "Bortlviggr"),#Board Horse

    ("ship_name_130", "Bortlulfr"),#Board Wolf

    ("ship_name_131", "Bortlfakr"),#Board Horse

    ("ship_name_132", "Brimskid"),#Surf Ski

    ("ship_name_133", "Brimhundr"),#Surf hound

    ("ship_name_134", "Brimormr"),#Surf serpent

    ("ship_name_135", "Brimdrasill"),#Surf Horse

    ("ship_name_136", "Brimuxi"),#Surf Ox

    ("ship_name_137", "Brimgammr"),#Surf Vulture

    ("ship_name_138", "Brimhestr"),#Surf Horse

    ("ship_name_139", "Brimviggr"),#Surf Horse

    ("ship_name_140", "Brimulfr"),#Surf Wolf

    ("ship_name_141", "Brimfakr"),#Surf Horse

    ("ship_name_142", "Svalhrafn"),#Cold Raven

    ("ship_name_143", "Svaldrasill"),#Cold Horse

    ("ship_name_144", "Brimdyr"),#Surf animal

    ("ship_name_145", "Fagrdrasill Logstiga"),#Pretty horse of the seaway

    ("ship_name_146", "Fagrdrasill"),#Pretty horse

    ("ship_name_147", "Fagrhundr Logstiga"),#Pretty hound of the seaway

    ("ship_name_148", "Fagrhundr"),#Pretty hound

    ("ship_name_149", "Vigg Vastar"),#Horse of the fishing place

    ("ship_name_150", "Hestr Svanfjalla"),#Horse of the mountains and swans

    ("ship_name_151", "Hundr Svanfjalla"),#Hound of the mountains and swans

    ("ship_name_152", "Hestr Hvalfjardar"),#Horse of the whale earth

    ("ship_name_153", "Hundr Hvalfjardar"),#Hound of the whale earth

    ("ship_name_154", "Hrofs Hreinn"),#Deer of the Boathouse

    submitted by /u/VoicesAncientChina
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    Mod that gives me WFAS recruitment in Warband?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    As title says? I need a mod that makes recruitment same as WFAS, meaning I can buy "good" troops from towns and so on (if I am vassal) without training them myself?

    submitted by /u/Toni112007
    [link] [comments]

    Steward skill

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    So I may be confused as to the exact function of the Steward skill, it says "knowledge of what makes a settlement prosper" but it only says it affects party size (and I thought I heard it reduces wages too but not sure). Does it actually have an effect on how a town is governed that isn't listed or is it just the perks that help with town management that it is referring to?

    submitted by /u/5herl0k
    [link] [comments]

    when is the next 1.4.3 patch coming out? (not for beta)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Game crashes when I click “Go to Keep“

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    I recently conquered a town in Bannerlord(modded) and when I was done setting up a governor I wanted to manage the garrison, so I clicked "Go to Keep" and the game immediately crashed. I've tried it time and again across different towns and multiple saves and the same thing always happens.

    Does anyone know what exactly could be causing this?

    Note: I already tried removing some of the mods. Half the time its just the same and the other half the game crashed on startup.

    submitted by /u/SpicyMemesDoneSpicy
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