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    Monday, August 17, 2020

    Mount & Blade I don't think my wife is who she claims to be guys.

    Mount & Blade I don't think my wife is who she claims to be guys.

    I don't think my wife is who she claims to be guys.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Bannerlord Main Story is terrible

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    I try not to complain about too many things about Bannerlord, since most problems with the game will be fixed with time, however the main storyline is absolutely terrible.

    First, it limits roleplay massively. In WB, the only stipulate to your character was that he was a foreigner. And even still, that fact is so minute that you could easily just say you were born and raised in Calradia. Warband allowed your character to have whatever story you wanted them too. Bannerlord simply doesn't allow this. Not only were you born in Calradia, the game decides for you who your family was, and your motivation for going out into the world. This is simply a terrible backstory to force on players. It's just like how Fallout 4 forces your character down a certain path, despite the fact that this is extremely unlike Fallout. The same is true for Mount and Blade.

    Also, the story quests themselves are simply fetch quests. "

    "Neretzes' Folly" is interesting to hear about the first time, however, requiring it on multiple playthroughs is simply annoying and unnecessary. Also, the main story quest is unlogical. Why is my character just randomly compelled to take out or restore the Empire? Because some randoms told him so? The player should determine their own motivation for starting a kingdom, not the game.

    I like the idea of story-driven side quests, in which the quest isn't repeatable and allows the play to interact in many ways with it. This wouldn't be a problem if the story was optional. New Players probably do need a main quest to point them in the right direction, however, Mount and Blade at its heart is a sandbox RPG, and a linear main story completely contradicts this idea.

    submitted by /u/HevEagle_
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    THIS IS LITERALLY ME whenever the khuzait theme starts playing

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, (sorry, I don't know why imgur keeps rotating the photo)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    They move the whole camp to try to stop me

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Building my Khanate in the ruins of your Empire.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    My Bannerlord screenshot looks kind of like a renaissance painting.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    this woman wished the one thing we can't resist to attack

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Rohan Answered the Call

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Is that a horse? Again?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Workshop income low

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I have a brewery in Sanala and an Oilpress in Jaculan which used to be the best Workshops for those towns. I don't know if they still are but they are together only making 96 Denars a day. I used to make triple that. Did I do something?

    submitted by /u/4_aishere
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    Mods fixing the game faster than the devs

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    There are mods out that fixes the games siege mechanics perk issues economy, adds a actual good vassal recruitment system +more formations Spearshield walls *rome style* xp fixes mercenary contract fixes

    How is the community improving quality of life faster than TW still i respect them but come on TW just steal the mods and yoink them into vanilla BL

    Edit AdvancedDiplomacy also

    submitted by /u/Jeremus2op
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    Capturing (and holding) First Castle as Independent

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    I'm probably 30-40 hours into Bannerlord. My clan is tier 5. I've got 150 or so troops and nearly all at maximum level. My stack is invincible, unless confronted by an army of moderate size. I've got over 500k denars. But I don't know what to do next.

    The weakest castle of the weakest kingdom has 250 defenders. And that kingdom (Battania) still has 10-12 lords that can muster small stacks. They have no trouble bringing a 400 troop army to attack me while I'm besieging. My stack cannot win that battle, conquer the castle, and defend.

    It would be great if I could build stacks run by my companions but it doesn't seem they will coordinate until I've got a kingdom and can create armies.

    How do you conquer and hold your first castle(s)?

    submitted by /u/orcsab
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    Good job AI commander

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    Warband: where is the siege ladder?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Playing with the anno domini mod: I've besieged a castle until it's starving and built a ladder to assault, however when I go on the battle there is nothing there. The troops charge the wooden gate with swords and mostly die from the stuff poured on them? Wtf? How is a siege meant to work exactly?

    submitted by /u/-THE_BIG_BOSS-
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    Not sure how to have fun past the mid game. Once you get so powerful it just isn't fun anymore. There's no depth at that point. This is a long ass post, be fairly warned.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    So, I picked up this game a few months ago for my PS4. YEAH I KNOW, I NEED MODS. But I can't used mods right now. Fuck, if I had access to a PC I'd be jizzing all over the screen playing Bannerlord right now.

    Anyway, this was my quarantine game. I knew I needed to buy a new game since I was going to be stuffed in the fucking house for a while because of the plague. I will not share my opinions on how fucking stupid that is, but I digress.

    So yeah, I had been seeing videos from The Spiffing Brit and other YouTubers about this game. I quickly became enchanted by it.

    I've always been a huge medieval fan. Like really super nerdy into medieval stuff. Not just Europe, I like samurai too. And Arabic warriors. And Chinese warriors. But my all time favorite are Vikings and knights. I basically love everything about medieval times. You wouldn't think I was this big a nerd if you met me, but if you saw my home life, you would. I spend way too much time watching shadiversity, Invicta, skallagrim, Metatron, Vikings, Game of. Thrones, all that shit. I'm really into it.

    So this game really really caught my eye. I was surprised I hadn't heard of it until 8 years of it being out. It looked like the game I had always been searching for.

    A game where you can literally roleplay as if you're in medieval times. There's actual battles and a giant map that I can watch myself eat up. There are 6 distinct cultures that all are, pretty cool. Besides the khergits. Fuck the khergits. There are politics, relationships, and genuine good quality roleplaying elements. And the best part is, it's all a chaotic fucking sandbox. You make your own story. The battles are my absolute favorite.

    So I held off on buying this game for quite a while because I didn't have access to a PC anymore when I heard about it. I knew it was out for console, but I heard it was a real piece of shit on console, so I didn't buy it.

    But when quarantine came around I went out on a limb and bought it. It was 20$. What did I have to lose? The answer is endless hours of my life.

    Think about this. I was in the house pretty much all the time, just me and Warband.. sometimes taking breaks to have a shit and eat a hot pocket. Maybe fuck my girlfriend if she's looking finer than the game every now and then.

    Turns out, the game is still really awesome on console. I did nothing but fucking Warband during quarantine. All the time. Every minute I could get. Despite the negative reviews, it was really really fun, even on console. It's like cocaine. I can put myself in this world and roleplay.

    By the end of quarantine, I had 3 characters. One was a character where I used all Nords, I had taken up almost half the map, and it was around day 1200. My second character was a Swadian, where I used all Swadians, I had devoured all of the vaegirs, and that character is at day 750. My third character is a guy I started just about a week ago, I'm roleplaying as a vaegir, because I heard vaegirs were fun, and I wanted to roleplay as a slav, cause vodka and I saw a video about Kievan Russ so I wanted to roleplay.

    As you can see, I've sunk a fucking lot of time into this lifetrap of a game in a short span of a couple months. But there is a problem.

    I keep losing interest once I get too powerful.

    The game feels much better early on when all factions are present and all factions are on basically equal footing. No one is dominating. Everyone is relevant. We are all equals. That makes it feel fair and satisfying when you win against them.

    It also feels better when you're making good money, but not such a ridiculous income that it makes you not even look at the denar counter anymore. Like bruh, what do I even fucking do with 600k denars?

    It feels better when there's all factions plus my own, I really don't like it when there's only like 4 factions left including my own. I like it when there's 6 distinct cultures to fight against, and when you're fighting against a Lord from a certain kingdom, you'll be fighting that culture's troops. So, if I'm fighting a Swadian Lord, I'm fighting Swadian knights. I don't like it when I go up against fucking count Tulug and he bumrushes me with his army of horseymen. Fuck that. Fuck Plais Noyan. Fuck count Irya. Fuck Jarl Ghulassen. Fuck them all, right up the ass.

    It just feels better when the world isn't dominated by a few superpowers with intermixed lords, it's like a giant cereal bowl of shit mid game.

    The more powerful and dominant you get, the less interesting the game gets. I don't like it. But, if I dread gaining power, there's no point to the game.

    For example, I decided to play as a slav this time. He's a total prick. He has 4 kings locked up at rivacheg right now. He imprisons everyone he beats. He raids khergit villages for a living. He uses all cavalry armies, because he's a prick. Everyone hates him. This is part of my roleplay. He's a dickhead Slavic Lord who doesn't give a shit. He married a sarranian woman just so he can say he isn't racist, also.

    With this character, I started off at reyvadin, and I pledged to use only vaegirs for the entire playthrough, because this is a roleplay. No mercs. No Nords. No swads. Just vaegirs.

    I loved it at first. The vaegirs are actually a lot tougher than I thought, and I really liked the roleplay because it feels like medieval kievan Russ.

    Vaegirs seem to take way longer to upgrade than any other troops I've used, but when they're past mid tier, they're fucking beasts. Before mid tier, they're absolute dogshit. I struggled for a while to gain power because low tier vaegirs are just trash. They die way too easy.

    But then I got my trainer skill up and started raising vaegir knights really quickly. Holy fuck, the damage. They mow everything down so quick I don't even gotta worry about shit. The only catch is, they die easier than other cavalry units, for some reason. They've also got little kite shields so they'll fall to arrows way more often.

    I don't really use the vaegir guards. No shields = dead.

    But them vaegir archers.... Dem archers.

    You ever made yourself an army of 150 vaegir marksman bruh? Holy fuck. It's like an MG42.

    If I get 150 vaegir marksmen out and an entire army of 250 Nords attacks me, all the Nords will die. Seriously. I just put my archers up on a hill and they shoot so fucking fast that all the Nords are dead by the time they get up to my archers.

    Know another weird thing about vaegir archers? Most people will tell you to use rodok sharpshooters to cheese seiges. You know, the trick where you just take all archers into a siege, let them shoot until run out of ammo, and then retreat, and then repeat until the fortress falls. You know this cheese right? Well you should be using vaegir marksmen to do it. Holy fuck. The kills come so much faster man. It's literally like a wall of MG42s being unleashed on Dhirim every time I do it. Way better than sharpshooters. Sharpshitters are way tougher in melee though, and they could probably take a castle by just melee.

    Needless to say, I've pretty much been running vaegir knights and vaegir marksmen the entire game this time around. That's my usual strategy anyway, archers +something else. There's always archers because I like the tactics of it. If it's just cavalry, just infantry, or just cavalry + infantry, it just feels like there's no tactics involved besides flanking with cavalry or standing your infantry on a hill. The reason I don't use infantry+cavalry+archers is because, on PlayStation, the max battle size is 100 units. Very very small. So if I use all 3, I'll only spawn with like 17 of each, which is really just not fun. Sucky thing about console. I also don't know how to regulate army proportions, meaning how much of each I spawn with. Like, say I wanted 30 infantry and 20 cavalry, so I try to fill my army with those proportions. Nope, it doesn't work like that. I get 40 cavalry and 10 infantry at spawn. It's stupid. Seems like I should be able to control that but it's stupid.

    The fact that I can't have more troops on the field at one time kills quite a bit of the immersion. Everything kinda feels like a skirmish sometimes instead of a battle. But I've looked past it and immersed myself anyway.

    Enough rambling about my roleplay decisions. I really like this vaegir playthrough. But now, I've hit a wall of enjoyment.

    I'm currently at the point where I told King Gargledick to fuck off and took Rivacheg for myself. Then I started absorbing his kingdom. Now, I possess everything north of Ismirala castle. Every single fucking faction is at war with me. I've got 5 very powerful lords that all like me instead of 20 small minion lords who all hate me. I've got several kings locked up in my sex dungeon at rivacheg, and I've been winning every battle I get into. Like I seriously haven't lost a battle yet this playthrough despite being at war on 5 fronts. They're all being giant pussies and raiding my villages, but when me or a vassal shows up, they skuurt off like cowards. Even if they have more troops than me. But the weird thing is, I can't get any of them to accept peace. It even says a truce will be soon in the encyclopedia and they still keep refusing, despite me having half their kingdom locked up and them losing several castles and every battle to me. Not sure why they won't give up. I've got like 300 vaegir knights at rivacheg and 150 vaegir marksmen, all other fiefs have been given to my lords, so they can be strong and not lose battles. They all carry around atleast 100 guys. We are fairly strong for our size. Swadia is completely nuked off the map. Vaegirs lost all of their homeland to me, except for Reyvadin, and they also have Suno and some stolen swadia land. Nords are steamrolling and have chunks that belong to them all throughout the map, but I took Wercheg from them. Rhodocks are half devoured by the Nords. Sarranids are half devoured by the rhodocks. Khergits have like 4 castles and tulga, as they have been pushed back to tulga by the vaegirs.

    Like I said, I have everything from Wercheg to khudan, and everything above Ismirala castle. I've got my ideal kingdom set up, with borders, no sporadically placed fiefs off in the middle of other kingdoms, it's nice. I like the way my kingdom is now. I honestly don't want it to get any bigger and become a superpower, destabilizing the map. But the thing is, if I don't want to get any bigger, what the fuck am I supposed to do? Sit in my castle at rivacheg and roleplay as Ivan the terrible?

    I'm constantly just fending off attacks hoping they surrender, without me taking any more of their land. I'm trying to let them all survive and they're too fucking stupid to go with it. I could use my 300 slav knights to steamroll the map right now, but that wouldn't be any fun. I don't want to rule all of calradia, I'm pretty sure there's no fun in that anyway. Like I said, I don't even want to get any bigger really.

    I'm just afraid that if I progress anymore the game is going to become very unfun, like it did with my Nord character after I took half the map.

    I'm trying to find a way to continue this playthrough without losing the fun factor and abandoning it like my last two playthroughs. It's tough, especially since I can't use any mods. All I get is native.

    I don't want to start another character with another faction either, because I don't exactly have the time to dedicate to the game for all that progression anymore, now that we are back to work. Plus, it would be a real shame if I abandoned my slav. I really like the roleplay.

    I'm wondering if I should just abandon the playthrough and start a rhodok character, or just continue and fight a 5 front war until I die of frustration.

    Anyway, now that I'm done rambling, pls give me ideas on how to stabilize all the kingdoms and live in harmony lmao. Oh yeah and please tell me how to continue having fun without devouring the entire map.

    submitted by /u/drunksouls69
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    Taleworlds once again taking forever to even patch their game

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    I was in the camp of defending TW at the beginning, when people were complaining about patches and no new content, but not anymore....

    It has been about 5 or 6 months? And we have seen barely anything added, I understand in the beginning it was all bug fixes, but the population of this game has already fallen off a cliff since the patches/content updates are taking FOREVER. I don't know what I expected, it took them nearly 8 years to even make the game, I'm not really surprised it's taking them this long to put out any real improvements/content updates.

    It really bums me out, especially with multiplayer. Captain mode is the most fun I have had playing a multiplayer game in a long time, and now you can only get full groups on weekends. When I try to squeeze a game in the lobby never fills up, it's usually 3v3 or 4v4 at most. If it does fill up, it's after we have already played a couple rounds of the match and then the other players cycle in after their previous match had ended. I can bet there are only 2-3 captain mode games going 90% of the time.

    submitted by /u/bigchungus5000
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    How much roughly would a computer cost that could run warband and the 1866 mod?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Hi so I know nothing about pcs or specs or anything like that and I don't own a pc or laptop but how much roughly would one cost that could run mount and blade warband and the 1866 mod. I've played the vanilla game on xbox but would love to play the Western mod, I'm guessing it wouldn't cost much but I would really appreciate some rough estimates.

    submitted by /u/redditusername3330
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    Does contradicting promises to warband lords affect gameplay/relationship?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    If you make differing promises to lords to join your faction, they call you out for it. Will this affect anything, even if they decide to join my faction?

    submitted by /u/Ecthelion75
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    [TLD Overhaul]

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    So I've been playing with Erebor for a while, and now all the evil in the north is defeated and all the good in the south is defeated, so everyone has advance camps in the middle, and i can't defeat anyone because I can't siege anything other than advance camps, I tried lowering the faction strength but it stays as crushed and the faction isn't defeated( it doesn''t establish anymore advance camps though). There are 6 factions left for evil and 4 for good. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/Ali14gaming
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    [Warband] Probably a Common Question, but How Do You Get Started Without Wanting to Tear Your Head Off?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I'm sure this question gets asked often, but I've yet to find a succinct "guide" that describes the gist of the game and what things mean what. I'm certainly someone who grew up on modern RPGs, of which many would even question as being a part of that genre (looking at Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, etc. The "dumbed-down" RPGs).

    M&B is my first foray into what I believe to be more traditional RPGs remnant of the pen and paper era. However, I'm finding the lack of obvious instruction to be a challenge, especially in the early game. Not seeing a simple number for "damage" for instance, while slightly embarrassing, is one of the more confusing elements.

    So far, I have restarted 3 different characters after putting about 2 hours into each. At first, I went with a female because I often do this in games, but as the difficulty started to rear its head, I went with a guy thinking it might be easier. The female was actually the furthest I got in the game, however, as I started to do quests, they ended up sending me across the entire map. I had enough trouble being attacked from city to city constantly, the entire map seemed ridiculous. I traveled across the whole thing because I was worried about the time limit, I finished part of the quest, then I experienced what I'm sure everyone has at some point where you get tossed around from one group of bandits to the other until you have no gear left.

    This left a poor taste in my mouth but I liked what I did "right" so I tried again. So far, I keep getting held up for cash payments, loosing men, not being able to buy men, etc. I'm not sure where/how you progress in the game at this point. So far, it seems as if you need to follow a fairly exact path in the beginning to be successful, but of course the game doesn't exactly tell you what to do in the way that Skyrim or Fallout goes.

    So, what exactly is the best recommended first run? For the record, I am playing the Warband version on a console. I'm all for doing low strength female runs or whatever is harder in the future, but to get my feet wet I'd like what is considered the "easiest" path at the beginning (think going with a Pyromancer before the Deprived in Dark Souls 1). Additionally, I'm assuming that there isn't necessarily a good way to avoid bandits, sea raiders, etc, so how are you meant to deal with them? Forcibly losing money, gear, or men seems wrong to me, but idk. Also, weapons; how do the stats affect their performance? I'm assuming that the letters beside each number presents a type of damage (maybe "c" for cutting and "b" for blunt?) but what way does that impact performance? Are you meant to do every quest you can find or do you need to build up to the more official quests? Lastly, which of the starting stats are the most important for having an easier time?

    Hopefully the experience I listed here and my concerns make sense. Any tips or answers are greatly appreciated. I can tell that this game could be extremely fun with a rags to riches mentality, but getting the ball rolling is, presumably, the hardest part.

    submitted by /u/EliteSnackist
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