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    Friday, July 10, 2020

    Mount & Blade when you try to raid a village by yourself

    Mount & Blade when you try to raid a village by yourself

    when you try to raid a village by yourself

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    I am Butterlord

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON 1.4.2 Patch for Main before weekend! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Zuuum zuuum zuuum!

    submitted by /u/Gustafssonz
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    Plz mom don’t take away my butter again

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Just in case anyone is checking as often as I am.. No update today.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    My ultimate Mod List (Bannerlord 1.41)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    Hey there.

    After more than a week testing, trying, moving, crashing and sometimes being a bit frustrated, I have "built" a mod list that I think will increase your Bannerlord experience (at least it has been increased to me :D)

    It is possible that some of them don't fit on your game style. I am playing with the 1.41 version and using the Fixed Launcher (for safety).

    Here are my mods (in the order they are loaded):

    In first place all five Core Modules.

    Unlimited Mercenary Clans

    I use this mod because I don't understand why there is a limit to hire mercenaries... specially mercenaries!! They work for money, so if you have the money, why they would not work for you?

    Useful Companions

    Included because it has no sense that the AI Characters don't increase their stats with XP outside the battle. Also includes the amazing feature that other clans hire companions!!

    Distinguished Service

    In first instance this mod attracted me because it allows basic soldiers to be promoted to Companions (with his own name and stats!!). The only think I don't like too much is that when they are promoted they get all the stuff related to his last position (so a palatine archer will get amazing tier 5 stuff) and that is not something I like, because could be a sploit.

    But knowing this small issue, it is just a matter to let the companion to keep the stuff or to sell it, or to remove it from the inventory. It also has a bunch of possible configurations available (some of them really cool for example that can be upgraded from a different tier or to loot the equipment if the companion die... in exchange of honor, of course or the REAL possibility that your heroes can die in battle).

    Also, it includes, in the last update, the possibility to create a full party of companions since the beginning. I have not tested it, but it looks insanely amazing for a roleplay game :)

    Armies of Calradia

    I have chosen this mod just for a more aesthetical deep in the combat. It modifies the equipment that soldiers wear in battle and made it more accurate. I really like it :)

    Bear my banner

    Another aesthetical mod. It adds banners to the battlefield that are carried by soldiers. You can configure who soldiers (by tier and type) are carrying this banners and how many banners (per amount of soldiers) can be shown.

    It is amazing and gives me a lot of flavour (and you can identify banners of other lords and those cool things).

    Custom Wanderers

    This mod has two features. First is adding a few new companions to the game, and the second is that you can create your own companions with an online tool created by the same modder that can be found in the description of the mod.

    Great mod, and if you want to set up a long campaign with a deep background, it will serves you perfectly.

    Calradia at War - Custom Spawns

    Well, this is for more "action" in the game. This mod will give you a real feeling that Calradia is in a neverending war. With the objetive to make the "war more accurated" and the sensation that a chaos is governing all Calradia, it adds several minor factions (hostile and friendly) and troop trees (without modifying the vanilla files).

    Creator says that it need a rebalance, because lords have huge armies against the new factions. In my opinion it just reflects the real power of a lord and it does not mean that need a balance... but if he re-balance I will be happy too.

    Diplomacy Fixes

    Yeah, we all know that diplomacy in Bannerlord needs a rework... this mods will do it for you. It includes some features that will make your diplomatic life much more interesting and other that will make you think twice before starting a neverend war (war exhaustion.. here we go!).

    I still have not tested all the features, but it looks amazing and I am eager to test it in deep.

    Enable Unit Skills

    If I am honest, I don't feel a big change against the vanilla with this mod. But, if it is true that the units don't use the skills and just the equipment, this mod is a game-changer.

    Maybe when I cross my sword with a legionary I will see more clear the difference. For now I include it "in case of..." :)

    Healthy Relationships

    This is a great mod that adds flavour to the game. When you receive your first tournamente invitation the feeling... THAT feeling :D

    It also improves how to earn relations with other lords in a funny way. You fought bravely against a lord in a tournament? Maybe he/she will recognize it and will raise his opinion of you... or the opposite!

    Interesting Companions

    If other clans will hire companions, it will be better to have a big bunch of companions available. So, this one adds 44 companions to the game with their own backstories, gear, skills.

    More people, more fun :D

    Leadership Reloaded

    Let's rage against our enemies!! Let's make they flee in panic with our screams!!

    This mods includes a possibility to cheer in battle to boost slightly the moral of your troops (improving your leadership). It is very simple, but nice and it is incredible to hear 400 soldiers at the same time screaming eager for the battle.

    Light Prosperity

    This mod is included because will make my games more realistic. The prosperity of a town or city will affect in the numbers and quality of the troops ready to be hired. A more prosper city will have better soldiers available than one that was raided or has a low prosperity.

    Also, castles could generate Nobles Recruits based on prosperity... squires that are growing!!

    I like a lot the idea that prosper will affect other aspects of the game like this.

    Only the lowest ranks desert

    I installed this mod because it is much more logical that a low-tier soldier, with nothing but a sword on his hadn, will desert from your army than a veteran soldier that has bleed with you in an unnumbered battles.

    It basically makes the deserts starting from the lower tier and will raise from there. Very useful, but please... keep your troops happy. A happy troop is a deadly troop :D

    Realistic Battle

    The biggest, and more complex, mod I have installed. This changes how you will face each battle and it is done amazingly. Now it is very difficult to defeat a full armoured soldier with the swing of a sword... better if you use an axe. The rebalance of the arrows also affects dramatically the battle, and now you will be able to use the archers as secondary infantry if needed (some rebalance too).

    The destruction of shields is a real thing now. And it has a much more accurate hitbox for them, so you can hit with an arrow a little shown leg in the side of the shield. Battles will need more time to be fought and you will see the real value of losing a top tier full armoured soldier.

    Once you have the changes controlled, to play with vanilla settings is... too easy and unreallistic. A must have in my stupid opinion ;)


    Why in the hell a top tier (5, 6) soldier can't be recruited if taken prisioners? This mod solves this and allow you to get access to the best soldiers (with time, of course) if you take them prisioners.


    With Calradia at war, the chaos lives between us. With Separatism added to the equation, this chaos is... insane, and you will feel that each game is different.

    Allow to castles, towns, cities to get the independence from the main kingdom, creating its own realm. So, after a while, you can join a bunch of different realms and fight for them... or against them.

    It also makes more titles (principalty, for example) and will give a LOT of colour and flavour to your games.

    Tournaments Enhanced

    Another major overhaul, this time focused on tournaments. Take a look to the huge amount of features in this mod... it allows to change the prize (a bit cheat, but if you don't want to use it.. don't use it), you can celebrate your own tournaments, a lord will invite his vassals to the tournaments, tournaments celebrated for weddings or births, tournaments affecting loyalty or prosperity and a looong list.

    It will make you enjoy much more the tournaments (and will be so funny because with the realistic battles, it will be much more difficult to defeat top tier soldiers. A deadly and extremelly fun combo of mods!! :D

    V's No Companion Limit

    This could be a small sploit, but I think it is necessary specially using Distinguished Service. Although the DS mod will allow you to config how many companions you can have, I installed this mod just because it is easy than modify a xml file :)

    The reason is that it is not understable that you are limited in amount of companions. I think it is done in order to balance the game, but for me it taste the same if someone tell you how many friends you can have.

    It requires you, the player, to be "wise" and don't sploit this mod. Specially now that a companion price dropped from 2000 to barely 500 denars. (I would really love a mod that allow me to set the price for the companions based on their skills and traits).

    I tested other mods and I discarded them for different reasons (for example, the one that gives you good relationship with local nobles each time you kill a loot band... for me a huge sploit).

    Also, I am considering to add more mods (Settlement finances, for example) but I will give a chance to this list before adding more mods (specially thos that need a new save file xD)

    Well, that is my huge list. I played with it some hours and it is fully stable. Just be sure to download the 1.41 version of each mod (there are some that are not the same file).

    If you know a mod that will make the experience more deep and will fit with this list, don't hesitate to post it!! :D

    See you in Calradia!!


    I am considering these mods to be added:

    Bandit Militias: More and stronger bandits? yes please!! (Although I am asking if it is compatible with war in calradia and its new troops)

    Party AI Overhaul and Commands: A bit more control on the patrols for the future.

    Settlement Finances: I am a bit worried if this one is a bit of sploit. Have to think more about it.

    General's Bodyguard: I would love somekind of elite guard protecting me, hahaha. I need to read carefully how this one works and if it fits my needs.

    Total Troop Overhaul: For now I will not install this one because there are some known issues that need to be fixed before.

    Fix Siege AI: I will consider to use this one after I siege my first castle and see how other mods affect to it (specially realistic battles).

    Repopulate Calradia: I'm really tempted to use this one, specially if I am going to play a loooong campaign.

    Heritage: In combination with Repopulate Calradia, I think these two would fix the next generations of heroes and leaders. I saw a mod that modify the time passing, but it has some bugs (as far as I know). I would like to modify the time to fit 1 day in Calradia = 1 week, so a year would be 52 days (instead 84 current).

    The problem is that seasons would be crazy, hahaha, so it should be very adjusted (so if you change the time for a year, it should automatically modify the lenght of each season according it).

    Random Events: I'm also really tempted with this one, but I'm scary how does it affect my campaign. Need to learn more about it before installing. Fortunately is "save friendly" so it can be installed and uninstalled without any problem.

    submitted by /u/kane_reddit
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    Poor Delinard

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    Ummm.. I have a bug report.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Proposed Law and Order Mechanics

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I'm trying to play Campaign and every time I travel to get food in the tutorial level I crash

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Every time I click to walk around it crashes and it says unexpected error. I just bought this game and custom battles works completely fine. Does anyone know a fix to this?

    submitted by /u/Diet-KraftMacnCheese
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    Fix for white menu screen on Medieval Conquests (full release)?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Anyone know how to fix a completely white screen for the Medieval Conquests menu? I can click things but there's no rendered images or buttons, just some text.

    submitted by /u/That_Phony_King
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    Recent playthrough bugged out and gave all the npcs basic bitch heads

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    The Art of Bribery - how do I recruit lords?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Have my own kingdom. Have lots of territories. Have convinced several lords to join, but they want millions of gold. Like Tulug is legit greedy.

    I assume the intention would be to give him a fief similar to what he has, but I can't figure out how to do that.

    What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Dionesios
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    Bannerlord is kinda disappointing

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    After all the wait for this game and the hype we had for it, for me it hasn't made any large changes, the difference between bannerlord and warband is the difference between mount and blade and warband, no massive changes to combat, I thought we might be able to use two swords or actually fight in a shield wall, is it just me or does anyone feel the same?

    submitted by /u/Jasensmith123
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    How to fix negative kill points for children

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    I searched for a solution and nobody seems to be able to fix the issue

    My children has minus something skill points and I get this message when viewing their characters "Gain a total of (hundreds) of skill points to level up this character". Does anyone know how to fix this ? is there a mod to reset the total skill points ?

    submitted by /u/ahmadyousefdev
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    How a successful battle looks like

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    So how exactly do you go about leveling your army in warband?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    I guess i'm just a little confused. There are no bandits anywhere after like 15 minutes of playing, and any enemy lord has 30+ high tier troops which makes it basically impossible to beat them with first tier troops.

    Is there some sort of trick to this, or a mod that increases bandit spawn rates?

    submitted by /u/LegaladviceThroawa
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    In defense of the Western Empire

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    I'm really curious to hear someone from western empire gang defend the western empire- I am very Pro Northern empire and I understand the Southern Empires argument- but what about the western empire? Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/elderpric3
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    What do you focus on the most during battles?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Do you focus on commanding troops and attempting tactics? Do you focus on get as many kills as you possibly can? Do you focus on only taking out the most important targets?

    What's your approach when it comes to battles?

    submitted by /u/DubiousDevil
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    Sturgia vs Battania Battle in village - with commentary.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    (new to the game) The vassal village I was given was quickly conquered and now that war is over. What are my options?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    I was given a village on the edge of enemy territory , but it was quickly conquered and the now lord and the enemy have made peace with my vassal now part of enemy territory. Any advice on how to get it back to get a new vassal?


    submitted by /u/theskyismine
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    Fuck ibdeles castle

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    That's all I have to say

    submitted by /u/Jodo2121
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