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    Friday, March 13, 2020

    Mount & Blade Is Life Even Worth Living Anywhere in Calradia?

    Mount & Blade Is Life Even Worth Living Anywhere in Calradia?

    Is Life Even Worth Living Anywhere in Calradia?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    >> Be Swadian

    >> Live in poor, shitty village

    >> Have whole livelihood stolen by Nords every month

    >> Son trains whole life to be a knight and gets headshot in his first battle by inbred rhodok who picked up a crossbow for the first time last week

    >> Wife kidnapped by Harlaus's men to have her milk repurposed for butter production

    >> Village lord changes every week because Dhirim keeps getting conquered

    >> Eventually be ruled by Count Haringoth

    >> He has you beheaded for having Lady Vera in your peripheral vision

    >> Be Nord

    >> IQ of 40

    >> Too stupid to shoot arrows straight

    >> Too stupid to ride horse

    >> Live in middle of buttfuck nowhere

    >> Can't grow crops on shitty land

    >> Die of starvation

    >> Corpse looted by sea raiders

    >> Be Vaegir

    >> Spend 90% of measly income on firewood so you don't freeze to death

    >> Children killed by sea raiders

    >> Food stolen by sea raiders

    >> Wife fucked by sea raiders

    >> Finally get accepted into army

    >> Get killed by an arrow in the first 30 seconds of battle because Boyar Crahask told you shields were for pussies

    >> Be Rhodok

    >> Born with several birth defects due to inbreeding

    >> Too lazy/stupid to use bow

    >> Have to walk up 14 mountains to buy food from nearest markets

    >> Party of 146 mountain bandits follow you

    >> Can't outrun them due to 0 cavalry and couch potato athletics skill

    >> Captured and sold as sex slave to Sultan Hakim

    >> Be Sarranid

    >> Bake daily in derelict desert hovel

    >> Emir Atis forces you to wear massive turban and coat anyway

    >> Die of heat exposure

    >> Emir Atis shits on your unmarked grave

    >> Be Khergit

    >> Die of horse AIDS

    submitted by /u/Acetrainer333
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    Humphrey no!!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Pistols are temporary, birch trunks are forever.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Is Life Even Worth Living Anywhere in Pendor?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    >> Live in Sarleon

    >> Family kidnapped by heretics

    >> Go to complain to the Knights of the Lion

    >> They kill you on the spot for looking too poor

    >> Live in Ravenstern

    >> Be fat, stupid drunk

    >> Go on campaign against Sarleon

    >> Get killed in first battle because enemy has at least 1 cavalry unit

    >> Live in Baccus Empire

    >> Snake cult kidnaps children

    >> Complain to local lord

    >> Put in prison for blasphemy against snake cult

    >> Killed by Shadow Legion for being disloyal to the empire

    >> Live in Fierdsvain

    >> Be devout follower of Astraea

    >> Work every day to maintain your shrine and convert the locals in your village

    >> Knights of the dawn visit your village

    >> Call you a heretic and burn it down

    >> Nobility applaud

    >> Live in D'Shar Principalities

    >> Kidnapped by Singalians

    >> Sold to Ramun the slave trader

    >> Beheaded by Eventide for suspected heresy

    >> Be Noldor

    >> Always brag about how you're better than humans

    >> Say you've been treated unfairly

    >> Kill human farmers miles away from your forest for no reason

    >> Theyhaditcoming.jpg

    >> Say you have the strongest army

    >> Be too much of a pussy to conquer anything

    >> Half of female population in sex slavery to Jatu or Singalians

    >> Male population killed by Ebony Gauntlet

    >> Still call yourselves the strongest in Pendor

    >> Killed by Jatu couched lance while nocking arrow

    submitted by /u/Acetrainer333
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    Sketch 10: The Battlefield - an actual sketch today. How will your tactics change with Bannerlord? Do you think your same old warband tricks will work, or are you going to have to adapt to a new way of thinking?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Only 18 more days, post your abominations here

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Your cute crush wants you to delete this

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Faction Balance in Bannerlord

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    I have spent a few afternoons of playtime in the Multiplayer Beta since I received my invitation a few weeks ago and have made a few observations about faction power relative to one another in a multiplayer context.

    In Captain mode, for example, it seems that Battania has difficulty when facing off against factions with access to heavily armored infantry and good shields such as Vlandia, Sturgia, and the Empire. Battania vs. Battania matches seem to favor the side with a higher saturation of ranged units, as most of the cavalry and infantry offerings of Battania are poorly armored and have small shields or no shields at all. This makes them vulnerable to all types of ranged fire and contributes to their lack of staying power in melee engagements. In my experience, Battania's elite infantry selection, Oathsworn, get chopped to bits when pitted against the elite infantry of the factions I mentioned earlier. While it's obvious that Battania's strength is its ranged capability, I find that it lacks the tools to go up against the more resilient factions, especially considering that the infantry and cavalry of other factions are better suited to taking and holding the flags that you need to win Captain mode. The Khuzait Khanate also seems to struggle against these matchups.

    I'm curious to see how the different factions perform against one another in a singleplayer campaign. I'm sure certain factions will be more effective in certain scenarios like sieges or open-field battles. Perhaps certain factions will more easily acquire and maintain their elite troops to account for their inferiority to the troops of other factions.

    How do you feel about faction balance in the multiplayer beta and the implications this has for singleplayer gameplay?

    submitted by /u/The_Pubenbarber
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    I want this to play whenever i achieve something in life

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Why is my ocean so beefy?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Hehe Boys, prepare your bayonets

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Archery in bannerlord.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Any expert or amateur archers here who also is waiting for bannerlord?

    I noticed how when aiming, the archers always close one eye. This sounds realistic but from my experience, using both eyes to aim is much better. I just wanna know from another's perspectives.

    Also, I hope asian/middle-eastern archers have the best bows in the game and the trope that english longbows are superior is not a thing anymore.

    submitted by /u/Theoldage2147
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    Decided to make my Bannerlord character Mike Tyson...

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Beginner evolution! PvP highlights!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    These two look like characters from Warband

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord | GIGANTIC FIGHT between STURGIA and ASERAI | 1800 UNITS

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Captain mode: Siege

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:28 AM PDT


    I have fallen in love with the captain mode, the only thing I need now is to know, will it be able in siege maps!?!?

    submitted by /u/Krabbovich
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    Bannerlord and COVID-19

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    So almost every country shutted down the schools and many people work from home right now, my idea is that TaleWorlds could release bannerlord maybe 1 week before in the state it currently is and people can start giving their opinions and reports about the game functionality.

    PS. With all respect to all TW workers who are working hard to make the release 31st even with the COVID-19 outbreak

    submitted by /u/-Mirack-
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    Sketch 9: Camel Cavalry - Because it's Thursday

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Is Life Even Worth Living in Paradigm Worlds?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Be "Civil Servant" of The Peoples Democratic Republic of Morlok

    Drag your malnourished, mutated, monkey man ass over to the Pyre mines with the faint possibility of being fed, much less paid!

    Get sent to the vanguard as cannon fodder if your general couldn't be arsed to give you a flintlock.

    Get constantly harassed by incel Ketele Doomsday Cultists, who despite all reason are ultimately on the right side of things.

    Be a pawn of Necrocorp Syndicate

    The people not already brainwashed by VR propaganda are quite literally mindless servitor zombies.

    The bulwark of the economy is based on how effectively pain and suffering is maintained in and out of the realm.

    Even the highest people in power are walking redundancies, being both undead and cybernetic in their entirety.

    Be not-pirate in Alien Shogunate

    Muggings around every corner. There are so many things smuggled in that not one thing sold here wasn't stolen/trafficked.

    The "Shogunate" are essentially Jedi who turned to space piracy and became interstellar weaboos in the process.

    Overcrowded cities and towns filled with all forms of degeneracy and villany known and unknown throughout the galaxy... Maclunky!

    Be elf/orc in the Fantasy Magiocracy

    Magic is both real and a religion, yet despite that everything still sucks.

    Constant genocidal race wars breaking out in even the most secluded parts of the realm.

    The ruling class is literally a Sauron Theocracy!

    Be a citizen of the United States of Renaissance

    Being Human...

    Be serf of Sanitarium Conspiracy


    submitted by /u/Norman_Snoreman
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    Question about family and heirs

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Hey i don't know if this has been fully answered or not, probably not but might aswell ask. Will it be possible to have sons/daughters and include them into your armies as companions or are they just there to be your heirs?

    submitted by /u/Corstarkk
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    Anyone know what upstanding, good natured and martial lords say to a female player upon first meeting(low renown)? They seem to say very different things to (F)players

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Attempting to conquer calradia as a just ruler and getting the empress achievement.

    submitted by /u/Ixianor
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    Question about beta

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    When you signed up to the beta did you ever get a email confirmation?

    Usually you get some sort of email saying you registered and I never have when I first applied when the closed beta was announced which would explain why I have not got in yet.

    Been waiting so long to play like us all and even though the release of early access is so close I can't control my urge to play any longer.

    submitted by /u/FazZerrrr
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