• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Mount & Blade You're laughing. Dhirim is under siege and you're laughing.

    Mount & Blade You're laughing. Dhirim is under siege and you're laughing.

    You're laughing. Dhirim is under siege and you're laughing.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Some guy asked for the cracked bannerlord beta. This is what I had to say.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:00 AM PST

    Wall clipping in Jameyeed Castle

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Me just chilling because beta has no Aus support and latency is too high. Wish their was offline bots :( I'm not the dude in chat

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:28 AM PST

    It's almost harvesting season! It has been many thursdays and more to come! And remember a friend of humphry is a friends of mount and blade!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    PSA TIL The tavern in Curaw has an upper floor

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:02 AM PST

    All these years playing I just assumed the tavern in Curaw was just weirdly tiny and that there was only a storage closet in the back. You can see items and shit in there, clearly looks like a pantry. Lo and behold, for some unknown reason I finally decided to check it out and found the narrowest staircase in all of Calradia leading to rooms on the upper floor! I knew Uxhal unusually had three floors, but this!? My second playthough, when I swore blind that Jeremus did not spawn into my game because I couldn't find him ANYWHERE suddenly makes sense. I distinctly remember travelling to Dhirim because it's central, making a new save game and then travelling to every single town and quit/reloading after each area before trying the next so time didn't pass and reset the spawn positions. No Jeremus. Dude must have been shacked up in Curaw's fuckin secret safe house.

    submitted by /u/mmciv
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    I think the AI might be stringing me along...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:48 AM PST

    I can't get lady Isollo of suno to marry me. She keep saying that she doesn't have enough vassals and has to pretend that she might bang people to make them loyal to her so she can't get married to me. So I naturally start asking lords to defect to swadia and I start conquering so she has land to give out. But she keep indicting her vassals for treason faster than I can get them to join!

    At this point I think she's doing it just to screw with me.

    submitted by /u/fancyskank
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    I don’t think legs work like that...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:57 PM PST

    I will miss you, thankyou for all those thousands of hours of pure joy. It's hard to think of your inevatable death after Bannerlord releases, may you rest well.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    We need more Mount&Blade/MemriTv memes

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Sultan Hakim wont stop giving me castles and cities and fiefs.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:21 PM PST

    I ended up swearing and oath to Sultin Hakim when the Sarranids were at a low point. So many lords had defected, and the sultanate was reduced to one city and and a few castles. I was soon made Marshal, and as a loyal servant to the Sultan I started reclaiming land. First city and a few castles I asked to be given to me, they were close to each other and in the sarranid homeland and a good power base for myself. Started taking more cities and castles even launching an invasion into Khergit territory. I have been asking no rewards, because quite frankly, we need more lords in the sultanate, that I as marshal can marshal . But the Sultan keeps trying to give them to me anyway, i refuse them, hoping that he will find a new lord to grant them to, but no luck, he is insisting that I should take them. There are other emirs in the realm, i am not sure why he is not granting it to them so they can at leas the responsible for the defense of the cities. Frankly it is getting tiring be responsible for every garrison. Is there any way to help the sultan attract new lords and get him to gran them land?

    And dont tell me to rebel or anything, that Oath may not mean much to any of you, but I took it seriously.

    submitted by /u/solophuk
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    RIP Butterlord (He only has 9 knights with him)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:43 PM PST

    How do you join a faction on reddit

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:44 AM PST

    I saw some people on this subreddit have a tag of their favourite faction next to their name. How do you do that?

    submitted by /u/UltyQuintus
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    [AWOIAF] How to get lords to follow and remain with you?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:10 PM PST

    I am the leader of my own kingdom. I have Lys and Tyrosh. To put in perspective, I want to attack that one Dothraki city not far from Qohor. I am the marshall and called my vassals to Tyrosh then told them to follow me. They start abandoning me when we're at the villages near the Dothraki city. What I need is for them to remain with me as i lead the siege and fights but even under orders, they run away (i have 250, they have 250, enemy has 500) <-- like that or when u go three or four days into a siege.

    submitted by /u/balne
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    A whole bunch of questions

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Hey guys. I'm not new to the game per se, but I've never really tried hard to figure out how to improve at it. I guess I'm starting now.

    So, first question: I'm not particularly skilled at managing troops in combat, and well, to be perfectly honest, I'm too lazy to git gud. With that in mind, what long term strategies, troop combinations, etc. are relatively fool-proof? To clarify, I'm okay with simple tactics, like putting archers on a hill and having the infantry holding the line in front of them - just not the 20-step plans a real expert would execute.

    Also, what character build would you say is, again, relatively fool-proof? Specifically, I'm having a hard time balancing Strength for combat skills, Charisma for Leadership, Intelligence for Trainer (I know I should delegate most Int skills to companions, but in Trainer's case specifically, it's level dependent, and companions level up once in a blue moon), and frankly, I've found Agility to be fairly useful as well: having high athletics helps when you're swarmed: you can just walk backwards while attacking, to the point of maintaining safe distance. So yeah, I've got no idea how to minmax effectively here.

    Then there's the matter of weapons: I like sword and board, but that seems more useful when swarmed. Otherwise, I can't deny the power of two handers (plus they spare me the need to invest points in Shield). But then, which two handers should I use? Two-handed swords, or polearms? The main difference I'm seeing is that polearms have greater range, but I doubt the verdict is as simple as "polearms are plain better". I also specifically want to ask about great hammers. They can ignore blocks, but the drawback is their speed, or lack thereof. Does anyone have any experience using them, and if so, are they worth it?

    - I've seen some screenshots of people being able to recruit top tier troops from villages they have an extremely high reputation with. Is this also the case with the Floris mod? And Pendor, for that matter?

    Also, I've got some questions about becoming king:

    - Would joining one faction and befriending all of their lords provide me with enough support/defectors, or do I need more? And if I do need more, how many, and how high do I need their approval to be?

    - Expanding on the previous question, if I need to befriend two factions' lords, how do I even go about it? It's simple enough to get approval from your faction's lords thanks to war, but when it comes to courting a second faction that I'm not a vassal of, quests aren't given all that often.

    - Should I marry before or after becoming king? That is, if my wife is related to certain lords, are they more likely to join me once I establish my own kingdom?

    - Are there any better or worse times to send companions on their missions to help me become king?

    - If I own land in certain towns, do I still get to keep the revenue once I've started my own kingdom (and am therefore no longer affiliated with those towns' factions)?

    - Also, how should I go about maintaining the status quo? I imagine I don't want to conquer all of Calradia for one faction and then declare war against a superpower. So I figure I should switch around between factions. But that incurs a massive approval loss from the king of the faction you're leaving (though not from the lords). Would that be worth it? Does a king's level of approval matter in terms of his chances of declaring war on you when you start a new faction, or do only Right to Rule and Renown matter?

    Whew. I know this is a lot, so to whomever takes the time to answer - thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/3rdDementor
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    Soo thicc

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:28 PM PST

    White Screen Problem

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:27 PM PST

    ı changed my screen settings windowed borderless to fullscreen and my game was shut down suddenly. ı am trying to start the game but ı just see a white screen and the game shut downes. how can ı find the option files in game files . ı searched but ı couldn't find.

    submitted by /u/stalutus
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    {AWOIAF} Bug and Glitches Report 5.1

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:14 PM PST

    1, Lords permanently go into exile when their faction loses all their lands. I first noticed this problem when the Riverlands go their final castle/town taken by the Vale, Edmure Tully their faction leader would then just start randomly kicking out lords from the faction (Lord Brynden Tully has been stripped of his titles and lands and has gone into exile....) and the lords wouldn't end up in any faction. It didn't stop until I a message came up and I was notified their faction was officially defeated and then Edmure would proceed to go into "permanent exile" as well. Wasn't any Riverlords roaming around other than Lord Thermond that I randomly found when going up to the Nights Watch(currently he somehow revived the Riverlands, I will talk about that later).

    1. Castles and Towns glitches. I've ran into a couple castles that I have had numerous problems with when trying to break lords out. There is sometimes prison guards standing near a wall, but there is NO PRISON behind them and so I can't rescue the lord ( usually happens with Westerlands or Iron Islands) Also until I found out about ctrl + alt + F4, my life was miserable. A nightmare when trying to find enemy guards, spent 30 min trying to find the guards in Pyke and eventually gave up all together.

    2. One of my companions that I made a Lord won't ever leave the castle. Super annoying and I found out this bug was fixed as part of 5.1, but that's the version I'm playing so I don't know what's going on there

    3. Finally, this is probably one of the most frustrating glitches I have experienced in this mod. Troops ( including yourself) CANT RETREAT! Yep, they get glitches out on the edge of the map for some battlegrounds and this means you are either watching your troops get slaughtered as you try to tell them to retreat so you can take on some clansmen by yourself to get that extra renown. Or you are helplessly watching your troops spend an hour trying to kill the glitches out enemy troops and then your troops get glitches and... yah, u get the idea, it sucks :(

    • Another issue ( might not be a bug), but after spending a lot of hard work in conquering the free folk, building up my kingdom and once dealing with the Free Folk, I declared war on the North.

    I managed to save Robb Stark in my play through, but on the flip side it meant that the Westerlands and Reach were still at War with the North. I tried turning on sandbox mode to negate this but by the time peace was declared, the vale/reach had decimated the Riverlands and the North had lost 5 castles to the reach, 4 to the Iron Islands, 3 to the Westerlands and 1 to the Vale. I was just finishing up with the North and was about the declare war on the Iron Islands and I thought getting House Targaryen in the fight would make it easier for me. Instead they along with Dorne declared WAR on me for no reason! Maybe it was because I had managed to become Lord of Kings Landing back when I recruited and exiled King Joffrey from my faction, If that's the case I wish there had been some kind of warning news the end of Varys quest line.

    Another weird thing that happened which I mentioned earlier is that one of my Lords who was originally a Riverland lord, rebelled against my faction and ended up taking 4 fiefs and a castle. Now the Riverlands have been revived and Robb Stark is their King even though he is still the King of the North. My kingdom is like in fucking disarray now because there are still a few northern lords roaming around causing trouble thatI have to deal with ( can't get them to join me because I tried and they said no, and It's been like 50 days and I haven't been able to even ask them again since. Also the lords always attack clansmen or bandits in their territory which makes regenerating their armies take quite a long time. Most importantly don't have access to the new dragon glass mine they added in the update cuz dragonstone is held by Danny, so I'm screwed for the White Walkers.

    Any advice for any of these bugs or issues I'm having in this mod?

    submitted by /u/Super4B
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