• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 17, 2019

    Mount & Blade This may be the funniest death I've ever witnessed

    Mount & Blade This may be the funniest death I've ever witnessed

    This may be the funniest death I've ever witnessed

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:37 PM PST

    Me reaching the walls when I assault Reyvadin

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:51 AM PST

    Getting Swol for Bannerlord

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:22 AM PST

    Serfin' USA

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:23 AM PST

    I think I have peaked on Warband. Hardly getting better than this.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:20 AM PST

    I get asked a lot how to keep previous versions and saves of modifications. So i show you how here!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    In Bannerlord, can AI lords be killed in battle?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:58 AM PST

    Has it ever been confirmed?

    submitted by /u/Chlodio
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    Mount and Blade + Darkest Dungeon crossover

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:34 PM PST

    Any good mod based around the 19th, and 20th century?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:01 AM PST

    Title says everything, yes I have tried Red wars, L'aigle, old america 1860s, Calradia Imperial age, The reckoning, and else.
    I am aware that parabellum exists but its taken down in mod db. I know iron europe exists. I just want to know if there's any other good mod that's based around 19th, and 20th century.

    submitted by /u/YaBoiEmir
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    How to be a good regimental leader?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:48 AM PST

    So I want to start a new russian (but not russian speaking) casual (only attend, if you want to, don't need to inform me if you don't want to, also no historical names) regiment and I have already done the very basic, necessary stuff:

    • A steam group
    • A discord server with bots and general discussions

    I haven't made a website (the steam group and discord are suitable replacement in my opinion, they have forums and are up most of the time, I can handle the recruiting personally) and also not a server (Trainings are just the same stuff repeated all over again, everyone knows basic formations and having to set up the server for the measly 2 promotions every two weeks is pointless, I'm also not planning to hold events), nor a TeamSpeak server. These might change if someone or something convinces me to do it. Are they necessary or should I disregard them?

    Also, I need to create a forum post and looks are important, because I don't want to appear neglectful. What are some good, preferably free image editing to create a tasteful design for it? What are some of the best examples of it? What is the ideal design, that is easy to pick up and start reading, but still satisfying to read the whole page?

    Anyway, are there any other things a new, aspiring leader should know and do? Should I be heavy-handed or more tolerant regarding moderation?

    Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/CensarOfNensar
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    How do you win battles with Vaegirs?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:52 AM PST

    Going up against a group of Swadian Knights don't they just cut through you like hot butter? Are you just constantly recruiting to replace all your fallen soldiers?

    submitted by /u/Flopsey
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    How to train/disband/Garrison large amounts of troops

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Hold Shift/Left Control while clicking

    submitted by /u/Dr_Beez402
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    Apparently horse archery actually has tactics

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Hit sound is so satisfying...

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:28 AM PST


    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:10 AM PST

    In Pendor mod, I took over the Empire and Marius left. Some of his vassals were in my prisons and when the Empire disbanded, those prisoners became vassals of me. I took them out and freed them. It's been a while and they aren't on the map anywhere. If I go to character menu I see them and it says they are my vassals, but if I ask one of my vassals where one of those former prisoners are, there isn't an option to ask about them. I'm not sure if this is an issue in vanilla war band, but are they gone for good like Marius?

    submitted by /u/BenofMen
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    What is the point of non-Khergit factions besides target practice?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:47 AM PST

    Cant seem to justify their existence beyond target practice

    submitted by /u/ReligionOfBlood
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    [PoP] What to do now ?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:54 AM PST

    So I'm a vassal of the Bacchus empire, but it has been reduced to Janos and Cez, with most of the fiefs belonging to the D'shar. They also own Marleons, Windholm and Sarleon, so they are the strongest faction in the game now. I am a knight of the empire Immortals. I have the quest to befriend the noldor, but I cannot raise enough mens to defeat the jatu since I have like 3,5k revenue from enterprises, and I lost my village.

    I'm kinda lost now, any suggestion ?

    submitted by /u/JuiceFarmer
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    Can someone sell me on this game I was somewhat interested but the way it looks is kind of a turn-off.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:50 PM PST

    Truth be told I was only told good things about it.

    submitted by /u/razgrizsnow
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    Help Please!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:35 PM PST

    I currently have an army of 60 troops (and I think maybe like two prisoners) and when I try to hire mercenaries I'm only given the dialogue option that says I can't take anymore men. Why is this? How can I fix it? Please help!

    submitted by /u/BabysFirstGrape
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    Question for native, where do you guys go to grind fights to gain exp and gold?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:54 PM PST

    As you can see by my flair, I'm Vaegir. I usually grind sea raiders on the stretch of land from Wercheg to Rivacheg. Any spoils I don't keep, I sell to the armor and arms vendors in these cities, and if they run out, I travel to Curaw or Reyvadin. I was just wondering what everyone else does to grind in your guy's down time in your playthrough.

    submitted by /u/assasinman2676
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