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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Mount & Blade Me training the villagers on my fief:

    Mount & Blade Me training the villagers on my fief:

    Me training the villagers on my fief:

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

    My wedding with Lady Geneiava was trippy AF

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:59 PM PST

    It do really be like that sometimes.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:04 PM PST

    hey you whats up

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:33 PM PST

    Mount & Blade Public Avatars on Steam

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:52 AM PST

    Horsies are pretty hot

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    I am not a well liked man.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    Do you suggest floris ?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:56 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    After long time I wanted to play M&B-Warband once again. I never used any type of mod before. And actually I never able to conquer Calradia. So now I am planning to do that. But I am not sure if I should do it on total vanilla. People say, Floris is a good way to feel vanilla experience with a lot of quality of life overhauls. But do you suggest first I need to finish the game pure vanilla ? Or should I play with floris ?

    And I guess Floris Evolved is the most recent, am I right ?

    submitted by /u/Hohhenheim
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    What's your favourite mix & ratio of troops?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:12 AM PST

    Aside from having 200 Swadian Knights.

    submitted by /u/Heikien
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    Best mods for Warband?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST

    Troop tierlist

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:48 AM PST

    Is there a tier list of all troops? Best infantry, kavallerie etc ? I love using swadian knights and nord huscarls and rhodok seargents

    submitted by /u/xdduckyyy_
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    (PoP) Questions about campaign, and generic Warband questions.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I'm coming up on 600 days in-game now, which is probably outrageously long considering how little progress I've made in the game -- But it's my first time and I enjoy faffing around doing nothing!

    Or I did... But the money's been running a little tight these days.

    I started the game out by swearing vassalage to King Gregory of Ravenstern, and I married some random Lord (Arnoldus) because he was one of the few characters who was actually interested in my character who also had a walled fief.

    During my association with Ravenstern, we had several wars with Fierdsvain. I personally led a few sieges on the cities and took ownership of Javiksholm, Valonbray, and Windholm. The AI/Marshal had also been going around and making progress here and there... And by the time the war against Fierdsvain came to a peace, the Fierds only had one castle remaining -- One that they'd stolen from the D'Shar.

    They've had a few short wars against the D'Shar, but no progress seemed to be made on either side. Whenever I swing by the Fierds' castle, there're always like 14 lords all huddled together. I imagine sieging that castle would take a tremendous commitment.

    I've spent quite a few months sticking with Ravenstern, paranoid about the Fierds or D'Shar declaring war on me and trying to take Windholm or Valonbray, so I've constantly stolen troops out of Silveredge Keep to bolster my own garrisons until each of my cities (and the one castle I've kept as my own, Longbeard Lounge) had garrisons of about 700-800 -- Mostly consisting of Ravenstern Highlanders, Kiergards, and Rangers.

    I ended up wanting to form my own kingdom, so I waited until Ravenstern committed to a new campaign against Sarleon and then I declared myself the Queen of my own territory, taking my three cities and castle with me along with all of the villages attached to it.

    Despite being at war with Sarleon, it seemed that Ravenstern was more interested in coming after me instead. My independence war ended up being very favorable, with me securing pretty much all of the territory that formerly belonged to the Fierds.

    I started turning companions into lords... Only the 'good' ones and mostly ones that I wasn't using. (I was floating combative/whiny companions by constantly sending them on errands... They can't whine if they're not presence).

    I did end up 'sacrificing' one or two of my better companions (those with good stats and positive attitudes) just to fill up some of my kingdom's armies... But I'm at the point now (I think?) where my companions are not making as much of an impact as my troops. They're more useful to me as generals of their own armies instead of a singular unit in my own army.

    In total, I think I turned 7 companions into lords and gave each of them a castle and the village attached to their castle. I kept all three of the cities and Longbeard Lounge (where my CKO is housed) for myself.

    So, after securing peace with Ravenstern, I've been taking the time to try to build up my knighthood order back to strength. I had a number of them and they were instrumental in successfully sieging all the castles that I stole, but because I'm a dumb-dumb and I put Ansen (Surgery 10) near the top of my party list with the rest of my companions, they got whittled down pretty steadily as the war dragged on...

    Apparently Ansen is not as capable of a surgeon when he's laying unconscious on the battlefield.


    For flavor, I've kind of built my Knights and Sergeants differently from each other. Both are heavily ranged oriented as I really like standing on top of a hill and having my troops shoot down at the enemies while they try to climb up to poke us with their little spears.

    The Knights are mounted with a bow, sword, shield, and one stack of arrows.

    The Sergeants, I've modeled after the 'Azure Dragons' in Total War Three Kingdoms: No mount, same bow as the Knights, a 'Shadow Wolf Halberd' that cannot be wielded while mounted, and two stacks of arrows.

    Because they're different, it's easier for me to treat them as two separate groups. I tend to park the sergeants on some high ground near the battle and let them go to town while I'm more liberal with the knights simply charging into the enemy infantry with me.

    But I feel like the sergeants might be more effective if I just gave them horses as well? Not sure!

    I definitely tend to lose more of my knights in difficult battles than my sergeants, which annoys me. I know it's a war game but I hate losing any of my special troops. I do my best to take care of them, telling my cavalry to regroup if they get too spread out... But sometimes they just take a lance to the face.

    While I've been rebuilding my forces, I've observed a number of wars between the other factions. Fierdsvain has been in a war against Sarleon and the D'Shar simultaneously, yet they persist.

    As far as I can tell, no one ever gains any ground in their wars. They just go around, sacking villages and taking away all the grain. Then they sue for peace.

    I thought for sure at least the Fierds would get wiped out and I might get a few of their lords for myself... But nope.

    Seems that the map is never going to change colors in this game unless the player gets involved?

    Unique spawns roaming around the map.

    They're scary. The Highmountain armies, the Jatu armies, Wolfbode, Eyegore, the Three Seers.

    Are they going to attack me if they hang around my territory for too long?

    I've seen several instances where Senderfall and Poinsbruk has been sacked by this or that army (usually the snowy barbarians).

    Eyegore seems to love my territory... He's always roaming around, causing my message log to get spammed about massive armies near my territory.

    His army is up to like 3800 now! That's impossible.

    If this were some other game, my method of taking him out would be using hit and run tactics:

    Enter the battle with him, find some kind of high ground and hold position. Take out as many waves of enemies as I can until my girls run out of ammo, then retreat and do it again.

    But every time I retreat, I only seem to be able to 'surrender'. And all of my companions seem to wet their diapers because of my cowardly decision to run away from certain death.

    Even if I were to gather all the armies of every lord in my kingdom, I don't think I could take out that massive army.

    And would he just respawn and do it again?

    Last night, I took out the Three Seers (who was only about 1300 strong). I filled out my army with my own CKO, Valkyries, and higher quality troops from my garrisons... Then I hired on a mercenary company to support me.

    I moved all of my favorite troops to the bottom of my list with the intention of 'saving the best for last' while I struggled against the worst of the Three Seers with the randoms.

    Ended up taking out the Seers with reasonably minimal losses to my favorite units. 4-5 knights, 2-3 sergeants, 1 of my Maiden Noldor Rangers. Few Valkyries.

    Are the Three Seers going to pop up again later?

    Also, I didn't recruit many people out of their prisoners (they had like 500-600 prisoners). And it turns out that the ~200 strong Mercenary company following me recruited everyone after the battle. So they had an army of like 800+ after the battle.

    I dismissed them immediately afterward because I can't really afford to pay their upkeep. But if I were to hire that same company again, are they gonna still have that 800+ number?

    Because that'd be amazing for taking some cities from Ravenstern or Sarleon.

    submitted by /u/HighSpeedLowDragAss
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    Mod for Running Away While Raiding in Native.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:59 AM PST

    TL;DR: Is there a mod for this feature that is not included in big mod packs that I can use for native?


    Before Bannerlord comes out, I have made it my goal to complete a playthrough on Native since I still haven't. But I'm finding myself quitting constantly for pretty much one reason. And that reason is that the player character cannot run away from approaching threats while they are raiding an enemy village. I get the reasoning behind not being able to do it, but the fact that the AI can do it is just plain not fair since it forces me to kite them around for sometimes days to a week at a time to stop them from razing my village. It's either that or I just have to give it up and let my troops starve due to low income. I know there are other ways to make money but I like constantly pillaging Khergit villages.

    I know this mod exists in some form because it's used in Floris, the main mod I play with, but I really just want to play a fully native game just with this one tweak. If this mod exists on it's own somewhere, could one of you kind sir or sir-ettes please help me out?


    submitted by /u/SwearDie
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    Cannot Command Forces Need Help in Warband

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:19 PM PST

    I can't command the forces using the f1,f2,f3,f4 keys for some reason. Two of those keys are shortkeys to increasing and decreasing the brightness. Will I need to disable the shortkeys for it to work?

    submitted by /u/Vegan_Thenn
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    Should i purchase mount and blade warband?(console)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:43 AM PST

    Mount and blade warband is for sale in the psn store i have heard very good things about the game and that it even has multiplayer! So I'm considering buying it but what do you guys think is it worth? Oh and by the way i don't really care about graphics and all that

    submitted by /u/stever471
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    Favorite strats?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:10 AM PST

    Anyone willing to share some of their favorite strategies to use in warband?

    submitted by /u/Rybread6969
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    Whats the best Roman mod out there

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:07 PM PST

    Will my 1050ti run bannerlord?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:14 PM PST

    Can I offer my sword in vassalage again after I have left the kingdom previously?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST

    I'm playing on ps4 and I'm really enjoying it.

    submitted by /u/Rypoco
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    *inaudible screaming

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Any Mods about the American-Indian wars?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:24 PM PST

    I think the civil war mod has Native Americans but is there any mod thats solely focused on the American-Indian wars?

    submitted by /u/swagdaddy1234t
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    [Perisno] Just soloed a party of divine aethlings. Think it went pretty well all things considered

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:15 PM PST

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