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    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Mount & Blade IM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!! (I started Bannerlord yesterday)

    Mount & Blade IM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!! (I started Bannerlord yesterday)

    IM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!! (I started Bannerlord yesterday)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    Armer Kerl.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Community Calradic Campaign Meme

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    So much fun!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    We all have that one bastard who wont stay away from raiding your village here is my bastsrd who wont get captured even thought i have fought him 10 times in the last 1 hour

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    My brother got the short end of the family genes, so I decided to make him a Sturgian Hobbit, he loves it.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    [Updated for e1.5.3 Beta] Stats & Gears of All Top Tier Faction Troops + Faction Analysis

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Long time no see guys! Been back after 6 months of break and I'm happy to see all the changes that they've made.

    Same as the last post I made, I went into game files and copied all the stats & gears of top tier faction troops into a Spreadsheet for comparison, here's it: Google Spreadsheet.

    Note that they've updated the encyclopedia so you can check the gears and the stats from in-game, however, it won't show the gear variations so the spreadsheet would still come in handy if you want a cross-review between factions or you're lazy to calculate the total armors.

    And here's my faction analysis & feedback:



    • Archers got their armor nerfed a little bit. Still the heaviest in Calradia though.
    • Imperial Bucellariies have their body armor nerfed by a whopping 22... and surprisingly still a sufficient heavy cavalry. Imagine how tough they were before.
    • Palatine Guards now have 160 Archery skill and a lot better bow. Not an outright downgrade of Bucellariies anymore.
    • Crossbowmen have their Xbow skill increased, on par with Vlandians.
    • 66% of the Legionaries are now equipped with a Mace instead of a sword. A great counter to a pure-heavy armored nation... which are Empire themselves.
    • Elite Cataphracts have their combat skills nerfed by a little bit.


    • A mixture of Shield/Glaive/Bow/Crossbow/Cav.Archers/Heavy Cav. Offers the best variety of troops.
    • The heaviest armored faction.
    • The best-equipped and skilled bowmen excluding Battanian noble unit.
    • Empire noble unit is THE HEAVIEST CAVALRY in the entire game.


    • Bowmen only have 1 stack of arrows while every other faction archers have 2.
    • Crossbowmen aren't as skilled as Vlandia.
    • Shield infantry doesn't have polearms to counter cavalry.
    • No 2-handers to counter shield infantries.
    • SP AI can't handle Glaves (Menavlion) well. (They're great in MP captain mode)


    Mass Imperial Legionary and feel your Roman Empire Vibes then get crushed by cavalries and barbaric berserkers.

    None of the troops in the Empire tree are top tier. Infantries are all equipped with Pila but it only gives you one shot, Palatine Guards are good but they're short of quivers, Crossbowmen aren't the best, even Elite Cataphracts have less 1H skill compared with other Heavy Cavalry noble unit. However, they do provide you with decent variety of every troop type except 2H flankers. (Honestly, if they delete Menavliatons' sword, they could potentially become great flankers. Or that might have been TaleWorlds' intention, but not being practiced well.)

    A good mix of Empire troops would give you an upper hand against nearly every faction in the game. Just remember one rule: Mass Bucellarii or never field battle when in war with Khuzait. And pray that they have fewer Cav. Archers than you do.


    • Menavliatons could perform a lot better if you outright delete their Spatha, at least until a better AI is implemented. Right now they prioritize using a sword in all situations that don't involve horses, which makes them an outright downgrade of a Legionary in many cases.
    • Would it be too OP if we give Cataphracts a Pila? Just for memes? How about Cataphracts Mace? No? Alright...



    • Sergeants run a lot faster now, yay. Even less reason to bring a Pikeman into battle.
    • Voulgiers now bring an extra 1H sword to battle. Honestly a nerf since there's no reason to use non-shield 1H if you have a 2H, but AI isn't smart enough to not use them.
    • Banner Knights now bring Axes and Maces too. Good for clumped up situations but those weapons are too short for the cavalry to use them effectively.


    • Can hoard heavy cavalries from peasant troops (but Khuzaits can do the same)
    • The best Faction for Xbowmen.


    • Infantries are underwhelming.
    • Peasant Heavy Cavalries are using Tier 1 horse, and they aren't great in particular when compared with Khuzait.
    • Xbowmen aren't as great as mercenaries.


    Vlandia is super awkward. Their shield troops and 2Hs loses in every aspect when compared with Sturgia. Being able to massively hoard heavy cavalries might make them the king of the west, however, Khuzaits would outright wreck them once they've reached east. Pikemen being utterly useless also doesn't help. Expect TaleWorld to come up with a pike formation AI.

    If you really want Vlandian infantries, I'd say only invest in Sharpshooters since they're a decent sword&board fighters themselves (lightly armored though). F7 into different groups once the battle starts and put them on shield wall formations. Compensate with the lack of spears by smashing your Vanguards into enemy cavalries.


    • Give Vanguards a Tier 2 warhorse like any other peasant T5 cavalries. Also, give them more armor than Khuzait counterparts.
    • Pike formation mechanics (or decent polearm AI) needed for Pikemen to shine.
    • Give sharpshooters 140~160 Xbow proficiency. Even mercenaries have 140 c'mon.



    • Generally has heavier armor now.
    • Tier 1 garbage shield removed.
    • Shock Troops and Ulfhednars have their melee proficiency improved.
    • Ulfhednars now run faster but are equipped with an extra 1H sword. Same as Vlandian Voulgers, honestly a nerf to the AI especially since they only have 80 1H proficiency.
    • Horse Raiders now have a spear instead of an extra bag of Javelins. More effective as a melee cavalry, but being lightly armored they wanted to avoid too much melee contact.
    • Druzhinnik have their op 280 1H prof nerfed into 220, on par with other noble units.


    • Veteran Warrior comes with a perfect package of 1H/Spear/Shield/Throw, everything a standard infantry needs. And heavily armored too.
    • Both Ulfheadnars and Shock Troops have better melee proficiency than average infantries.


    • Ulfheadnars and Shock Troops are equipped with needless 1H weapons so their AI might fail in combat.
    • Bowmen are the worst equipped in Calradia. Still decent enough to kill anyone unarmed with a shield though.
    • SP AI can't handle Glaves (Warrazors) well. (They're great in MP captain mode)


    Back in e1.0.0 TaleWorld seemed to have no idea how to distinguish between Battanians and Sturgians. However, it looks a lot better now. Sturgians definitely have the strongest infantries all around with high proficiency and heavy armors. That extra 1H sword is really a shame though.

    Meanwhile, Druzhinnik as heavy noble cavalries is tankier than Vlandian Knights so lol to that.


    • Can we just delete 1H weapons from Glaive troops and 2H troops for now? The only situation they need them is when they're tightly clumped up on a wall so they literally cannot swing, but AI isn't smart enough to distinguish the situation... yet.



    • Infantries have their armor buffed but spear removed.
    • Heavy Lancer fixed (they had T6 equivalent skill before). Still have the best riding skill as a peasant cavalry.
    • Peasant Horse Archers have their armor nerfed a bit.
    • Noble units have a weaker bow now but twice the arrow and a lot better armor. I think that's a buff.


    • Jokes aside, there are no "garbage troops" so AI would always have an efficient army.
    • Great Heavy Cavalries and Cav.Archers from peasant troop tree.
    • Average strength peasant archers, heavily armored too.
    • Khan's Guard is the best Cav.Archer+the best Cav combined in one and now having 2 quivers equipped. Gearset is massively OP if used by Player. Thankfully AI cannot fully utilize glave but being a cav. archer alone would smash other AI into pieces.


    • Huns have no weaknesses.
    • Needs a lot of warhorses, if you can call that a weakness. Horseless Khuzait army isn't particularly bad.
    • Infantry doesn't have spears so they can't counter melee cavalries by themselves. They also have a weak throwing proficiency (but they still have throwing weapons which are better than zero).
    • No 2H infantry to counter shield infantries. The real question is, do they need one though?
    • Weak horse armor. Probably the only legitimate weakness of Khuzait army. Unfortunately, the riders are quite well equipped and AI usually prioritizes riders.


    If you want an easy win, just start with Khuzaits. Nothing would go wrong with them. Your peasant infantries and archers are decent enough to hold their own ground while your cavalries and cavalry archers literary pwns everything else.


    • Nerf everyone's body armor into 30~40? It really needs a nerf but I can't think of other ways to nerf them without removing the Huns cultural concept. Bring down the global food production in the Khuzait region so they'd have a hard time maintaining a large army?



    • Veteran Falxmen have their armor nerfed to the ground and have 1 less package of throwing axes. On the Bright side, they have their stats alined to polearms.
    • Oathsworn armor slightly buffed.
    • Mounted Skirmishers have their throwing proficiency massively buffed into a whopping 150.


    • Veteran Falxman doesn't have a useless 1H weapon.
    • Battanian Wildling comes with a perfect package of 1H/Spear/Shield/Throw, everything a standard infantry needs.
    • Mounted Skirmisher has the best throwing proficiency in the game.
    • Fian Champion is the best archer & 2H infantry in the game. Imagine an elf that runs super fast and would dominate you both in range and in melee.


    • I still don't see a point to bring Oathsworn aka Trained Spearman into a battle instead of Wildling ever.
    • Doesn't have any Peasant Archer.


    Lacking peasant archers and heavy cavalries, the core of Battanian Army are to close the gap as fast as possible. But their infantry isn't particularly great either (especially when compared with Sturgians) so they'd need heavy support from Mounted Skirmishers and Falxmen once they've got into melee, which requires a lot of micro control.

    However, once you've acquired massive numbers of Fian Champions, then it would be an entirely different story. In general, Battanians are quite extreme. They're underwhelming without noble troops but will become the biggest no-brainer once acquired noble troops.

    Also, mercenaries might come in handy during early-mid game since you can grow them into decent archers.


    • Dedicated throwing skills on Mounted Skirmishers are quite interesting. Mind as well give them 2nd bag of javelins and Cav.Archer AI to distinguish them more from Sturgian counterparts.



    • Veteran Infantries have their 1H proficiency buffed to 160
    • Mameluke Palace Guards have their crappy 1H sword removed and now a pure 2H infantry. Body Armor buffed and they run a bit faster too.
    • Mameluke Heavy Cavalries have their bow and shield nerfed.
    • Vanguard Faris have their 1H fixed but other proficiency massively nerfed and armor nerfed too.


    • Veteran Infantry comes with a perfect package of 1H/Spear/Shield/Throw, everything a standard infantry needs. Plus they have a very high 1H proficiency of 160.
    • Palace Guard is the most heavily armored 2H infantry plus they don't have a useless 1H weapon to slow them down.
    • There are no "garbage troops" so AI would always have an efficient army.
    • 2nd best-equipped peasant archers in the game and 160 proficiency on par with Palatine Guard. And unlike Palatine Guards, Aserai Archers have 2 stacks of quivers. The downside being lightly armored.
    • Heavy Cavalries comes with a package of decent Sword/Shield/Bow/Arrow and heavy armor, makes them a very good jack-of-all-trades unit.


    • Vanguard Faris has horrible proficiency stats compared with other noble troops. Otherwise, a Sword/Lance/Shield/Throwing would make an ideal heavy cavalry.
    • Veteran Infantries have poor head armor.


    A very offensive faction balanced with a lack of armor and shield HP across the faction. I often find Aserai underwhelming compared with Khuzait while on paper they really shouldn't. Their Noble troop can use a little bit of buff though.


    • A bit of proficiency buff on Vanguard Faris, probably 200 Riding, 220 polearms/throwing, and 260 on 1H? I mean even Khan's Guards are allowed to have 260 bow proficiencies.



    Quick access to high-tier troops. Inf and Cav aren't recommended, but Hired Xbows are better Xbow units than Vlandian Sharpshooters. Another big oof to Vlandia.


    • Giving them a higher proficiency might make them an interesting choice to mix into faction soldiers. More expensive (and less armored than faction soldiers) but higher skills in weapons. In that case, remove the shield from Crossbowmen.
    submitted by /u/Fey_SPR
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    What's up with that?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    the virgin Recruit Volunteers VS the chad Recruit Prisoners

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:19 PM PDT


    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    How to make serious Denar

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    So I have started playing the campaign. First time I've ever touched a Mount and Blade game.. Pretty fun, really enjoy the concept. However, as my party size increases, I find myself just not making as much money as I feel I should. I have a brewery in the 3 major towns in nordic territory, but I noticed that after so long they just won't offset the amount I'll need to run an upgraded army. Can someone explain the best way to go about getting rich?

    submitted by /u/PapaFlavour
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    Best workshop locations as of October 2020?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    I don't know if it's just me, but every workshop I have found so far is making double digits. Workshops feel as if they've been nerfed immensely since launch.

    submitted by /u/azius20
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    i wanna start getting into modding games mostly bannerlord to create some personel projects then move to community releases but idk where to start

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    ive look up some guides and links to forums they say to download Microsoft visual studio 2019 so i did but when i do it says something about a WORKLOADS and INDIVISUAL COMPONENTS ia hve no idea what does are and id apprectiate some help or advice :)

    submitted by /u/Cerberus_warlord
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    Big Win today, my first of many I hope

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    I have bought Warbands on PS4 recently. I got myself a city and go to war with Saranid Sultanate quite often.

    Today I fought a baytle of 98 VS 372 and won with around 50 able unit!! Was proud of that!! ^

    I wanted to share. What are your epic stories where you Win seemingly unwinable fights?

    submitted by /u/Etienne086
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    Tokyo Drift Style Horse

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Why can you smith two different voulge heads?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Anyway to lose renown in Bannerlord?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Was wondering if there was any console command to lose renown in game. Had to cheat a win to save a castle from a siege so I just want to balance myself and lose the renown I gained. Is there any way? Thank you

    submitted by /u/lylAmelia
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    A Lowly Console Player

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Help, I am but a lowly console player (my laptop, a pre-2008 Dell, is no longer working) who has just heard of Mount and Blade because my friends and family must certainly hate me, is it too late to get M&B:WB on Xbox now or will all the M&B vets laugh and snort drugs off of my corpse?

    I'm no Henry of Skalitz but I can swing a sword in a game sometimes.

    submitted by /u/Dub_Coast
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    D3D devicelock error

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Hi there

    I just bought the game, it launched and I was able to get through character creation and it crashed at the end, then restarted and was able to play until a battle and then it crashed, now it won't load the main menu, it crashes every time with the same d3d device lock_texture error that I see in google.

    I have a gtx 1070, disabling nvidia image sharpening did nothing, moving the folder in shaders did not help, underclocking my gpu did not help. Has anyone ran into this and corrected it with another fix of some kind?

    submitted by /u/po10cySA
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    Any news on Steam Workshop integration?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I'm a lazy bastards, and one of thing I feel laziest to do is updating my mods. Some site like Nexus makes it easier, but you still need to so manually.

    Warband got Steam Workshop integration, so wondering if theres any news on when or if Bannerlord also gets it.

    submitted by /u/AzrulKebab
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    Vlandians - Are they hard wired to zerg attack Bog Beth?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    I mean, seriously, are the Vlandians hard wired to zerg on Bog Beth? I think that about 9 in row should really be enough.

    submitted by /u/scotch1701
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