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    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    Mount & Blade The Empire Victorious - Star Wars Galactic Campaign Wrap-Up

    Mount & Blade The Empire Victorious - Star Wars Galactic Campaign Wrap-Up

    The Empire Victorious - Star Wars Galactic Campaign Wrap-Up

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Despite early Rebel successes on Kashyyyk, Hoth and Rhen Var, the Empire gathered its forces and hit back - the fall of Muunilist and the holding of Tatooine meant that the Rebel base was wide open. Ahead of the Death Star, ground forces were deployed to try and learn the location of all the various Rebel Cells within the Empire.

    The Alliance managed to hold the line long enough to wipe all the data - so those cells survive - but the special forces operation to assassinate the Emperor backfired, and Rebel High Command was assassinated instead. The Empire then recalled their forces and destroyed the planet.

    The various Rebel cells have decided to retreat into the unknown regions to rebuild their power. The Emperor's reign is now solid within the Empire. Good timing too, as a new threat looms on the horizon...

    In Meta Terms

    Thank you for coming to our last Galactic Campaign! Despite a series of early Rebel sweeps, the Empire eventually managed to emerge victorious.

    Though this will be our last Galactic Campaign event, we will still be hosting other events on Warband! Stay tuned for our Calradic Tales events and more upcoming events, and join our community Discord to join in bants and get the latest news on our events!

    Donating to the Community

    The Galactic Campaign server was the same used for the Calradic Campaign, Mod Night, and all other associated events provided by the /r/mountandblade subreddit, ran entirely on a donation basis as we have for nearly five years. We have a Patreon that you can put in a monthly or one time amount to contribute. There are multiple reward tiers with more coming, and with a larger pool of money we can prepare for the expected high server costs of Bannerlord.

    submitted by /u/RookishKnight
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    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    The horrors of war...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Hilltop Massacre

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    Imperial Armor is pretty good - Barely survived

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    Prophesy of Pendor gamebreaking bug

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Aftermath of a 1100 man vs 600 man battle

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:02 AM PDT


    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    500 Peasants vs 100 Crossbows

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    this is fine

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Bannerlord Starting Kingdom Guide

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Ok, so, I've put about 100 hours into this delicious time vampire of a game, and I did absolutely everything wrong when starting my first kingdom. Learn from my mistakes.

    Are you tired of dealing with a main faction's politics and poorly managed wars? Do you yearn to be in charge of which policies you are forced to live under? Do you want to be able to run the show rather than just running the battles? Then you, my friend, need a kingdom.

    In the current iteration of Bannerlord you don't have to complete the main quest to get a kingdom, just conquer a town while you're an independent clan, go to the clan screen, and click the create kingdom button. Boom, all hail your majesty. If that's all you do, though, you will get roflstomped within a few weeks. There's some prep that should take place before you make this decision.

    First step: be at least Clan Tier 4. Ideally 5. You gain tiers by gaining renown, which comes from battles, quests, and tournament wins. So you're going to be spending a lot of time doing those things in the early game.

    Second step: be rich. Like, 1.5 - 2 million denars in the bank rich. The main factions will declare war on you at the drop of a hat while your kingdom is small, and you will likely need to buy them off. Expect to be losing 6k a day for quite some time after you start your kingdom. You'll also need a lot of cash to bribe lords over to your side. More on that later.

    Third step: be married. Your spouse can serve as a governor or army leader, and does not contribute to your companion limit. You'll need a big family, so get cracking on kids.

    Fourth step: max out your passive income. Try to get all four caravans going, and fill up your workshops. You'll need the income to offset the significant costs of bribery and garrisons later on.

    Fifth step: max out your parties. Get your clan parties fully recruited up, and get max troops in your own party. Ideally you'll want to make sure all your clan parties have high-tier troops. You can do that by forming an army with them, opening dialog with the party leaders, and asking to inspect their troops. Then you can swap troops with them. Especially make sure they have cavalry! For step 6 you're going to want to bring your whole army with you.

    Sixth step: pick a vulnerable city. It needs to be out-of-the way, ideally close to a faction where you want to recruit troops (personally I love Valandia), and the faction you're attacking should be at war with someone else. You don't want to be their main target. Try to find a city or castle with less than 200 total defenders, ideally with a high proportion of militia.

    Seventh step: raid a town that does NOT belong to your target city. The townsfolk will hate you, you don't want to rely on them for troops in the short term. You are now at war with that faction.

    Eighth step: siege and conquer the city FAST. Fast fast fast. Don't bother with too much siege equipment. Just build a siege tower and the battering ram and go at it. With high-tier troops outnumbering the defenders 2:1, you'll be fine. Make sure you command the battle personally, auto resolve is not kind in sieges. Once you have the town, you can formally create your kingdom and you should do so immediately. Pick whichever policies you like, but stay away from policies that decrease your influence gain as a rule. I personally think the Royal Guard is a must.

    Ninth step: time to make peace. The AI will send a murderball army at you to retake the town. If at all possible, mulch it if you can do so without taking excessive casualties. It'll help the negotiations and get you some loot and prisoners. If you're hosed, enter dialog with the army and select the option to make peace. It'll cost a fair chunk of cash, but that's why you're rich! Most of the time it costs me about 60k.

    Congratations, you now have a kingdom! You're at peace with your closest neighbor! Life is good. Oh, but they absolutely will declare war on you at the drop of a hat, so you need to do a couple of things.

    First, take your army back to your freshly conquered town and dump troops into the garrison until you have at least 200 garrison troops. This will stop the AI from thinking the town is a pushover.

    Next, boost production in the town by dumping cash into it (remember - rich). Then pick production that will increase loyalty, food, and militia recruitment, in that order. Also drop in a governor who will provide bonuses. The governor should be of the same culture as the town to avoid the loyalty debuff.

    Now your army is probably depleted and you're likely running low on cohesion anyway. Disband your army, after refilling the other parties' ranks from your own party. It's time to go recruiting! This is why you set up shop next to faction troops that you like. Make a circuit of the nearby villages and TAKE QUESTS. Villages are more reliable sources of troops than cities, as a rule, and their quests won't require you to take a trek across half the map escorting merchant caravans. You want to get to excellent relations with nearby villages so you can recruit their whole stack in a go. The Seed Grain quest is by far the easiest way to do this.

    By the time you do a couple of circuits of the neighborhood, taking quests and fighting looters on the way, you should have leveled your army to at least tier 3 troops. This will probably take about six months of game time. Do what you have to do to stay at peace for that time. Remember - rich!

    Now it's time to expand. Reform your army, when your neighbor is at war. Do not attack them unless they are at war. Then pick a nearby target - city or castle, doesn't matter. Declare war and take it the same way you took the first town. Then immediatley make peace. Again, mulch and army or two if you can, but if you can't then make peace at any cost.

    Here's the rule: expand SLOWLY. Your clan cannot hold more than one new territory at a time. Rinse and repeat the garrison and recruitment steps after each conquest. Do not try to hold more than three territories with just your clan, the AI won't let you do it and the whole world will declare war on you.

    Now it's time to go lord hunting. As other people have mentioned, once you have a solid cash flow you should be releasing lords rather than ransoming them. This improves their opinion of you. Go find a lord who really likes you, and try to sway them away from their current liege. You may have to save scum to do this. Try to add one new clan to your kingdom for every two territories you take. Each clan needs a fief, and high tier clans need at least two, so try to find low-tier clans initially.

    Note that lords are EXPENSIVE, especially high-tier clans. You may need to spend several hundred thousand denars to get a big clan on your side. Again: rich!

    Rinse and repeat. This will take years of game time, but it's important to take things slowly, not over-extend, and not be at war with more than one faction at a time. Once you have two or three cities and a handful of castles, with several clans on your side, you MIGHT consider staying in a sustained war with a major faction. Until then, guerilla tactics are the name of the game.

    Oh, and if you start running low on funds, hoard high-tier weapons and then stay in the smithy smelting and forging. It's faster and cheaper than fighting, and immensely profitable.

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

    submitted by /u/thecastellan1115
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    Has auto-block been added to Bannerlord already?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    At least they said they would add it at some point. And I know there are mods for that, but is it "officially in the game"?

    submitted by /u/Dualwield_bongs
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    me and the boys after we steal butter from King Harlaus (he is very angry btw)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Holy crap Bannerlord's dialog

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    Wanna preface this with a hopefully anti-pitchfork statement. I played a hundred hours of Warband, probably 30 of WFAS, and like 1 of Viking Conquest. I'm a huge fan of the series, the combat, the jank, etc. I simply love Mount and Blade. But Bannerlord has been a mixed bag so far.

    I just bought Bannerlord, knowing it's in early access. I see placeholder stuff, that's fine. I'm not expecting balance to be quite there yet. Maybe a few optimization issues, nbd, it's been running great on my PC.

    But dude, this dialog reads like it was written by a teenager. Run-on sentences, bad grammar, and it doesn't really convey what the rest of the experience is conveying. While searching this topic, I only came across threads talking about the placeholder text, so forgive me if this has already been discussed and/or addressed. But is TaleWorlds planning to hire a competent writing staff? Or this this secondary placeholder text to just get rid of the "generic backstory goes here" stuff?

    I know it's early access, but I was really taken aback by it. Boot up the game, it has the markings of polish and budget. But get deeper into the game and see more dialog, and it feels like some of the worst I've seen in a game. Again, not trying to diss on the game. I don't expect Pulitzer Prize-winning writers, but cmon man

    submitted by /u/Lan_lan
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    How are sieges now?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Been months since I last played and would love to give it another go and re install it but everytime I've done it the sieges have still been awful (and they're what I would enjoy most)

    So anyone who is still playing have any input on how they are now? Do troops know how to use a bloody ladder or is it still like sending mindless drones to blob around random areas.


    submitted by /u/dave4443
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    I Made Seventh Map !

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    [Seventh Map] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0xNCnG0pnM&t=13s&ab_channel=CloneKing

    I made seventh map !!

    Title : Imagine Empire Village.

    Thank you !

    submitted by /u/pewpewhct123
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    fuck it

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Your soldiers call out to to you if you move over the edge of the map to leave

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Ive heard, "hey we are over here", "Dont leave us" so far anyone else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/Azura13e
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    ACOK Mod: Cool Ideas for backstories in a new run?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I always played as some random guy in the ACOK mod. Now i would like to have some backstory/ roleplay for me. I thought about a House Rayne run or a lost Targaryen/ Blackfire but have no idea how to play them.

    Do you have any other ideas or tipps to roleplay my ideas?

    submitted by /u/Trappist235
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    can someone give me a link to the latest version of diplomacy? there seems to be a few and idk which is the right one

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Leave somebody to kill for the rest of us!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:16 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    So, what does the new character creation question "when do you want to be" change?

    submitted by /u/Ismjahson
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    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I fucking love the battanians

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    they gave me control of the infantry in a 400 vs 600 situation and we held shield wall on a hill and drove them back 4 or 5 times, that shit was fucking awesome.

    submitted by /u/Bigfortnitetoeeater
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