• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    Mount & Blade Community Art Contest: The Results are in!

    Mount & Blade Community Art Contest: The Results are in!

    Community Art Contest: The Results are in!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Last week we launched an art contest, asking you guys to get creative. And boy did you ever! We received a bunch of great art, and it was difficult to narrow down winners. Every submission was fantastic and I'd certainly say everyone should check them out. But now on to what you came here for: the winners!

    And the winners are

    In first place: i-write-stories' "Wait here for some time."

    In second place: EduardoBLAZEIT's "Bannerlady"

    In third place: nlion117's "Casual Vlandian Boi"

    The Prizes

    The first place winner will get a copy of Bannerlord.

    The second and third place winners will both get custom subreddit flairs.

    Thank you to everyone who participated, and everyone else who supported them by upvotes and comments. If you didn't win, or if this particular contest wasn't your cup of tea, don't worry! We're very likely to have contests in the future, so keep your eyes peeled on the subreddit! And check out our discord to participate in our ever-growing community.

    submitted by /u/RookishKnight
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    Mod Night - Mount & Gladius

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to Warband Mod Night!

    Mod Night is a community event where we visit less popular/empty multiplayer mods that you wouldn't otherwise have a chance to try out.

    • This month we'll be playing Mount and Gladius V1.2, a module set during the peak of the Roman Empire. Fight as the Germanic Tribes, Britannic Celts, Kingdom of Dacia, or Roman Empire. We will be playing battle and siege gamemodes. Please note that the module has updated since our last Mount and Gladius Mod Night.

    When: Saturday, May 16th, 4:00PM EDT

    Server (Mount & Blade: Warband): Reddit_Mod_Night

    Password: reddit

    Module Download: Mount and Gladius V1.2

    Voice: Mount&Blade Discord (Discord Client Download)

    Donating to Our Events

    As we are the same team that works on the Calradic Campaign, We use the same server and resources as we do for the campaign. If you wish to contribute to these events and/or the Calradic Campaign, visit our Patreon.

    submitted by /u/BingRazer
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    A Pivotal Moment in Vaegir History no doubt

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Okay, who did this?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    [ASOIAF Mod] A Twist of Fate A1.0.7 Release, Ours is the Fury!

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I looked up some of the weird units to see what they were IRL

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:49 PM PDT


    Mamelukes are fairly well known in gaming circles but in case you missed the memo they were foreign slave soldiers in Egypt that formed the lord's household guard since they had no tribal loyalties or ruling stake. It turns out the Ghilman minor faction are basically the same thing, but for the Abbasid caliphate up in Iraq. All 3 of their units are the same thing. Ghilman is the plural of Ghulam and Koleman is the same word in Turkish instead of Arabic.

    Faris is the Arabic word for knight (horse in Arabic is faras). It's apparently the origin of the Spanish name Alvarez (al-faris).

    Beni Zilal means The Sons of Zilal. Beni, Bani, and Banu are all the same word in different grammatical forms.


    The kheshig are the Khan's royal guard. The Torguud are the half of the kheshig that guard during the day. I guess the T5 kheshig are the night guard then (khevtuul). If you're wondering how the hell you pronounce a word with 2 Qs in it, the first Q in Qanqli is pronounced K and the second q is actually supposed to be a G. The Qangli were an ethnic group the Mongols conquered. Kublai Khan eventually brought them into the kheshig in the 1300s, so well into the high Middle Ages.

    Darkhan is a very high military rank in a wide variety of Central Asian civilizations, basically a general. No idea why it's the name of a spearman in this game.

    I'm assuming the Karakhuzait are supposed to be the Kara Khitai, another central Asian empire that got stomped by the Mongols.


    Druzhina is Slavic for Companions like Alexander's. It turns out the first druzhina were made up of Varangians. Yes the same Varangians as the Byzantine emperor's Varangian Guard. Varyag is Varangian in old Russian.

    Berserkers (bear shirt) and Ulfhednar (wolf coat) are crazy Norse dudes but you didn't need me to tell you that. TW can't seem to decide if they want Sturgians to be Kievan Rus or Vikings.

    Skold is Norse for shield and bratva is brother in Russian so Skolder Brotva means shield brother.


    It turns out Bucellarii were basically the Roman version of the whole foreigners as royal guard thing everyone else seems to have going on. During the decline of Western Rome rich and powerful people started hiring barbarian mercenaries to form their own personal retinues rather than depend on the army. Under Belisarius and Justinian they formed the elite of Rome's forces.

    If you're having trouble googling what the hell a Menavliaton is after dying to one so many times, it's because the thing is actually spelled menavlion (or menaulion, U and V were the same letter back then). It's a heavy Byzantine infantry spear so the fact you used to be able to couch it as a cavalry lance was hilarious.

    The palatine guard (Scholae Palatinae) were the new royal guards after the Praetorians betrayed Constantine the Great (and like 3 dozen dudes before him). Unlike in the game they were a heavy cavalry unit.


    Fians were small bands of young nobles waiting for their dads to die so they could inherit everything. Until then they had nothing better to do so they banded together and went on adventures.

    The falx was a Dacian weapon that was so effective against Roman legionaries they had to modify their armor while on campaign. For the record, the two handed falx is a short polearm with a 3 foot handle, not a sword. The rhompaia is a Thracian falx with a straighter blade so you can thrust it as well as swing (which you can't do in this game go figure). Since falxmen stopped being a thing around 100 AD these guys are probably the most antiquated unit type in the game.

    All the Vlandians are pretty self explanatory.

    submitted by /u/Saitoh17
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    Pray for me...

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    If your wife can die in childbirth, and you're the one who got her pregnant...

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    ...Shouldn't you get xp for the kill?

    submitted by /u/Bloody_Insane
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    "Yes Ira, I know I've been away for half a year but would you like to play some Tablut?"

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    My archer when I get one shot couched lanced even though they’re on the top of a hill safe.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Beta 1.4 undid the 1.3 change that gave all Sturgian troops round shields

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    I cannot ****ing wait until they fix war and peace mechanics.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    So I'm in mid-siege with a superior force, and they make peace just before my ram is done. Then I disband my army and not five minutes later, another war! On the other side of the map! Right next to all my fiefs! So I rush over there, spend all my influence on putting another army together, start a siege of a city I've had my eye on... and (I'm not kidding) they make peace. This fucking war lasted TWO REAL WORLD MINUTES one hundred twenty goddamn seconds!! I know, I know... "early access just wait it isn't polished yet blah blah". I just hope they're working on it, because I'm about over it for today. And some of y'all wonder why there's so much cheat modding and save scumming going on. /r

    submitted by /u/DontHateDefenestrate
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    A cow for a cow..?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    When the Falx is 165k but you just gotta have it

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    The Sturgian Bear and the Aserai Viper clash.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Square Formation vs Loose Formation Against Cavalry

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Co-op for Bannerlord in the style of Medieval Conquests mod from Warband?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    The mod Medieval Conquests (based on Anno Domini) for warband featured a very basic type of co-op play I'd love to experience in Bannerlord. The implentation was fairly simple - battles were exported onto a multiplayer server where one or multiple friends can chose to control a character, and then upon re-entering the single player, you choose to import the battle results from said battle.

    It's a crude system, but it was fun and I imagine not too hard to create. Have any of you guys heard of something similar being worked on for Bannerlord?

    submitted by /u/oviddreams
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    A Shield Wall that would make any Viking Proud - Wrath of the Northmen Mod

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    The lack of elite troops for the Empire is getting tedious

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    I am walking from village to village (in the Southern Empire, where the should be numerous villages..) trying to find the troops needed to get Cataphracts and finding nothing. It is very annoying for someone who wants to roleplay a bit and only use the factions troop that I am part of.. Especially now that we are fighitng the Khuzaits and I can't even take on their smaller caravans due to their horse archers.

    What can I do? Is there a more reliable way of getting the Imperial elite unit?

    submitted by /u/Ynwe
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    Finally was able to do what I loved to do in Warbands sieges

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    So, Forest Bandit Hideouts are ridiculous ...

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Always remember to put your elites into castles/towns when training new troops.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Children Overhaul Idea: "Progeny: Coming Home"

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Progeny: Coming Home

    I. Coming Home:

    · Player can set the family home in an owned settlement. If no settlement is owned, a temporary home can be selected from the player's faction. Coming home will trigger a player visit.

    · Ambient effects:

    o Bells begin to toll as the player enters his own town / castle, alerting the settlement as to the ruler's return (v. a.[1]).

    o Guards at the entrance and top of the ramparts shout greetings (v. a.).

    o Depending on the Settlement's Loyalty, townsfolk will either give welcome (v. a.) and cheer, scurry away, or gather in small riots as the leader passes through.

    · Player's children (aged 3+), will spawn outside the Keep, and run to the player, hurriedly followed by an old servant/maid.

    o They will proceed to run alongside the player, giving him/her excited news, stories, or childlike questions (v. a.).

    o Depending on how many days have elapsed since the last visit, the children will ask if the player has brought back any gifts (v. a.), giving him the option to do so.

    o Gift-type: Selected from inventory, player will have the option of giving each child specific items. The type of gift will enable the child to generate and cultivate an interest, granting him a slow and passive increase in a set of skills. (Ex: Jewellery/clothes: charm, stewardship, trade. Tier 1/wooden weapons: weapon skill proficiencies. Horse: horse-riding proficiency.)

    o Players and children are shown smiling when in proximity to each other. For children, this smile will turn into a frown if the gift dialogue is opened and closed without granting a gift.

    II. Children in Town:

    · Attributes and gift-type received will determine a child's interest.

    · According to interest, the child will be seen engaged in various activities and locations around the home-settlement. Examples include:

    o At the blacksmith, at the stables, at the market, playing with other children, at a workshop, playing at the fountain, at the guardhouse, playfighting in front of the arena, chasing animals/kids in the streets, falling in with local gangs, hurting animals, stealing from the marketplace.

    · Players visiting the keep will spawn the children in the keep. Children can be told to recite chapters of poems (v. a.) that they learn progressively, belonging to their own culture (if 3+ years old), or foreign poems if returned from abroad courtships/squiring (12-18 years old).

    o Upon selecting the chapter of the poem to recite, the child will go to the center of the keep (generally facing the throne) and proceed to voice his/her lines. Other lords or children present will gather around the scene to listen, resulting in positive relation increase.

    o As placeholder for possible customized stories or poems relating to calradic events, simplified and shortened versions of classics will be chosen for each culture (Ex: Poem of the Wanderer for Sturgia/Battania, the Iliad/Odyssey for the Empire, pieces of Amour Courtois for Vlandia, mongol heroic epics for Khuzait, and sufi poems for Aserai).

    III. Teenager System (12-18):

    · According to attributes/interest/relation with player/security of town/number of visits:

    o Child will grow up into a teenager type, influencing training path and attitude, which will determine the child's levelling system and displayed activities during his 12-18 age period spent at home, as well as courtship/squiring abroad.

    1. Training Path:

    i. Studious. Passive learning of skills in smithing, charm, stewardship, leadership, medicine, engineer, trade. Teenager shown at the blacksmith, reading at the fountain or other cultural monuments, on the rampart, at the market.

    ii. Athlete: Passive learning of combat skills. Teenager shown fencing with guards, talking to guards, running races with other NPCS, riding horses in and outside of town.

    iii. Rebel: Passive learning of combat skills, particularly throwing, archery, athletics and roguery. Teenager shown stealing at the marketplace, robbing townsfolk, fallen in with local gangs in alleyways.

    1. Attitude:

    i. Respectful: (Increased chance based on attributes, frequency of visits, and gifts).

    o Increased chance to be affected by training path changes.

    o Positive, respectful, smiling and admiring dialog to player.

    ii. Sullen: (Increased chance based on negative attributes, and rarity of visits and gifts)

    o Decreased chance to be affected by training path changes.

    o Increased chance to Rebel training path.

    o Negative relations with parent, frowning, and negative dialog to player.

    IV. Courtier / Squiring System (12-18)

    · Children of players (and other lords when implemented) between the ages of 12-18 will become eligible to be sent abroad to a town or lord for mentorship, until recalled.

    · Receiving clan's culture and faction determine the equipment / clothes / poems / stories used and brought back.

    · Child's attitude will determine positive or negative relation gains between player and receiving clan.

    · Sending a child away is a good way of giving them faster training than at home, but at the risk of acculturation which, depending on a meter, may eventually lead the child to defect to that clan.

    o Needs some monitoring of the information given as the child dutifully writes letters home (in the form of in-game reports).

    o Child's length of stay, attitude, aswell as player relation with the receiving clan increases or decreases rate of acculturation for the child.

    1. Courtier / Lady-in-Waiting:

    · Child sent to clan's settlement, becomes a permanent notable of that settlement. Has to be ransomed if settlement is captured.

    · Training Path continues, at a faster rate, in the new settlement, with increased rate for Studious / Rebel training paths.

    · Receiving clan culture determines clothes and types of skill learned.

    1. Squire:

    · Child sent to the retinue of a lord, and becomes like an armed companion to them, acting like a bodyguard during battles.

    · Must be ransomed if captured.

    · Training paths learning is increased, particularly Athlete and Rebel. Individual skills gained depend on lord's culture.

    Ø Possible future implementation includes "forced courtship/squiring" of a child to guarantee a clan's loyalty to a faction.

    [1] Voice acted.


    Greetings Reddit.

    I'd like to present a very summary brain storm for a children-overhaul idea for M&B: Bannerlord. Tldr: I am no modder.
    With that in mind, I wanted to create a post, in the vain hope that it will give some good ideas to talented modders or to the developpers themselves.
    The idea is to give the children in the game some pathos - by putting them in a more frontal position of family management, rather than being background characters on the spreadsheet of the Encyclopedia. Another central role is to give the player the feeling of respectability held by a man or woman at the head of a clan and ruler of a settlement in the ancient world. Lastly, the purpose is to give the player an organic reason for "walking around" a settlement, especially one's own - and perhaps bring a smile to your face as you see your children, beaming with joy, sprinting down from the keep to give you a warm welcome, as their old caretaker painfully tries to keep up.

    Some of the ideas listed above are more ambitious than others, but all in all they seek to increase the feeling of immersion, aswell as perhaps a learning tool on our present historical understanding of highborn children in the early Middle Ages - this is where the role of the "voice acted" aspect comes into play. Not shown nearly enough, the central role played by oral tradition was a major component of children learning, in a time before any sort of school system, and served to carry on cultural traditions aswell as cementing the feeling of cultural identity.

    There is definately room for improvement to streamline some of the proposed systems and reduce the lenght of script needed: like combining training path, attitude and interrests into one, perhaps?

    Let us know what you think, and make sure to upvote - we know the Devs read Reddit.
    Stay safe.

    submitted by /u/Erukhir
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    New to the game. What is your most successful Mount and Blade game? What are your metrics for success?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Suggestion. Add Custom troop trees that unlocks with a certain clan tier.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    We roam Calradia and see all these minor factions and their own line of units which are arguably hard to recruit and all. So why can't my own clan get their own line of units which I can customize? This feature would be available at like clan tier 5 or something obviously. 3 slots of unit types,

    Starting with the Recruit, going up to Veteran and then Elite. We would have choices of armor and weapons available to their respective tiers and stats that we can "purchase" with a point system. For example, if you want your line of own troops to be archers you can increase their bow skill high or even max it out at the expense of other skills and stuff to keep it balanced. Higher tiers have access to more points you can distribute. And of course, equipment and skills affect the wage of the troops. Better equipped and higher-skilled troop trees can cost more than say lighter troops or non-cav troops.

    Finally, you would be able to recruit these troops from your castles by bringing recruits of any faction and having them re-trained there. You need to hire a trainer or assign one of your companions to do this training. It can be balanced out by making this a slower process with it being out of your control. Obviously the tactics or leadership skill of your trainer can affect the speed of this process but in the end these recruits would be converted to your custom troop line with the equipment and skills you chose for them.

    There are mods that allow this on Warband, can't see why taleworlds wouldn't implement this into the campaign.

    submitted by /u/capitanmanizade
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