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    Monday, February 1, 2021

    Mount & Blade Employee of the Fear - Calradic Tales (Community Event)

    Mount & Blade Employee of the Fear - Calradic Tales (Community Event)

    Employee of the Fear - Calradic Tales (Community Event)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:09 PM PST

    Try as he might, Captain Renis could not achieve a stress free life.

    He had done everything in his power to get to his position. When the fools went west to make their last stand at Maras, (then Sergeant) Renis bravely surrendered the men under his command to the first Vaegir rider he could come across. When many surged to the Bandit King's banner under delusions of toppling the Vaegir occupation, he sat pretty at his outpost in the east.

    The Vaegirs had rewarded him for his obedience, of course. After a brief run through the Vaegir criminal justice system, he was deemed suitable to run the garrison at Yalibe, far away from the insurgency ongoing in the West. It was far above anything he could have obtained under Swadian rule, or at least, that's what he told himself. Life seemed full of opportunity, women, and loyal men to command for Captain Renis, until the two letters came in.

    The first was from scouts in the east. A massive Khergit raiding party had formed, and seemed to be heading straight for him. There had been sporadic attacks along the border from those hoping to capitalize on Vaegir overextension, but a host of this size had never been seen in months. Renis had his men's loyalty, but they did not have his faith. Many of them collaborators like him, they lacked much in the way of commitment to the cause. Well enough, he would be able to high tail it out of their with a handful of his most loyal men and say it was an unholdable position.

    That was until the second letter came in. Coming straight from the lord of Dhirim himself, Renis was notified that a group of Vaegir bureaucrats would be arriving within the fortnight to inspect him and his men.


    These Vaegirs were not known for their lenience and understanding. Even for the shithole he knew Yalibe to be, he would certainly be killed if he failed to protect the village against the Khergit horde. Retreat was not an option. He had to whip this pack of broken lions into shape, and he had to do it quick.

    In the fields outside Yalibe, Swadians drill day and night, preparing for the battle they had tried so desperately to avoid. Captain Renis spends nights pouring over Saultian war strategies, looking for the answer to defeat the legendary Khergit horse archers in the field like his life depends on it.

    Though this battle won't be recorded in the history books, it will be the magnum opus of Renis's leadership.

    In Meta Terms

    Welcome to the fifth Calradic Tales! This event will see the Swadian collaborators under the Vaegir Empire attempting to defend their village from a Khergit raiding party.

    The event will be a battle with a siege. If Renis can hold his own against the Khergit invaders, he will move to siege a Khergit castle to pillage. If the Khergits can destroy his attempt at a defense, they will attempt to do the same.

    To join the event, just join the server! There are no sign-ups required, and while it is recommended to join voice chat for bants and vague tactics, it isn't required.

    Server Info

    • Game: Mount and Blade: Warband
    • When: Saturday, February 6th, 4:00PM EDT
    • Server: Calradic_Campaign
    • Password: reddit
    • Voice: Mount&Blade Discord

    Calradic Campaign Starter Guide (Contains lore summary for greater context)

    Becoming Involved in the Calradic Campaign

    The Calradic Campaign team is always looking for new additions, whether it be scene makers, technical wizards, or anything else of use.

    Particularly, we are always looking for mapping talent. Don't be constrained by our regular format either, get creative - an unorthodox battle map, a new dueling map, a really innovative use of an underused game mode, anything!

    If you'd like to contribute your area of expertise, be sure to join our Discord to connect with the members of our team. Many of us earned our positions by bringing something new to the Campaign. We hope you'll join us in continuing one of the top community events in Warband!

    Leave any question, complaints, observations, memes and faction based riffing in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/SuicidalCake
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    I took all the armor from a companion before letting her go. Just ran into her, months later, in the Arena. She's naked.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST

    I'm scared about what they may be planning

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:32 AM PST

    Thats what i call an effective shieldwall

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:03 PM PST

    Looking for volunteer voice actors for a video series about Perisno!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Hey guys, if you or someone you know wants to help voicing a few lines please let me know!

    It's a personal lore series project for a lore overhaul by one of the devs (me), which is shared weekly in the Perisno Discord.

    The videos aren't monetized, I do all video editing and the community volunteers for the voices.

    For the next video I'll need a woman's voice. She will be the voice of Queen Arwen from Elintor.

    All you need is a mic, that's it!

    If you aren't a woman you can still contribute to any of the next videos in the series, just reply here or send me a message.

    Thank you for reading, here's a link to the last video in the series:


    Here's a link to the Perisno discord:


    submitted by /u/AngryFarmer2020
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    Khuzait being OP

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:56 AM PST

    I think the problem with the Khuzaits always taking over the map is just their armour, it's so good, and I feel like they should have below average amour to balance them out, but in reality they have really good armour only worse than the empire

    submitted by /u/qwertybruh69
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    Castles that are easy to defend in Prophesy of Pendor

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:14 AM PST

    I remember searching for this a few months back, because I am fully aware of how much it sucks to lose the first castle you gain because you can't put in a solid 200+ garrison yet. This is the result of my recent playthroughs, but keep in mind that most of these castles are also very hard to attack so you might wish to autoresolve them!
    - Calendain Castle
    - Gunder's Lodge
    - Rela Keep
    - Tuldar Fortress

    What all of these castles have in common is that they have only one way to enter (ladder or siege tower) that leads to a narrow gap between the battlements. You can easily hold it with a small amount of high tier infantry, and a few archers on the side or the opposite wall will gain tons of kills.

    submitted by /u/gene-sos
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    We've needed photo mode for a long time...

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:55 AM PST

    Activation CD not working?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:56 AM PST

    I just downloaded warband after years because it's a absolute classic that brings back memories like Skyrim does for me, although the activation code from the steam overlay keeps getting denied. Is there any known fix to this?

    submitted by /u/jon-jones-mcduff
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    Need help with ransoming kidnapped daughter quest

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:34 PM PST

    So I am at Ryibelet and I have the money to get the daughter back, but the bandits are inside the village and I can't click on them. Whenever I hover over them it just shows the name of the village. Anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/rowynation
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    king chadoglek

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST

    Female Army

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:14 AM PST

    I've recently restarted Warband. ( yes I'm gonna play on easiest settings). But here's the twist, I've called my character "Boudica". And I will build an all female Army. ( "Female Companions only too, because they all get along so well,NOT.) Does anyone want me to do a video on this?

    submitted by /u/IanScouseBlue
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    What means that? I can not find these horses in my inventory.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:21 PM PST

    This tavern maid is thiccc ����

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:03 AM PST

    The Mountain Rides in Calradia

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:19 PM PST

    Best money exploit right now? (Bannerlord

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:38 AM PST

    As title says, seems like smithing glitch with pikes is patched and breaking peace as well so im wondering if theres any fast money making method/exploit?

    submitted by /u/yeebotbruh
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    Thoughts on the Khuzaits in the latest patch?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:15 AM PST

    I haven't played Bannerlord since the summer and I came back to the game recently. Khuzaits were by far my favourite faction previously, not only because they were strong, but I also love their armors, aesthetic and the mobile, cavalry-focussed playstyle. I am a sucker for the all-cavalry horde composition. However, I feel that they are almost unplayable on the latest patch.

    I've tried a number of custom battles and tested my army of horse archers with a number of different commands (delegate, charge, advance). In all instances, I've either lost all my men or won with an absolute mass of casualties. I should mention that this is on an open-plain map, and the enemy only slightly outnumbered my own forces (150 men vs 250 men). In this scenario, I would expect horse archers to destroy the opposition as the terrain is preferable.

    The main issue seems to be two things. Firstly, the AI seems to be downright retarded. Instead of using the circling tactic around the enemy, my HA's seem to enjoy straight up charging into enemy infantry and getting themselves killed. This isn't helped by the fact that horses are much more expensive than they were when I previously played, meaning that losing this many men is just unsustainable.

    Secondly, the range and accuracy of HA's seems to have been drastically reduced. My horse archers need to be super-close to the enemy before they attempt to get any shots off, which in turn leads to them getting caught within the enemy lines very frequently. In one of my later tests, as an attempt to limit my casualties, I had the cavalry follow me whilst I myself carried out the circling movement around enemy forces. This did help somewhat, but my god these Khuzaits are so god-damn inaccurate. I must have spent 5-10 minutes riding around the enemy and barely managed to make a dent in their forces.

    These changes have taken all the joy out of playing as Khuzaits. Yes, I agree they needed to be nerfed and that Khuzait snowballing was a major problem. But I feel the nerf should have come in the form of campaign/economy handicaps. I agree with the change to the price of horses, I feel this makes sense and is a good handicap for a faction relying heavily on cavalry. But I also feel that my full-cavalry army should feel as strong as it did back before the nerfs, since I spent so much money upgrading my troops and outfitting them with expensive horses.

    I didn't play too much of the campaign so I don't know if late-game perks or higher tier troops make the game more playable - I got sick of losing so many of my men/horses to armies on open terrain. What are your thoughts on the changes?

    Side note: does anyone know of any mods that buff horse archers closer to where they were before?

    submitted by /u/FugitiveActual
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    So, any TES-themed mod?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:04 AM PST

    I know there were like four or five mods for Warband that attempted to bring TES into MnB, but they all failed because either development stopped dead, or because of copyright issues related to models (as was the case with Tamriel: Bloodline's End). But I remember the devs of Tamriel were making a Stormcloak-themed mod instead that was supposedly 'clean'.

    Any news or... anything related to a TES mod?

    submitted by /u/Almerious
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    About Workshops...

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:32 AM PST

    Recently I have purchased two workshops. A smithy in Rovalt and a Brewer in Pravend. But it seems that even though both workshops receive resources from connected villages. Profits are very low. (75-100 workshop income) Is there any way I can get workshops to work better?

    submitted by /u/MrG00SEI
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    why can't i play prophecy of pendor?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:01 AM PST

    it always gets stuck while loading, any tips on how to fix this shit?

    submitted by /u/XVI16XXIX29
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    how do i stop camera location from resetting each time i click the map?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:43 PM PST

    honestly thought they would've fixed this by now but it's the most insanely stupid GUI design ever. each time i click on the world map and the guy moves, the camera resets and it's super hard to look at where i want to. there has to be a way to stop it from resetting.

    submitted by /u/heynowmr
    [link] [comments]

    Need suggestions

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:18 AM PST

    So I just seceded from Swadia in vanilla Warband after completely demolishing Rhodoks, I hold most of the region that use to belong to Rhodoks but as a new nation all the lords that serve me have a negative relationship with me. Anything I can do to help??

    submitted by /u/NadersFrazers
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    A question about companions (in BL)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:41 AM PST

    I've read somewhere that the game allows up to 14 random companions in the game-world at one time. Since they can be killed and are randomly generated, theoretically you'll always have someone new to hire. But are companions marriable? Because if they are and become your spouse, does the game still count them as companions, or as lords? Technically, this question can be attributed to companions that you make into lords (if that's even possible that is).

    submitted by /u/Almerious
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