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    Thursday, December 24, 2020

    Mount & Blade Development Update #6: Rebellions, Missions and More!

    Mount & Blade Development Update #6: Rebellions, Missions and More!

    Development Update #6: Rebellions, Missions and More!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:00 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    Previous Patch Thread

    Mount and Blade Discord

    An update from TaleWorlds about some upcoming additions to the game!

    Update in video format

    Link to original post

    Greetings warriors of Calradia!

    After a short hiatus, we're back again with another development update! In this video, we'll be taking a look at some of the updates that will be making their way to the live and beta versions of the game in the near future, as well as, a couple of new missions that are still in the works!

    We hope you enjoy the video.


    First up is the ability to grant and relinquish fiefs.

    When playing as a faction leader, you will be given the option to grant fiefs to your vassals, allowing you to diversify the ownership of fiefs across your kingdom, or bolster relations with a clan that might not be too fond of your rule.

    Similarly, when playing as a vassal, you will have the option to relinquish control of a fief back to the kingdom, allowing a new round of voting to start on which clan should receive the fief.

    These changes will give you much greater control over your lands, allowing you to plan ahead without any unexpected acquisitions complicating matters.


    Next, we have some new icons on settlement nameplates to indicate if there's any issues or tournaments happening within a settlement, without needing to enter.


    A new campaign setting has been added that allows you to disable the birth and death systems. Please note that you will need to start a new game to enable this option, and it can't be changed afterwards, but the option is now there for those of you that are looking for a bit of a less dynamic and more familiar playthrough.


    A few important changes have been made to the campaign simulation that we wanted to highlight, some of which are already on beta and others that are coming in the next updates.

    First, AI characters are now able to get married. And second, being somewhat connected is the addition of many new AI clan members. These changes aim to ensure that most, if not all, clans have enough clan members to lead parties, as well as, to increase the overall population and longevity of clans through children.

    Additionally, more efforts have been made to address snowballing, with upcoming changes that enable factions to make comebacks, even after losing a few settlements. This is achieved through a more even distribution of wealth within each kingdom through a shared treasury, allowing clans to stick in the fight for much longer!

    Finally, an inflation-related issue that allowed kingdoms to keep generating wealth has been resolved to make for a more healthy and stable economy.


    A new mechanic is on the way that grants companions and clan members that are outside of a party with a passive effect that improves player relations with non-hostile clans and notables. When left in a friendly or neutral settlement, the companion or clan member will no longer roam the map, and instead will act in a new emissary type role, using their charm skill to increase relations while earning XP.


    A new rebellion feature is incoming with the next beta patch that enables unhappy citizens to rise up and seize control of settlements.

    The loyalty and security of a settlement is affected by a number of things, such as if there is a culture mismatch between the settlement owner and its inhabitants, whether the town was recently captured, the strength of the garrison, kingdom policies, governor skills, and so on...

    As the loyalty of a settlement decreases, more and more citizens will take up arms in the form of militia. Once the militia feels that they are stronger than the garrison, and providing loyalty is low enough, a rebellion will occur.

    A new clan will then take control of the settlement and attempt to establish themselves and legitimise their rule. If they manage to hold on to the settlement for a period of time, eventually they will be recognised by other clans and will be able to initiate diplomacy with kingdoms.


    Finally, we have the first of two missions that are a work in progress and subject to change, but that we wanted to share with you anyway.

    Prison breaks allow you to break into enemy settlements and spring clan members, vassals, and friendly or neutral lords free from prison! If successful in breaking into a settlement, you will need to fight your way back out with prisoner in tow.

    Naturally, breaking someone free comes at great risk to both you and the prisoner, especially when playing with death enabled!


    And last, but by no means least, we have keep battles!

    Keep battles present players with a different challenge from the standard field battles that make up the majority of Bannerlord's engagements, with the fight taking place at extreme close-quarters in an enclosed space.

    When assaulting a castle, you may find that the defenders decide to pull back their remaining forces to the castle keep to make a final stand. And it's here where you will need to finish off the last of the defenders for the siege to be successful.


    And that's it for Development Update #6. We hope you enjoyed the video and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback about the changes in the comment section below.

    Thanks for watching!

    submitted by /u/Arthanias
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    Comments on a video regarding Grunwalder castle... It's hard, but not 3 1/2 years hard ��

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:13 PM PST

    What's happening with DLSS? - Bannerlord

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:49 AM PST

    I heard that DLSS was coming to the game in November, then it didn't now I'm hearing December, but after the latest Development Update, it still hasn't been mentioned by Taleworlds. Is the feature coming this month? I had a look through the settings to make sure it wasn't already there but I'm sure it's not.

    Source for the November DLSS: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/october-2020-rtx-blockbuster-and-indie-game-update/

    Source for December DLSS: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-dlss-added-to-mount-blade-ii-bannerlord-and-three-other-titles-in-december/

    submitted by /u/RedditorWithABigKnib
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    Ah yes the town of magic

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:31 AM PST

    Bannerlord Mods

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 06:05 AM PST

    I haven't played the game in around four months and am thinking of getting back into it, but the last time I tried turning on my mods, it didn't work. could somebody give me a quick crash course on how you should download mods with the current update (maybe some suggestions for mods as well)?

    submitted by /u/Dark_souls_fam_YEET
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    Which mods are popular for Bannerlord right now?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:54 AM PST

    I'm getting back into the game after around 5 months and would love to know what mods people are using right now. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/the_slovenian
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    My gripes with Bannerlord and how to fix them.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Recently I decided to boot up Bannerlord to see how far the game had progressed. For the most part I was very happy with the state that the game was coming to. But something was missing. After thinking about what "that something" was, I decided to make a post detailing my conclusions.

    Bannerlord is missing an impactful RPG system.

    To demonstrate my point: let's take 2 maxed out characters from Bannerlord and Warband and put them back in the early game. (For Bannerlord let's say level 275 in all skills is "maxed out")

    The Warband character flies through the early game with extreme ease. His powerstike of 10 gives him +80% damage with melee weapons. His melee proficiencies would also increase his melee speed and damage well beyond the initial +80% damage bonus. His looting skill of 14 gives him more than double the loot from each battle. His pathfinding of 10 allows him to outpace any other army on the map. Etc, etc, etc. Getting almost any warband skill to 10 gives incredible benefits for the character.

    Lets see how the Bannerlord character would do.

    With a one handed skill of 275, factoring in "Way of the sword", the Bannerlord character has a measly 53.75% increase with one handed weapons. Without "Way of the Sword" the damage increase is 41.25%, which is just pitiful considering the amount of work that goes into getting a skill to 275. Similar problems exist in all the weapon perks. With a scouting level of 275, the Bannerlord character will still spend weeks getting chased down by Khuzait horse lords because the maximum speed bonus is somewhere between 4 and 9% depending on terrain. The entirety of Charm, Leadership, and Trade do almost nothing compared to their Warband counterparts.

    And the most Damning comparison of all.

    With a training skill of 10, and a level somewhere in the 60s, the Warband character will be able to raise an army out of peasants within days and start using that army for fun, high-intensity battles. After these battles, the Warband character will look forward to another fun battle since his surgeon skill of 10 saved 84% of his casualties.

    With a leadership skill of 275, The bannerlord character can still only give his units a maximum of 33 xp a day. So the bannerlord character will have to grind for weeks in order to get a decent army. After a high-intensity battle, the bannerlord character gets to look forward to grinding for weeks again since even with a medical skill of 275, he would still only save 2.75% of his troops from dying.

    In Bannerlord, I don't get a feeling of growing, because I'm not growing. I'm not stronger than I was at the beginning of the game. My character does not become a war god, he stays a peasant dressed in fancier clothing.

    This issue spills over into troops as well. Top-tier troops do not feel like top-tier troops. They feel like peasants dressed in armor. And really, they are peasants dressed in armor. The only difference between an imperial legionary and a peasant is +20% weapon damage and +11.2% weapon speed. Meanwhile the difference between a nord huscarl and a peasant with no skills is ~20 health, +56% damage, + whatever the proficiency bonus is.

    Bannerlord feels so close to greatness, but characters have no progression. But do not despair, there is light at the end of the tunnel: All that is needed to bring this level of RPG progression into Bannerlord are simple number changes.

    Now I am more than happy to just mod myself in some better RPG mechanics (And I already have- https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/401. (i'll update this eventually, I promise!)), But I think that these changes should be in the base game.

    One last thing I want to make clear: If Scouting is ever changed to give movement bonuses, The movement bonuses should only apply to the player's clan. Some might say that is cheating, However I would like to make one last comparison to Warband. In Warband, every single lord in the game has a pathfinding skill of 0. That's right, 0. One of the undisputed most important skills in the game, stuck at 0. This meant that the player always had the speed advantage, which meant the player was always having fun. Spending days chasing down an army is not fun. Spending days being chased is even worse.

    If this post is well received I'll make a similar, revised post on the taleworlds forums.

    (Quick note to cut off any naysayers: Harder mods such as Prophesy of Pendor also lock all the lords at 0 pathfinding.)

    TLDR: Bannerlord needs to upgrade it's numbers on the RPG side of things. Late game Bannerlord Character feels very, very similar to a brand new Bannerlord Character. Also the player needs to have some way to access a considerable speed bonus that the AI does not have access to.

    submitted by /u/bananaedmonkey
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    Escaped lord needed for quest

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:01 AM PST

    For context I'm playing a modded WF&S run which should hopefully allow me to do a more sandboxy playthrough rather than following the predefined plots. I took a task to deliver a letter to a lord in Warsaw, however when I arrived I found that it was under attack by a massive Swedish force. Being unable to enter the fort (as trying to do so just brought up the you come across a battle, who do you support"" screen) I camped nearby. The Warsaw garrison were outnumbered 9 to 1 and thus were absolutely trounced, with the lord I was after managing to escape.

    ...and now, as a result, he's obviously vanished. I tried asking other lords for his location, but they just said that they "don't know where he is". What do I do now?

    submitted by /u/ctb33391
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    How to create custom troops

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:45 AM PST

    I wanted to try and mod some new troops and troop trees but i dont know how

    Can anyone please help

    I've been thinking of adding a "Westerner" troop tree that resembles the english so i wanna add longbowmen but i dont have any idea how

    If you can just help me or tell me how i do that ill be really grateful


    submitted by /u/LocalDrugDealGuy
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    Is Medeni Castle Broken for Anyone Else?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:30 AM PST

    Whenever I siege it my game just crashes. Doesn't appear to affect any other fiefs though. (It is between Askar and Qasira if you are wondering).

    submitted by /u/oldhobosam
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    Moving on campaign map then crash ?????

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:11 AM PST

    I need an updated TweakMB! Please!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Please for good gods sake I need an updated TweakMB for mount and blade: warband native. Native is currently at 1.174 and TweakMB is running an older version. Some things still work but the main thing I wanted does not work. I want to change the quest cooldown for village elders. Im tired of waiting a whole ingame month so I can get my relation up with a village. I wanna turn that s*** off completely. I tried following some programming tutorial to change the module myself using python and s*** but that was way too complicated. I need something easier to use like TweakMB. Is there anything? Please?!

    (Plus, I don't want anyone thinking I dont want to do the work. I tried using Python and added it to my path variable but after following every tutorial I have seen it doesn't seem to work for me. Completely lost!)

    submitted by /u/Alternative-Tea8727
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    My experience in warband

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST

    So, i started playing warband some time ago, i did some failed games, until i started one in the kingdom of vaegirs, with my character as an impoverished noble warrior named boris, i started earning some coin, doing some missions for yaroglek, until i became his vassal, my army got bigger, i pillaged some villages, fought some wars, got married, then, i stopped, and gathered a bunch of soldiers, the maximum i could and trained them, and now, my army is practically invincible, i have 107 soldiers, most of them chivalry, very trained, i can fight a 150 or so company with almost sure of winning, i got 100 relation with the king, and became lord of wercheg, in that moment in the game, vaegirs is in war with everyone besides the sarranids, i became the marshal one time and lead a campaing against the nords and captured sargoth, and some other castle, my company has mainly vaegir soldiers, but also some mercenaries and some swadian knights and rhodok crossbowman, i am having a lot of fun in the game

    submitted by /u/No_Load_9866
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    Did you know that you can assassinate (TK) your own king/emperor on the battlefield with no repercussions?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Just found this out by shooting a bunch of arrows in Rhagea and the AI Lords just voted on the next emperor..

    submitted by /u/West_Consequence6288
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    Dev Update #6

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:24 PM PST

    What is the latest version of diplomacy?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    The latest one I can find is the Diplomacy 4.litdum on moddb, is that official? The link from the hall of fame is from 2012.

    submitted by /u/MagicofShazam
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    How's bannerlord doing?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:03 PM PST

    I only played bannerlord for 1 week after launch. I decided to wait for them to fix some bugs and add some features.

    With that beign said, has the game improved since then? Did they add anything significant?

    submitted by /u/Zadkrod
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    Raided village, got ambushed by empire...

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:05 PM PST

    I was in aserai Territory and saw a village flipped to southern Empire. New as I am to Bannerlord I thought this might be a good opportunity to test how raiding a village works and what happens. I easily overrun the militia (44) with 50 troops of my own and captured 28 of them. Ransacked a lot and continued to raid for a while until I got ambushed by an empire army of 160 troops.

    Damn I am dead...

    But hey let's try and persuade them to let me go, first option I took failed as "we very much outnumbered you, why should I let you go"... Okay, that's not good but let's try the other option which brings up bartering. I offer a single worthless clothing item I just looted and


    he accepts and let's me go!

    This brings up my two questions: 1. I saw the village was still empire, how could I have flipped it back to aserai? That was pretty much everything I wanted (free them from empire)

    1. Is it supposed to be that cheap/easy to barter out of such situation or was I simply lucky?
    submitted by /u/N7GordonShumway
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    Is playing a female character fun?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:17 PM PST

    I've never gave it a go and for those who have please tell me what your thoughts were!

    submitted by /u/Tocon_Noot_Gaming
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    Strange performance-killing mouse flicker happening in Warband? Could it be an nvidia drivers thing?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Noticed that both here and on the steam forums, people are seemingly having an issue with performance dropping significantly, combined with stutter and a flickering mouse icon whenever they move said mouse. I just reinstalled Warband and suffer from this issue too, making the game essentially unplayable. I've tried windowed mode, vsync on and off, different framerates, mouse polling rate in different levels, changing graphics, resolution, turning texture load on demand on and off, instancing on and off too. Nothing makes the slightest difference.

    This happens in native and modded versions both. Last thing for me to try out before calling it a night is simply installing an earlier nvidia driver to see if that solves it. But how many more are struggling from this? If it was as big as affecting every single nvidia user i feel like it would have been a much bigger topic than it is right now.

    submitted by /u/Inkvoterad
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