• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Mount & Blade Seeing as there's the Bannerlord Creative Contest going on, I decided to put the ungodly amount of time spent on hunting down nobles all over the map to some use and submit this medieval miniature inspired depiction of the Battle of Pendraic

    Mount & Blade Seeing as there's the Bannerlord Creative Contest going on, I decided to put the ungodly amount of time spent on hunting down nobles all over the map to some use and submit this medieval miniature inspired depiction of the Battle of Pendraic

    Seeing as there's the Bannerlord Creative Contest going on, I decided to put the ungodly amount of time spent on hunting down nobles all over the map to some use and submit this medieval miniature inspired depiction of the Battle of Pendraic

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:14 AM PST

    Anyone else disappointed with the lack of content in Bannerlord?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:54 AM PST

    I mean I thought they would have added more content to the game by now. It's pretty much the exact same game that came out 8 months ago aside some bug fixes and mechanical tweaks. Are they planning on releasing the content all at the end of Early Access instead?

    submitted by /u/funnyhahafunnyhaha
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    Just Me and Boys.....

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:45 PM PST


    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:53 AM PST

    What's the best overhaul mod? Calradia awakens? The Roman Empire ? I'm not sure on which on to use or if there is any other promising overhauls.

    submitted by /u/BADMAN5568
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    My Bannerlord feedback

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    These are just my thoughts and opinions. I really enjoyed Warband, and like Bannerlord a lot. Lots of potential. I played it a bunch when it first released in early access and didn't stop until around patch 1.3 I think. I recently came back to play a bit on patch 1.5 (the latest beta).

    I have to say I really don't like the levelling system or the perk system (even the reworked perk trees I'm not a fan of). I think character builds would be more interesting if you got all of your attribute points on character creation and could allocate them how you please, and then maybe there could be some rare non-repeatable quests or one-time books in-game that could net you a bonus point in each attribute (but not beyond the cap of 10).

    I think you should probably also get more focus points from the beginning and less as you level up. The actual levelling up system (like how you get from level 1 to level 2) is a bit weird and admittedly I don't fully understand it. It seems that you can level up the low levels really quickly but it slows down a lot when you get to level 10ish+? So maybe some balancing there to flatten that progression curve a bit so you level reasonably consistently.

    With the perks system, I don't mind a lot of the perks but it seems bizarre to me some of the perks are mutually exclusive? I feel like all the perk trees, particularly the weapon perk trees, should be more branching than just two railroad tracks. For instance, with one-handed I think it might be more interesting to have perks which specialise you in axes, or maces, swords. But idk, to me the perk system is just a bit boring atm and doesn't allow as much variability/specialisation as I'd like.

    As an aside I also think you should be able to assign companions perks when you recruit them, or at least pay some sort of cost to reset their perks (and your own).

    The smithing and crafting system needs a total overhaul, it's really bad and unenjoyable right now. I think it should be redesigned from the ground up. Not sure exactly how but yeah just my 2 cents on it.

    I'll also say that Trade probably needs to be looked at, it's really easy to make money through trade (particularly early-game) and I find that all of my games I inevitably start out by doing lots of trade. Maybe the other forms of revenue earning should be made more competitive/viable versus trade, like quests, tournies, trade and fighting looters/bandits and selling prisoners.

    With regards to battles:

    I can't really fault the combat/battles too much, they look great and are a huge amount of fun. If I had some feedback it would be the following:

    • I think it needs to be possible to do basic strikes while holding your shield up (so overheard strikes with 1h weapons, and pokes with polearms), particularly with spears so that shield-walls and phalanxes are more effective.
    • I think Pikemen/Spearmen need to be able to brace against cavalry charges.
    • I think a lot of the unit types should be automatically categorised into Infantry/Cavalry/Archers/Skirmishers as they aren't at the moment (at least the Battanian units I've been playing with). Not a big deal as players can do this manually I guess.
    • I think some of the throwing weapons need to be buffed to be guaranteed kills on lower-tier unarmoured infantry if you hit them in the chest. The javelins seem to be for the most part, but the throwing axes are quite underwhelming. I've not used throwing knives so no comment there.
    • I think, for gameplay purposes, picking up throwing weapons should occur more easily. It can take up a lot of time to manually pick them up, so maybe automatically pick them back up if you run back over them? Or have it so you don't have to aim down to look at them and press F, but rather can just stand on/near it and press F to pick them up. Idk but atm throwing weapons (except javelins) seem a bit crap to use (particularly if you are infantry).

    Now for some bugs/oversights:

    • I've noticed there are some texture streaming issues going on (where textures won't load properly) and that crossbows are still not produced and available enough.
    • Workshops also seem to not be very profitable and it's weird that you get no projection of how much different workshop types might make in any given settlement.
    • Not sure if it's still the case but it used to be that if you spend money to make a caravan if the caravan got destroyed it wouldn't reform automatically and all the initial capital just disappears. It's a bit shit from a gameplay point of view, I'd rather that once I assign a comp to a caravan they run it and if the caravan is destroyed it'll lose any profits/capital from that trade run and then just disappear for a bit while the companion automatically remakes the caravan.
    • I really like that they've been adding more armours to the game, though I think the stats and prices need some balancing work and normalising. The progression curve at the moment when it comes to armour is a bit odd, and with trade being a really easy way to make money it can be trivially easy to get the best-in-slot armour before you even hit Clan Tier 1.

    submitted by /u/-Caesar
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    stole his seat

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Hope this is the Siege Towers fixed and not just a one off of them working correctly

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:48 AM PST

    With Fire & Sword

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    How long is each faction campaign in Fire & Sword?

    I'm looking to complete all achievements and there is an achievement for completing every faction's campaign, so I was wondering how much time will it take me to complete one.

    submitted by /u/Wenneis
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    Is it possible to add new animations with Bannerlord's modding tools?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:01 PM PST

    I love the idea of having routing and cowering animations. For example, rather than having all units turn and run away with the standard run animation when the battle is lost, It would be a lot more immersive if they had a specific running animation where they turn and look over their shoulder, stumble and fall etc. A percentage of routing troups could also just cower in place, cover their head, drop to their knees etc.

    Injured animations would be great also, guys crawling on the ground, rolling around in pain.

    submitted by /u/FingersToKeyboard
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    Can anyone teach me how to mod a crossbow to autofire like a machinegun?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    I've been trying to do this since I saw the video that the spiffing brit did, but it's been months and I can't figure it out.
    I'm also not a modder of this game, and never used any mods before so it's really confusing to me.

    submitted by /u/MAugustoRZ
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    Oh, yes! Grain!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:22 AM PST

    Question about siege fps drops

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:20 AM PST

    I'm playing the game on 1080 p high settings and my fps is like 90-130 but when besieging it drops instantly to 40 (1000 troops). And it drops to 20-25 when we break the gates and enter the castle. I have a rtx 2060 and i7 10750h laptop. It's not that good but I wonder is it normal for this specs or is there a problem

    submitted by /u/tutkuaksoy
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    Bannerlord my castles keep getting attacked

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I'm playing as a vassal under derthert of vlandia.I have been given 2 castles but enemy factions keep attacking me almost nonstop. What should I do?I have an army of 100. Should I help my allies(when I do so I lose a lot of my elite troops) or don't because enemies will keep coming?

    submitted by /u/tutkuaksoy
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    Feeling a little toasty

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:11 PM PST

    Bannerlord Mods

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Does anyone have a good working mod list that I can copy? Ive looked at some mod lists but the mods are either 1.4.1 or 1.5 version, and was also wondering can 1.4 mods work with 1.5 and will it cause crashing?

    submitted by /u/valdeeee
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    Is anybody else seeing weird-ass AI army formations?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:33 AM PST

    The AI army leader just keeps putting everyone in a circle formation and the enemy AI attack like two stacks on the flanks at a time. Its really bizarre.

    submitted by /u/West_Consequence6288
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    [Adivce] For those of you who are using banner bearer mods, what is the ratio that you are using?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:18 AM PST

    I just installed a mod that allows me to use banner bearer in battles. The ratio is currently 10, with a party size of 40, i only got 3 bearers. What is the ratio you guys are using? And also, if i increased the ratio, would it be bad for battle performance?

    submitted by /u/OKara061
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    Mount and Blade Warband: Diplomacy Mod- Bugs

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:21 AM PST


    I am pretty new to Reddit, and I was just wondering if there is a bug in the Diplomacy mod, and if other people had noticed it.

    Basically, whenever the Kingdom you are sworn to starts a 'Campaign', most of the lords just stand around a city and don't fight off or retaliate to enemies in siege. But when another Kingdom's Marshall starts a campaign- he has no problem, his gathers most of their kingdoms lords and starts besieging castles and cities.

    As a result of this, your Kingdom (or the one you are sworn to) loses regions pretty fast. I noticed that most of my lords didn't turn up for me when I 'Started a Campaign', but I thought nothing of it, since I was unpopular with them anyway.

    I lost ground when I was with the Swadians, the Khergits, and now the Vaegirs. And it was only recently I saw the armies just standing around doing nothing to protect the cities. I noticed this most with the Custom Troop Tree submod for Diplomacy

    I have heard that, if a lord or king is captured, he might remain 'indisposed' even when and/or after he is released, is this a problem? I could change the indisposed value in the SaveGameEditor, but I can't find it the SaveGameEditor menu.



    submitted by /u/jh270392
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    New to M&B

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Just got Warband on game pass and did a quest to collect taxes in the opening fiefdom (Shariz). Collected 6k in taxes and decided just to bolt. Can I go and start building up my army far away and deal with this angry lord at a later time when I can steamroll him? Or will he track me down?

    submitted by /u/metsknicks49ers
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    NPC Clans

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    This will probably fall on deaf ears but I've finally had to resign my current play through.

    I now have have 5 cities and endless castles and it is utterly impossible to get an NPC clan to join my faction.

    I have spent about 2-4 hours (irl time) wandering the map playing the mini game with literally everyone I can to try and get them to convert. If I can win the mini game, which does happen rarely, they want millions of gold. Millions! Why can't i offer them a city; take 3 just come fight for me!!!!

    Only thing i can do now is let the game run overnight while i sleep and *pray* to RN-Jesus I don't have a faction declare war on me. The only reason i don't have millions of gold IS the npc factions declaring war on me. they then take 'tribute' as i can't beat AI factions with only 650 men against three doomstacks of 1200 men each, and i can't get any more men as i can't convert anyone. SMH; FML

    Oh and if you're wondering how i got so many cities i snipe them when the AI takes them. Just declare war immediately after the army wanders off and there's no defenders> Siege> Win> Insta-truce. +1 city. Also broken by the way lol

    submitted by /u/Bill_Munroe_87
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