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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Village Resources Map for 1.5.5

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Village Resources Map for 1.5.5

    Bannerlord Village Resources Map for 1.5.5

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:33 PM PST

    [Warband} Question on renouncing vassalage

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:09 AM PST

    Hello, I'm in my first serious playthrough of Warband, (better late than never,) and I am a vassal to King Graveth. I own a castle with a garrison of ~200 and a city with a garrison of ~400, as well as a village. If I renounce my vassalage to become independent, what happens? Do the holdings I have a garrison in remain under my control? Or do the cities and castles just revert to King Graveth? Thank you!

    EDIT: I am playing the Diplomacy mod, if that matters.

    submitted by /u/Dave1722
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    Am I the only one who finds it satisfying to kill them just before they can leave

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:26 AM PST

    Despite their recent efforts to fix sieges, there is still a long way to go here. Dont give up!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:59 PM PST

    There is not a single strategy game today in which sieges are fun. It takes a lot of work to make this possible. In bannerlord, i can see the majority of development time going into sieges. It wouldn't surprise me if sieges alone set back the release date of bannerlord an addition 3 years. It hasn't been done yet, by any developer.

    We're talking several sets of AI working in conjunction with siege equipment, destructible environments, and various "tactical" triggers. Like knowing when its a good idea to use the window in an arrow tower rather than the roof. Or when to hold firm at the front gate versus chasing a nearby threat. This, among hundreds of other AI tweaks are what make sieges fun. I hope to see the AI take advantage of the rocks above the front gate as well.

    The team even took it to another level and set out to make this formula work on different architecture. When it would have been totes easier to simply copy and paste castle layouts with a different set of paint like any other developer would do.

    But whats here is going to be something fun, rather than the chore it was in warband, or any other 4x strategy game with siege components (they all suck).

    At the moment, the major issues are as follows

    1. CPU usage is ungodly high (i7-7700k), i think this is due to conflicting AI triggers because once the last troop on one side dies, my FPS shoots from 30 to 150
    2. Some triggers don't work consistently, and cause troops to sit idle when they should be attacking. This is a complicated issue and i see the team is working on the underlying mesh issues.
    3. Attacking player needs some love. We're not currently in control of enough of whats going on to make a difference.
    4. Shield wall formation at the gate needs to be revised so that the troops are blocking the entire entrance. Currently its possible to walk around the troops guarding the gate and go wherever i please
    submitted by /u/GreatWork123
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    What’s the most epic battle you ever fought in game?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:08 AM PST

    For me it was in my latest game of bannerlord where I was a western empire nobleman. I was leading an army of 250 in a siege of a battanian castle when an army of 550 battanians came rolling up. Obviously they proceeded to attack us. I didn't have the numbers on my side but I lucked out with the terrain which was mostly flat lands and two hills enemy cavalry would have to go around or go over and be slowed down. I positioned my infantry in a circle formation between the two hills and put my archers on the right side of them, then had the horse archers follow me And went up the left hill. As soon as I saw the enemy infantry coming Me and the horse archers started go round and round in a circle, the horse archers absolutely fucking up the battanians behind, the infantry holding strong for a long time in the circle against the battanian infantry and the archers shooting as many enemy's in the back as possible completely fucking up Battanian hope for an easy win.

    We still ultimately lost the battle but not before wiping out 70% of there forces. Easily the best defensive battles I ever fought in game.

    submitted by /u/FMJ998
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    Crossbow Troops overperforming?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:48 AM PST

    Playing again after taking a break for some months on 1.5.5 with no mods, doing a Sturgian campaign to see how the changes to their units are, and I'm noticing a trend I didn't use to see.

    Whenever we're fighting any of the Empire factions, or the Vlandians, oftentimes fully half or more of their lords armies will be full of crossbow units. In battle, I'm completely floored by how well they're performing. They're very strong at range, having a good RoF despite being crossbows, and have been consistently holding the line against all but my best melee troops once they engage.

    While this is annoying for me to deal with, they are absolutely demolishing the AI. I've just done a battle where 1400 sturgians including myself engaged an army of about 750 Vlandians. The sheer number of Sharpshooters and other crossbowmen meant that in the end, over half of the Sturgian army was dead or wounded.

    Is anyone else seeing this? Is this working as intended? If so, I'll probably wait for 1.5.5 to fully release and stop updating to wait for a mod that tweaks this, because it seems ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/SindriAndTheHeretics
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    Cheat Menu

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:22 AM PST


    I've been trying to activte the cheat menu as i'm stuck in my current playthrough.

    I've edited the engine_config.txt file but when i launch the game, the save file reverts the cheat state to 0 and the consul says cheat mode is disabled.

    Is there any way around this issue?

    FYI i've tested and it's not the save game that is reverting the state, it's the game booting up. I've tested...

    submitted by /u/Bill_Munroe_87
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    Start as an existing Kingdom

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Hello guys, is there any mod that allows you to play as an existing kingdom native? Thanks for reply

    submitted by /u/adam_kotyra
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    (Bannerlord) I want to make a mod to add a minor faction in. I don’t have any experience modding Mount and Blade though. How can I get started?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Keyboard doesn't work during sieges

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:25 AM PST

    So I'm playing on beta 1.5.5 and during sieges the majority of my keyboard doesn't seem to work, for example I can't equip weapons, not even trough the mouse wheel, I win the siege and the press tab to view results appears and I press tab but it doesn't to anything so I can't get out of the siege, I have to Alt-F4 the game. Walking keys are fine.

    I also tried swapping the keys to the mouse extra buttons but it doesn't do anything either.

    Has anyone experienced this bug?

    submitted by /u/TaaKeeR
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    Bannerlord Executing Lords

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:18 AM PST

    I execute almost every lord of sturgia. Because they attack my castles and villages all the time. I don't even know if their kingdom even loses power when lords are executed. I'm kinda rich thanks to smithing so I don't need ransoming. And if I keep them in prison they often escape somehow. So executing seems the most logical thing to do. Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/tutkuaksoy
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    Warband sky reflection rendering issue on Linux - has anyone seen this and have a fix?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Kingdom (culture)?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:43 PM PST

    I am about o start my own kindom and bannerlord 2 any advice on which culture a kingdom should be?( the most beneficial ofc) Why do i only have to choose between vlandian and empire culture what about other cultures? Thank yall and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/matambaka26
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    Question marriage

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Pretty simple question, I want to know if I can get my brothers and sisters married to other clans in the current state of the game.

    submitted by /u/sneakyeggplant300
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    The Greathammer

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:29 AM PST

    Where can I find the Greathammer? How much does it cost? Is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/MrTurtleQuack
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    does anyone else have an problem launching the game? it crashes when i launch. how to fix this

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:57 AM PST

    So... I got a really exciting bug today after my first swing with my sword in the battle.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:02 AM PST

    Bug? Can't equip my brother with any gear despite following me in my group and giving me a huge quartermaster bonus?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:33 AM PST

    As the title says. Halp

    submitted by /u/JustTryinMuhBest
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    What are the real life equivalents of Warband factions?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:50 AM PST

    Also, what are the real life equivalents of Bannerlord factions?

    submitted by /u/Freshpie666
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    How do I view what enterprises I have, and in what cities?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:38 AM PST

    Is there a keyboard shortcut, or do you have to remember the town where you have the enterprise, or can you see it on the menu? Please clarify this.

    submitted by /u/Bradyentler
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    Warband Very High vs Bannerlord Very Low Graphics Comparison

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Can you apply warband mods on console somehow? (Xbox one)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:27 AM PST

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