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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.5.2 & Beta Branch 1.5.3 Patch Notes

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.5.2 & Beta Branch 1.5.3 Patch Notes

    Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.5.2 & Beta Branch 1.5.3 Patch Notes

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Greetings, Peasants.



    Welcome to the patch thread, we make these threads to save us another pin space for other things.

    Taleworlds forum bug reporting thread

    Mount and Blade Discord

    Link to wiki - Previous patches and threads inside


    Latest Changes:

    Fixed an issue with death cam in battles.

    Previous Beta Hotfixes:


    Fixed a problem with animation sampling.

    Fixed a bug that caused the player to get captured, lose all troops and companions despite a successful battle.

    Both player and the bandit camp boss were forced to start the duel or battle without a wielded weapon. Now the boss wields the weapon when the dialogue is over and the player holds his weapon in his hands if he had already had one.

    Removed the dismounting feature from spear blade parts. Dismounting can now only be applied with spear guard pieces.

    Various problems with companion and lord deaths were resolved. (Parties that lost their party leader in special circumstances should not become stuck. Clan party creation & clan role assignment should not be locked if a companion party leader dies. A number of crashes were handled.) This fix does not resolve the issue in already broken save games.

    Fixed a crash that occurred if the player failed at romance bartering.

    Minor improvement in autosave timings.


    Fixed a bug that caused new notables to not spawn in some situations.

    Fixed a bug that made the wrong menu appear if the player selected an aggressive action in a conversation with an army member.

    Fixed a bug that caused the nameplate of the main party to not appear when starting a new campaign.


    Fixed an issue that prevented player-led army parties from recruiting troops.

    Fixed an issue that caused party icons to disappear after exiting a settlement.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when entering the smithy in any town.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when the Trade screen opened.

    Fixed a crash that occurred if the player kingdom makes peace during a battle simulation.

    Players will no longer create caravans for the Lord Needs a Tutor quest NPC.

    Fixed the issue of multiplayer player avatars looking older than their own setting.

    Fixed a bug that threw the player out if the player was disguised in an enemy town and the player's clan declared war/peace with another faction.

    Initial Beta Changelog




    Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a smithy in any town.

    Fixed a crash that occurred in the inventory while moving items with the drag function.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when players conquered one of the Scout Enemy Garrison Quest Settlements while having the quest active.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a kingdom during a siege event.

    Fixed a crash that happened when players tried to become a vassal while they were in an army.

    Fixed a hideout crash that occurred when players attacked an empty hideout. It should no longer be possible to attack empty hideouts now.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when peace was declared during simulations.

    Fixed a crash that occurred due to the main storyline mentor characters dying.

    Fixed a crash that occurred after the rival gang leader quest mission.

    Fixed a crash that occurred after marriage barter if the marriage partner was in an army.

    Fixed a crash that occurred in the "Find hideout" main storyline quest.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when the player died.

    Fixed a crash that occurred in some save files when attacking a neutral party and starting a war with their faction.

    Fixed crashes/bugs that occurred when a non player hero died in battle and bugs related with his/her disbanding party.

    Fixed a crash that occurred during passive usage of weapons (couch lancing & spear bracing).

    Fixed a crash that occurred due to the brother character not appearing after save & load.

    Save & Load

    Fixed the issue "Could Not Create Save data" for players with unicode PC username.

    All deleted/removed/changed items from .xml's will become "Trash" items. (Some old saves that used crafting were crashing because they tried to load deleted items. This should be resolved now.).


    Minor text fixes and localization updates.

    Chinese localisation updates.

    Simplified chinese translation file row fix.


    Improvements on khuzait_village_b and khuzait_village_c.

    Various visual bug fixes on some scenes.

    Added new workshop wall scene props.

    Updated cloth patterns and some mesh details for two battanian chainmail armors.

    Improvements on several Empire building models.


    Fixed an issue in the army management screen that occurred while closing the popup if the player's influence was below 0.

    Fixed a bug that caused the nameplate of the main party to not appear when starting a new campaign.

    Battles and Sieges

    Fixed a bug which crashed the game when the player transfered troops to custom formations in battle and then gave formation orders.

    A minor position calculation error in the formation AI was fixed.

    Cavalry aiming had some errors on hills, which resulted in cavalry not hitting the enemy at all. This was fixed.

    Fixed attacker's formation and boundary issues on sturgia_town_b.

    Fixed certain weapons that were stuck to dead agents and were randomly disappearing.

    Fixed an issue with death cam in battles.

    Character Development System

    Added 18 combat-related archery skill perks. This completes the archery skill perk tree.

    Added 19 combat-related crossbow skill perks. This completes the crossbow skill perk tree.

    Added stewardship experience gain for heroes that have been assigned as governors.

    Opening Face Generator screen with 'V' is re-enabled in the main map. But the hair and beard options are limited to a few simple ones. For haircuts, the Barber NPC can be visited at any town center.

    Fixed a bug that caused a change of the epic perk under Smithing.

    Clan and Party

    Fixed a bug that allowed marriage to be proposed for dead heroes.

    Fixed a bug that caused newly assigned governors to not to appear in the settlement menu.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy

    Fixed a bug that caused prisoners to become neutral yet remain captive in some situations after the AI that besieged a castle that held the prisoners made peace with the owner.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)

    Fixed a bug that caused settlement tooltips to display the number of ransomed prisoners incorrectly.

    Fixed a bug that caused the wrong menu to appear after the player selected an aggressive action in the conversation with an army member.

    Quests & Issues

    New quest "The Art of The Deal" added.

    New quest "Lady's Knight Out" added.

    Fixed a bug that led to the bandit party in a caravan ambush quest to stay stationary after battle.

    Disabled dying chance for Radagos and brother. Added a 30 years time limit to the first phase of the storyline.

    Fixed a bug where Radagos' hideout could not be created properly.

    Fixed issues that caused Radagos to be dead in his hideout or other bandit bosses to appear.

    Fixed a bug that caused the player's death to cancel the Neretzes' Folly quest.

    Added scaling influence costs for the Lord Solutions of the quests "Lady's Knight Out", "Overpriced Raw Materials" and "Extortion by a Robber Knight".

    "Nearby Bandit Base" quest can now be taken only from villages.

    Some text and dialogue improvements for "Army Needs Supplies" quest.

    If a player is waiting inside the "Army of Poachers" quest settlement, the quest menu will be opened automatically when poachers arrive at the village.

    Fixed a bug that caused the "Deliver the Herd" quest to become impossible to complete.

    Conversations & Encounters

    Added a few new dialogues and comments for guards and other NPCs.

    If a player is waiting in a village and the village gets raided by someone, the player will be directed to an encounter menu which allows them to join the raid - either by helping the village or helping the attackers.


    There was a visual bug showing butter in inventories as unavailable while players were within settlements. Butter is once again allowed within cities.

    Steppe Marauders and Raiders are now assigned as Horse Archers.

    Rhomphalias now use "Bent Razor Head" as their blade.

    Khan's Guard units now have an additional set of arrows instead of their one-handed mace.

    Ridged Short Gladius Blade (Battania_blade_2) can not be used as a two handed sword anymore. The blade itself was too short as the name implies.

    Blunt Arrows have issues with inconsistent damage. It won't be possible to purchase them for the time being.

    Infantry can now dismount mounted enemies with hooked guarded spears. Battanian Oathsworn and Picked Warrior are the troops with this feature. Spear Guards with Dismount feature are: Double Huge Hooks With Fur Covering, Double Hooks, Weighted Long Thorns, Singular Hook Wing, Double Hook Wings and Double Thorn Wings.

    You can now use new heroes for custom battles. Heroes with couch lances, long bows and more are available for your custom battles.

    Disabled wounded character animations in inappropriate situations.

    Added cheat commands to change settlement loyalty, security, militia and prosperity.

    When entering a village, your companions now use battle outfits instead of civilian outfits.

    Fixed a bug which made hideouts belong to the player faction.

    Improved crash logging for the dump system.

    Fixed a bug that caused some settlements' security value to be NaN.

    Lords hall character agent spawning algorithm improvements. The settlement's owner will spawn on the throne but if the kingdom's ruler is inside the settlement, the ruler will override it.


    Design & Balance

    Fixed a bug where inaccuracy for shooting/throwing wasn't applied on horseback.

    Reduced the maximum inaccuracy for throwing weapons.

    Adjusted the movement inaccuracy for archers and made it more consistent between MP and SP.

    Map Related

    Visual improvements all around on the new skirmish scene, Port at Omor. Atmosphere was changed, because it was hard to see Aserai troops on the scene. Bug fixes for physics issues and problems with getting stuck.


    Blocked the gallery (but not stairs) of flag C.

    Added railings to stairs at C to indicate where they can be jumped off from.

    Made stairs faster to traverse for cavalry and infantry.

    Some small detail work.

    Baravenos Encirclement

    Added a new breach to the G flag.

    Overhauled the G Flag.

    Moved a lot of defender spawns.

    Added some new destructible wooden structures.

    Made some of the current structures destructible.

    Adjustments to lighting.

    Some detail work (replaced old trees, improved terrain for low settings, physics fixes etc.).

    Other - Miscellaneous

    Fixed some troops appearing too old.

    Auto team selection button will put the player into the team with a low amount of players.



    Fixed a crash that occurred after changing the graphics settings.


    Missing camel rider falling animations added.


    Fixed a bug that caused battering rams to not deliver damage.

    Fixed a bug that stopped range indicators on siege weapons from moving.

    Known Issues

    submitted by /u/Arthanias
    [link] [comments]

    Have you ever had one enemy left and just asserted your dominance by going 1v1 as your army watched?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Swadian Selfie Stick

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    At last, let the cities overflow with butter once again

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Modding tools are coming late august

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    King Ragnar wasn’t a really popular guy

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    [Help] The Vassals of the realm are not taking me seriously

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hello, I successfully lead an operation to capture an Imperial town, and the following day at court I was summoned.

    Great Khan, servant of the Eternal Blue Sky, first son of Tengri and Avatar of the ancestor Spirits Monchung informed me that my hard work had paid off, and that I would be given my first fief to manage, protect, and develop.

    However, when I looked at the map, I noticed that the fief I was given was deep in enemy territory, over 3,000 KM from our borders, and currently under siege by a 750+ army. The latest prosperity report on the fief was:

    "A pathetic town so awful in economic potential, the mere existence of it lowers the quality of life for all living organisms on Earth."

    I could hear the other vassals laughing at me and one of them said "I am sure you and your lame courser will make quick work of the enemy! Stay strong brother!"

    Then all of them burst out in laughter.

    I went home and listened to Linkin Park.

    submitted by /u/Baron_Of_Urga
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    Do tournaments give xp now?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Main line or Beta?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    For those of you still consistently playing. Do you prefer the main branch or the beta? Explain why in comments.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Horkoss
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    I know it's 2020 but I have a Warband question. Yes I'm playing Warband because I can't run Bannerlord and Warband offers a lot more to me through mods/etc.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I AM PLAYING THE FLORIS EXPANDED MOD PACK. Native troop rosters and tournaments, only like it for the diplomacy. It has more depth than the Diplomacy mod itself.


    I wanted to create a trading empire in the heart of Calradia. A city that would thrive and be a kingdom in it's own right, Dhirim. It has a lot of potential during peace times as many already know, and I love the idea of just owning my kingdom and the surrounding two castles (to make my borders look pretty).



    TO THE POINT -> How do I prevent vassals from defecting to me? Suddenly one day Tihr and Wercheg became apart of my kingdom. It kind of just ruined my playthrough as multiple lords kept defecting to me (and the brilliance of my character Sven) .. Is it not possible? To not want to conquer all of Calradia?

    submitted by /u/mersile_
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    3rd time in 1 hour

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I haven't even finished a full in-game year yet, and my wife is already pregnant with our third child. Pregancy must have been pretty short during the middle ages.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Why is their no full colour palate

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    It's a bit weird that their is no full colour palet for your flag in bannerlord, is their a reason for this. I tried some mods but they don't seem to work.id love to also have a white crusader theme army.

    submitted by /u/incognito-walrus-
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    So idk if it's a glitch or not but for some reason I can't smith. It always says "you're to tired to smith, do it another time". And even if I wait couple in-game months my smithing stamina doesn't go up. Please help cause I am confusion

    submitted by /u/MdmaCheck
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    Will downloading so many mods make your PC make a hissing noise (more like a Audio noise if i can describe it (old tv hiss sound))?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    Title pretty much says it. Downloaded some mods after figuring out what Vortex is, and its going all good until i Downloaded my last 2 mods. Game boots up just fine, doesn't seem to be any lag, then my pc will make that noise. I had a notification thing pop up saying the game was taking 1, 100% CPU whatever that means. Never had any issues and would like to know if my pc is safe or whats the issue. Specs are Geforce RTX 2070, 16 gigs of ram, Ryzen 5 3600x. Any help would be appreciated. Also a tip, when i look at the mods, they all seem to be loading up correctly and running fine, its just that noise. I do have my graphics all the way up (before mods haven't tried it with) and it had no issues or noise (idk if that info will help)

    submitted by /u/Mjdecker1234
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    M&B Warband - R3TDEnder on Twitch

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Any interesting mod set in the pike and shot period?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    uhh... 12G update???

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    ok first of all I gotta say this could be a steam issue.

    but i got an 12G update after my game crashed.

    could it be that my game crashed so hard that I gotta redownload the game? or is it an actual update?

    submitted by /u/Artruian
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    May seem more fair then my 50v800 but those 121 troops are basically all recruits. How do I manage to get myself in these situations.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    Come on dude i dont have all day

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Is M&B Napoleonic Wars still alive?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I'm specifically asking if its alive in the Oceania region.

    submitted by /u/DankyMeme7
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    Perisno: can't run away

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:35 PM PDT


    I never am able to run away from losing battles, as you normally can do in other mods!

    How, if that is possible, you do that in Perisno? I play in ironman mode, so every time that happens means restart army from zero. And even worse, search for companions all over the world!

    submitted by /u/Brucehum
    [link] [comments]

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