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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Mount & Blade TaleWorlds Gamescom 2020 Online Event

    Mount & Blade TaleWorlds Gamescom 2020 Online Event

    TaleWorlds Gamescom 2020 Online Event

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    For those who are not aware, in lieu of a physical event at Gamescom Taleworlds is hosting one online. They have made a couple of news posts about this, which will be linked to below.

    Mount and Blade Discord

    Gamescom 2020 Online Event

    Greetings warriors of Calradia!

    It is that time of year again, Gamescom is upon us and we are back to show off some more Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord! However, this year things are markedly different and, unfortunately, we are unable to head out to Cologne and meet with you in person as we had initially hoped.

    But, even if we've had to drop the portcullis, we still want to reach out to you all to share in this annual event in the TaleWorlds calendar. And so, we have dispatched couriers to our friends overseas and made plans to host a special online event that will take place from Thursday to Sunday!

    During the event, participants will be able to compete in a number of daily competitions. These daily events will consist of character portrait competitions and a number of performance-based multiplayer challenges. Additionally, participants will be able to claim and compete for a selection of multiplayer badges during the event. Details about these competitions and information on how to claim the badges can be found in the Gamescom Schedule below and in the Gamescom 2020 FAQ on our website.

    On Saturday, we will be hosting a developer and community play session which will give you a chance to play alongside and against members of the TaleWorlds team in a variety of different game modes!

    Finally, we will be hosting a Developer Workshop on Friday afternoon to discuss some of the modding tools that we hope to release in the near future. So, if you are interested in learning more about modding in Bannerlord, make sure to make a note of that on your calendar!

    For those of you that will be unable to attend the event, have no fear as we will be hosting a number of live streams, featuring special guest hosts, ESO, and HandOfBlood, who will present the streams in both English and German respectively. These streams will cover both singleplayer and multiplayer gameplay, with members of the TaleWorlds team making appearances throughout to discuss various aspects of the game.

    But wait, there's more! Our friends from the Call to Arms group will be celebrating their 4th anniversary this week and, as such, we wanted to thank them for their dedication and hard work in organising and hosting regular multiplayer events for the Mount & Blade community. In recognition of their efforts, we have named a time-limited badge in their honour that will be available throughout the 4-day event. You can find more details on how to join and take part in their events that will be taking place this week over on their Discord server: https://discord.gg/2NWPTXe


    We look forward to seeing you all over the weekend and wish you the best of luck in the competitions taking place throughout the event. Thank you for reading, and remember: stay safe and keep out of melee range!

    End Transcript

    Gamescom 2020 FAQ

    Live Streams

    Throughout the event, we will be hosting a number of streams featuring special guest hosts and members of the TaleWorlds developer team. These streams will cover both singleplayer and multiplayer, as well as, a special Developer Workshop where we will be discussing some of the modding tools that we hope to share with you all very soon.

    Can I join the multiplayer portion of the streams?

    We will be playing a mix of game modes during the stream, so you just need to be queuing for a match via matchmaking for a chance to be placed in the same match as the streamer.

    Are these events region limited?

    No, anyone can join our events and be eligible for a prize! However, the streamed events will take place on EU servers.

    How can I join the Developers and Community event, are there any criteria?

    There are no prerequisites to join, and everyone is invited to attend and take part. For this particular event, the developers will be queuing for a number of different game modes through matchmaking so you just need to be playing matchmaking games to be in with a chance of running into a developer team.

    Will there be any indicator for the developers during the Developers and Community event, how can we recognise them?

    The developers will be using TaleWorlds clan tags and TaleWorlds badges so that they are easy to identify.

    Where can I watch the streams?

    You can watch all streams on our Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/taleworlds

    We'll be also streaming to Facebook, YouTube and Steam.

    What language will the streams be in?

    HandOfBlood's stream on August 27 will be in German. All other streams will be in English.

    Can I re-enter the server during the event if my game crashes?

    Yes, if there are any empty slots.

    Character Portrait Competition

    We love the characters you create and wanted to have a little competition for those skilled creators out there! Each day, we will announce a different theme for submissions, with a jury of developers selecting their favourite one.

    Each day's winner will get to see the character they created added to the game. Will it be a fierce companion, a tavern drunkard or a simple farmhand? We'll see... We'll have a total of 4 winners and 4 prizes throughout the event.

    How do I enter?

    Each competition will start daily at 14:30 CEST when we announce the theme, and it will end at 22:30 CEST. You will need to share a screenshot of your character's face from the character creation screen on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, (make sure to mention/tag us and use the #ButterlordsWanted) as well as the FaceKey of the character.

    How do I get/create a FaceKey after finishing character creation?

    On the character customisation screen (you can access the character creator by starting a new game, or by pressing V while on the campaign map with an existing character) press CTRL+C to copy the FaceKey. You can paste this code as text or use it on any character customisation screen by pressing CTRL+V to produce the same character. The key should look similar to this:

    <BodyProperties version="4" age="30.59" weight="0.5" build="0.5" key="000554088014115353DBA4797AC4586D413A895B76B483CC485CA8453CE9844C01777614077AA687000000000000000000000000000000000000000020E48082" />

    It is enough for you to share the number and letter combination after "key=", e.g.: 000554088014115353DBA4797AC4586D413A895B76B483CC485CA8453CE9844C01777614077AA687000000000000000000000000000000000000000020E48082

    How many times can I enter the character portrait competition?

    You are allowed to submit one entry per day/theme.

    Do I need to submit a portrait that complies with the theme?

    You are free to share your lovely creations with the world, but only theme-based submissions will be eligible to win.

    How and when will you announce the winners?

    All winners will be announced at the end of each day, through our social media channels, website and forums.

    Can I use modified game files while creating a character?

    No, you must use the Native version of the game for your entry to be eligible.

    Multiplayer Competitions

    Each day, the player with the top kills in a specific game mode will be awarded the Gamescom Champion Badge.

    Thursday: Top killer in Captain mode (must queue as a party of two or more players)

    Friday: Top killer in Skirmish (must queue as a party of two or more players)

    Saturday: Top killer in Captain mode (solo queue)

    Sunday: Top killer in Skirmish mode (solo queue)

    Multiplayer Badges

    Badges are visual indicators that you can apply to your profile to show that you accomplished certain in-game tasks! We'll be handing out three different badges during the event, two of which are event specific, meaning that you need to take part in the event to claim them.

    What are the badges?

    Call to Arms, Manhunter, and Gamescom Champion.

    How do I earn the badges?

    Gamescom Champion: Awarded to winners of the daily competitions. Manhunter: Gained by killing someone who has this, or the TaleWorlds developer badge equipped. Call to Arms: Win any 5 matchmaking games during the Gamescom 2020 event.

    How will I know if I got a badge or not?

    The Call to Arms and Manhunter badges will automatically be awarded at the end of each game. The Gamescom Champion badges will be manually assigned at the end of the event.

    Where can I see my badges?

    You can find your badges in the badge section of the Social tab in the multiplayer lobby.

    How can I activate a badge to be displayed on my profile in matches?

    In the badges screen, click on any badge you want to use and it will be activated.

    Can I get all the badges or only one?

    You can get all badges if you fulfil the requirements.

    Developer Workshop

    On Friday afternoon we will be hosting a Developer Workshop stream where two of our developers will be discussing the Map Editor tools that our own level designers use and that we hope to share with you all very soon.

    Can we ask questions to devs during the stream?

    You are welcome to put your questions forward in the stream chat and if we see something interesting we will try to answer it. However, there is no dedicated Q&A section.

    Where will you stream this event?

    You can watch all streams on our Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/taleworlds

    We'll be also streaming to Facebook, YouTube and Steam.

    Is it just modding or will there be more?

    This stream will be entirely focused on the Map Editor tool.

    Do I have to be a modder to join this event?

    No, everyone is welcome to come along!

    Call to Arms Community Event

    Our friends from the Call to Arms group will be celebrating their 4th anniversary this week and, as such, we wanted to thank them for their dedication and hard work in organising and hosting regular multiplayer events for the Mount & Blade community.

    They will be hosting organised events on both Thursday and Friday evening, featuring PixelatedApollo and Lionheartx10, with everyone else welcome to join.

    What is Call to Arms and how do I join the events?

    The Call to Arms events are organised by members of our community, with their own procedures and rules. You can get more information about the group and how to join their events through their Discord server: https://discord.gg/2NWPTXe

    End Transcript

    submitted by /u/Arthanias
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    King Harlaus In a Nutshell

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    i cri evrytiem

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Developer Workshop - Map Editor [EN]

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    When i saw this my mind just went ooh wow! In owen wilsons voice lmao. Welp. I guess its all easy win now lmao

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Mod is Nova Aetas for warband

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Nice try :)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Coming back to patch 1.5

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    So I came back after a pause (about 3 months maybe more) and I am seriously shocked. Performance wise the game hasn't changed much and I am still getting choppy performance during sieges. Not getting any crashes tho so that has definetly improved.

    Now the AI... what the actual f. did they do with the AI? During sieges my troops will just stand back and let the enemy rain down arrows upon them. Soldiers won't even bother running to the ladders and picking them up to scale the walls and when they eventually get on the walls, they will run past enemies and attack random targets. NOBODY is using shields in sieges (but I noticed that during charges the AI will sometimes use the shield against archers which is nice). Other than that they will get absolutely slaughtered if not commanded. Today I raided a hideout and after I took an unfortunate Javelin to the forehead, my troops just clumped up and went afk while the enemy bashed them down one after another, they didn't even bother attacking back.

    I ve seen some new armors but HOLY SHIT... HOW is there still the same bugged armor piece after all this time? (highlander gloves, highland warlord skin is broken + more )

    Workshops.... have they decided to completely remove any kind of profit from these ? I was getting like 15 denars from them and I've tried all of them. Caravans seem nerfed to hell aswell.

    Last but not least, how exactly does weapon range work now? How does a random infantry unit with a shortsword outrange my lance? I could swear that sometimes my weapon just phases through the enemy without doing damage while I am perfectly in range.

    Is this normal or is my game somehow bugged? Is anyone else bothered by this?

    submitted by /u/Magneticall
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    The state of diplomacy in 1.5.1

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Loading times since new patch

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    Is anybody else experiencing longer loading times since the new patch? Takes me like 5 minutes to start the game up.

    submitted by /u/ActionBasse
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    Settlement Icons

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    I haven't played in a few months. An old mod I had called Settlement Icons appears to have not been updated over the summer. Anyone remember it and know if a similar mod exists? It would just display an icon for whether the town had a quest or the potential to allow elite troops and what resource it specialized in. It just was a bit nicer than having to try and remember or mouseover everything.

    submitted by /u/LordBen76
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    Favourite Bannerlord faction? And why?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I have a hard time deciding which faction to play for my first playtrough. Which one is your favourite? And why?

    submitted by /u/eanteujen
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    What are the best mods to get for bannerlord?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    Just to make the game a little better. Not like conversion mods.

    submitted by /u/Bshawn194
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    Debug Alert makes "Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition" unplayable.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    Debug Alert makes "Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition" unplayable.

    Hello all, so I've been playing alot of "Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition" for quite awhile as it gives you the option to start the game as a clan leader. If you start off as a clan leader it gives the player a prompt saying that the Great Lord of the clan has passed away and you're next in line. Well, I've been playing as the clan leader until Day 18 when I was hit with this Debug Alert:


    The problem is, hitting "Continue..." doesn't do anything at all which makes the game completely unplayable. I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience and how they went about it. I would reeeeallly not like to have to start a new game as I enjoy this playthrough.

    Note: I did edit the "troops" in the Modules' folder just to change the name of my companions but that doesn't seem to be related to the issue since I was able to play for some time after.

    Also, I do have Cheats enabled and had already tried disabling via warband launcher but this did not solve the problem.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Gerard123dp
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    Cheaters in Captain Mode (MP)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Since yesterday i saw 3 guys hacking/cheating or whatever in Catain Mode. They are simply floating and are not hitable.
    Im just shure about one name which is TeaPourer5000. I think these could be even guys in the TW company cause it happend always when guys with a TW badge or some other special ones where in the game.

    submitted by /u/positief
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    They are truly a force to be reckoned with, these desert bandits

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Help! f1+f3 isnt working in Steel and Flesh 2.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    I'm trapped in my island, only left with a village and town. Im getting bullied by 9 factions. I need a comeback strategy.

    Differences between unit tiers, plus some Intel about army.


    Average Lord's have like 60+ to 100++ units. Composition is about 10-20% men at arms(swordsman/axeman/archers), 30-40% experts, 50-60% elites. The largest army I've ever fought was maybe about 800 units with like 10-11 nobles.

    submitted by /u/klydephilip
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    So I found a hill.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    That damn fencing quest lol.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    1.51 beta crashes

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Is this an issue or it s on my end? I dont have moda or anything but i get tons of crashes on the beta

    submitted by /u/aleyan97
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    Native Spear Brace Mod for Single Player

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    The application faced a problem

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys i need some help with this problem after i updated the game recently (Patch 1.5) i launched the game and the only thing i get is this "The application faced a problem" and then i disabled all of my mods and it shows the same thing i always get this kind of problem every patch and it's starting to piss me off

    submitted by /u/Driannn_ian
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    All the factions declared war against me so I guess I'm not well liked...

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:45 PM PDT

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