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    Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    Mount & Blade A different illustration of Calradia

    Mount & Blade A different illustration of Calradia

    A different illustration of Calradia

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Finally Got a Banner (rolling deep with my squad)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    My first large scale battle and it was awesome.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    What the hell even is this armor?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Bannerlord Patch Notes - Hotfix (e1.4.1 - 01/07/20)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:45 AM PDT


    • You can now add multiplayer friends through their Bannerlord ID.
    • Added in-game username system called Bannerlord ID. You can choose a username for yourself under the Social tab. Players are given a random username on login if they don't have one. Usernames should be between 5-30 characters and only letters are allowed.

    • Minor serverside improvements.

    • Fixed a bug that caused 6-player parties to be removed from the Siege pool if they haven't been on queue for 3 minutes.

    • Fixed Custom Games not having auto team balance.

    • Fixed barriers to prevent players go out of bounds or phase into objects (like walls, boxes etc.).

    • Fixed a bug that makes the player able to speak to a notable with "request a meeting with someone" menu button.

    • Fixed a crash that occurred when asking tavern keeper for available quests.

    • Fixed a bug caused specific games to be created twice.

    • Fixed an error that caused the player to be able to propose war/peace decisions while being under a mercenary contract. Minor bugfix with Kingdom Decision system.

    submitted by /u/CensarOfNensar
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    Me, who startet to play Bannerlord 4 Days ago

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Bannerlord on very high graphics

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    How do I fix my reputation? I beheaded a lot of nobs, and now not even starving people will take grain from me for free.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Title says it all, really. I got super-frustrated with the entire Khanate showing up I tried to besiege one little castle. Not one of them could take me in a fair fight, but I just couldn't handle the doomstacks they were just sitting prettily there assembling while I tried to lay siege.

    So I just figured, hey, no nobles, no warbands. So I started chopping off heads.

    Now I'm basically hated by a lot of people, including notables. Even when they have quests, they won't give them to me, they just said "I do not trust you." Like, lady, I have never once raided a village or pillaged a caravan or group of villagers on the map. My beef is with the nobs, not you, and now you're refusing to take grain because I chopped off some nob's head?

    ASDFG. Is this run just turbo-hosed? Should I just start over?

    submitted by /u/ShadowDragon8685
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    Sunrise in Bannerlord

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Charmed, I'm sure.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    How do you win bannerlord?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I'm a bit lost. How the hell am I supposed to win at this game as a kingdom?

    My first attempt: I joined a kingdom, got a fief, started my own kingdom, and from that point I've been capturing everything I could reach and I simply bribed every other kingdom that turned on me. It worked fine, I had 10 mill gold but I failed the attempt because after a while thanks to the conspiracy quest every kingdom turned on me and the bribe option was gone, so I'm in war with 3 kingdoms that each have gigantic armies compared to mine.

    My second attempt: I tried to be a nice guy, I didn't join any kingdom, I simply got an elite army in the beginning and took 2 castles and a town from a soon to be beaten kingdom. At this point I had 3 fiefs and every single kingdom in the game started to wage war upon me, even tho I was very liked since I always left everyone free after battles and I didn't break free from any existing kingdom, I started my own from scratch. I didn't stand a chance against them.

    How am I supposed to actually win this game? Every single kingdom in the game has gigantic armies right from the beginning, and if I start my own they all just rush at me and tear me apart before I could even start putting one together. Abusing the bribe mechanic worked out for a long time, but then the conspiracy breaks it.

    What's the general idea there? I have no clue.

    submitted by /u/Murdash
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    What Bannerlord needs: Easy Revanchism

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    This has been infuriating me recently: My character is Sturgian, and I only recently got around to swearing fealty to Ragnvad rather than trying to go it alone like I did in Warband, but...

    Half of Sturgia is in foreign hands. Tyal and all the castles by it are in Khuzait hands, while the westernmost cities belong to the Vlandians of all people, despite them actually having to travel through Batannian territory to get to these holdings.

    And I've been grinding and grinding and grinding trying to seize back just that one damn little piddly castle south of Tyal to get a fief for myself and a beachhead, and it's been failing for two reasons:

    Firstly, and which I addressed in another thread, is that the entire freaking Khuzait Khanate shows up when I try to lay siege to the castle until they just drown me in bodies! Also, the castle's siege engines wipe out mine with focus-fire before mine can do anything, because I'm apparently too pants-on-head dumb to build my siege engines out of range and then move them in to attack as a unit.

    Secondly, however... It's not easier to recapture land than it is to capture land, and it should be. Just before my run blew up with Ragnvad declaring peace, I had actually debilitated the Khuzait army enough that they couldn't ride to rescue the garrison (by chopping the heads off about 20% of the lords and mercenaries,) and the castle's defenders sallied to attack me. And I found myself slaughtering Sturgian militia.

    And that got me thinking, "wait, what? They should be on my side."

    And they should be. A revanchist capture should be far more easy than taking hostile territory, because you are liberating your own people. If you belong to the faction whose culture corresponds to the local culture, the militia should refuse to fight, or even fight on your side: a siege can be over in a day if a squad of militiamen storm the gatehouse from inside the walls and force open the gates. Then your armies just charge forth, to find the place is already a massive skirmish between the militia forces who prefer to be ruled by their own people and the garrison who are loyal to their commanders.

    This would also make the game self-correcting in terms of one culture or another beginning to faceroll: taking hostile territory may be easy, but it should take herculean efforts to endear yourself to the locals, or else absolutely draconian policies and expensive numbers of garrison troops - not to mention forbidding the militia from forming because you don't want hostile local partisans running around under arms - to keep it.

    And even if the occupiers refuse to permit a militia, if you're retaking a town of your own culture, the townsfolk themselves will do it.

    This all doesn't apply that straightly in the case of the civil war, however; the culture is Imperial, not North or West or East Imperial. The garrison will fight on the side of whomever has better relations with the town, or just refuse to fight at all and make the soldiers and the lords sort it out by themselves.

    That could also be in effect with capturing hostile territory: if you're a Sturgian lord but Khuzait by birth and have good relations with notables and you're trying to take Baltakhand, you might be able to sway the militia/townpeople to your side, or at least convince them to stay out of it, especially if the Beg of Baltakhand is not loved by the people there.

    submitted by /u/ShadowDragon8685
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    Where do i get this mod?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Aging ruins enjoyment?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    I find that when I play, I'm always looking for the quickest and fastest way to accomplish something. Waiting for smithing emotionally hurts me if I'm at 100% hp with no wounded. Losing my army is devastating because of the time spent collecting my troops. If I leave a settlement and have to go back to defend it I feel like I wasted the time in-between. I plan my timed moves on the world map like a CIV game. It would be cool if you could turn off aging and just enjoy your time running around Caladria instead of battling against the clock the whole game.

    I feel like this is a very obscure opinion so if you dont feel the same way I totally get it.

    submitted by /u/avalisk
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    Epic. Nord. Moment.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    What’s the fastest way to get a larger party size? (Can’t level my leadership/charisma)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Have'nt seen it on the subreddit so far, but you can play a minigame in campaign (BaghChal)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    This next upcoming patch must be a doozy

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Probably explains why we haven't had any significant feature/content updates the past month and more. Is it weird that the longer its taking the more excited I am getting??

    submitted by /u/THEKONIG
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    This might have happened at Suno by the way...

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Smithing 101

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I finally got the game

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    I got banner lord on sale and while i have to run it on very low graphics with 30 fps i love it. ive always played games like civilization, total war, age of empires, ect. this combines the best parts of all of them. ive only played 2 hours so far. aside from it taking a beefy computer to play the best quality there are no cons. im officially addicted to the game.

    submitted by /u/Culteredpman25
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