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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Mount & Blade "How did you escape the simulation, and my Bucellarii did not, so mighty a man as he was?"

    Mount & Blade "How did you escape the simulation, and my Bucellarii did not, so mighty a man as he was?"

    "How did you escape the simulation, and my Bucellarii did not, so mighty a man as he was?"

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    "You will pay 369,724" and smiths be like...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    I hate to say it but I have come to absolutely DESPISE Battania.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Before you read any further know that I love the game and the very visible and persistent effort the devs have been making. I think they are doing a good job overall, and I hope they continue to have success.

        When I got MB2 I was excited to see a celtic faction. I like the idea of them being balled up in their mountains, I liked the idea of them having elite archers, I liked the ideas of woods, and my favorite color is green. I thought I was set. But after so many attempts to find a way to enjoy them I can say that I absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Battania.

        I'll get the easiest out of the way first. I hate Caladog. I hate how he takes all the fiefs for himself but Battania gets a pass on this because most rulers seem to have this problem right now. But he is written to have this total sleezeball attitude. He feels completely like a small time horse thief got to be king. In the future I will 100% be killing him and setting up a new kingdom, because none of the other Battanian lords seem to have their heads out of their asses and there's no mechanic to help them overthrow the king anyway.

        I hate their cities! Every other faction gets cool cities. Vlandia has that typical nice medieval/fantasy feel, imperial cities are well made with nice stone architecture, aserai cities FEEL like merchan hubs, the Sturgians are made of wood but feel taken care and got that Skyrim vibe. Even the freaking horse nomads the Khuzait got well made towns that are in repair. They all look very time appropriate while still feeling like a place where people live and work. Battania looks like someone was wondering what a medieval version of Fallout would look like and just made that. Everything is just falling apart, there is trash EVERYWHERE, the walls are broken, the architecture is lazy and sloppy, and the street layout was designed by a toddler with a crayon. Every street looks like a designated shitting street. I like the mixed elevation of the cities, but that's about it. I would even be fine with how horrible these cities looked if I had the option of repairing them to look like someone cared.

        Similar but apart from cities I HATE their arenas. A random broken wall, random puddles, half of a dead tree, BROKEN CARTS just laying around. Who designed this? Who signed off on it? Who made it and took pride in this design? Every other faction gets cool arenas (imperial and aerai being the top) but Battania has the equivalent of a junkyard. Why?? Again, if the vibe is that Battania culture is down hill let me have the option to make it look cool by paying to repair and enlarge it!

        I also hate their armor! With the exceptions of a few amazing pieces worth like a billion dinars the armors for Battania suck, Shreds of leather just randomly sown together. The animal heads all look ridiculous with how big they are and the wolf pelts look like someone used balled up dryer lint to wipe off the oil and grease on their stovetop. And what on earth is going on with their gloves?

        I don't hate their weapons, I just can't get excited about them. Where's all the celtic knots and other decorative elements on their weapons? My first playthrough I wanted to try a Goibniu (celtic god of smithing) style of play and there was almost nothing cool looking for me to make. I am not including the dumpster fire that is smithing in this post beyond acknowledging it sucks.

        Battania just looks like a janky ass hobo Sturgia. Very similar looking armors until the very end and the same beards. Where all all the mustaches that the celts were known for? Those are in the game already for the most part? My troops look like they are wearing the tired hand me downs from the Sturgians, and that doesn't seem right. At least we got the cool celtic shields finally in the game.

        But most of all I haaaaaaaaaaaate their troop tree. Battania is the archer faction. Why do they have no basic archers in their troop tree? Why do they have TWO horse lines that suck? I hear people talk about how it's all because Fians. Fians are great but the gameplay is not defined by nobles because the game makes it hard to find, field, and maintain noble troops. Gameplay and feel is defined by the basic troops and if I was to go off that then Battania is a crappy shield/spear and javelin faction. With of course the two horrible horse lines. "But how will Fians feel special if Battania gets basic archers?" I hear people say. Fians are special because they are the best archers in the game, in heavy armor, with TWO HANDED SWORDS! You want the basic troop archers to feel different? Give them little to no armor and one handed weapons. All I want are some freaking woad painted archers (high bow and athletics) in only plaid pants. That would make them stand out from every faction's archers. Easy to kill if you close but scary at a distance. Hell you could make their tier 1 troop an archer with just an atrocious bow skill like 10.

        I wanted to like Battania. I want to like Battania. But almost every aspect about them now feels and plays horrible. Now I will play as any other faction but them. I really wish that at least some of these things get fixed in the future.

    TLDR: I hate Battania. If you don't know or understand why I doubt you've played the game.

    submitted by /u/GilgameshWulfenbach
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    Shield wall battle

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    What possible mod are you most excited for when modding tools are released?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    The LOTR mod is going to be amazing. A Roman Empire mod would also be amazing. I already have 300 hours in modded base Bannerlord. Once full modding tools are released my life will be gone lol.

    submitted by /u/DubiousDevil
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    Gekokujo 2 footage leaked!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    I really wish we had tournaments such as jousting for better rewards and renown

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    I know the time period between when jousting became a sport and bannerlord is different (I'm not sure as I'm not well educated in medieval history) but it would be really cool if we had more tournaments and games such as jousting rather than just swinging swords in a arena, plus not only would it be challenging to win up the scoreboard it would add more diversity to the game.

    submitted by /u/ItsBlare
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    Me being popular for once

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Mechanical Clan Change Idea

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    One thing I really feel like is lacking in Bannerlord is late game content. Once you get your enterprises set up, once you get to clan tier 5 or 6, and once you set up your own kingdom or become a vassal of another the rest of the game really becomes rinse, wash, and repeat. But I think this could be spiced up through a clan mechanic.

    Right now clans can only grow in power, but I don't think that should be the case. The players clan and other clans should be able to fall in renown as well as being able to fall in influence. It think this could add so much to the late game. Imagine once great clans slowly deteriorating until they are no longer as powerful as they once were. But then a strong leader comes and restores them to prominence. Same goes for the player, this would add so much value into having children to serve as heirs. It gives you even more of a reason to constantly jockey for power in the kingdom. Because if you don't, your clan will fall into mediocrity.

    Another improvement I think could be made is sometimes clans will split. In real life oftentimes groups will begin to in-fight over time and eventually split. So in bannerlord if enough people in a family begin to dislike each other they should break off and form a new clan. This would add a lot more opportunities for the player as well as keep the world feeling much more alive. Completely wiping out every single lord in the land is unrealistic, in reality new lords and clans would rise to power in some way. Think about how the nemesis system works in Shadow if Mordor/War, but now with clans.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Rmccauley01
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    When will they fix the Battanian Warlord mittens / gloves?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    They all tried to raid my poor village. When will we be able to execute lords and their soldiers just after battle as 'collateral damage'?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Creating Imperial Kingdom bug

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Corrupted disk on Warband

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I've been playing the Prophesy of Pendor mod and today my game is completely boned. I can't load the native or any other mod because my save files are corrupted. It's the ankle boots a new dds file I think. I uninstalled and reinstalled the native but it still is corrupted. Earlier I had an issue where two of my save files got corrupted and can't be deleted on the PoP mod. Now my game is completely inaccessible. Any help?

    submitted by /u/monstermashmazter
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    I think a cool DLC would be one that takes place 200 years AFTER Warband in sort of a renaissance setting.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I would love it. Having early period muskets and such would be a blast. Cannons as siege weapons. All the beautiful armor too. At least I hope somebody eventually makes a mod like this in the next 5 years.

    submitted by /u/DubiousDevil
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    Not seeing potential reward for quests? M&B2

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I've been playing mount and blade 2 a bit now. Sometimes quests will have in the text "I will pay you 2000 deniers to find me 6 axes" thats fine and dandy. But sometimes I'll get quests like "I need you to help kill these bandits" and no where does it say what they will pay me. I only get the options to accept or "that reward isnt worth it" What reward?! Whats the reward?

    Is there some window I'm missing? Something I'm not looking at? I dont want to have to accept the quest just to see what the reward is because wont I get a penalty for rejecting the quest after accepting it?

    submitted by /u/avaslash
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    I used Seduction to Build an Empire

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Tips on beating Beni Zilal army?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    We both have around 105 men.

    I'm on max difficulty, my army has 1/5 horse archers, 1.7/5 infantry, 2.3/5 archers. I use Mercenary, Aserai and Imperial troops mostly.

    They have a lot of Beni Zilal royal guards. Their royal guards throw javelins at my infantry and archer line and I get a lot of reds.

    My strategy was to send my horse archers to advance first then hold position my infantry and archers together so infantry can protect the archers when their cavalry charge into me.

    However I get destroyed rather quickly.

    Any master tactician here that can help?

    Edit: Thanks for the help guys. After many tries, I managed to ride to a victory cry. What I did there: horse archers charge first, archers in loose formation, infantry in shield wall. When the royal guards (they had almost 70 of those max upgraded beasts) charged in, a lot of my men even with shields still fell due to the terrifying javelin throws. I then called the horse archers to follow me and to rush back to help lessen the pressure on my archers by meleeing the royal guards. After many deaths of my side their royal guards are clustered together, then I told my infantry to charge and destroy them. To my surprise the royal guards fell very quickly.

    Then they had like 40ish imperial troops left, life became much easier once the royal guards were down. All charge to win the battle!

    submitted by /u/ZarosianSpear
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    Will taleworlds add camps like mount and blade viking conquest to bannerlord

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    I want to see my troops in my camp and their activities and train them

    submitted by /u/Mfasula
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    Is it sensible to get the Warband 'Napoleonic Wars' and 'Viking Conquest' DLCs straight away?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    I have some expiring wallet funds in a third-party store and can get the DLCs below the Steam rate. To my knowledge it isn't possible to see DLC playercounts on Steam, hence player-activity is unknown to me.

    While I'm opposed to multiplayer "map packs", Napoleonic Wars and Viking Conquest seem more like expansion packs (the developer also uses this term) and the latter has some campaign.

    submitted by /u/8VBQ-Y5AG-8XU9-567UM
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    An idea for more engaging wars and less territory swapping

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    I think adding more options to how you treat what you conquer could make for a relatively easy way to make the constant territory swapping go away, and more accurately depict the multitude of war goals and strategies that have existed in history.

    My basic idea:

    1) Loyalty of conquered cities is a much bigger deal. Depending on culture difference, general/ruler reputation, relative strength of belligerents, geographical distance, size of garrison etc., a conqueror will not gain profits and might face large revolts.

    2) You can choose to sack or temporarily occupy cities rather than immediately annexing them. This allows for example for punitive wars or raids, a good option to project power over a weakened enemy that you cannot hope to conquer outright due to loyalty issues.

    2.2 (bonus idea) City governors can barter with the general laying siege to lift the siege for a lump sum, with a cool down major honour penalty to re-siege.

    Ok so this was just a thought I had while reading some history. I cannot actually make a mod or something since I have no skills.

    submitted by /u/Jokkekongen
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    Allies won’t help with sieges

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Just managed to convince my king to take his army to an enemy castle to help me take it, but when I begin the assault his army is nowhere to be seen. Even though on the world map he's right next to me, he won't get involved. What do I have to do to get help from my allies.

    submitted by /u/EatajerkPauly
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    Calradia: 1577 - A Concept for an Early-Modern Mount & Blade

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Inspired by this post by u/DubiousDevil, I've decided to post a concept I wrote a while ago for a Mount and Blade game set during the early modern period. This isn't something I ever intended to post, but it's the kind of thing I'd like to see a little more of, since the world of Mount and Blade has always interested me a lot.

    Starting in 1577, this scenario sees the factions of Warband, their successors, and their conquerors, battling for control of a Calradia rapidly approaching modernity. For the purposes of fairness, guns will be used as a slower but more powerful ranged alternative to crossbows. This is so guns can exist without destroying the traditional Mount and Blade combat experience.

    Factions are listed roughly by their unit speciality, and the factions are written more to be interesting than to be strictly balanced, since this will never, ever actually be made:

    The Vikkish Empire:-

    Ruler: Lethwin the 12th

    Capital: Jelbeth

    Unit Speciality: Heavy shot

    Racial: 'Northern Professionalism: Gunpowder units reload 20% faster, but your parties are 10% smaller'

    The Vikkish Empire stretches the entire Northern Coast of Calradia, from Sargeth to Rivacheg to Baldagard. Preeminence over such a wide stretch of the continent has seen the Vikkish forsake the brutality of their ancestors for a love of culture and curiosity - especially, a curiosity about new ways to take life. Their speciality is musketeers. They have no crossbow line, and their top tier unit, the Sturmdremer, is the only tier 7 gunpowder unit in the game.

    (Chief Inspiration: The Swedish Empire, but with more viking imagery) -

    The Khultait Khanate:-

    Ruler: Tugudai

    Capital: Tulga

    Unit speciality: Mounted shot

    Racial: 'Twin Thunders: Can reload rifles on horseback, cavalry are 10% faster'

    The Khultaits are nomads, this is very important to remember. They are not natives to this land, they came screaming over the mountains and conquered it in a storm of mounted arrows. So what if today the Khultaits march more than they ride, and what does it matter that no lord among them can fire and arrow from horseback, when the arquebus puts every bow under heaven to shame? Their top unit is the Karakeshik, the only mounted gunpowder line in the game.

    (Chief Inspiration: The late Mongols, and the early Cossacks)

    The Darshi Janissariate:-

    Ruler: Omid the 2nd

    Capital: Azmerad

    Unit Speciality: Light shot

    Racial: 'Scorpion Tactics: Enemies under attack by cavalry take 10% more damage from gunfire, but gunpowder units take 10% more damage from melee attacks'

    "The centuries long efforts of the Aserai, Sarranid, and later Uqasid Sultanates to centralise the tribes of the southern deserts finally succeeded - in unifying the tribes against the Sultan, that is. The military seized control, and their leader, Omid the Great, declared an end to Sultans for all time. Then he died, and now Omid the 2nd sits in the palace of the Sultans, wearing the clothes of the Sultans - though of course, even the idea that he is anything like a Sultan himself is enough to make men disappear in the night. Their top unit is the Jezailier - a light, long ranged musketeer. They also have the fastest cavalry in the game, though it is fairly weak."

    (Chief Inspiration: Cromwell's England - a tenuous 'republic' in the sands of Southern Calradia)

    The Great Old Empire:-

    Ruler: Empress Isobeth

    Capital: Suno

    Unit Speciality: Heavy cavalry, crossbows

    Racial: 'Flowers of Chivalry: Cavalry levels twice as fast, but all other units level half as fast'

    "With the end of the final Rhodok Revolt, and with a tenuous grasp of history, King Isodred declared the restoration of the Calradic Empire, as well as his intent to restore the old Imperial Borders. Since then, though, the 'Empire' has done little more than guard its existing borders - against armies and ideas. Entirely lacking gunpowder units, their top units are the Chevalier, an armoured knight, and the Sharpshooter, a heavy crossbowman"

    (Chief Inspiration: The Holy Roman Empire)

    The Tsardom of Geroia:-

    Ruler: Dolkorov the 9th

    Capital: Khudan

    Unit speciality: Infantry, archers, massed units

    Racial: 'Blood and Snow: Parties are 10% larger, and have access to quickly-respawning tier 0 units at villages, but town prosperity and improvements are capped at a low level'

    " "Beneath the snow" the men of the tundra say "there is a sea of blood". Some peoples brand themselves conquerors, the men of the tundra might better be called 're-conquerors'. Half a hundred times their kingdoms have been snuffed out, only to rise again and cast off the yolk of Northmen and Nomads alike. After the loss of Rivacheg, the reeling princes of the tundra invited the powerful Count of Geroia to rule them, and expect this new leadership to lead them to victory beneath the Rock of Rivacheg once more. Their top units are the Streltsy, light infantry skirmishers, and the Royal Hunter, heavy archers. They also lack dedicated ranged firearms, instead having the only archer line in the game, giving them the fastest firing ranged units. Their units are generally softer than other factions."

    (Chief Inspiration: Early Romanov Russia - very chaotic, brutal and depressing)

    The Ortysian League:-

    Ruler: Doge Dolicia

    Capital: Ortysium

    Unit speciality: Heavy Infantry, Mercenaries, Foreign units.

    Racial: "Novus Imperium: Can recruit units from allied mercenaries at castles, and have access to mercenary companies other kingdoms cannot hire. At coastal cities, they can also recruit powerful foreign units, but..."

    Each coastal culture has a different foreign unit that Ortysian players can recruit at their coastal cities, but only if they or an Ortysian character control the city. In effect, this could give them 3 tier-7 unit lines, but to recruit them in any numbers would require controlling nearly the entire map. The foreign units are:

    - The Hulpac: Tier 7 spearman line, at Darshi coastal cities

    - The Flower Knight: Tier 7 heavy cavalry line, at Imperial coastal cities

    - The Fire Lancer: Tier 7 gunpowder line, at Vikkish coastal cities

    "The Calradic Empire fell, this is true, but what about the Calradic people? They never did. They have always been here, enduring beneath barbarian yoke and heel. When the last flame of the Rhodok Rebellion was snuffed out, free-thinking Calradians flocked to the last ember of the old ways - Ortysium. Within a generation, this city has grown into a state all of its own, dominating trade and commerce in every port in Calradia - and far beyond. Calradia is a corpse, nothing but the bleached bones of old glory, squabbled over by jackles who wear her rotten flesh and claim her as their own. But the world is more than just old Calradia, and those who truly bear the name 'Calradians' cannot help but wonder - is it not time for a whole new kind of Empire? Their own top unit is the Condotiari - super heavy infantry"

    (Chief Inspirations: Portugal, Venice - all with a Greco-Roman flair)

    submitted by /u/Dreary_Libido
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    What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    So I'm playing a Vlandian campaign, and right now we're trying to take out the Sturgians. They've only got like 3 main cities left, and I assembled a large army (several hundred more than what they had defending it) to attack.

    I keep losing over and over again as I'm save scumming. Then, if I try to request more leaders for backup, the army gets bored and disassembles.

    This is a normal circumstance, too. I'll stock up on food and even take my army to different towns so that they can stock up on recruits. We'll do like 1 small thing, and then on the way to the next thing, it disbands. Like I said, I try to keep my food and the such up, my leadership just hit 100, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    Furthermore, why the fuck is this particular city so hard to conquer? I've taken a leader out TWICE and somehow within 10 minutes IRL time he's back on the frontlines with like 92 men, waiting outside the city while I siege it. I don't get why this game is so hard when I'm seeing posts on here claiming they've already beaten the game several times over. For the record, I had these problems on Warband as well.

    I guess my main question is this: what can I do to improve my tactics and the such. Should I try starving the enemy out? Larger armies? Smaller armies that maybe won't disband as fast? Help.

    submitted by /u/FalloutAndChill
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