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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Mount & Blade When you want to hang out with your friends but mom tells you to take your younger brother with you, Part 2

    Mount & Blade When you want to hang out with your friends but mom tells you to take your younger brother with you, Part 2

    When you want to hang out with your friends but mom tells you to take your younger brother with you, Part 2

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    When you try to look cool in front of your men.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Idea/Mod request: Huge battles should be split into parts!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    As I am heavily into late-game Bannerlord with my own kingdom I am constantly fighting huge battles with 2500 or more people in them. Sometimes it is as much as 4000 people.

    However, this has some serious problems.

    Problem 1: Hard limit of 1300 battle size

    Bannerlord has a hard limit of 2048 active units in the battle (soldier and horse). This means that you have to be careful with your battle size or game will crash. Bannerlord Tweaks mod allows you to set battle size to 1300 which is probably the biggest safe number.

    This is still 2 times less than a typical late game battle.

    Problem 2: Performance

    Bannerlord has serious performance issues in sieges. Even ignoring that, my laptop struggles to handle more then 750 battle size (with pretty low graphics). With the unoptimized sieges I had to lower it to 500 (default).

    I'm sure that lots of people here have the same situation.

    Problem 3: Reinforcement waves are stupid

    If your battle size is smaller than what Bannerlord allows you, this means you will be dealing with the reinforcement mechanic.

    After I installed Mini Map mod I immediately saw how stupid it is.

    Basically if you are winning the battle and are charging the enemy, you usually move to his side of the map.

    This means that his reinforcements will join him immediately, while your reinforcements will have to run through the whole map till they get to fight.

    This is pretty stupid and you also can abuse this mechanic.

    Solution for field battles: main, right flank, left flank, vanguard

    If you look into history, you will see that during the battle huge armies were typically divided into parts and every part was fighting by it's own, of course, with a level of cooperation between them.

    These parts were called "battles")

    A battle or battaile was a division of a medieval army. The word may be rendered as "battalion", but Abels and Bachrach et al. say this is not accurate because the bataille was a completely ad hoc formation. In late medieval warfare, field armies were often drawn up into three main battles, also called guards: the vanguard) (avant-garde), the middle guard, and the rearguard (arrière-garde), often abbreviated to simply the van, middle, and rear. These terms imply, correctly, that the van preceded the middle, which in turn preceded the rear, into battle if the battles were arranged sequentially as a column. If arranged abreast, the van was on the right and the rear the left.

    For example, in Battle of Hastings William divided his army into three groups based on soldiers origin.

    William appears to have arranged his forces in three groups, or "battles", which roughly corresponded to their origins. The left units were the Bretons,[95] along with those from Anjou, Poitou and Maine). This division was led by Alan the Red, a relative of the Breton count.[90] The centre was held by the Normans,[95] under the direct command of the duke and with many of his relatives and kinsmen grouped around the ducal party.[90] The final division, on the right, consisted of the Frenchmen,[95] along with some men from Picardy, Boulogne, and Flanders. The right was commanded by William fitzOsbern and Count Eustace II of Boulogne.[90]

    in Battle of Agincourt English were divided into 3 parts

    The army was divided into three battalions, with the right wing led by Edward, Duke of York, the centre led by the king himself, and the left wing under the old and experienced Baron Thomas Camoys

    while French into two

    The French were organized into two main battalions (or battles)), a vanguard up front and a main battle behind, both composed principally of men-at-arms fighting on foot and flanked by more of the same in each wing

    Solution for sieges: main siege, then palace fight

    I believe that TW is already working on this one so I won't give this a this a lot thinking until we see final implementation.


    I believe that this is not impossible to implement via a mod.

    Basically we need to implement splitting of the army into parts, based on the number of parties.

    Of course a single party can not be split into multiple battalies.

    So, AI army commanders needs to have a look a it's forces and then they will divide parties into 2 or 3 parts. I believe that the most balanced way would be to use the system of right/left/centre where centre would be biggest and right/left - smaller.

    When Player-controlled army enters battle, Player should choose the army composition, so which parties go into which battle.

    If a player is in AI-controlled army, he will not be able to choose the army composition.

    There needs to be some logic that will account for which forces will be fighting on screen (with the player) and which - automatically via auto resolve.

    So as a result - typical huge battle size will drop from 3k people to 1k people which is handled by the game a lot easier.

    submitted by /u/Lawyerowski
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    500 Wildlings vs 500 Oathsworn - Battle of the Battanians

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Something is off about smithing...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Extortion by Deserts at X is the best quest right now.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Maybe this is nothing new for you, but I just discovered for me that the "Extortion by Deserts at X" is the best quest for me.

    • can be done pretty early in the game and directly after accepting it
    • a lot of them are available (at least in my campaign)
    • it´s not hard and fun because it´s a battle (+getting XP for your troops to level up)
    • you don´t have to move around like "deliver the herd to X" quest
    • you get around 1000 denars and relations (+the loot you sell, mostly around 1500 denars in my case, +the prisoners you sell. Varies but I would say 200-300 denars)
    • also levels up charm (I don´t know why but it does)
    • good loot! (horses, decent armors/weapons, especially in the early game!)
    • renown/influence (I have a 48 man party and get around 3 renown each quest, the enemy army is always something like 20-25 man)

    But the most important thing for me is that I don´t like a very mixed army. I go for an imperial army with fians for archers (so like 80% of troops are imperial and no other cultures than battania).

    So of course I want this juicy imperial cav which is not that easy to get. But this quest makes it easy!

    In most battles there are like 2 equite and 1 heavy horseman. I got a decent surgeon (120 in medicine) early and it isn´t that hard to get also.

    In most quest battles all 3 cav units get wounded so that I can take them as prisoners. Which means 3 new cav recruits each quest (of course it needs some time until you can recruit them). This goes pretty fast, a lot faster than recruiting the vigla recruits AND level them up which requires horses you that you don´t need when you recruit them as prisoners. Of course you also get a lot of t2-4 infantary/archer prisoners too!

    So maybe this will help you.


    The army you battle depends on the culture of the village you´ve accepted the quest. So if you´re looking for fians for example just do those quests in the battania region.

    So in summary, in most cases each completed quest give me:

    • charm/relations/renown/influence
    • 2500 denars
    • 3 cav units
    • a few "level ups" for troops

    No time investment needed. Only one 5min battle (I´m using the realistic battle mod which makes battles longer and more balanced in my opinion). I guess the battles are even shorter without the mod.


    Trying to correct shitty english, adding some points

    submitted by /u/MostBlunted82
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    [Persino] Did they remove the option to enlist in lord army?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I tried to join a couple of lords armys but i just couldnt, there wasnt an option avalable, are there some kind of requirements i need to pass to enlist into someones army or something?

    submitted by /u/ShadoWolfo
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    Recent and interesting developer posts on the official forums - Part IV

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, it has been almost two weeks since the last thread. Due to a combination of complex issues that are currently present in 1.4.1 and holidays in Turkey, we didn't see any major patches to the game since the last thread. We also had less communication than usual on the forums, and a portion of interesting communication there has already made into the game via hotfixes. Anyway, here's what we have.

    Since not all of you are on the game's official forums or have time to sift through comments, I've decided to compile recent and interesting information posted there. Please feel free to comment with other posts that you may have found.

    • The hotfix implemented on May 29th introduced a mechanic whereby the AI leaves less garrison in settlements with low prosperity. This was an attempt to balance food consumption and help towns regain prosperity. An in-depth analysis of the situation was posted by a developer. [source]
    • According to the analysis mentioned above, there might be other culprits to the current economical and diplomatic problems that version 1.4.1 has, specially hearth inflation and how often kings take towns for themselves. Some factors that might be feeding into these problems are: the current formula that determines how fast constructions are built; workshop project at towns boosting construction way too much; low cost of projects; the frequency and total number of wars. Changes to these factors have been proposed. [source]
      • It seems that TaleWorlds is experimenting with reducing the influence gain of the forum project by half, reducing the prosperity effect of aqueducts by half and increasing all building costs by 2 ~ 2.5 times. This information has been posted on May 29th, but it was not mentioned by any subsequent hotfix to 1.4.1. Perhaps they are still experimenting with it, or it has been implemented without a note on the hotfixes (I couldn't check this by myself yet). [source]
      • Sieges damaging buildings in towns and a rebalance of influence gained via policies (that currently prioritize tier 3+ clans) should also be explored as ways to balance the game economy and diplomacy. [source]
    • May 29th's hotfix also changed the daily hearth increase for villages to 0.5 from 1.0. This was an attempt to control hearth inflation, and it worked for that end. However, now there's a slight reduction of overall hearth and inflation that is also problematic. A possible solution that is being considered is to link daily hearth to the tier of the village (T1 = 1 Hearth; T2 = 0.5; T3 = 0.25). [source]
      • Just to recap, village tiers are determined by total hearth and influences production. If hearth is lower than 200, the village produces 50% less than normal. If it is between 200 and 500, you get normal production. If it is above 500, you get a 50% increase from normal. Production is important because you get 50% of everything your villagers sell as taxes. [source]
    • Another problem that seems to be seriously damaging the overall economy of the game is that at any point nearly 20% of all villages are raided. Changes have already been made to the code so that the AI is more defensive, but they haven't been implemented yet (and will likely be implemented in 1.4.2). Also, what makes AI parties so aggressive is currently being investigated. [source] [source]
    • The problem with high rates of defection will be examined next. [source]
    • We currently cannot revert back to previous versions of the beta (say, a version before a hotfix) because Steam offers a limited number of version slots and TaleWorlds are using those slots for the stable (live) versions. [source]
    • TaleWorlds is aware of server issues currently present in multiplayer and are working to fix those issues. [source]

    That's all for now.

    Previous thread.

    submitted by /u/somebadfeelings
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    He's trying his best

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Today I learned that your own crafted weapons appear in the cheat menu

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    [TweakMB] Hours for bandits to respawn?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    How to increase number of hours for bandit party to respawn? Option is greyed out for me.

    submitted by /u/sehee
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    Mount and Blade: Warband faction armours

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Hello there, beautiful people!

    Is there any list of vanilla armours sorted by factions? What I mean is a list of all armours used by Rhodoks, list of all armours used by Swadians, etc... I have searched the internet, even went to the second page of Google but found nothing. Is anyone able to help? I would really appreciate it.

    Btw: I know there are some armours which have faction names, but not all of them.

    submitted by /u/Frogry
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    Found a paragraph about Ghanian trade and taxation of “Denars” thought yall might think it was cool.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Is Multiplayer Dead? I think not!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    When you announce that your Target is operating at restricted capacity due to safety concerns over COVID-19

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    The fact that so many perks are not even referenced in the game code is saddening.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    The variables are declared but then not referenced for dozens of perks. It feels like they tried to hide it, and thought that we wouldn't notice.

    Like, why does xp matter? Why have such a punishing leveling system that we spent hundreds of hours on? Roguery/Tactics/Scouting are brutal to level in vanilla, but none of the perks work.


    Like come on, at least increase the XP gain so that people don't spend weeks of IRL grinding only to find out that the perks were bs. I'm 350+ hours in, love the game, but feel like this is a shit move on Taleworld's part.

    It's alpha and bugs are expected, sure, but this isn't a bug. It's an unimplemented system that they cleverly hid and addressed as "broken" when it actually was just never added in the first place.

    submitted by /u/notathrowawayacc32
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    The best way to take a city

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    It was my birthday so they all assembled for me :)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    You can add Kings and Caravans to your army in Bannerlord.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    This seems like a bug that I just noticed this in my 1.4.1 play through and I couldn't find any other posts mentioning it. If you go to a settlement's keep while you are the leader of an army and talk to a king or caravan leader in person, the dialogue option to add them to your army shows up and still works.

    Caravans seem to still buy/sell normally while in a city, so you could use this to manually lead your companion's caravans around.

    submitted by /u/ajax1101
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    Are maces good?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:52 AM PDT

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