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    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    Mount & Blade History of the Kievan Rus - Why Sturgians are NOT Nords aka Vikings

    Mount & Blade History of the Kievan Rus - Why Sturgians are NOT Nords aka Vikings

    History of the Kievan Rus - Why Sturgians are NOT Nords aka Vikings

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    This one dude has survived everything. He is the first recruit I recruited and he has survived my army almost being wiped over 5 times. He was with me before any of my companions to now where I have my own kingdom with difficulty set to max. He is an absolute legend, better than all of my companions

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    I don't know how but i managed to clone my wife

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Its gonna hurt when he takes that helmet off!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I finally found a glaive that can couch lance. it is custom made with Warrazor head.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    rollo the sharpshooter

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Cooperative Campaign Mod (DEV)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    battles seem laggy now

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Have other people's battle's suddenly gotten laggy since the latest beta branch mini update. My game occasionally goes into slideshow mode. I just moved mount and blade to SSD too, I was hyped to see if it ran any better but it was way worse lol

    submitted by /u/sgtslick
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    Do you like this video format? Battle in 60 seconds. x team vs y team. Since Bannerlord has released, i'm enjoying making videos and looking for a little feedback. thank you.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Fun little mod idea in order to add some immersion!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Fun little mod idea in order to add some immersion!

    Hey guys! So I played some Rome 2 Total War the other night and got really exited about trying to implement the marching sounds and the individual chatter between soildiers in the formations to Bannerlord as your soildiers are advancing. I am not a modder by any means but i did manage to patch together something that at least showcases what I'm on about. I made use of ValkenRebel's amazing mod: Army Formations Made Easy, and Bloc's likewise amazing mod: Battle Speech (the units were created by me). So anyways I got some game files from R2TW and mixed them together and replaced some of the mod files from Battle Speech, in case you want to try it:)

    So I just wanted to throw out some mod insperation to all the amazing modders who might find this thing intresting, marching sounds and unit chatter. I would love it at least. :)

    Army Formations Made Easy: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/1531

    Battle Speech: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/1367


    submitted by /u/geromkiller
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    Deep-pocket Monchug takes revenge a lot more seriously than I thought

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    In my first playthrough, I simped out and joined Rhagea. Our first few wars were with the Aserai and for some reason, thought it would be dope to play as them. They have the fastest horses and all their high tier armor looks dope to me so I thought it would be fun to play as them. So I started a new campaign, joined up with them, gave them the banner from the main quest and it's been relatively smooth sailing. The vlandians and western empire had a few settlements in the desert and through a few wars, we gained back our original land.

    As I figured, we could only go up from here. I could just sense that the khuzaits were going to declare war next. No clue why, but I could just feel it. At that point in my game we had about 10k men and outnumbered every faction by 1k or 2k. I thought it would basically be easy mode at this point. My caravans, workshops, acres (entrepreneurship mod) are working hella overtime and I've just been rolling in 3k denars every single day. Since money isnt an issue and my only holding is Ain Baliq castle, safely nestled in the heart of the desert, the way I've been keeping my army is by having a full stack of elite prisoners since I dont really need to worry about a garrison. My charm is decently high and I also have a mod to recruit high tier soldiers which has saved my ass so many times because any casualty I take, another high tier soldiers takes that very place. But I became afraid, I was fearful that I modded out the difficulty of mid game and that we'd steamroll the rest of the map. I was wrong and it all started with a little teeny tiny war with the Khuzaits about some border territories...

    Like I said, in my last playthrough, I was rolling with the empire, towards the end of the game the Khuzaits controlled the entire eastern half of the map, and it was just us, the aserai, and the vlandians left. I was terrified of the Khuzaits because my pure imperial army couldnt keep up with the hordes of horse archers and they were quickly demolishing everyone else. I thought they couldnt be stopped. And here we are now, we outnumber them by 4000 men. Literally 4000 men. I got cocky, way too cocky.

    The war started and it seemed that I was right. We demolished them on our border. We took a city, like 3 castles and it all happened probably within the span of 2 weeks. They surrendered and we made peace. Now we outnumbered them by about 6k. I knew it wasnt over though. The bloodlust took me over in those battles, chasing down those horse archers one by one, shooting their horses down into a horde of my legionaries and chopping them straight of their horses was a rush. They were all ridiculously fun fights for me.

    We enjoyed a long ass time of peace after the war. We all got rich, hunted looters and our collective forces grew even more. My army got even more kitted out as time rolled on, hunting down looters and I eventually became top of the leaderboard in tournament victories. I eventually had so much denars, every single one of my companions got the best gear I could find in the shops. I travelled all over to try and find good gear for us.

    The the second war came. I believe that we declared war and we started marching all of our armies to the east. We had three standing armies each with about 1000 men, minus Unqid who had an army of 1,300. Just like I thought, our expansion was inevitable, but it all took a turn for the worst when we took a castle deep in the steppe lands. For some reason, my dumbass colleagues and my dumbass father-in-law Unqid feel compelled to travel all the way back to their fiefs to resupply. I'm talking like all the way back to Sanala when the front is at Husn Fulq. Suruq thought it would be hilarious to celebrate the recapturing of Odrysa Castle with a trot all the way back to Askar. No clue if he made it because I dipped once I realized where he was going.

    Because of this, the hordes started taking back a few settlements. We lost the city we took, we lost the castles, and we were back to square one, even though we still outnumbered them heavily. Now you might be asking, why oh why /u/creammypooper did you not just lead an army yourself. Well... my influence was about -30 at this point because of a law that was passed before I even joined the aserai. Each non-ruling clan loses 1 influence per day. Because of the long peace, I might've been up to my chest in denars but I couldnt do anything about the war efforts.

    Eventually we got our shit together and my friendly ai comrades stopped at Husn Fulq to resupply and used the village of Kuqa as the gathering point for every army after that. I thought this was our moment. And we actually did push them back, we regained about half of the territory we lost and things were looking great.

    The Brotherhood of the Woods joins Khuzait as a mercenary Company of the Golden Boar joins Khuzait as a mercenary Eleftheroi joins Khuzait as a mercenary Embers of the Flame join Khuzait as a mercenary Hidden Hand joins Khuzait as a mercenary Jawwal joins Khuzait as a mercenary Karakhuzaits join Khuzait as a mercenary Legion of the Betrayed join Khuzait as a mercenary Sons of the Forest join Khuzait as a mercenary The Forest People join Khuzait as a mercenary The Ghilman join Khuzait as a mercenary Wolfskins join Khuzait as a mercenary

    The only minor factions that didnt join were the Lake Rats, who were previously employed by them and the Skolderbrotva.

    Half of the Aserai are in chains basically every day. The Khuzaits and their mercenaries are rushing us with recruits and we cant stop them. Right before the game crashed, I was watching them travel to Husn Fulq to besiege. They've had 36 successful raids against us since the new guys joined up. And deep-pockets Monchug is smugly leading his army of Khuzait nomads into the deserts. We're fucked and I literally cant do anything about it unless I take the axe to every single minor faction leader but I'm afraid of the consequences. They're swarming us, and every village from Razih-east is on fire or currently being raided. Also... they've beaten us so bad, our proud 10k standing army is about 6k and dwindling every day while they're sitting pretty at 14k.

    I had zero clue the ai would hire almost every single minor faction just to get revenge against us. I might jump back in, I haven't been this frustrated from a game since my first dark souls playthrough.

    Has anyone else seen something similar to this?

    TL;DR - Aserai and I have been wiping ass since the beginning of the game and outnumbering every faction by about 2k men. Khuzaits hire all but 2 minor factions and are now wiping ass with us. They have 14k men against our now 6k.

    submitted by /u/CreamMyPooper
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    Beta Hotfix released

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    From forums:

    Hey everyone, we just shared another hotfix for the beta branch. It includes the following:
    - Fixed the campaign map defender siege engine positions for the level 2 version of Medeni castle. This should resolve crashing for cases where the player initiates a siege against a level 2 version of the castle.
    - Fixed an issue that caused corrupted save files to crash the game on load screen.
    - Fixed an issue with the final perk of the 1-handed and 2-handed skills.
    - Fixed a bug that caused the diplomacy system to have multiple relations between kingdom pairs. This should alleviate some problems with short war and truce periods.
    - On average about 30% of towns and 50% of castles were experiencing issues with starvation. To improve this situation, settlements with less food now offer higher prices so caravans distribute food better. Village food production was also increased from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15 and consumption of beer in settlements now gives a bonus to food stores. Furthermore, garrisons grow to a lesser degree if a settlement has fewer or smaller villages. With these changes starvation was reduced to 10% of towns and 20% of castles - which mostly occurs in cases of hostile actions like raids and sieges.
    - Influence awards of some policies were adjusted to reduce influence inflation across kingdoms.
    - Effects of daily default projects for settlements were reduced.
    - Several minor fixes for AI war and peace declarations.

    submitted by /u/NabulioneBuonaparte
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    Mount & Blade: Warband | Convincing Lords to Join Your Faction

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    So this is my second playthrough of Mount & Blade. In both of my runs I've attempted to forge my own empire simply by kicking the shit out of everyone else and declaring myself king, but I abandoned my first playthrough once I made the mistake of recruiting a bunch of Quarrelsome and Debauched Lords that showed up in my capital. So this time I'm trying to recruit only the Good-Natured, Upstanding, and maybe a few Martial Lords. The problem I'm running into however is the fact that none of the Lords seem to be willing to join my faction. I've got around 40~ relationship with most of them, 7 Persuasion, 7 Leadership, 19 Charisma, two Lord-less cities, and three lord-less Castles (I have thus far only taken Praven for myself). I'm not at war with anybody, my Right to Rule is at 33, and so on and so forth.

    At what point can I convince these people to ditch their lords and join me? Should I start with the Martial Lords? Should I just recruit some of the Lords I don't want just so I can have the military forces to make myself seem more appealing and then let them defect later?

    submitted by /u/CaesarWolfman
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    Seriously, FUCK YOU CALADOG!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    500 Shock Troops vs 500 Veteran Warriors - Battle of the Sturgians

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    I use nothing but the Long Glaive, help!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    The Long Glaive is by far the best weapon in the game imo to my play style. I like getting a lot of kills. The Long Glaive one shots basically everyone so in one battle I usually get like 30-50 kills. The thing is, I dont want every single one of my characters using a Long Glaive. I want variety. I dont want the Vlandian. Sturgian, Khuzait, Battanian, etc... to all use the Long Glaive, or a glaive in general. But I feel like if I dont hse the Long Glaive I'm not as effective in combat. Are there any other weapons that are similar in damage? I had a teo handed sword once that wrecked everyone but that's it.

    Because of the Long Glaive, one handed seems absolutely useless to me but I know it's not and like sword and board in a lot of other things.

    What do I do?! How do I get out of this vicious cycle of only using the sacred Long Glaive?

    submitted by /u/DubiousDevil
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    why do I get CTD when using any mod other then Calradia expanded when modding Bannerlord?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I've tried Bannerlib, Revolutions, Separatism, Configure War Attrition and Calradia Expanded,

    Only Calradia Expanded works and even then I have to move its position in the load order every time I load up the game.

    Seriously WTF?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhTk_5Re4o8 I followed this guide, for Manuel install to the letter yet have this issue.

    submitted by /u/I_Have_Questions_545
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    Bannerlord crashes when I upgrade foot units to cavalry units.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Most of the units I try to upgrade from foot soldiers to cavalry freezes the game and then crashes the game to desktop. I have tried using a mod that disables the horse requirement for upgrades, but that didn't help. Any help would be appreciated as I would like to use cavalry units.

    submitted by /u/Kadoons
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    Can we pause the game when your faction declares war?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    I had an incredibly frustrating experience last night. My party of 200 elite troops was heading up into formerly Battanian territory to gather an army. As I am heading up the pass, I notice a 700+ Battanian army heading the other way. No big deal, we are at peace, right?

    As I draw near them war is declared, and they immediately engage me before I can react and run away. Which kindly eats my auto-save too. so.... back to hours of grinding to build up that elite troop again, or go to my last save from an hour ago.

    Not sure an auto-pause is the answer, but just a moment to react to a diplomacy change like that and I could have trivially run the other way.

    submitted by /u/Meraxes_7
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    New hotfix: Fixed an issue with the final perk of the 1-handed and 2-handed skills

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Interesting Potential Mod Idea?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    So I was just playing along in Bannerlord, when I had an idea. What if, instead of the current wage system where you can often find yourself paying your men to do absolutely nothing, you instead share any money and loot you get from battles? Obviously you get the lion's share by far, but they still split maybe half of the loot between themselves based on rank.

    For example, a T5 Infantry will take more than a T3 Archer, which would simulate the differences in experience and importance. This could even be implied to drive your lower ranked units to work harder, making them earn experience faster, or something.

    This could also cause your men to lose morale when you don't fight for long periods of time, since they don't get paid. Mercenaries could be different, and receive a wage since they need some sort of payment to give them reason to stay. I thought about this quite a bit and, while I'm not sure it's possible, I think it would be pretty neat. Questions? Comments? Concerns?

    submitted by /u/MaccyBoiLaren
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    Error message keeps appearing and game crashing

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Does smithing unlock designs randomly? Yes... but also no.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I have been playing with Smithing quite a bit and initially I didn't want to do any real data gathering because it's so janky that I figured it would be a waste of time as I figured it would be patched quickly. But I'm bored or whatever so I've been doing some research using the game mechanics from 1.4.1.

    Test setup: I loaded an old save of a character I didn't level Smithing with but who had some money for hardwoord, etc.. Character was not CREATED with 1.4.1 so perhaps data impacted, but I doubt it. Character has a Smithing skill of 9. I wanted to avoid at all costs learning any new designs while setting up so I bought iron ore and refined it versus smelting since smelting unlocks designs. Tests were then performed smelting items from Pugios to Harpoons and doing some beginning 2H Sword crafting. I recorded results using my phone camera and transcribed to a notebook by hand.

    Thoughts and data analysis: It is possible to 'lock' a queue of designs which are generated somewhat randomly. That is, if I load my save SmithTest1d I can generate the design for Tournament Flat Blade and Throwing Knife Blade as the first two designs to be unlocked and the run of unlocks after those two seem to be in a consistent order as well. If I smelt a Pugio I get Tour. Flat Blade, Throw. Knife Blade. If I smelt Tapered North. Sword I get Tour. Flat Blade, Thow. Knife Blade, Pointed Falchion Blade. The order continues if I smelt Broad Arming Sword or Harpoons.

    Why this is useful: There seems to be a limit to the number of designs that can be practically unlocked during a playthrough. Smithing designs are gained by save file, not by character. So even if you're leveling your wife from 1 to 255 she's not going to unlock many (if any) designs if you've already unlocked around 70% of the available designs. So, for all practical purposes, once you unlock around 2/3 of the designs that's it. No mas. Couple that with the vast, vast majority of designs being functionally useless and you can very easily see the importance in maximizing the useful designs you do get as you level Smithing.

    Okay, how exactly does this work?: The queue locks from save-scumming. If I launch and load save SmithTest1d from desktop the queue is randomized. But if I launch, load, and then load again the queue is 'pure' and it will rattle off Tournament Flat Blade, Throwing Knife Blade, Pointed Falchion Blade, etc.. If you want to re-randomize the queue do basically anything in-game. Open Trade and click Done and the queue is re-shuffled. Also, the Smelting queue is different from the Forging queue.

    That seems like a lot of work...: Yeah, honestly, this sucks. It sucks hard. Plus there are several other things I've bumped into that I suspect but don't have enough data on. The main one being that I see a lot of repetition during this testing. Even after shuffling the queue multiple times I see the same 40 or so designs over and over again. That would seem to indicate that the designs are locked to level/the number of designs you know. If that is true it's possible that if you miss out on, say, Pointed Falchion Blade you will never get it as a design if you learn too many designs. So...

    Conclusion: I don't run mods. But I'm going to start running one with Smithing with my next playthrough because it's just too janky. I don't mind the Smithing Stamina. I do mind not being able to EVER build my favorite sword in a certain playthrough because the RNG wasn't nice to me.

    Anyway, I'm going to go back and keep rolling the queue to see if it's possible to ever get a javelin shaft if you know zero learned designs. I suspect that it is impossible, which would indicate that designs lock based on number of designs learned, which means you can get locked out of certain designs, which sucks.

    submitted by /u/Rafi89
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