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    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Mount & Blade Swadia come get your mans

    Mount & Blade Swadia come get your mans

    Swadia come get your mans

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Aserai veteran infantry

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    If you guys ever wonder why it sucks so much, you should know that it have 18 helmet armor value. Basically any low tier unit can easily kill it by hitting its head with melee or arrow. Other factions helmets ranges from 30 to 45

    submitted by /u/FreeWeld
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    Today I learned that butter is too dangerous to be equipped while in civilian clothing.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    “Pop these nibbas like a Willy nibba, you a silly nibba”- Teriyaki 69

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Those War and Order ads are straight up criminal

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I was actually shocked when I got one on youtube. They were blatantly using bannerlord gameplay to advertise their shitty mobile game and I'm pretty sure that's illegal (correct me if I'm wrong)

    submitted by /u/SlipperyCipher
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    How do I get Triarii?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I saw these glorious titans of the battlefield in the unit viewer and immediately knew my play experience would not be complete until I had a Frontline of 50 Triarii to hold the line until the corpses of my enemies could hold it for them. Yet in 300 hours I have not encountered a single one. Is there a quest? An event? A secret? Am I not man enough? Please inform me of my shortcomings so that I may better serve the empire.

    submitted by /u/avalisk
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    Crash at world map, after loading a save.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Hello! This is my first time doing a post like this, I usually look the problem up. Game being in early access, couldn't find many.

    So, the problem is pretty simple. After, reloading a save from a game I previously played for the first time, everything seems to be okay. Until I resume the game. (i.e. walk on the campaign map, just resume the game, and any and all other ways to make the game continue) It crashes instantly, and restarting or making a new game does not help. It just crashes and therefore I can't continue playing the game. The error window tells me to send a log, or the like, to the devs to help them figure the problem out, as is the usual. Now, I'm using mods that are essential to me - yet I never had any problem with them before, it used to run just fine. I should also make it very clear that I did try to make a new game. If anyone has any input, advice, fixes or solutions, please help me by telling me them.

    submitted by /u/Legatus_Yaronus
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    So yeah, shieldwall seems useless

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Ran several tests in custom battle pitting legionaires vs each other.

    First did a few F1,F3 and odds of victory were roughly 50% as expected.

    Did shieldwall and did not charge. Lost every time and usually enemy had 35-50% men left.

    Did some playing around and came to the following conclusions

    1. Depth is not good, you'll get flanked and wrecked. When shieldwall was almost decent was when I stretched it out to a depth of 2 and charged when the enemy started throwing their pillas
    2. Had the most success setting a wedge with a depth of 2 in the center and 1 on the flanks, then charging. Marginally better than just using a normal line with depth of 2.
    3. Using square was suicide. Lost with 75% of enemies remaining. Didn't try circle.
    4. When the enemy charges a long distance sometimes a few soldiers get ahead of the pack. This sometimes is bad for you if your infantry has javelins. Often times it was better to tell them to hold fire until I knew the bulk of the enemy was within range, lest 100 men throw their javelin at 3 dudes.

    Going to play around with the advance order next

    submitted by /u/ggsimmonds
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    Is there any way to make crafted javelins into a stack, or to craft them as a stack? Really wanting to start using them, but with only one throwable per equipment slot... it's kinda bad.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Is there a mod that make the Aserai, well....... not garbage?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    The Aserai is probably my favorite faction in the game and I love the troop types. I love the Islamic style aesthetic and culture. I love playing as the Aserai. The only thing is.....their troops are pretty bad. Any mods that balances them out more with the other factions so they arent so bad?

    submitted by /u/DubiousDevil
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    Guys, an idea for a mod came to me in my dreams. Let me know what you think!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    I'm a beginner in Python, but affaik you can't use python to make mods for this game so someone else would have to make it once mod tools are released...

    Basically the first part is re-implementing the thing from Warband where killing a certain number of bandits (based on a threshold and renown) will eventually have a price put on your head. You can now be ambushed when walking around towns (even if using shortcut to buy at market) or when staying overnight. I was thinking something like a 10% chance to trigger, modified by possibly a roguery or tactics skill that could go down to 4%? Numbers aren't important now I suppose...

    Here's where things get spicy though. The assassin(s) gear will scale with your renown; the idea being that they become more difficult to beat as the game continues, and if your relation with one or more of the thug important characters in that town are maybe 15 or less, they will join the attack!

    "But wtf, my character is a medic/tactician/etc build! I'm not spec'd for fighting several bandits at once!"

    I hear you good sir! That is why at 15+ relation, they refuse to join and at 40+ they will actually have your back! Also, having a high tactician or logistics(did I make this up?) skill could allow you to have 2 bodyguards follow you around town or something. This could lead to some pretty epic battles between 2 rival gangs: one who is defending you and one who is joining the attack!

    Anyway, if you lose the fight the bandit assasins will take one of your wokshops in a city where you have less than 15 relation with thug characters, and/or 60% of all your money and items....but they will spare your life.

    Now here is where things get REALLY spicy with this mod!

    Doing "Destroy bandit lair camp" missions will allow you the opportunity to have dialog with the bandit leader. If you have persuasion or roguery skills, then you can convince the bandit leader that you don't want to fight him, you just want in on his operation.

    Yes! Now you can become the mafioso tycoon boss you've always wanted to be! If you convince him, you can leave up to 10 or more(scales with leadership?) troops that will join a smaller bandit party and will roam that area acting just like bandits do. High level troops will have take a huge morale hit, and will probably desert shortly after.

    Basically every time your bandit party raids a caravan or whatever, you get 60%+ (scales with something, up to 90%) of the loot sent to you and added to your inventory, OR at least the value in gold.

    Imagine having your own bandits spread across all of Caldaria, going around running shake-downs on the local villagers and merchants all the while you reap the bountiful rewards....

    Except, there's a catch. When your bandit party is killed, there's a x% chance (scales with something) that they actually ratted you out with their dying breath. This leads to a small relation hit to all lords of the faction that owns the area your bandits were patrolling, and a bigger hit with one of the lords of the village/town nearby...

    Multiply this by each of your bandit parties that die and pretty soon you'll be enemy of the state. Such is the price of illegal gain...

    So what do you guys think?? Would add some cool RP elements to the game IMO.


    • Killing bandits will eventually lead them to send assassins after you. They'll strike when you're at a town, and the thug guild can join the attack or even help defend you depending on your relation. Losing the battle means forfeiting a workshop and some cash, but you get to keep playing.

    • During "Destroy bandit lair" missions, a high roguery skill unlocks dialog that allows you the chance to have your very own bandit party, made up of troops you select. You gain a high % of their loot (or the value of their loot) and you can have a ton of them roaming around the land (one for each bandit lair boss you convince). If they are about to die though, they might spill the beans and rat you out to the local lords.

    submitted by /u/PwnageEngage
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    What is the current state of the game?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Hello, I haven't played in a few months and got kinda out of the loop. Does the game still have performance issues? Does one faction still steamroll all other factions almost immediately? Are there any major changes? Thank you in advance for any info.

    submitted by /u/Tinhetvin
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    Why all the hate for the sarranids?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of hate for the sarranids but I love playing full sarranid army's, I may lose a few good troops in sieges but when it comes to field battles I can steamroll any army

    submitted by /u/Jodo2121
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    What will happen if you retire from journey?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    retire from adventure is an option when you set a camp

    submitted by /u/Devil_The_God
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    I am making a cover of the main theme of Bannerlord (This is very early stuff though!)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    New to Bannerlord and I'm getting destroyed

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I finished the non-imperial kingdom quest and then took three castles, one from Battania, one from the southern empire and then one from Aserai, since then everytime I try to go off and grind cash or gather troops a week or so later, Aserai will declare war on me and bring a 900+ army to destroy me.

    Any ideas on a strategy to build up an army fast to defend myself?

    P.S. somehow I'm below 0 influence so I can't actually form an army

    submitted by /u/dwt5991
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    Is mount and blade 1 worth playing?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I'm completely new to the series after loving other historical RPGs like kcd. I tried playing m&b 1 and enjoyed the combat but the overarching systems seemed a bit overwhelming. Should I stick with it or will I get more enjoyment by moving on to a later game?

    submitted by /u/samdkitchen137
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    Game crashes after battles ever few times.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/Coomercide
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    [Native Warband] Does high tactics slow down your renown gains?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Like does the fact that you face fewer enemies per round reduce renown gains from being otherwise outnumbered?

    submitted by /u/mmciv
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