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    Sunday, June 28, 2020

    Mount & Blade Going for my 25353th attempt to become king

    Mount & Blade Going for my 25353th attempt to become king

    Going for my 25353th attempt to become king

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Ahh.. 4:3, they would never suspect it!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Bannerlord needs a crafting overhaul, badly.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Bannerlord's crafting system is a very welcome addition to the series, but it badly needs an overhaul. Here are some of the main reasons why:

    • Clicking! I routinely have to click hundreds of times, when rendering hardwood into charcoal, to say nothing of rendering wooden hammers and wooden pitchforks into hardwood to render into charcoal. There needs to be an option to repeat an refining or smelting activity to do stacks.

    • Speaking of which, it would be very nice to see how much of your smithing endurance a thing will take.

    • Outdated recipes should be removed from the refining list. If you can do 2 Hardwood -> 3 Charcoal, there is no literal reason in Calradia to do 2 Hardwood -> 1 Charcoal. This way you don't accidentally have the wrong one selected and blast through a ton of hardwood for no good reason.

    • The charcoal use to go from low-tier to high-tier iron is absurd, to say nothing of the clicks involved. There is no reason anyone would ever take the perk to make better use of iron ore, because the player will never smelt crude iron from Iron Ore. It's literally a waste of time, endurance and charcoal. As things stand, with all the Steelmaking perks, it takes: 1 Iron Ore -> 3 Crude Iron; 1 Crude Iron -> 1 Wrought Iron; 2 Wrought Iron -> 1 Iron; 2 Iron -> 1 Steel; 2 Steel -> 1 Fine Steel; 2 Fine Steel -> 1 Thamaskene Steel = 16 units of Wrought Iron, 31 units of Charcoal, and 31 clicks, to get one unit of T-Steel.

    That's silly, most egregiously of all in the charcoal use. It's far better to just buy weapons outright and smelt them for higher-tier metals. If "making your own metals" are going to be useful, this needs to change: either the player should be able to just leave iron ore at an owned ironmonger's and they'll turn it into higher-tier steels for you, or the player's recipes should be able to just go straight from ore or crude to higher-tier metals.

    • Inconsistency on what an and cannot be used as a "civilian" weapon. Admittedly this is not strictly a crafting issue, but by experimentation I was able to make the most ridiculous zweihander ever into a "civilian" weapon - meanwhile, the really, really cool one-handed blades, sabres and iljis, I cannot. Furthermore, I cannot carry any blunt weapons into town, not even a humble blacksmith's hammer, because those are dangerous and you could hurt someone with them, I guess!

    (I literally call that sword "Incivility".)

    • Lack of the ability to craft other things, like armor, or ranged weapons, or shields. I would very much like to make the gear of my companions uniform. It's easy enough with melee weapons since I make them myself, but armor and horse barding is a crapshoot. This would also give fur and leather and fabrics a use besides trade good.
    submitted by /u/ShadowDragon8685
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    [OC fan art] Vaegir Marksman

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Endgame Crisis Gameplay Idea

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Hello everyone I hope you all are enjoying killing villages and burning looters. I used to play a bunch of stellaris and I think that the crisis system of stellaris would do wonders to spice up the Bannerlord mid-late game.

    My reasoning behind this is that once a faction gets large enough, it is impossible for any other faction to dethrone them (at least in m opinion). When the game gets to this point I think it becomes way too grindy. The only other real end game option is to start your own kingdom. So I feel like an endgame crisis system that throws everything out of balance would be incredible.

    Here are some of my crisis ideas and I would love to hear what you think of this concept, my ideas, and if you have any of your own.

    The Plague - The plague endgame crisis would go something like this. Once an empire accumulates enough power or they take over the whole map a mysterious plague is noticed ravaging a city. From here it quickly rages across the map decimating populations all across Calradia. As this is going on empires shatter, there are revolts, and brigandry becomes king. Half of all the population dies (including nobles) and the survivors are left to attempt to pick up the pieces... but a lot of them refuse to go to the old ways. An interesting thing about the real plague is that it almost singlehandedly ended the feudal system. Reason being is that because there were way less workers, they became much more valuable and demanded to be treated less like slaves. In Bannerlord this could lead to a lot of smaller states popping up. Each state would be led by a few lords or even maybe the city merchants. It would shake everything up and leave the player to try and put the pieces back together.

    Nomadic Invaders - As many of you know a big contributor to Rome's fall was the sustained attacks by nomadic invaders who were very accustomed to warfare. In warband I think this could be done simply by introducing a new endgame faction that shows up with massive powerful armies that challenge the power of Calradia. Their goal would be to take over all of Calradia and the only way to truly defeat them would be to kill off all of their Chieftains, leaving them leaderless.

    The Blight - Suddenly, there are massive crop failures across Calradia. Villages and cities alike starve. However, the nobles take much of what is left and horde it among themselves. The people of Calradia feel betrayed and their anger bubbles over into nation wide revolts that fracture the land. Much like the plague endgame crisis brigandry becomes widespread. But not attacks against peasants or the normal people of the land. But constant attacks against the nobles. These brigands have the people at their backs making it much more difficult to recruit troops or even enter towns. Relations fall across Calradia and it is up to the player to try and unite all of the nobles to take back Calradia. But it becomes very difficult because these Brigands do not abide by any form of Chivalry, and kill any lord or lady they capture.

    The Forgotten Son - Long ago, many years before the great battle which precedes Bannerlord, there was a son of the King who was an incredible general and beloved by the people. This son became famous fighting battles far away from Calradia, conquering lands in the name of his father. However, one battle he could not win, his army was destroyed, and he was never heard from again. Presumed dead, he was slowly forgotten. However, in this endgame crisis he has returned, ready to reclaim the throne and the banner. Many vassals of the former empire are still loyal to him, and feel he is the rightful heir to the throne. Many cities and castles defect to him and he unites a large portion of he empire. In this case the player has two options, he can either join the new empire, or fight against it. The other empires know that they can never risk returning to empire rule, so they unite and prepare for battle. In this scenario the Battanians, Sturgians, Vlandians, Aserai, and Khuzaits fight against a unified Empire.

    Please let me know what you think of these ideas and if you have anymore!

    submitted by /u/Rmccauley01
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    Mods that does not increase combat difficulty?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    So I've been researching around on how to improve my overall experience in this game and I discovered there are lots of mods available out there (like Floris, Diplomacy, etc). I'm now on my second run and would love to try out these mods but sadly it turns out that most of these mods greatly increase the difficulty of the game, be it general gameplay or combat. I've only been playing this game for less than 1 month and while I really enjoy the game, I am terrible at it. I still mess up every now and then and get killed even though I'm playing on what possibly is the easiest difficulty (1/4 damage to player, poor combat AI, poor campaign AI, etc).

    So really is there any good mods out there that improves the quality of the game but does not significantly increase the combat difficulty? I want to enjoy the game but I really don't want to stand back like a cowardly general and let his troops handle the work because the very second I step in I get mauled by a stray axe swing by some angry nord.

    Edit: had a brain fart when writing this, minor correction on title: "Mods that don't increase combat difficulty"

    submitted by /u/Ironwall1
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    Copypasta made by an AI

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    King Harlaus is the Supreme Butterlord of the Kingdom of Swadia. He has a great love for his children, and a great love for butter, which he sells to all who visit his castle. He is the only one to use real butter and the real butter-knife, and it is he who gives the final decision on who is going to win the royal butter-knife in the royal butter-fight.

    Harlaus and his family rule Swadia and have been in power for generations. This makes him a very popular ruler.

    Harlaus is the only one known to have actually eaten real butter. The rest of the world, even in the Kingdoms of the North, don't know how to make butter.

    He also had a dream about Butter. In it, he dreamed about a butter-man who was a large hairy, big-eyed creature. He dreamt of this butter-man bringing butter-pots of honey to the King and Queen of Swadia and eating the butter.

    submitted by /u/zMasterofPie
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    Anyone else get the feeling that there's some sort of 'hidden passive' which makes the AI attack whichever faction you join a lot?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    title. every save game is eventually ruined due to being ganged up on by every faction. I've lost count of how many people I massacre in all my saves and it just ends up not mattering due to the sheer amount of enemies

    submitted by /u/Minrathous
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    Only Trading Playthrough?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Guessing some has already done this but would there be of any interest to create a only trading playthrough on youtube and who would watch it? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DageMC
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    I love the new character models that they added

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Are the servers for the Napoleonic Wars DLC (preferably eu) still populated?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Im looking into buying the Napoleonic Wars DLC for Warband, but i wanna make sure that it still has an more or less active playerbase. Thanks for your replies in advance. <3

    submitted by /u/Baumiii1
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    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    So here is the problem. I tried to convince 1 vassal from battanian name luichan. He is quite good in my kingdom so i decided to give him 2 town and 1 castle. But when the battanian declared war on my kingdom again, he left my kingdom and take all my fiefs. Please help me how can i prevent a vassal from leaving my kingdom even tho i had good relationship with that lord too

    submitted by /u/harryedits_3007
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    Bite and run

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    When you eat a really sour lemon

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Tip for my two-handed boys.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    The two handed weapons wich can be used by one haned weapons are like full one handed weapons. Look at the weapon in the menu if it says "two handed" "one handed" the if you press X you'll be able to use it with one hand. This is especially when on horse back for extra range. Also all one handes skill perks will be applied and will work, have fun.

    submitted by /u/kh_tum
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    If you had a bad relationship with the Lord will they attack you even though you have an okay relationship with their faction

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    I was raiding villages without any troops and the only thing that goes down is my relationship with the lord but not their faction

    submitted by /u/sevdc7
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    Bannerlord bugs/glitches

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    There's a mod that adds guns to Bannerlord. My life is now complete!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Has there been any significant updates/mods in the past 3 months? I haven't played since around.. 1.4?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Just curious to see where the game is headed and if any significant things were added, last thing I remember is they made all the female characters look awful.

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    Best mods right now?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    I'm looking for some mods to spice up the game, I know the game hasn't been out for very long and there aren't very big mods, but I have found a few that impress me already. I'm not looking for mods that improve modding (MCM) or mods that improve meta game (Developer Menu) but mods that improve the gameplay overall, stuff like distinguished service. If you guys know any, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/PussPounder696969
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    Hello Bladers, my influence goes negative whenever I raid a village for my Kingdom, I need to raid villages in order to capture castles & Towns for lords to stay in my party to be prepared for the conspiracy quest. Is there a way to resolve this without losing influence?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Reducing the Work on CPU on Bannerlord

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    My rig is that

    Rx580 8GB

    i5 9400f 6 cores 2.9ghz

    2x8 GB RAM 2666MHz

    So, i played only custom battles on Bannerlord and the fps is very good when there is no intensity of people but when i enter the places like a lot of people fighting the fps is cut by half. I tested my rig and cpu usage was very high and i think my cpu is not well enough. What i wonder is that is there any settings that reduce the load on my cpu except making the battles 1 vs 1 (reducing the battle size)?

    submitted by /u/LarkTelby
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