• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.4.0 & Beta Branch 1.4.1 Patch Notes

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.4.0 & Beta Branch 1.4.1 Patch Notes

    Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.4.0 & Beta Branch 1.4.1 Patch Notes

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Greetings, Peasants.



    Welcome to the patch thread, we make these threads to save us another pin space for other things.

    Taleworlds forum bug reporting thread

    Mount and Blade Discord

    Link to wiki - Previous patches and threads inside



    Native: e1.4.0

    SandboxCore: e1.4.0

    Sandbox: e1.4.0

    Storymode: e1.4.0

    CustomBattle: e1.4.0

    Latest Changes:

    -Chinese localisation improvements

    -Fixed a problem where it was not possible to select newly changed perks in older save files.

    -Pila, Jagged Throwing Spear and Triangular Throwing Spear are throwable again

    -Increased siege warmup time from 3 to 15 minutes

    -Decreased minimum players required for siege from 60 down to 40

    -Lobby server-side improvements

    Troop Balance changes:


    • Beduin

    Troop count increased by 1 (10)

    • Skirmisher

    Troop count increased by 1 (17)


    • Clan Warrior

    Troop count increased by 1 (22)

    • Wildling

    Troop count increased by 1 (18)

    • Ranger

    Replaced Bastard Sword with Highland Two-Handed Sword

    • Mounter Warrior

    Troop count increased by 1 (11)


    • Menavlion Infantry

    Troop count decreased by 1 (16)

    Hit Points reduced by 5 (100)

    • Courser

    Replaced Menavlion with Cavalry Menavlion

    Swing Speed 83 to 73

    Damage 129 to 118


    • Rabble

    Mace length got increased

    Length 58 to 67

    Swing Speed 95 to 91

    Damage 37 to 39

    • Nomad

    Troop count increased by 1 (11)

    • Mounted Archer

    Cost reduced by 10 (150)

    Spear Perk replaced by Stronger Arrows Perk


    • Berserker

    Troop count decreased by 1 (16)

    • Varyag

    Movement Speed decreased by 1 (77)

    Armor decreased by 1 (39)

    Large Round Shield is now the Default Shield

    Replaced Stronger Shield Perk with Lighter Shield Perk which equips the Light Round Shield

    Large Round Shield weight increased to 4

    Troop count decreased by 1 (15)

    • Hunter

    Replaced LongSword perk with Strong Arrows Perk

    Swapped Strong Arrows Perk and Shield Perk


    • Peasant Levy

    Troop count reduced by 2 (23)

    Pitchfork can not be used One-Handed any more.

    Previous Beta Hotfixes

    -Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to purchase a workshop.

    -Fixed a bug that causes duplicate dialogue options to appear in some dialogues.

    -Fixed the bonus for the castle "castellan's office" settlement project.

    -Some lords which have a risk of going below critical money limits will stop paying wages and suffer the morale penalty only. This way they will at least keep enough money to buy food and avoid starvation. Their troops will still desert eventually if their morale drops too low.

    -In some cases, siege map events were stopping in the middle and the besieger party was returning to owned settlements to buy food. They will now continue the map event.

    -In some minor cases, armies were going to faraway towns when they ran out of food. This was fixed. The distance will be the most important factor in such cases.

    -Fixed a bug that prevented excessive settlement militia from decreasing.

    -Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when trying to complete Gang Leader Needs Weapons quest through dialogue.

    Initial Beta Changelog



    Native: e1.4.1

    SandboxCore: e1.4.1

    Sandbox: e1.4.1

    Storymode: e1.4.1

    CustomBattle: e1.4.1



    -Fixed a crash that occurs on the campaign map at different times.

    -Fixed a rare crash for encounter menus.

    -Fixed a rare crash when entering a tournament.

    -Fixed a rare crash that occurred when trying to activate the Army of Poachers quest.

    -Fixed a crash that occurred after Save & Load when the player is inside the training field with a companion.

    -Fixed a rare crash that occurred when trying to talk with army members that are inside an army that the player is leading.

    -Fixed a bug that leads to a crash in the Army of Poachers quest if the player retreats from the quest battle.

    -Fixed a crash which could happen during scene entry or exit.

    -Fixed a rare crash with the main storyline.

    -Fixed a crash that could happen when prisoners were transferred to bandit parties through barter.


    -Increased performance / disabled auto-saving game on exiting the game.

    Save & Load

    -Added functionality to update party and map event positions to support save games in cases where the main map has changed.


    -Additional Chinese translations and translation fixes.

    -Turkish translation updates.


    -Fixed some chairs inside Khuzait level 2 keep.

    -Added new dynamic barriers for AI and indestructible merlons to Empire castle, Sturgeon town and Vlandian city.

    -New keep and village banners for factions have been added.

    -Some beards have been retouched and cleaned, LODs added.

    -Added 2 new Sturgian armours.

    -Updated some Aserai civil clothes textures.

    -Fixed a cloth simulation mesh bug.

    -Khans Guard cloth simulation tweaked.

    -Lancer Armour cloth simulation tweaked.

    -Fixed AI spawn points and some season issues on Battanian villages.

    -Fixed some navigation mesh issues on Sturgian villages.

    -Fixed visual issues on various prefab meshes such as village houses, stairs,etc .

    -Fixed holster physics.

    -The scene of Pen Cannoc has been changed according to the city's location on the map.

    -Some interior scenes were corrected in accordance with the culture and level of the settlements.

    -Fixed skinning problem (or visual glitches) on one of the civilian dresses.

    -Added 5 new battania shields.


    -Added new main map attack animation.


    -Added three new music tracks for the campaign mode.

    -Minor updates for existing campaign mode tracks.



    • User Interface for Sandbox Kingdom creation

    • A new shortcut, "Left Ctrl" (like Left Shift) has been added to affect the entire stack with the action (e.g Transfer, Upgrade etc.)

    • Added new images for map notification circles, settlement owner changed and siege underway.

    • Barter auto offer button will turn green if the current status of the barter is acceptable.

    • "Army Created" map notification inspection and Kingdom army "show on map" button now will directly focus on the army, if that army is currently visible on the map, instead of showing the army's target.


    • Now non-traded item prices in inventory are updated correctly. i.e. If the player sold a horse, only that horse's price would be updated but the market price for the same category horses would also change but not show. This didn't result in any miscalculation of the total cost of the transaction, it was purely visual and it's now fixed.

    • Fixed character visual blocking the selection for perks over 275 skill level in character developer in some aspect ratios.

    • Fixed perks vertical and horizontal placements in character developer in non 16:9 aspect ratios.

    • Fixed vertical placement of the game menu in non 16:9 aspect ratios.

    • Fixed map event tooltips showing wrong colours for the map event sides.

    • Fixed a bug that caused map event icons being shown below the map

    • Fixed a bug that caused kingdom decision map notification item not getting removed after leaving a kingdom

    Battles and Sieges

    -Auto Calculation Improvements

    -Troop formation spawn positions did not match formation movement targets at the beginning of missions. This was fixed.

    -Players can now give formation arrangement orders (shield wall, etc.) at the beginning of missions. Such orders will now override the default stop order.

    -Due to a bug in hideouts, the empty formations in the player's team were not under the player's control and therefore, when troops were transferred, they couldn't be controlled anymore. This was fixed.

    -The main agent and other lords now preserve their level of detail when they die in a mission.

    Combat AI

    -In certain siege scenes, troops would start running between two siege towers instead of climbing. This issue was resolved and major improvements were made about the problems in pathfinding over siege towers and climbing ladders (especially ladders of siege towers).

    -Increased distance between friendly troops. This improves the spacing inside combat and reduces friendly troops hindering themselves

    Character Development System

    -Major changes and fixes have been made for two-handed skill perks.

    -Added secondary effects of one-handed perks.

    -Fixed charm, leadership, trade & medicine perk bugs.

    -Fixed a problem where it was not possible to select newly changed perks in older save files.

    -Fixed a perk exploit that caused huge troop experience gain.

    Clan and Party

    -Added 160+ ladies and a few young male lords to the clans.

    -Fixed a bug where the player's banner was not visible before clan tier 2.

    -Heroes can now marry after age 45.

    -NPC parties now also visit neutral towns and villages to recruit and buy food.


    -Disabled defection behaviour for NPCs that are in armies.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy

    -Implemented War and Peace Kingdom Decisions that are accessible from the Kingdom Diplomacy Screen. Kingdom Decisions now show support for all types of decisions.

    -Implemented Sandbox Kingdom Creation, which is possible through the clan screen and not dependent on the main storyline. Players need to have at least 1 settlement and a tier 4 clan. Then players can select their kingdom's culture (consisting of their settlements' culture or their own clan's culture), select their initial policies (up to 4) and, finally, select the name for their new Kingdom.

    -Fixed a bug where traits and skills did not affect persuasion chances.

    -Fixed a bug where safe passages that were previously agreed upon were not working as intended after the game was loaded.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)

    -Fixed a bug that caused a "Capture the Enemy" menu button to be activated after raiding a village.

    -When we request a meeting from the outside of a castle or settlement, every noble will now be on the list of accessible characters.

    -Players can now recruit mercenaries from the tavern menu. Quests & Issues

    -Implemented a new quest. Lord parties will ask the player to bring horses (or camels) when they don't have enough mounts for their troops on foot.

    -Adjusted the Extortion By Deserters Quest difficulty. The settlement defender party spawned during Extortion By Deserters quest now uses the default militia template of the settlement's culture. The Deserter party will no longer disappear when the Extortion By Deserters Quest ends but rather becomes a regular bandit party. Added new notifications to the Extortion By Deserters quest to make it easier for the player to complete the quest.

    -Fixed the face key of the Spy Among Us quest character "Confident Contender".

    -Fixed a bug with the Rival Gang Leader quest where the troop selection screen for the companion solution was populated with prisoners only.

    -Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck in dialogues of main storyline quests.

    Conversations & Encounters

    -Fixed a rare bug that caused an infinite dialogue loop after barter.

    -Fixed a bug that caused resetting the amount of gold that is carried in a caravan after a trade.

    -Fixed a few minor issues in the Rival Gang Leader quest.


    -Armours and armour types on faction troops have been redistributed in order to improve unit balance based on tiers.

    -Shields were redistributed for faction troops based on their new hit points and values. New Battanian shields have been added to the Battanian Faction Troops. Some units doing too well or too poorly on playtests have been slightly optimized stat-wise.

    -Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the camera to clip into walls in khuzait dungeons.

    -An NPC was added to the ranged tutorial area.

    -Fixed a bug that causes some thrones to be unusable.

    -Fixed a bug that causes some child NPC's to fly.

    -When a hideout is cleared, the surrounding bandit parties get new ai so the probability of reinfesting the same hideout decreases.

    -Uncovered and fixed an extremely rare bug where the game would tick while it was paused.


    Map Related

    -"Tsagaan Castle" new TDM map which has a Khuzait theme.

    -"Baravenos Encirclement (Siege):

    • Rearranged defender spawn positions to avoid them being locked out. Removed a side gate/entrance. Added a destructible gate in front of the last flag.

    • Overhauled the right side of the castle. The Tunnel entrance is now more obvious and changed the way to get up to the top wall from the siege tower.

    • Visual improvements (also changed the season to spring); Many performance improvements

    -Xauna (Skirmish):

    • Completely overhauled the main building. Overall simplified the layout and spawn areas. Added more cover to the middle part of the map.

    Server & Network

    -Added match history to social tab. Players can look through information about their 10 last played games. This information includes winner, score, factions, map, game type and players in the match. This feature is completely client-side so deleting your game files might cause you to lose your match history.

    -Improved Friends panel. Added in-game friends feature that allows you to add other players as friends in the game. You can add players from your recent games as friends.



    • Implemented a new loading screen for Multiplayer. Now while the game is loading, players will be able to see the game mode, map's name and a summary of the game mode while in the loading screen.


    • Fixed estimated video memory usage bar not being visible in MP options in some cases.

    • Fixed couchable usage icon in MP



    -Fixed a rare crash in big battles.

    -Fixed a rare crash related to asset loading.


    -Major CPU performance improvements in the UI system. (Especially on multi-core machines)

    -Fixed a rare file read issue which could cause the game to try to allocate billions of bytes to memory.

    -Improved multi-core usage of the game.

    -Physics performance improvements - especially in siege scenes.

    -Improved garbage collection and fragmentation.

    -The majority of the managed garbage collector spikes during big battles were eliminated

    -Optimized the rendering of corpses.


    -Due to frame stutters, some particles were skewing unrealistically (e.g. dust particles generated by horses). This was fixed.


    -Added New rider idle animations.

    -New stand idles added for camel and its rider.

    -Added new damage reaction animations for camels.

    Battles & Sieges

    -Fixed a problem related to corpses hanging in the air.

    Combat AI

    -Enabled charging agents to move together in formation. Both cavalry and infantry troops in formation now tend to stay in line while charging at the enemy. Cavalry formations will try to regroup before charging back, if the formation is intact.



    • Improved Asian language text parsers. Now line breaks will be consistent with the language's line break rules.

    • Gauntlet text parser now supports the zero-width-space character


    • Fixed dependency sorting of modules in the launcher.

    • Fixed text input areas not showing characters in the correct language font, making every character show-up as question marks.


    -Fixed a visual glitch on clients where the lance is flipped like a javelin when the alternative usage is toggled soon after a couched lance collision happens.

    -Fixed rendering of some shields that appeared white.

    -Added spark particles for parry and chamber blocks.

    Known Issues

    submitted by /u/Arthanias
    [link] [comments]

    Painted the Sturgian Druzhinnik with oils, probably one of my favorite looking unit in the game.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    TaleWorlds, give me the ability to throw feasts and seduce attending daughters CK2-style, or this dog's going to receive some very heavy petting. FROM ME AXE.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    This speech from a live stream is inspiring!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    I didn't know about the change so I got my butt kicked by smaller army than mine, that was humbling experience.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    After me starting a new campaign with the latest patch, some NPCs became children. Is it caused by any mod? Please help :(

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Rhagaea's Granddaughter is now Empress

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Separatism mod is insane and feels like I'm playing a total war in real-time

    Posted: 17 May 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    When You Just Have To Jump RIGHT Into A Fight

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Accidentally sat on a log before facing the bandit boss (sorry for the shit phone quality)

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    Short Guide: How to Participate in Defensive Siege Battles

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Defensive sieges were one of the best parts about Warband but these are very hard to come across in Bannerlord. Currently (as of 1.3 and 1.4), the AI only attacks a castle when they have an extreme advantage, which means that if you manage to get into the castle before the AI begins it's siege, you're going to lose the battle. I have managed to participate in lot's of fun defensive battles using this method.

    It is recommended that you have a fief of your own before you start which you can put your elite troops (or all your troops) into. This is because this method relies on sneaking into the castle/town which causes troop losses, so you don't want to be losing high tier troops because of this.

    1. When you first spot an enemy army on the map that is targeting a castle/town for sieging, create your own army.
    2. Let the enemy army reach the castle/town and start their siege.
    3. While they are sieging wait nearby until you get the notification that the enemy army has begun their assault.
    4. When this happens move your army and sneak into the castle/town. At this point the enemy cannot cancel their assault and hopefully you have enough troops to have a good chance of winning the siege. You and your army will lose some soldiers due to sneaking into the castle, but if you store your elite units in another fief then this will not matter. The main thing is that you actually get to fight a siege battle with a chance of winning.
    5. Enjoy your defensive siege battle!
    submitted by /u/threeighty
    [link] [comments]

    So that's bull***t

    Posted: 16 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Bannerlord modding tools confirmed in future updates; what are you looking forward to mod-wise? I'm definitely looking forward to a full Napoleonic War conversion mod, new map, new units, etc. seeing that Warband had L'aigle but was disappointed it wasn't finished

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    They decided to dance during a tournament

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Best imperial armour in the game, Rhagaea approves

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    That old porcupine Warband feeling

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Am I Calradia's first Billionaire?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Whatever TW saids, they are still applying censorship in East Asia

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    Roleplay ideas for Bannerlord

    Posted: 17 May 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Hi guys and girls. I have some playthrough ideas for those who love bannerlord but bored on their campaign, I play vanilla but any mode can be used. If u have any other ideas, post it to comments. I would love to hear and play them. All we can do is roleplay like this until story mods are created. Sorry for bad english :(

    Caesar Campaign

    Classical campaign that most of us did already. Create your own imperial faction and conquer the world. *Only imperial soldiers+hastati,principles,triarii soldier line is allowed on army.* Don't forget to simp rhagaea when she joins your empire. Leadership+steward+charm are recommended for this playthrough. Game ends when you conquer Calradia.

    William Wallace Campaign

    You are a battanian commoner, who decided to take revenge for the loss of a loved one. Only battanian soldiers are allowed in army. You can't use any other armor than battanian armor. *You must execute every single vlandian lord u captured.* You must join Battanians, you can't form your own kingdom. Being a two handed, bowman+athletics,smithing is recommended for this playthrough. Game ends when you conquer all Vlandia or when you die.

    Rhodok Campaign

    You are the roots of future Kingdom of Rhodoks. Your clan name must be 'dey Rhodok'. And i prefer name Graveth for yourself (all hail great king of rhodok). Firstly join Vlandia as vassal, then after some time establish your own kingdom with dragon banner. *Only vlandian sergeants+vlandian sharpshooters are allowed in your army.* You can't execute any vlandian lord. Simp silvind for a better future. Game ends when you conquer 'Jaculan, Galend, Sargot(our dear Veluca), Talivel Castle, Hongard Castle'.

    The Holy Grail Campaign

    Lord Arthur is looking forward to establish an independent England with his knights. Imperial puppet Derthert is too soft-hearted for this. He heard that the Holy Grail will be awarded to king that united all the Brittania. Firstly become a vassal of Vlandia then form your own 'United Kingdom'. I prefer 'dey Angle' clan name. *Only mounted vlandian knights are allowed in army, including your companions.* You must release all the Vlandian lords after fights. You must conquer all of the vanilla Vlandian lands+Battanian lands. Lands of other regions even tho they are conquered by Vlandians or Battanians are not your concern. *Marunath must be last city you siege.* Game ends when Arthur finds Holy Grail at 'Marunath'.

    A New Home Campaign

    The nomads of the Asian steppes are trying to find fertile lands to settle and become farmers after thousand years battle at far east. You can either form your own Sultanate of Rum or join Khuzaits. Suggested clan names are 'Oghuz, Avshar, Seljuk' Only Khuzait units are allowed in army. No marriage allowed with other factions. No chopping heads. Conquer all vanilla Imperial Lands to finish the game.

    Raise of Northmen

    Vlandians will learn that history repeats itself. They summoned mercenaries from the North lands after they saw how strong sea raiders are. Start game as a Sturgian culture. Choose your own Viking name. Join Vlandia as mercenary after you gain some power. Never join other factions. *Only Sturgian infantry and archers except Ulfhednar and sea raiders allowed in army.* You can't take any mounted units in your army. After years of fighting alongside Vlandia, form 'Kingdom of Nords'. Game ends when you conquer 'Ostican, Revolt, Car Benseth, Varcheg, Revyl and all surrounding castles.

    submitted by /u/onurbahar96
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    I hope tournaments get fleshed out more.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    Imo tournaments get so boring so fast. I really only join them to get some money and decent gear in the beginning. Other than that they are meh. I would very much like if they added different types of tournaments.

    For example, they could have horse races, target shooting with bows, lance accuracy on horseback, etc... hell they could even have a capture the flag type tournament mode.

    My only problem with Bannerlord this far is lack of variety. There needs to be more things to do.

    submitted by /u/DubiousDevil
    [link] [comments]

    Really digging the Aserai castles and landscapes.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Ustokol Castle is Unsiegable

    Posted: 17 May 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Ustokol Castle is Unsiegable submitted by /u/omnirusted
    [link] [comments]

    I finally did it. I was too star struck by the victory screen to think about capturing an image, but it happened! Thousands of in game days, heartbreak and betrayal. I'm finally ready for Bannerlord!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Hear me out: Restore the Banner/Kingdom quest, and change that intro

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I am a full advocate for Bannerlord being a sandbox, as the M&B titles before it. However, TaleWorlds have a little bit of a main quest in Bannerlord and it is a shame to change it and/or remove it in my opinion.


    Long Post Alert

    Here is how I would treat the opening of the game:


    1: Remove the missing kids thing.

    I think I am about 20 years into my game right now, those kids would have grown up and made families by now. To be frank, I really don't give a guano about them. But, that opening quest does work as a combat tutorial, so I feel it should be kept, but change the circumstances for it.

    I feel it would work much better if you and your little group were Bounty Hunters hired by a Lord to track down bandits that totally ransacked several villages under the Lords rule.

    As a combat character it makes sense, hired for your prowess in battles. As a support/trader character it also make sense, not only are you keeping the Bounty Hunters supplied, but you are gathering information in your travels, going from village to village, making relations and gathering rumours on the whereabouts of these brigands.

    The quest would work out as it does now, and once you capture the bandit leader, your group disbands leaving you to make your way in the world, with a few thousand denars you earned from the bounty. No Brother, no missing kids, no ties. Use it as the combat tutorial.


    2: Reinstate the Banner Quest but treat it as a social tutorial.

    While my Banner Quest bugged out as it went over the 10 year limit, I feel to get rid of it fully is a shame. It allows you to explore the world and meet all the Leaders and Lords of the various Factions. It really is a great introduction to the people themselves, and their cultures.

    Now, the main bane for this quest is that it is/was the only way to start a Kingdom. I don't agree. It was the only way to make a legitimate kingdom, but you could still make one.

    As a vassal you could acquire a fief and then leave the kingdom via the menu, stealing the settlements. Yes, the Faction you steal them from will declare war, but this will pass and if you can hold out you have then a Kingdom.

    Also, if you manage to powerlevel your Trade Skill to the point were you can buy fiefs, do so and then ask your Leader to leave. As you bought them and not handed them there should be no bad blood, and you have yourself a kingdom.


    I think a major issue with the Banner Quest is that it is treated as a major, over arching storyline, and it isn't. Its a quick introduction to the Factions. If you focused on meeting each Leader. meeting the NPCs that want the banner, and then retrieving the pieces from the Bandit Camps, you could do it within a game time month. Easy-peasy.

    You don't need a massive army, you don't need a OP character. It's a fetch quest with a couple of small scale fights. That's it. The Bandit Camps offer a slight challenge, but it is otherwise a breeze.

    Keeping the Banner Quest as is/as it was but making it clear that it is just a quick intro quest to found your own kingdom legitimately I feel would ease any quibbles people have about the quest. If it was an epic, multi part slog with massive battles then I would agree, but it isn't. Get the Banner, get a Kingdom, job done.


    Make it clear that the Banner Quest is 1: short and 2: optional should ease any issues. I had no idea I had a 10 year time limit, no where was that mentioned, and I missed out on that storyline on my current character, and would need to make a second playthrough to see it, assuming the quest still exists.


    So yes, long post, but what are your thoughts. Would this work for you? What changes would you make?

    submitted by /u/KashouWannabe
    [link] [comments]

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