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    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Mount & Blade Same but better

    Mount & Blade Same but better

    Same but better

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:15 AM PST


    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Battanian Warrior coerced into mercenary contract [Colorized]

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:24 AM PST

    these hoes aint loyal

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PST

    [OC] Took me hours to make this

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:52 AM PST

    rhodok master race

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:23 AM PST

    It's almost harvesting season!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:22 AM PST


    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:57 AM PST

    So I made a cinematic follow-up video to my "Bandit Raids in Bannerlord" one and put even more effort in this one! I figured everyone here would enjoy watching it.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:24 AM PST

    But how about Bannerlord? It will be optional?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:48 AM PST

    It's just a symbiotic relationship.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:47 AM PST

    What's your usual early game strat in Native ?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:40 AM PST

    I like to start with gathering 20+ khergit lancers. They're surprisingly good cavalry units for their price, and they won't slow you down on the world map.

    This allows me start trading and looking for companions without worrying about the early game bandits.

    Whenever possible, I try to free manhunters and peasant women that have been taken prisoners. Sword sisters are cheap but tough, and Slaver Chiefs will bring you tons of prisoners.

    When I have enough dyeworks for steady income and enough companions with a good training skill, the rest is prety straitforward.

    submitted by /u/FoldingCorridor
    [link] [comments]

    Can we just take a moment to appreciate how good this song is? I feel like this sub doesn't often talk about how good some of the music is.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:52 AM PST

    Can't start the Bannerlord beta since the BattlEye update.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Ever since they introduced BattlEye I can't start the game. I've tried both installing BattlEye, which gives me the error "Failed to install BattlEye Service", and pressing cancel when the BattlEye option appears, which crashes my game at launch. I'm on Windows 10 and I read that it is incompatible with older versions of BattlEye, but since this is new this shouldn't be a problem, right?

    Has anyone had this issue?

    submitted by /u/longfellar
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Has anyone tried the new mod Bannerpage?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:03 AM PST

    I just saw TheReformistTM's video on it, has anyone tried it and if so, what are your thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/kanyesaysilooklikemj
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    I love having [integer overflow] denars

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:11 PM PST

    Custom banner problem

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PST

    So I added a custom banner in the game by replacing my current banner in both the Textures and the TexturesHD folder but it still doesn't load properly. For example in the map screen when I zoom out it displays the original banner, but I zoom in the original banner progressively fades away and the custom banner is revealed from "under" it. In shields and the circles over my units it loads the custom banner, and on the heraldic armor it displays the custom banner on the front side, but on the back side it's the colour of the original banner.

    I can post pictures if someone wants to see.

    submitted by /u/Teppo_Duunari
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    I think your horse might be dead

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:26 PM PST

    How far am I in the storyline

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:42 AM PST

    Bought Viking Conquest this weekend and am currently playing the storyline campaign. I ask here instead of using google so I can avoid spoilers (so please be careful). For anyone else reading, be aware, some Viking Conquest story spoilers are ahead.

    I just went to England and switched side over to the Saxons. My next quest is to become a Saxon vassal. How far am I in the storyline (% wise)?

    Second question: I actually want to make money right now (and buy farmsteads) to prepare for vassalage later, but I am considering to become a vassal first and then start trading with Frisia again. They are hostile atm, but shouldn't be once I am a vassal, right?

    Edit: quest --> storyline

    submitted by /u/Thurak0
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    Is this my GPU dying or has anyone else experienced this? (Bannerlord)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Can we just take a moment to appreciate how good this song is? I feel like this sub doesn't often talk about how good some of the music is.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Is the Bannerlord Early access coming out at the end of this month for consoles, or is it just on the PC?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:52 AM PST

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