• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    Mount & Blade Title

    Mount & Blade Title


    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:04 AM PST

    This motherfucker

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:44 AM PST

    A year ago, I had this little fun exchange with my friend.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:17 PM PST

    So begins the rise of the Butterlords...

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Due to popular demand I made a second animation comparison video focusing on combat and our horse lovers out there, for those that are interested!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:53 AM PST

    Pendor heavy spearmen: The meatgrinder

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:41 AM PST

    It's almost harvesting season!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Siege of Shariz (1259, Colorized)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:18 AM PST


    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:12 AM PST

    One last time for old times sake

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:22 AM PST


    submitted by /u/Waterprophet47
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    Most terrifying song in the history of Mount & Blade mod history. Damn Noldor!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Mount and Blade is now my absolute favorite game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:51 PM PST

    I never thought I could like a game like this; with its old graphics and archaic UI, but I get it now. There is absolutely no game that even tries to create the experience found in this game. The modding community is great and every single mod I've tried feels like an entire DLC. The best part is: I just got into Mount and Blade Warband and the sequel is literally almost here. I'm glad I tried this one out. I finally understand this game and this wonderful community. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/BlindAngel729
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PST

    [Diplomacy] Is there a specific relation you need to convince a lord to join your kingdom?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Also, for the lords who say they are "devoted to their liege and kingdom," is it possible to persuade them?

    submitted by /u/0ttam0
    [link] [comments]

    Talking about Sturgia and its IRL Inspiration

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Why is YOUR faction the best?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:33 AM PST

    As Bannerlord is less than a month away, let's relive the ever-existing "Which is the best faction?" question. But this time, WHY is it the best? Note: Please don't include your created faction.

    As for me, The Kingdom of Nords is the best. They focus mainly on infantry, which is good for me because I'm kind of a noob and mounted combat is very hard for me, especially archery. Plus the nord huscarls are very strong. The lords are also being very nice to me(which may be my luck). And I REALLY like their style of architecture. Sargoth is the best looking town IMO. They also have pretty cool equipment. Also, cyan is my favourite colour.

    So, TL;DR: Huscarls, architecture, focus on infantry and the colour cyan

    So, why is your faction the best?

    submitted by /u/MissedByFiveDays
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    Harlaus:“We should have this too“

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Mount and blade warband Tactics?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Are there any good tactics to use in this game, or should I just let them charge every time?

    submitted by /u/Cherrysugarcakes
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    New mod BannerPage will hold me over until March 31. Seriously, check it out. Easily the best Native enhancement I've played!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PST

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