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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Mount & Blade Some reassembly required

    Mount & Blade Some reassembly required

    Some reassembly required

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:21 AM PST

    To all my native Chads (Remastered)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Warband is 75% off on Steam until 3rd of March

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:02 PM PST

    I got scammed (turn on sound)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:34 AM PST

    Hot take: the reason people don't know about things like control space or hold position after 600 hours isn't because of how deep the game is, but how poorly explained it is.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:43 PM PST

    Up to date Vlandian Troop Tree, with the rumoured Noble tree

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Be prepared for spiteful reviews. *If* you enjoy the EA I recommend you support it with a good review. A MB statement regarding the community and EA.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:20 AM PST

    I don't know if everyone here knows this, but the steam forums and comments regarding this game are quite cancerous. Many will give the game a negative review out of sheer spite due to the wait. Many will ignore the EA label and blast the game regardless.

    If you don't enjoy the EA and have major concerns, then I can respect a negative review. Especially if the EA is literally unplayable and TW lays an egg. But, many reviews will be done out of sheer hate.

    As a community I think this subreddit and the TW forums are quite healthy, fair, and supportive of the MB franchise. We all want the game to succeed. I think it is important that if you enjoy the EA, that you should take 5-10 minutes to give the game a good review on Steam, and Metacritic and so on. This should be a community measure to combat toxic reviews and the trolls. We should judge the EA on its merits.

    Also TW, if the EA is literally a buggy and unplayable mess equivalent to Fallout 76, then you will lose a lot of good faith that you have with your customers. This is just an unfortunate fact. I'm begging you to not fuck it up.

    I think most of the community expectations of EA are these:

    The game will be quite buggy and glitchy. (Not so much so that it is unplayable and a mess).

    The game will have all the traditional MB core gameplay mechanics.

    The game will have a mostly fleshed out early and mid game.

    The game will have about 70-80% of promised features implemented in some form or another.

    The late game will be somewhat lacking due to absences in kingdom creation features.

    MP will be as good if not better than what it currently is in the closed beta. Sieges when?

    The EA will have regular patches and updates, that improve and add features to the game.

    The game will not be in EA for more than 10-15 months.

    I think these are quite reasonable expectations TW. Once again, "Don't fuck it up."

    Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/Duke_Victor
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    [PoP] Prophesy of Pendor v3.9.5 releases March 6th

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:48 AM PST

    Battania Updated Troop Tree (plus additional Fian tree?)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:17 AM PST

    Imperial Troop Tree (plus rumoured Nobility)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:03 AM PST

    Sturgia Troop Tree Updated

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:24 AM PST

    A game feature that I have just learned... (950hours) I bet most of you don't know it, too.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:21 PM PST

    You know when you attack a bandit hideout, the game just spawns 5-6 soldiers from your party randomly with you? It's actually not random.

    The game chooses soldiers from the top of the list on your "party" page. We have buttons to move soldiers up and down in the party list, right? The ones on the top will be spawned, so you should put your best soldiers to the top of the party list.

    If all you knew this, I'm gonna be ashamed.

    *Didn't try it on Native though, i just found out about this in PoP.

    submitted by /u/tinyspeckinspace
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    Best spawn for this man even tho he got no kills

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:29 AM PST

    Where did swadia come from?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:24 AM PST

    People say it came the old empire. But then I see people compare it to the vlandians which I believe defected from the empire? So is swadia a desendant of a defecting state of the empire?

    submitted by /u/RapidSage
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    New M&B Warband 2020 mod

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:19 AM PST

    Looking to return to M&B after a long break

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:32 AM PST

    In preparation for Bannerlord, I want to get back into M&B. What mods do you recommend? The last time I played was 2015, and I didn't have anything crazy. Diplomacy mod and something else I think.

    submitted by /u/CarrotJuiceIsMurder
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    Cavalry AI at its best!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:08 PM PST

    You can play the game for literally years and still won't know every feature

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:06 PM PST

    So I, a veteran playing singleplayer since like 2012 or 2013, just recently discovered that you can select certain unit types by selecting unnamed unit type.

    What was the feature you discovered after hundreds of hours and you wish you discovered earlier?

    submitted by /u/alcedo_b
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    Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord | Small SKIRMISH in the DESERT | NEW ENHANCED BATTLE MOD

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Sharing some thoughts on Perisno for those who haven't tried it

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:27 AM PST

    For the past month I got pretty hooked on this mod called Perisno. It's the first overhaul mod that I've tried. It's listed as the 5th most popular in the sidebar on this forum, so I imagine the others must be quite amazing -- because this game is like cocaine.

    The first thing to stand out to me was how the combat changed with the addition of cav archer AI. The first time I tried to build a traditional army with a lot of men on the ground I got encircled by a group of cav archers and got wiped out. Just as Swadian Knights destroy Nord Huscarls on the field, cav archers in Perisno destroy archers.

    On the plus side, understanding the value of these guys completely changes army construction and tactics. It makes it possible to win battles down quite a few men by scattering enemy forces as they chase down your encircling men. This buys time for your infantry and archers that are getting rushed down.

    The other interesting thing that this game has done is add extra tiers of soldiers that raise the level of difficulty to get your game off the ground. There's pros and cons to this. But the fact is robbers and bandits have almost no value later in the game other than helping you raise relations with a faction. At the start it's kind of wise to avoid as many battles as you can other than with these guys.

    The best units in Perisno can fight both up close and at range. Since castles and towns are guarded by so many men, it's not really possible to take them without retreating a lot, or getting a lot of forces to join you. But it's a bit of a chicken and egg situation, because no one wants to join you until you have established yourself with a few castles and towns. So ranged units get the job done. So let's talk about each unit that accomplishes our goals.

    Infantry: Largely the inspiration of why I'm typing this up. The best units are Valahir Asbjarls by far. I found some old threads talking about infantry, and maybe these guys are a newer edition to the game. They're noble troops, so they're not easy to obtain early game without joining the Valahir, but they're quite amazing in that they can soak up a lot of damage and also be useful at everything. The Aroulo Master Hurlers are worth mentioning because they do an insane amount of damage, but they're glass cannons and you'll need to replace them a lot. My game unfortunately seems to be glitched in that it doesn't display kills made from leaf bombs. But once my army got ambushed on a ship by an Aroulo War Party and I lost 50+ men without a single one death appearing on the screen. They're for real.

    Archers: Far and away, the best units are the Maccavian Knights of Steel. They don't need to be protected by any infantry, so I would say many of the same arguments that make the Asbjarls the strongest infantry units apply to these guys as archers. But they deal more damage from range, and their bolts I believe travel further than arrows. People also think the Elintoran Crimson Rangers are quite good, but they take a long time to train and they die too easily. Kakoth High Seekers are also good, but lack the same punch in close range that the Knights of Steel offer.

    Cav Archers: Clearly the best unit is the Frod Scotend Fealcon, but they are not easy to obtain because the game doesn't let you recruit falcon soldiers except for nobles. So in that case you want the Kuu-lan Kara-Mergen. They have 500 proficiency in archery and ride a tanky horse. You're going to lose a few of these guys from time to time, though, so generally when I start a kingdom I want to change my culture to Kuu-lan and build up huge amounts of them. The noble unit, Kuu-lan Ataman is also quite strong and a little bit more durable, but with less fire power.

    Finally for cavalry, there's quite a few good choices, but that's where I would advocate focusing your household troops. You want all of your men to be useful in a seige, so ideally you obtain a couple legendary weapons and equip your troops with a sut horned plated charger. They'll be more effective than any other cavalry you can recruit. Though I will give a special mention to Drachen Preisters, which can be obtained by gaining high relations with the Reich, switching your religion to Tiergotten, and hiring them from the priest in your towns or castles. I don't fully understand it, but I think party morale might be in part influenced by religious troops. If you look at morale reports, it mentions inspirational troops as a factor.

    Companions: The drawback of the Aroulo Master Hurlers is that they die quite easily. You should make almost all of your companions into leaf bombers just to complement the rest of your forces and so that you don't have to worry about replacing them because they never die in battle.

    That's about all I wanted to share about the troops. The combat is fun, and figuring out which units I liked was a lot of fun as well. You can also make custom mercenaries to further customize your army experience. I like making horse archers with dwarven crossbows, and regular archers with bladed crossbows to add a little more diversity to the troops.

    As far as mounts go, depending on your playstyle you either want wolves for their speed and agility, or something heavily armored like an elephant, wyvern or plated charger. There's a few unique mounts you can discover on your own. The best mount in the game, in my view, you can get from Baron Gareon of the Reich. But make sure if you want it gifted not to start that special quest until he is a vassal of your kingdom. Or just take the quest and don't turn it in and lose 50 relation points with him. Either one.

    Weapons: Duskfall is my favorite weapon, which you can get from taking on a special quest. It's an extremely fast and accurate bow that only requires power draw 8. It outperforms everything except the Darkforest Ranger Bow but that might take a while to find from an Elintoran shop and it also takes a bit more time to level into. Eventually, you'll outgrow it and you can give it to your household guards. Skyfall is probably the best melee weapon you can get from beating a unique spawn called Zeladeck over in the Reich lands. I built my character as a horse archer with a polearm, and the best one I found is bought from Valahir shops. I can't remember the name off hand, but you can get a balanced version, it has bonus against shields, can knock down, and you can use it from a horse. It has maybe 150 range and 90 weapon speed. I gave one of my custom mercenary infantry units these and they crush heavily armored soldiers.

    Hopefully that inspires anyone who hasn't tried perisno, and maybe generates some discussion for my favorite mod thus far. I would also be interested in hearing what mod people think I should try next. Maybe Pendor or Clash of Kings?

    submitted by /u/-Astral_Weeks-
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    Is it true about the open beta?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Heard some people say that there will be a open beta, I believe there would be just to stress test the servers, but do we actually have any confirmation?

    submitted by /u/Golden_sweet
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