• Breaking News

    Monday, January 27, 2020

    Mount & Blade We've made a Calradic Campaign group on the Taleworlds forum to commemorate the update and get ready for the CC in Bannerlord - Click here to join and make the group the largest on the forum!

    Mount & Blade We've made a Calradic Campaign group on the Taleworlds forum to commemorate the update and get ready for the CC in Bannerlord - Click here to join and make the group the largest on the forum!

    We've made a Calradic Campaign group on the Taleworlds forum to commemorate the update and get ready for the CC in Bannerlord - Click here to join and make the group the largest on the forum!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    I will remember yooouuu! Will you remember meeee?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:35 PM PST

    (OC) Warband Players

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Beta Patch Notes for version b0.6.3

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:28 AM PST

    Bannerlord Price Leak??

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:59 AM PST

    My Idea for Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Viking Conquest DLC

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:56 AM PST


    So the games map is based in January 3rd 868, includes the whole of Scandinavia with some parts of Finland

    as well as the British Isles with Frisia and Northern France with Brittany.

    The map of Denmark has Fyn, Lolland and Sjaelland of course as well as occupied territories of Ditmarsken and Holsten (ruled by Denmark in that period)

    Finland is split up into multiple clans, like Pohjanmaa, Suomi, bits of Savo and a bit of Häme

    Denmark is called Danmark, Norway is called Norþvegr and Sweden is called Sviþjod.

    Because we are including the whole of Scandinavia, we have to include some slavic places like Obotritia and Pomerania as well as a few Baltic places like Pruthenia and the edge of Lithuania and Estonia as well as Latvia


    You click play, Decide whether you want to start as a King of a Faction or Vassal, Or you just decide to start from the bottom, as a person without any title, choose your starting choices, choose campaign or free play (you start as a person with any title in campaign.) Make a Character and have this prompt to say where you're from, you pick Norse, Finno-Ugric, Pictish, Anglo-Saxon, Slavic, Frisian, Briton, Foreigner, Baltic, Frankish or Irish.


    Norse Paganism (North Germanic)

    Slavic Paganism (Rodnovery)

    Baltic Paganism (Romuva)

    Christianity (Catholicism)

    Finnish Paganism (Suomenusko)


    Norse: +8 Strength +5 Agility +20 One Handed Proficiency (If these exist in Bannerlord, I'll update once it gets released)

    Finno-Ugric: +40 Archery Proficiency, +6 Charisma

    Pictish: +8 Agility +1 Strength +20 Throwing Weapons Proficiency

    Anglo-Saxon: +8 Intelligence +3 Charisma

    Slavic: +2 Strength +4 Agility

    Frisian: +6 Charisma +3 Intelligence

    Briton: +6 Agility +4 Charisma

    Foreigner: +8 Intelligence

    Baltic: +5 Agility +40 Polearm Proficiency

    Frankish: +4 Intelligence +4 Charisma

    Irish: Agility +7 Agility


    Young= +4 Agility +2 Strength

    Adult= +4 Strength +2 Agility +2 Intelligence

    Elder= +4 Intelligence +4 Agility


    Who was your father?

    A Viking Warrior (Norse Pagans only)

    +10 Relations to all Norse Pagans

    +2 Strength

    A Priest (Catholics only)

    +2 Intelligence

    +4 Charisma

    A Farmer

    +2 Charisma

    A Merchant

    +4 Charisma

    +5 Intelligence

    A Noble

    +5 Intelligence


    A Blacksmith

    +4 Intelligence

    +Fathers Sword in Inventory on game start (Morale boost)

    I never knew my father

    +1 Intelligence

    +1 Agility

    What did you do as a Child?

    Helped with the Viking Raids (Norse Pagan only)

    +5 Relations to all Norse Pagans

    +2 Strength

    Stayed at a Monastery (Catholics only)

    +4 Intelligence

    +2 Charisma

    +5 Relations to all Catholics

    Poor Beggar

    +1 Intelligence

    +2 Charisma

    A Blacksmith's Apprentice

    +4 Intelligence

    +Childhood Helmet in Inventory (Morale boost)

    Horse Carer

    +2 Intelligence

    Merchant's Apprentice

    +2 Charisma

    +3 Intelligence


    +5 Intelligence

    Skald(Norse Pagan)

    +3 Intelligence

    +2 Agility

    What is your current job?

    Viking Warrior (Norse Pagans only)

    +2 Strength

    +5 Relations to all Norse Pagans

    Priest (Catholics only)

    +4 Intelligence

    +10 Relations to all Catholics

    Poor Peasant

    +1 Intelligence

    +2 Charisma


    +4 Intelligence

    +Usable random weapon on game start


    +2 Intelligence


    +5 Charisma

    +2 Intelligence

    Bard (Catholic)

    +Morale boost for entire game

    +4 Intelligence

    Skald (Norse Pagan)

    +Morale boost for entire game

    +2 Intelligence

    +2 Agility


    You have two choices on the Campaign for Ethnicity

    Norse or Anglo Saxon


    You start as a random viking on the raid of lindisfarne in 793

    you win, you go into a black screen

    then like in the original viking conquest dlc it has a story screen with information like


    then it goes to playing as your character that spawned in a random Norse faction's Lands, Denmark, Norway or Sweden in a conversation screen talking to someone about the raids on England, it gives you a quest to go to England to join the Vikings to conquer Wessex for whatever Norse Faction you wish.


    You start in a wandering Trade band and are talking to the trade band leader, who then panics after seeing a massive amount of people charging you, he says something to you like "Quick! grab a weapon! there are vikings running toward us!!" you are then attacked by vikings and lose consciousness after a one hit from any weapon of the enemies and wake up in Mierce in the Tavern, you ask the Tavern Keeper and they say stuff like "The Cities lookout found your body while patrolling and asked me to take care of you until you wake up"

    You then leave the tavern after a bit more of a conversation and are giving another screen like


    and get a quest that you need to talk to the lord of mierce and defeat the viking raids to restore england for whatever faction of england you wish.


    I have much more to add, but I currently don't have time for it right now so I'll add it later

    leave your Ideas in the comments and feedback is well appreciated.

    submitted by /u/njason321
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    Closing in on release...One second for that night we fought against giants in the Beta

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Every single one

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:51 PM PST

    Tips - Perfecting Hardest Difficulty

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:38 AM PST

    I've been figuring out max difficulty for a while now, and I've got a few tips that I think are handy for anyone trying to follow that route.

    Stat Allocation

    On hardest difficulty, you cannot be a one-man-army. Even with the absolute best armor in the game, a single siege crossbow bolt to the head(at best, two) will instantly take you down, and rout your army. Even if you pump 100% of your points into strength and health, you'll be looking at two headshots at most.

    That doesn't mean you don't want the best armor in the game, though. Without it, a normal crossbow - or even a cheeky sea raider with a long bow - can take you down with one unlucky shot.

    So that presents our first requirement: 10 Strength.

    Without it, you wont be able to equip the best helmets, and as your head is your most important weakness, that's crucial. This means the difference between being oneshot from full health or not, I really can't overstate its importance. You also won't be able to use the Siege Crossbow, which is probably your most important tool for sieges. It alone will get you 20+ kills per siege, upwards of 60 if you just take along lots of bolts.

    Next up is Agility. Agility makes you a much better fighter in general, but again, being in the middle of the fight is asking for a bolt to the head. So the objective is to get this as low as possible. However! Armor for your horse is just as important - perhaps even moreso - than armor for your character. Your horse is a much larger target, and when it goes down, you will almost certainly follow. With that in mind, the objective is to be able to ride one of the heavily armored horses; chargers and the like. Unfortunately, they all have a minimum requirement of 4 riding, which means 12 Agility.

    Now, there are some ways around this. If you create your character correctly, you can get 4 riding even with only 7 agility. In my opinion, that's the ideal stat allocation, saving you 5 attribute points.

    Third, and most important, is Intelligence. The reason Intelligence is critical is because of the way Surgery works.

    Basically, you start with a 25% chance of a downed soldier being Wounded instead of outright dying. Every point in Surgery raises that chance by 4%; level 1 is a 29% chance, level 2 is a 33% chance, etc.

    What you should realize is, because of how this skill adds up, each additional point becomes more valuable than the last. Getting a companion 10 points in surgery gives you a 65% chance for a downed soldier to become Wounded instead of Dying, meaning each one will last 2.14x longer than the default. But getting Surgery to the player maximum of 81%, theoretically just 4 more points, means they instead last 5.26x longer. The player getting this skill makes it more than twice as effective! The first point is worth 5.5%, but the final point is worth 30%!

    Compare this to the effects of Iron Skin, where getting an additional 5 points simply results in an additional ~15% more health.

    So you can easily see why maxing Intelligence is very important. Goal: 30 Intelligence.

    Finally, Charisma. Charisma is a bit of an odd duck, because unlike the other skills, its effects can largely be substituted for with other aspects of the game. Leadership, for example, reduces the cost of your troops, boosts your morale, and allows you an additional 5 troops per level. But each of those effects can be replaced; troop capacity with Renown, Morale with Food, and Cost with...well, more money. This is still a relatively important attribute, but less so than Intelligence for sure, and you'll definitely want to max maxed important skills like Surgery and Tactics before entering into the sort of giant battles where the extra troops Charisma can get you will help.

    So I'll just go ahead and settle for, as many as possible after maxing Intelligence.

    Skill Points

    Now what about the skill points themselves? We've already determined that Surgery is an incredibly valuable skill to have on your character at 10, but what others share that amazing value? The other medical skills? Engineer, perhaps?

    Engineer certainly is worth consideration. It works very similarly to Surgery in terms of how it adds up. The trouble is, it's simply not as valuable of a bonus. Still, I think it's worth considering the fact that a maxed Companion can build a Siege Tower in 30 hours, while a maxed Player can build one in a mere 6 hours. This is compared to the 0 Engineer build time of 90 hours; again, for a mere 4 additional points, you're getting a 500% improvement over your companion. But...is it necessary to build a siege tower in 6 hours instead of 30?

    It also reduces the cost to build improvements on your towns, but frankly, the cost on those is rarely the most important factor.

    Ultimately I'll leave this one up to you. It very much depends on whether you think nearly instant sieges are worth it.


    While many people don't think putting 10 points into Pathfinding is worth it, I'd argue the opposite. Pathfinding is a skill where even a tiny advantage over your target or the person targeting you means a tremendous difference. When the king's army of 600 lancers is chasing you, do you want to face them alone? Or be able to escape to a nearby town instead?

    This is also very relevant for chasing down your targets. Simply by being able to chase down the lords with smaller raiding parties and defeat and capture them, you can turn a long war into a short one, and Pathfinding is crucial to succeeding in that goal. I'd definitely suggest full investment.


    Tactics is a skill where you won't really obviously see the benefits, but they'll exist, and on max difficulty, they'll become pretty obvious, but only mostly in the later parts of the game. This is in large part due to Lanchester's Laws.

    Basically, Lanchester's Laws explain how a small numerical superiority can result in a large change in the course of a battle. For example, send 20 soldiers against 15 identical soldiers, and you can expect to win the fight with 14 soldiers surviving, rather than 5 if you were just subtracting one from the other.

    The same plays out in large battles. Starting the fight with even a small numerical superiority can result in huge difference in the course of a fight, and the larger that advantage, the more sweeping your victory. The way this functionally plays out is, you square the numbers of troops each side has, subtract the smaller from the larger, and then take the square root of the remaining troops. For example, if you have 107 troops to their 100, you'll win the fight with an average of 39 troops remaining. This can also play out against you, however; if you have 95 to their 100, you'll lose while they'll still have 32 troops remaining.

    However, if you had 14 Tactics in that battle, that 32 for them will become a narrow victory for you, instead. Just a few points in tactics results in a net difference of 52 troops! (32 more lost for them, and 20 saved for you)

    With that in mind, it becomes obvious that maxing your Tactics is very important to maximize this bonus, but it only becomes relevant in the part of the game where the number of troops on the battlefield is limited.

    There are two other scenarios where Tactics is relevant; when you're besieging a city, and when you're vastly outnumbered.

    In the first case, you often want to attack, unload all your archers onto the defenders, and then retreat. Tactics impacts how safely you can retreat without losing soldiers. Without it, doing this several times can result in losing a significant part of your army; with tactics, you'll often lose only a few troops, or even none at all.

    The second case is especially important when you have a small squad of very powerful troops, against a large enemy force of weaker troops. Sheer numbers can result in a fight where you have only 3-5 troops up against an enemy force of hundreds. Each troop can do a lot, but even Swadian Knights get beaten down eventually. Having 14 tactics means you'll have an additional 7 troops in that fight, which can make a huge difference.

    So to conclude:

    Max Tactics after maxing all other important skills. But definitely max it.


    This is the final Intelligence-based skill that is valuable on your character, largely because of a simple fact; at higher difficulties, your companions will die faster, meaning they will level up slower. This is especially relevant for companions you dedicate to non-combat-related skills.

    This skill alone means the difference between having sufficiently-upgraded companions at day 200, versus day 900. It also makes a tremendous difference in the time required to replace your forces if you face a tough battle, which means a tremendous difference in the midst of a war. If you fight off the King's army and lose a hefty chunk of your troops, being able to field medium troops instantly rather than having to hunt for bandits to level up your recruits can mean the difference between stopping a siege and needing to take back a town.

    Honestly, I'd rank this skill as third important behind Surgery and Pathfinding. If you can't avoid a fight, or prevent your losses, then the least you can do is make repairing the damage as easy and quick as possible. That, combined with the more rapidly acquired power from training up your Companions, makes this skill particularly relevant, especially for players who aren't willing to play for 2000 days.

    Also, seeing as this skill becomes more powerful the more points you invest, I'd definitely suggest investing as many points as possible.


    This is the final critical important skill, but once again, only near the end of the game. This one is for a multitude of reasons, all related to the previous reasons. For Lanchester's Laws, the bonus troops mean the difference between success and failure. For saving gold, this will be much more relevant than Engineering, especially when you start to garrison cities with miniature armies. For Morale, this is...convenient, at the very least. Getting your charisma to 30 and your leadership to 10 will mean a default army size of over 100, which alone is very practical, at the very least.

    Less Important Skills - But still Important.

    There are other skills that are worth investing in, but usually only in the 1-5 point range. Those include:

    • Prisoner Management - Enough to capture a few Sea Raiders in the beginning, and a few Lords at the end.
    • Inventory Management - Enough to carry your loot in the beginning, and your food in the end.
    • Shield - Enough to catch even the sneaky arrows that try to headshot you over your shield.(not really sure on this one, suggestions welcome)
    • Ironflesh - Enough to ensure you don't get oneshot even through your Great Helmet. Siege Crossbows OP.
    • Persuasion - At least one, to unlock the ability to persuade Lords. Not super important, but nice to have.

    As for the rest, they're more or less useless. Take them only for personal preference or style points.

    Most Common Issue - Renown

    For me personally, the most common issue you'll face isn't winning battles, it's building Renown. You need Renown for a lot of things, including expanding the size of your army, but in the lategame, with a huge and well-equipped army, most battles won't actually give you any. Essentially, playing safe isn't considered particularly heroic. Who could've guessed.

    But there's a solution to this, and this is a large part of why that armor and horse are so important. Leave your entire army behind at a town or castle, get a Lance of some sort, and go Sea Raider Hunting.

    Sea raiders, especially in the later parts of the game, will come in large war parties, and taking one on with just your Companions will often give you the maximum amount of renown. They're also quite dangerous, however, so it's important to first exhaust their supply of throwing axes and javelins. Then, take out their archers, unless you want to have to ride around them in circles for half an hour per battle. Then, just use your lance to take them out one by one. Not only will you very rapidly build renown, you'll also power-level your character to an absurd degree, often getting upwards of 10k experience per battle.

    Even better, you'll grind your Polearms skill up like crazy. In the beginning, fully expect to be getting +5 or +6 proficiency per lance strike. With 500+ polearms skill, points in Agility quickly become much less important, if not completely irrelevant.

    This is also an excellent way to start a game; by fighting small groups of 5-15 sea raiders, the player can very quickly accumulate a decent set of armor and weapons for them and their companions, plus get their first 15 levels in very short order. I recently did so in less than five ingame days.


    There are plenty of other things you can do to improve your play. Manually putting archers on a hill, for example, or coordinating your cavalry so they don't get encircled. But for the most part, those you can figure out as you play, without needing to plan ahead for them. Keep these things in mind and it should, at the very least, help you a fair bit.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    in my current diplomacy game the khergits somehow haven't lost a single fief once, and the rhodoks are losing them constantly. very backwards. anyone else ever had the khergits do well without helping them?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:07 PM PST

    Which army would you rather use

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:08 AM PST

    "1257 Vlandia" Swadian knights, Rhodok sharpshooters and whichever sergeants you prefer.

    "1257 Sturgia" Nord huscarls, Vaegir knights and marksmen.

    submitted by /u/lSouljax
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    Masters of Captain mode?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Brand new player advice - ACOK

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Sorry if there's a main thread about this, I haven't been able to find one; but I was wondering if it would be possible for a brand new player to start the ACOK GOT mod, or would it be far too confusing and I would need to get used to the vanilla game beforehand?

    submitted by /u/MrParker21
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    The best revenge against a xenophobic asshole is to make him be the one to offer you his daughter's hand.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Bannelord Ps4

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    So is Bannerlord going to be released on PS4 along with PC? Or do we have to wait?

    submitted by /u/ThrowintheDump
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    Sh*tpost for music

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:20 PM PST

    My buddies (aren't gamers, at all) got drunk just now (literally this second) started a run for prophesy of pendor and they all LOVE the music maybe I'll keep this updated on our progress :) sorry first post here played the game longtime tho. RIP kobe.

    submitted by /u/9000_iq
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    A raiding day couldn't start better with a beautiful sunrise .

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    I'm trying to merge the extra companions from Malik Faris' Mod with the Floris Mod. More in description.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:00 AM PST

    So I've already taken the time to add the companions in the strings file and I've added the extra troops in the troops.txt file.

    (It took a long time!)

    There are now a total of 102 companions.

    I've run into a problem however...

    Whenever I start a new game my character's level will be something like level 29~31 and I haven't made any changes to the character's starting level. I have no idea why it's doing that. The starting quest also doesn't work properly and I can't leave the starting city (no amount of pressing tab works).

    The screen also looks like this whenever I start a new game.

    (The font is far too small on the buttons at the bottom and the text on the left side of the screen is overlapping. There is also additional text that shouldn't be there.)

    Is there more to adding companions than what I've done? Is there a file that has something like "companion count = 22" that I need to change or something...?

    Interestingly if I delete the extra companions in the troops.txt file and leave them in the strings file, the game will still look like it does in the above screenshot but my character will be level 1 and the starting quest works properly.

    I feel like I've done the hardest part and yet I've missed something incredibly simple lol. If someone could help me figure out what I did wrong I'd very much appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/chesh05
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    How do you be successful without Calvary?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:57 PM PST

    I've got prolly 800 hours in across many saves and I always end up making heavy horseman the core of my army one way or the other. I keep finding that my infantrymen die too quickly to level appropriately against mounted combatants and even to other ground troops. I know I must be doing something wrong, because I've seen people have good infantry setups. What am I missing guys?

    submitted by /u/WOLFofwallstrYEET
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    Mount and Blade, require modding assistance

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:41 PM PST

    I am a noob in the realm of modding. I know hows to download most mount and blade mods like this one: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-red-war-12/downloads. Mods like this come with a folder which i can than just extract to modules on the game files. Although for mods like this: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade/mods/809?tab=files. It just comes in a single file and I have no clue what to do are where to put that single file in order to mod my game. Please help, the stress this has caused me probably took a few days off my life already.

    submitted by /u/fw3fwe
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