• Breaking News

    Monday, January 6, 2020

    Mount & Blade Ah, yes. Diplomacy,

    Mount & Blade Ah, yes. Diplomacy,

    Ah, yes. Diplomacy,

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:30 PM PST

    I spent 15 minutes looking for this sneaky lad so I could dispense "justice"

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:17 PM PST

    The Average Mount and Blade Knight Experience

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    Just two Rhodoks plebs, having a discussion about their marshal prowess

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:32 AM PST

    How the Rebellion begins.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:23 PM PST

    A poetry slam worthy of only the butteriest of knights

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Not an amazing shot but my best by far.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:07 PM PST

    Iconic warband screenshoot

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Co-Op Mods?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Saw that Criken Stream on Friday with Full Invasion Osiris. Are there any other mods like that where you team up with other players against some sort of challenge? I'm not big on PVP

    submitted by /u/VikStahl
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    In a World of Ice and Fire mod does The Red Wedding happen if Static Wars is on? And Does Winter eventually come?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Joined Rob Stark's Army And I'm concerned about getting caught in the Red wedding or being stuck in Westeros when/if Winter comes.

    submitted by /u/Crusading_Canadian
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    Do you guys think Bannerlord will gain any sort of mainstream appeal?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Sort like the levels of Kingdom Come: Deliverance? Not necessarily loved by a lot of people but reasonably well known about?

    submitted by /u/CenturionXIX
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    Whats the best way to quickly train recruits?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Im playing native and allied with Swadians. I got party wiped 2 times, and I have stable income in swadian, syrranid and khergit cities. Im currently beating the shit out of bandits and training recruites at camps. Is there a faster way other than killing bandits?

    EDIT: Swadia is at war with Nords and my training skill is 2. Am level 19. Easiest diff because its my first serious campaign.

    submitted by /u/Freakok
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    After getting beat up and taken prisoner twice and having my shirt stolen. He was ever headstrong before being captured a third time this week.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:30 PM PST

    How to marry Daenerys? (AWOIAF)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:30 AM PST

    I saw a previous post that used some sort of save editor to marry Dany however the post has been deleted. Has anyone still been able to do this or saw that thread before deletion?

    submitted by /u/SpuriousSpunk
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    Will I *Ever* Be Offered A Fief As A Woman?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:55 PM PST

    I have over 1000 renown, have been a mercenary for the Rhodoks multiple times (not sure if that matters, probably doesn't), and still nothing.

    All of my women companions have said that it's bullshit I haven't been offered vassalage and it's because of the previously alluded to vagina.

    One of them said something to the effect (because the previous sentence was totally verbatim...) of if I want a fief then I may need to just take one. Is that the best move at this point? I only have like 14 Right to Rule or so, and have an army of about 90 with a decent number of high tier troops, but not a ton obviously (something like 25 Rhodok Seargents, 25 Sharpshooters, 15 Swadian Knights). Should I just offer up my sword in vassalage?

    submitted by /u/WiredSky
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    limit reinforcement waves, dont kill everyone and still win

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Greetings !

    Atm i play Warband with Perisno v.0.99

    Great Mod, but theres one really time consuming thing. The siege only ends if you killed EVERYONE as attacker.

    I wasted 40 minutes in Praven slaughtering footman and recruits which where comming in small reinforcment waves.

    I know its realistic to kill everyone before u get rewarded with a city/castle but i already played ~500h Warband and .... well. I just wanna have fun.

    So i remember that i played games (another module of course) where only a few reinforcement waves entered the battlefield. After defeating these waves, you go to the main room in the castle for the next (much smaller) fight. If u also won this, the castle/city become yours.

    There are 2 questions.

    1.which mod offers this way of siege (i remember that i played Floris/NovaAethas/Native/PoP once)

    2.can i implement this "function" into my Perisno without crashing every thing ?

    (Maybe copy and paste "mission_templates.txt" into Perisno ?)

    1. Is editing mission_templates.txt enough to stop this ridicolous number of waves AND getting the castle without start the attack again ?

    Thx for all answers and dont forget to

    praise King Harlaus !

    submitted by /u/ChokiDoki
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    The things you can do with Welsh Archers (1257 AD)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:17 PM PST

    The Story of Lodwin - Part 1 (Original M&B Warband Story)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Deep inside the vast desert, a merchant rode his mule and followed footsteps that led to a village. The winds were blowing fiercely this night. On the right side of his mule, he had a few smaller containers of water along with some bread and cheese that he got back in the town marketplace. Each time he would reach for a bit, he would hope to have torn off a "good piece" of the cheese, since most of it was bad when he bought it, but he did not know it back then since it was conveniently wrapped inside a leather rag so he couldn't see it. He should've known to check inside to make sure what he was paying for, but the tradesman was a smooth talker and made him feel guilty for even reaching to see into the bag before he paid, saying things like "You don't actually believe I would sell you a bad piece of cheese, would you?". Since he was in a hurry, he put the leather bag onto his mule, put his hand up to his forehead as a greet that means "Hail the Sultan" and rode off. And here he is now, on a road that seems to lead to nowhere, in the middle of the night all alone with nothing to protect him but the wooden staff he'd been using to help export caravan cargoes back home. It was a struggle to even get an honest bite really, since he had to protect each one from the blowing sands while he gets it to his mouth, and yet manage to hold balance on the mule and not fall over. Quite a bad night indeed. In the morning, just as he seemed to have found a sweet spot in the cheese as he was blindly reaching into the bag, a rush of excitement had overflown him. "Finally, found a sweet spot!" – He shouted into the wind before immediately regretting it after some sand flew into his mouth. As he reached for some water to flush the sand out of his mouth, he dropped a piece of cheese into the sand. "For the love of God!" – He mumbled angrily as he got off his mule to find the torn off piece of cheese. Immediately after he said the word "God" he heard a distant voice behind him. Soon after a few more voices had appeared but he couldn't quite see who they were coming from, yet he was excited and smiled as he yelled: "Some company!". He had found the piece of cheese and quickly got back onto his mule to meet the men whose voices were louder and louder as they were getting closer to him. He kept putting his hand up to block the morning sun so he could get a better look at them. After a few seconds pass, the men start shouting angrily and coming at him faster. Now he could see there were a dozen men there, and they seem to be shouting "Toll for a passage, toll for a passage!". As they were approaching him, they saw his hand was on his forehead they thought suddenly shifted their tone to a more aggressive one and started yelling gibberish and drawing their swords. Yes indeed, he had just greeted a group of Desert bandits with a "Hail the Sultan" gesture, accidentally. As soon as he realized what he had done, he put his hand down swiftly and started panicking. As he was reaching to find his coin purse, with the piece of cheese still in his hand, the bandits had thought he was reaching for a weapon and immediately drew their bows and yelled "Stop!". Now shaking, our lone adventurer had pissed his pants and is standing there next to his mule expecting to be executed by the bandits, with the cheese still in his hand. He didn't even have time to get his coin purse to try and pay the bandits off. What seemed to be the bandit leader had emerged from the crowd of men on a horse and approached him with a brutal and angry look in his eyes. Slowly he took the piece of cheese out of the adventurer's hand and put it in his mouth. By the expression of the bandit's face, our lone adventurer could see, that the piece of cheese was indeed a bad one. "Oh damn." – he thought: "I got excited for no reason, I didn't find a sweet spot" while still trembling, as the bandit leader ordered one of his bandits to mount the mule and enslave the "Smelly Traveler".

    End of Part 1


    I'm actually playing a campaign of Lodwin right now, on Diplomacy M&B Warband. Leave a comment if you want the story continued and if I should include screenshots from in-game in Part 2.

    submitted by /u/TheRuneWanderer
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    Any Warband mods get big upgrades recently?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST

    Pretty much the title.

    submitted by /u/whitecrayon02
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    The Story of Lodwin - Part 2 (Original M&B Warband Story)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:37 AM PST

    An elderly man reaches for a book "Lodwin's Journal". First page: "I remember hearing some of the men talking about a merchant in Shariz and how they kidnapped his brother and now want to ransom him back for some gold and spices from Tulga. I thought perhaps when we approach the town I can use the chains on my hands to knock out the one that's riding the horse that I'm being pulled by and take the horse and ride it up to the town entrance guards and ask for help. Sure enough, we were a walking distance from Shariz and I put everything on the line. I walked up to the horse and asked the bandit to give me some water. As he was reaching for it in a purse on the side of the horse, I bashed his head with both my hands and made sure the chains hit him! I never mounted a horse faster in my life. Thankfully the man that stole my mule found out that mules run slower than horses a bit too late in his life. After I rode to the guards they allowed me to enter and the bandit group has disbanded and they all ran away after a few arrows hit the ground beside them. I got into the town and I sat down near the entrance. One of the guards came up to me and said "You're lucky we were here, our shift is just about to end". I was so tired I could barely speak, I just remember saying: "Thank you" before they left. I reached into a bag on the horse and smiled as I found out the cheese I had bought a few days ago was still there. I just drank all the water that was left and I think I'll be going back to the merchant to explain to him what had happened."

    The elderly man closes the journal and looks at the injured body of the sleeping man on his home bed and thinks to himself "It's a damn miracle he's alive."

    submitted by /u/TheRuneWanderer
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    I hope Bannerlord won't be so grindy.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    My idea to fix that, is that when you join a faction (become a vassal) you get a small army as a "start up".

    submitted by /u/Crunch150
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    Anyone got a DL link to hear me roar submod for acok

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:53 PM PST

    Anyone got this? Can't find it on the internet

    submitted by /u/wagnereater
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