• Breaking News

    Friday, December 27, 2019

    Mount & Blade When Harlaus decides to have a feast to improve morale, but gets invaded by the Nords anyway.

    Mount & Blade When Harlaus decides to have a feast to improve morale, but gets invaded by the Nords anyway.

    When Harlaus decides to have a feast to improve morale, but gets invaded by the Nords anyway.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:57 AM PST

    When King Harlaus Holds A Seven Day Feast, When It Finishes, You See Dhirim, Suno And Uxhal Taken

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:31 AM PST

    Praven 1257

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:48 AM PST

    New player questions

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:18 AM PST

    I just got the game and have had a lot of fun exploring the world. I finally built up a large enough army to take a castle and started my own kingdom. I was at war with the nords then but everyone else declared war too. I'm really struggling to hold the castle but no one will make peace. How does one gain right to rule? Also how do you get other lords to join your kingdom?

    submitted by /u/are_you_squidward
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    Can someone tell me what the fuck?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:10 AM PST

    +4 to party morale, I wonder why

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:19 AM PST

    Bannerlord idea: Towns increase morale?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:52 AM PST

    In my opinion resting for a few days in an allied town should replenish a party's morale. It would just make sense since the troops would go to the tavern, go buy stuff etc. It is really annoying in Warband when we are just destroying a faction, but my troops keep deserting because their morale sucks. I dunno, if Taleworlds did this it probably be better than what I've described. I just think that it would be a nice feature to have, since I'm pretty sure actual armies did that back in the 13th century.

    submitted by /u/Robbin_Hud
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    Imagine the tubs of butter if we ever harvested the power of the sea cow

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:39 PM PST

    [Pendor] CKO Inspiration

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:20 AM PST

    Please discuss/share any cool themes, knight-sergeant combinations, builds, load-outs, and why or how they work! I'm finally in a good place in my current playthrough and already had a few ideas for my order but happy for someone to change my mind or offer ideas.

    Order of the Leviathan - very vaguely maritime and sea monster themed

    Leviathan Chaoskampfer/Aspect (Name undecided) - Armour undecided, either Darkwood Bow or Hornbow as a deliberate handicap, 2 quivers and a two-hander (probably Ebony Flamberge?), unmounted.

    Since knights are so precious, I figured I'd make mine fulfill a more supportive role on the battlefield and only rushing in with their two-handers once their arrows have depleted.

    Leviathan Sea-Dweller/Proteus (Name also undecided) - Full Asp Armor (lore-wise, I guess the snakes have just been re-purposed into representing sea serpents), Kraken Shield, Trident, Old Empire Light Pila, Doom Mace, unmounted.

    These fellas will basically function as a fusion of the Huscarls + Huntresses. I think the latter are severely underrated, especially against cavalry so the general tactic would be tridents and throwing weapons against the enemy's initial charge then conveniently switching to the blunt Doom Mace when things get up-close and personal.

    submitted by /u/garnishtarnish
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    For those of you that play on realistic (no quitting without saving), why do you enjoy pain?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:50 PM PST

    Floris mod - do different troop trees affect availability of armors?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:25 AM PST

    For example, if I choose to play Floris with native troop tree can I still get armor that would be carried by tier 7 troops in expanded tree?

    submitted by /u/Fgh222
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    [PoP] What Equipment is optimal for a sieging CKO unit?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:05 AM PST

    In prophecy of pendor one can found his own customizable knighthood order. I found the best knight combination (slaver unit with doom mace). Now I'm looking for the optimal sieging unit to conquer the world fast.

    I was thinking something like 2x large melitine arrow bag (47 arrows each), noldor bow and best two handed sword. And ofc. The best armor possible.

    Any other suggestions? Experiences?

    submitted by /u/johnny_51N5
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    Mount & Blade Mod: In the name of Jerusalem Siege with Trebuchet

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:48 PM PST

    Mount & Blade Mod: In the name of Jerusalem Siege with Trebuchet

    Upcoming siege weapons feature of In the Name of Jerusalem MOD, you can build 3 types of siege weapons: Catapult, Mangonel, Trebuchet, then hire some engineers to use them in siege battle. Beware, the defensive side also have trebuchets, your army will receive quite big loss at the same time. Soon in next version~


    Part1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP6uJAvSkHY

    Part2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFuPKr5p9-s




    submitted by /u/wilhelmvonc
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    Does Bannerlord have Captain Siege Mode?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:58 PM PST

    Does Bannerlord have Captain Siege Mode? Or is Captain Mode only available in field battles?

    Also is there anyway to let your troops respawn once they die?

    submitted by /u/johnson567
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    We got em

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    Close beta: is it bugged or am I very unlucky?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST


    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:55 AM PST

    I am new to mount and blade and i want to play with mods. Since i am inexperienced and don't know which mods are good I wanted to ask you guys, what mods are essential for you and why?

    submitted by /u/____El_Chupacabra
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    Bannerlords Taking Too Long

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:14 PM PST

    I decided to hop back on Warband to prepare for harvesting season, and man....i forgot how fucking stupid the ai could be and it has me dying for bannerlord all over again

    Rn I'm on Daimyo Edition (planning star wars after) and our strategist just real deal made me need to go roll up

    Were at war on 3 fronts (Takeda) and dumb fuck Sanada decides to go siege Yoshiwara which right by a Hojo city so its gonna get taken. This stupid fuck launched over 4 war parties to go take it. Now youd think after Imarawu hed learn his lesson

    They lost it not once, not twice, but 3 times....the third time I took it just so they could go focus on defending the realm because we had 2 clans on us then. (I couldnt take it back or defend it because I was getting jumped by the hojo, so there was that)

    So at that point we lost two castles, now we're back at war with the Usegis (I probably mispelled it) because our oh so brilliant leader really think we can handle 3 clans when we clearly cant handle the Hojo and Tokigawa alone, he chose our fucking neighbors that we just got back cool with at that. Not the Mogami, not the Ryuzoji, not the Ito, the fucking literal next door neighbors from the 9th floor of hell

    The first 2 are already satanic enough. (The tokogawa completely blitzed the oda clan and are dead ass bullying the imagawa. They declared war with what only seems like the intention to run around killing imagawa troops cause they havent tried sieging anything but our shit.)

    Then you have the Hojo being the damn Hojo somehow manhandling their entire region yet still having time to send their vassals to siege and raid us. Literally if it werent for me defeating so many of their vassals we'd be up shit creek

    The Usegis just been playing guerrilla warfare laying and waiting to come out of now where with these dumb big ass war parties (each usually have atleast +150, to compare my clan only have like....5 of us over 100 with me being the newest edition to that number).

    So theyve been hitting us when they know idiot Sanada wanna chase shit he should know he cant hold for the 100th time

    Like how they just did Otari Castle which I'm about to try and take back (I should be good but man, lot of work on my end) because next for them would be Kaizu, Katsu village is my only village besides Imawaru castle so if they take Kaizu I'm screwed out of the rent I was getting there to support my troop costs.

    So now I'm also xp panicking my points into charisma

    And I'm only lvl 16-17 its not like I'm really vassal level yet....I feel like they need to keep those dev blogs to themselves unless they're releasing the same month lmao

    submitted by /u/LordBones369
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