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    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Mount & Blade I tame a wolf in M&B Minecraft mod

    Mount & Blade I tame a wolf in M&B Minecraft mod

    I tame a wolf in M&B Minecraft mod

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:16 AM PST

    Things you can say in both mount and blade and in bed.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST


    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:03 PM PST

    My dudes

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:41 AM PST

    Tactical butter parties

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST

    Imagine being the first faction eliminated. Couldn’t be me. (This meme was made by the Rhodok Gang)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    The Downfall of the Rhodok Empire

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:03 PM PST

    Possibly the most interesting scenario that has occurred throughout my save. The Kingdom of Swadia was on its knees as their lands fell to the power of the Rhodoks. Under Count Reland as our marshal, we won victory after victory until the Swadians were reduced to a single castle, Tilbaut Castle. One more siege and they would finally be extinct. However, King Graveth made a fatal decision by deciding to let Harlaus and his remaining goons rot there until the end of their days. We did as he commanded, and left the Swadians alone. https://imgur.com/oBzD62H

    We decided to grow our empire by conquering fiefs from the Nords and Sarranids until our empire stretched from the deserts of Shariz to the coast of Tihr. There was no Nordic or Sarranid foe that could match the common man with a crossbow. Afterward, our Empire experienced a golden age of peace and prosperity as no kingdom dared to face our wrath. Bored of the long peace, Graveth greedily feasted in Jelkala every month, becoming the man he swore to defeat. We were all blinded by the golden age that we didn't realize that the Swadians were secretly preparing to reclaim their lost lands.

    Tired of hunting down looters and harassing Count Tansugai, I sought a task from King Yarolek to collect taxes from one of his fiefs not far from my current location. A simple duty I presumed; I wouldn't have to worry about simple bandits with my retinue of knights, sharpshooters, and armored sergeants. As I fulfilled his task, a messenger rode to me with haste. He handed me not one, but four declarations of war against the Rhodok Empire. https://imgur.com/uJQMFI4

    The Swadians orchestrated all of this. They made trade agreements with the Sarranids and a truce with the Vaegirs and Nords while conquering the last Khergit lands.

    I had to return to Almerra Castle to raise an army, but a Vaegir ambush caught all of us off-guard. Hundreds of Vaegirs slaughtered my small retinue in their own woods. Men that had fought with me since the Swadian Conquests and before, butchered like animals. My courser, with whom I developed a close bond with, was killed by a volley of arrows. Instead of dying alongside them in battle, I was given the humiliation as their prisoner. https://imgur.com/kz3HKvx

    The gods gave me mercy and I escaped from captivity alongside my companions. When I returned home, everything took a turn for the worse. The Empire lost Dhirim, Shariz, Tihr, and many castles in the span of a week. The marshal called all the lords for a campaign, who were all slaughtered by the combined strength of the Sarranid-Swadian-Nord-Vaegir Alliance. Many of my enterprises were shut down, our armies were destroyed quicker than they can be built, and our economy plummeted. https://imgur.com/Z1m5wkU

    Hundreds of my men were captured in the siege of Knudarr Castle. Knights, Sergeants, and Sharpshooters all gone in the blink of an eye. I resorted to recruiting cutthroats, bastards, and deserters, in exchange for my personal honor. Of course, they all were buried in the ground like anyone else. https://imgur.com/osPDPLn

    The Swadians conquered their lost territory and were welcomed by the people on their return. Morale was low as every attempt we try to launch results in Swadian victory. When Harlaus returned to Praven, all hope was lost. An empire lost because of a simple, stupid mistake to not destroy the Swadians at Tilbaut Castle. A long era of peace resulting in a bloody war that ruined the lives of lords and serfs alike. Now a new dominance had returned to Calradia.

    submitted by /u/Jonat818
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    We've had yaragar and Humphrey, but now TaleWorlds present us with Rudolph the red-nosed horse!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    After 743 days, peace was brought to the land of Pendor. Peace brought by a rampaging murderer who expected his subjects to throw themselves at thousands of undead monsters in exchange for butter and dried beef.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    which armour/weapon/horse "modifiers" have which effects?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:15 AM PST

    there are chipped, masterwork, balanced, lordly, swaybacked, lame, tattered, etc.

    What effects to they have?

    submitted by /u/ThreadRetributionist
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    Mods with Floris features?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:28 AM PST

    I've been playing Floris for a while but would love to get out of Calradia. Are there any other mods available with Floris' QoL improvements? Especially interested in holding on to the report screens, recruiters, and joining other lords' armies.

    submitted by /u/Ilovefamilycircus
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    When the Nords feel like going on a vacation ...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:53 AM PST

    How do I complete oath of vengeance quest in TLD mod?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:37 AM PST

    I feel like this thing is impossible. I had to resort to cheats to kill nearly 300 orcs and yet that wasn't enough to complete it in time?

    submitted by /u/RZKD
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    Paradigm Worlds discord server

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    Does it exist?If not - can someone create it to discuss this amazing sci-fi mod in a better and more comfortable fashion?

    submitted by /u/Mrsecretguy1
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    If you pledge to a claimant, do you lose all your fiefs?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:47 PM PST

    I play vanilla on PS4, and I currently lead my own faction. If I plaedge to a claimant, will my fiefs become theirs? Or do I keep them?

    submitted by /u/Robbin_Hud
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    Any way to go back to native training speed in awoiaf?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:22 PM PST

    Feel like this mod would be so much more fun if I could just train soldiers instead of grinding tournaments or enlisting in an army to gain enough renown to get good troops from cities

    submitted by /u/billgilly14
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    Do y’all play with damage to player/friends reduced ?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:29 PM PST

    King Harlaus is...

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:48 PM PST

    ...not so bad actually

    I used to serve king Yaroglek an he started rivarlies like crazy and also indicted for treason half of his good lords, meanwhile now that I serve Harlaus my life is easier and he awarded me Uxkhal after we reconquered it. And I've only seen him feast in times of peace as well, hell, with his helo we have conquered Yalen, Veluca and Halmar.

    Although that might just be the butter speaking

    submitted by /u/milobdmx
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    Last shitpost for this year

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    The hardest challenge in PoP isn't one of the unique spawns, fighting the Noldor, or even trying to solo Maltese's Dread Legion naked armed only with a torch

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:12 PM PST

    It's trying to hunt down enough Mystmountain spawns to destroy them. Two hours of riding over them with 100 CKO knights and I got them from "fading" to "crushed" but I haven't seen anything but their rejects in 20 minutes. The Jatu can have 3 armies on the map and still show as destroyed but apparently the Mystmountain tribes have invisible legions somewhere.

    submitted by /u/DanielGin
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    Do you guys play on normal/high difficulty?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST

    I've never been patient enough to play on regular settings, the game just seems too random and unfair that as a player you need every benefit you can get until the late game. Am I just bad? Let me know how you guys deal with things.

    submitted by /u/Beytran70
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    [Gekokujo] Caravans and Income

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:54 PM PST

    I just started playing Gekokujo (Daimyo Edition, that is) a few days ago, but I haven't played Mount and Blade in years, either.

    My memories of playing Native consisted mostly of frustration with my allies' AI and making fucking bank through the silk trade. This is the same old AI I remember, but trade runs don't seem to be worthwhile in Gekokujo. I can't make sense of which city or regions produce what products, and even then, the profits are pretty marginal, not to mention the merchants never seem to have much of an item to sell. Like, oh boy, I could flip hemp for 300, that's great! But oh, wait, they've only got two hemp in stock.

    ANYWAY, more to the point: how does one go about maintaining their army in this mod? I'm fluctuating between 50 and 100, mostly comprised of peasants, rather than samurai. My mercenary contract covers about a third of the cost, and God forbid I want to equip my companions a little better. I've somewhat come to accept that I may just be unable to make much money until I've become Lord of a town or two. Most of what I've made so far is from tournaments, which I find even more frustrating to do than I did in Native, so I'd rather not rely on them.

    General money-making tips aside, however, one specific question I had was about Caravans. I can usually pull in around 2k-3k from razing a village, but the rep hit for that village is awful and I feel bad. I've hit a few caravans, but they never have much of anything. I come away with trash equipment that I could maybe sell for a few hundred altogether, and then maybe one or two goods to sell as well. So I was wondering, are caravans just kind of shit, or is there a strategy to hitting them for bigger profits? I got to thinking that maybe I need to hit them when they're en route to a city, rather than returning home (or vice versa) but I'm not really sure.

    Any suggestions would be much adored, either way, caravan-related or no. I do know all about ransoming lords, obviously, but I've been letting most of them go for the bonus reputation. Except the Imagawa, I captured all but two of their lords and then my dumbass Tokugawa allies wandered off while the Takeda swept in to take the city that I served up to Tokugawa on a platter. Needless to say, I couldn't ransom the Imagawa lords.

    submitted by /u/kiava
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    Diplomacy Litdum Financial Advice

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:10 PM PST

    Hey guys, playing Diplomacy Litdum and it feels like my ability to make money has been gutted. The betting system in tournaments isn't super clear to me (do I have to get 5 points per round, or is it my team?), resources are far less common in goods stores, their prices have been jacked up everywhere, and it seems like trading brings a profit of maybe 20-30 denars per item max no matter what. Can anyone help? Am I doing it wrong?

    submitted by /u/friesguys
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