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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Mount & Blade Lay down thy arms and join us.

    Mount & Blade Lay down thy arms and join us.

    Lay down thy arms and join us.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:01 AM PST

    A quick thank you to the community and the devs

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:12 AM PST

    Before I started playing mount and blade I had 0 confidence didn't talk to anybody, and now I went from 256 pounds to 241 in 2 weeks because I get so caught in this game I forget to eat, 746 hours and growing, thank you devs I'm losing weight I'll be a true incel in no time.

    submitted by /u/oughie-boops
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    Heck yeah, about to start another session of Native!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:03 AM PST

    Playing lategame Pendor when this interesting standoff happened

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:31 AM PST

    When you nut but she keeps sucking.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Not perfect, but I thought it was a good picture!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:46 PM PST

    Not perfect, but I thought it was a good picture!

    The positioning wasn't perfect, but I had to snap a picture :)

    Do you siege like this?

    Let me know :)


    submitted by /u/MrPureTTV
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    How often are beta keys sent out

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Applied for the beta a while back and was wondering are the keys sent out in waves on certain days or are they sent out randomly ?

    submitted by /u/SultanaheadClarence
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    They look so happy together

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST

    Personal favorite mod?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:37 AM PST

    Want a mod that's extremely fun to get into and addictive. I liked the Japanese one and the Star Wars mod. What's your guy's favorite with the highest replay value or one u always go back to grind?

    submitted by /u/CMBlackFox
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    (PoP) Wanting to break free from Ravenstern vassalage...

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:04 AM PST

    So I've been playing in my current PoP game for about 400 ingame days now. I've been a vassal of the Kingdom of Ravenstern for a good chunk of that time.

    We haven't really been involved in my wars since I've been a part of them, except for two conflicts with the Fierdsvains (one of which is still ongoing).

    During these two wars, I've personally led assaults on all three of the Fierds' cities: Ravenstern, Valonbray, and Windholm. And they've all fallen into my control thanks to my character manipulating the simpleton lords into supporting me even though during the sieges of Valonbray and Windholm, I garrisoned all of my forces in Ravenstern and won Valonbray and Windholm off of the backs of my supporting armies... Just to minimize my own losses.

    Since taking control of all three of these cities (Each coming with a Knighthood Order which is nice -- Javiksholm with the Valkyries, Valonbray with the Knights of Dawn, and Windholm with... Storm Sisters or whatever), I've been building up the garrisons mostly by stealing half-trained troops from my husband's garrison at Silveredge Keep. All three of my cities have garrisons of ~600-700ish, mostly comprised of Ravenstern Rangers, Ravenstern Kierguards, and Ravenstern Highlanders.

    Besides these cities, I own one castle, situated on the shore between Javiksholm and Ravenstern: Longbeard Lounge. And in this location, I've been sloooooooowly building up my own custom knighthood order. They are very ranged oriented (and thus have been eating up all of poor Lethaldiran's time... I miss that guy!). The knights are meant to be mounted archers with swords and shields... The sergeants are going to have no horses and instead use slightly more powerful weapons that do not permit usage while mounted, two stacks of ammo, and a powerful polearm of some kind. (I like the Azure Dragons in Total War Three Kingdoms: Longbows and Glaives!)

    However, with a Power Draw of 5, I am only able to equip both of these units with the same 'Hawkstorm' bow. The highest quality "Cannot wield while mounted" bow I have available to me is only a Power Draw of 3, and is weaker than the Hawkstorm.

    Anyway... Nevermind the CKO.

    Ravenstern is looking quite powerful right now. And breaking free from them and forming my own kingdom might be very dangerous.

    They have so many armies roaming around, following the marshal. Besides the campaigns against the capital cities that I've personally led them on, the AI has been doing good work against the poor Fierds.

    The D'Shar Principalities have also gone to war with the Fierds and have stolen at least one castle off of the Fierds... While Ravenstern has taken just about everything else. The Fierds have only one castle remaining: Sange Safid, which they've stolen from the D'Shar.

    So the Ravensterns, while they own all these other castles, are going to be absolutely peppering my own territory once I break free.

    As I understand it, once I rebel from the Ravensterns, I'll usurp ownership of all the little villages that are attached to my three cities and one castle, giving me plenty of territory to pawn off to my companions, turning them into lords.

    ... How quickly will my companions be able to field armies that are actually useful to me against Ravenstern? Also, am I able to just spawn new lords by appointing prominent citizens from my city? Or do I need to sacrifice most of my companions for this?

    And, I've been floating a number of 'Miserable' companions by simply sending them off to go do... Whatever it is they do (I don't think it actually benefits me). They are unable to whine and cause discord in my party when they're off spreading the word of my greatness or whatever.
    My first impulse is to turn these guys into lords first, since I can't actually keep them in my party. But as they're generally unhappy with me, would they rebel from me? Or will they chill out once they are no longer required to hang out with the other companions which frustrate them?

    I've never actually gotten this far in any build/module of Mount and Blade :p

    submitted by /u/HighSpeedLowDragAss
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    M&B Warband: The Movie (Hypothetical Casting)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:44 PM PST

    Let's say Santa Claus is real and also a massive butterlord (because of course he is). He brings us a Warband movie (or TV series) to reward us for not banding together into a mob of looters, traveling to Ankara and seizing for ourselves playable early copies of Bannerlord.

    The only problem is Santa is too busy being Santa to actually produce the movie. He leaves that to us. Now it's casting time.

    Who would you attempt to cast as your favourite vanilla faction leaders? How would you instruct those actors with regards to their role's personality, voice etc?

    For those with free time and an encyclopedic knowledge of actors, who would you additionally cast for some of the companions? For notable faction lords? Meme-worthy tavern NPCs?

    submitted by /u/VX295
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    Advancing over the hills

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:24 AM PST

    How come most people disapprove of the Khergits?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:41 AM PST

    Out of curiosity. I don't have that much time into the game yet. (Barely 200+ days into my second native with no mods)

    submitted by /u/Wifi_Be_Trippin
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    Most immersive grimdark mods?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:16 AM PST

    I'm looking for a few mods, and I can't find any like that, so I thought here might be a good place to suggest them, or get redirected to the relevant forum. Here's what I was looking for:
    - A pipe mod (just anything adding pipes, tobacco and an animation for some characters in game to enjoy a smoke). It'd be great for immersion.

    - A lantern mod - preferably as a part of a darker nights mod...

    - Any mod that brings the atmosphere of the game closer to a proper gritty dark medieval / fantasy game like Diablo or Oblivion.

    - a grimdark ENB / retexture.

    Any suggesions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/Emlcrstf
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    I used to really want to see more RPG like quests in Warband, now i don't anymore

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:48 PM PST

    When i first started playing Warband i was blown away by the possibilities, i loved going around fighting, trading, doing missions, all that good stuff. There was one thing i really wanted to see, more RPG like dungeon crawls/quests, but after i tried a few of those in various mods i understand exactly why the devs steered clear of them. Simply put Warband is not equipped to deal with those types of events, this is in no way a jab at Warband, it's really awesome at what it was meant to do, it falls short only when someone tries to bend it into something it was not meant for, so here are a few issues i noticed that pretty much all such quests share in all the mods i tried. None of this on it's own are a deal breaker but taken together they make such quests not very rewarding to play, some of this are better in Bannerlord from what i see but still, it's just not what game was made for.

    1. Minimap, it's really a sticking point because most of this sorts of missions involve large world spaces and it can really be tough to navigate them when you have no idea where you are supposed to be going.
    2. Lack of any sort fo stealth mechanic, or any sort of enemy detection range for that matter. In general the enemies will make a beeline for you as soon as you get close enough to trigger them spawning, you can't in any way crouch, or take cover, which means your only real option is to just attack them like you would in any other situation.
    3. Closely tied to number 2. lack of a sprint function to disengage from unfavorable combat, once you are in combat your only choice is to see it trough to the end, in normal Warband you are not really meant to take on multiple enemies at once if you can help it, if you do something went wrong, so if a level designer decides to throw multiple enemies at you at the same time your only option is to try to win this incredibly unfavorable situation, you generally can't outrun them, as soon as you turn your back you are as good as dead, or else you will loose a great amount of health which you can't recover leading me into...
    4. There are no such things as potions/buffs/bandages that would help you turn the battle in your favor, you have what you have. This works well for Warband because it aims to be a realistic setting, but health potions are staple of RPG genera for a reason, they allow you to throw more varied challenges at the player, ones that would normally be out of their league but with good preparation they can prevail if they are willing to spend some extra resources either using consumables that restore their health or ones that boost their ability. This leads me to...
    5. No separate party/player inventory, this is a big one, the needs of the player and the needs of the party are very different, it makes no sense to carry 50 loaves of bread with you when on a dungeon crawl, nor would it make sense to be able to eat all that in order to restore energy, on the other hand your personal items like healing potions would just create clutter in your party inventory.
    6. And finally, and somewhat tied to all the previous points, lack of items to offer as reward to a player for doing such quests, which is a big point. Some mods like Perisno really tried, but the truth is all those items are either lower quality or marginally better then what you can get trough the normal course of the game, traditionally RPGs rewarded the player with better weapons and gear, that can work in Warband but it's limited, since the gap between the best and second best is very small, and it really depends a lot more on the player skill and the strength of their party, so while individual gear of the player can be important it's far from game changing, and this from a player who regularly engages 30 to 50 strong groups of bandits alone for fun, but even that, and with the best gear in the game is on horseback where i can kite them, if i get unhorsed and surrounded i am in trouble unless i am engaging something ludicrously easy like looters. There are also aforementioned consumables(which are largely absent in Warband) and so called vendor trash that is only there to sell for coin, but frankly, mid to late game it won't make a lot of difference even if it's a high value item that will sell for thousands of denars.

    Now you may think it's silly to write a huge wall fo text to basically say "the game is bad at what it was not designed for", but seeing how prevelent this sorts of quests are in various mods i can only assume i am not the only one who had dreams of bringing RPG experience to Warband, and i just wanted to lay out why i think it does not really work.

    submitted by /u/samoja1
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    [POP] Going broke

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:13 AM PST

    It's kinda lategame(450) and I'm a vassal for one of the kings and own a town and a village, but the cost of my mainly mercenary army is about 40k and I'm going at a deficit of about 10k a week. Is there any way to make a sustainable and affordable late game army while still having a strong garrison?

    submitted by /u/Robert_Walpole
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    PERISNO - fief distribution

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:37 PM PST

    The kingdom of Have at them, bois! Is gaining strength. I'm playing a dwarf and took karnoth and dwallnor back into dwarven hands. I currently hold dwallnor, karnoth, shards, longbeard, hornogoth and kahhadir for myself.

    I have 7 vassals, each having 3-4 fiefs that are nearby to each other.

    At this point my holdings are all garrisoned well and that part of the map is very easy to defend.

    That's too many fiefs to hold myself right? I'm thinking of giving away shards and longbeard when the right vassal comes around, but should I also give up dwallnor?

    Hard to tell if the income from dwallnor is worth sacrificing another 250 army that a vassal would provide.


    submitted by /u/creedlar
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    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:47 PM PST

    I've got myself at war with everyone but the Rhodoks and the Sarranids, but I'm going bankrupt because all of my buildings in cities are under sequestration. My court has no castle to go in, how do I make peace with anyone?

    submitted by /u/BitPumpkin
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    Is there a way to disable the tracks from the tracking skill?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:32 PM PST

    First off, I hate tracks on the map. I think they are useless and clutter the screen. Every time I play a mod, I compile of a list of companions based on two things: 1) who likes who, and 2) who has a 0 in the tracking skill.

    So I'm playing Perisno for the first time and I was looking at the companion skills and lo and behold, only 4/19 of the companions have 0 in the tracking skill.

    Please tell me there is a way to disable the tracks by deleting some line of code or pressing some button or something!

    submitted by /u/Four_Verts
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    BananaLard Beta First Impressions from an NW player

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:21 AM PST

    For some reason TWForums is acting weird so I'm posting this here.

    After months of waiting, I was finally able to download and play the beta yesterday (Thanks for the code TW). 4 hours later I thought I'd write a first impressions post too. This will only be centered on melee and the ranged game.

    Disclaimer: Firstly, I acknowledge the fact that this is still a beta and many things are still subject to change. Secondly, do take what I say with a grain of salt as I haven't done too much in depth experimentation due to the lack of a test subject.


    1) I don't quite understand this delay for attacks/blocks. It makes the fighting very sluggish, as if my ping is 150+. Anyone who tried to play native/NW on an EU server as NA will know what I'm talking about. The animations seem a bit slow too.

    2) Backswings and Instant hits. This is very concerning. Hit detection is a bit off. Sometimes, a hit will land squarely but only do 20 damage. Othertimes, hits start inside me and deals full damage.

    3) Not necessarily a bad thing, but I personally found combo animations extremely hard to read. You see them spin the sword and a frame later it's in your neck.

    4) Overheads and thrusts (especially on swords) are VERY inconsistent.

    5) Weapon animations are sometimes really hard to see, from both ends.

    6) Feinting is weird. Sometimes it works super good, sometimes it doesn't and you don't get enough time to shift your block and receives an axe to the face.


    I actually haven't played much ranged and have almost always been on the receiving end and so my feedback will be based around that.

    1) Throwing weapons don't do enough damage and using them actually makes me depressed. When a Javelin headshots a low-tier archer, I expect him to crumble to the ground instead of dealing 97 damage and turning and killing me with a headshot. Their velocity is also low as hell, and they fly like balloons. Oh well. At least you can aim them.

    2) Archers.

    i) They do too much damage for the effort it takes to use them. Period. Why should I be able to click and do more damage than someone who actually needs to pay attention to footwork, feinting, and blocking? Maybe acceptable in SP, but definitely not in MP. Seriously, I'd take a BL bow over a NW musket, rifle, cavalry musket, or short carbine any day;

    ii) Since now shields are """"""realistic"""""", some troops can't even do anything when they're being shot at because they can't block like half of their body.

    iii) What was TW thinking when they were making archers like Fianna? With almost the armor of a Legionnaire, 2Hander, and a motherloving Longbow? Same goes for some other elite archers too.

    iv) Crossbows don't do enough damage to warrant using them over bows. When I shoot a horse with an arbalest, it's probably gonna die, not shrug it off and keep on running.

    That's all. I left many things out due to uncertainty. Methinks the general consensus is that people would've been happier if TW just left the warband combat model as is. The ranged game is messed, seriously. On some factions there's no point in using elite infantry over elite archer. Not even cavalry is able to reliably punish a decent archer.

    Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

    submitted by /u/Sircapalot
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