• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Mount & Blade Who else is ready to conquer as Rolf, great grandfather of Rolf?

    Mount & Blade Who else is ready to conquer as Rolf, great grandfather of Rolf?

    Who else is ready to conquer as Rolf, great grandfather of Rolf?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:44 PM PDT

    Underrated faction

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    still we can't swim in Bannerlord

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    Why does every Pendor quest giver send me after 1000 doomstack armies?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    I just want to sell my prisoners before the war ends

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    This brutal headshot

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    Why is my Chamberlain visiting the village elder?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:12 AM PDT

    Just chilling with a friend

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PDT

    Medieval Conquests vs AD 1257 Enhanced Edition vs AD 1257

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    What is overall best?

    What has the most interesting features and better mid/end game?

    What is the most stable?

    Its already kinda tiring to play through the late game of Native so I really don't want a game that is just "Native, but BIIIIIIG"

    Alternatively I wouldn't mind a more focused mod that's still the same historic era but smaller map, like Crusades or smth

    submitted by /u/WritingWithSpears
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    "I used to think my life was relativity, but now I realize it's a gingery"

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    Would you be interested in watching a new series?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:08 AM PDT

    Filmmaker mods, tools or tricks?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:50 AM PDT

    I have decided to start making short movies in Warband. I believe I am cabable of doing so, but I was wondering if there are any mods or tools to help with this?

    With this I mean creating scenarios, camera modes, having the ability to control what other lords do, scene creators/editors, or anything else helpful.

    These are not reguired for me to be able to record, but they would help, alot, by making the more interesting and me being able to make them much more faster.

    submitted by /u/dr_biggie_memes
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    My Thoughts and Suggestions on the Beta

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    I got a beta key a few days ago, and since then have put several hours into the beta. Overall, I've had an incredible amount of fun playing the beta: I love the updated graphics and physics and how the combat feels. Here's a general overview of how the game is in general and how it has changed from warband.

    The good (in my opinion): The graphics are pretty great, even on the low preset the game looks decent. The music, for the two tracks we have, sounds really excited and medieval. Combat balance has also been significantly updated from warband in a number of ways. Weapons actually feel WEIGHTY now, especially the voulges. Polearms suck less than in warband, I haven't notice them do that stupid "poke" animation, and they're pretty good when you're mounted because weapon reach feels like it has been, in general, reduced, and so lengthy weapons are helpful for mounted combat. Directional shield blocking is a thing now, which make shielded combat more nuanced and less easy. In warband, defending until your shield broke was as easy as holding right click. However, it is now really important to block in the correct direction, because this makes your shield take less damage and be more likely to block the attack. Swings have a much wider circumference now, (i.e. if you swing from the right or left you could end up hitting someone as much as 30-45 degrees behind you on the tail end of the motion) augmenting the importance of directional shield blocking, as well as making parrying harder. Armor has been buffed significantly too, it now takes at least 2 hits, but generally 3 or 4 to kill someone at full health if they are decently armored. A hit is almost never a one-shot above 20 armor. This might just be me, but timing hits feels different and more difficult now, especially with polearms. Polearm thrusts are quick jabbing motions, rather than the more exaggerated thrust of warband, and thus need really specific timing for a hit. Horses feel similar to warband but smoother. Animations are super smooth in my opinion, especially chain attacks that go over the head or chain attacks from one direction to another. Today, my friend and I spent about 5 minutes rapidly fanning the scroll wheel so we could watch our character pull out his axe, just 'cause it looked so nice. Bannerlord's captain mode also comes with a lot of new tactical options, especially with formations such as shieldwall and square, as well as perks that can give your troops versatile new weapons or buffed armor.

    The Neutral: In multiplayer games, any type of unit, whether it be an archer or infantryman can now ride any horse. I personally like this change because it makes cavalry less OP and allows me to play other classes while still having mobility. However, I could understand how this would upset people because of balancing reasons. Combat is a little slower than warband and the ai seems better at fighting. In addition, no weapon seems truly OP or spammable at the moment, and it is much harder to block, making naked two-hand PvP dominators not nearly as feasible as in warband. While some people think this erases the "charm" of M&B combat, I always hated the naked two hander spamfest and am not sorry to see it go; not only was it unrealistic, but it was unfun for anybody who did not put hundreds of hours into practicing PvP combat. Fall damage while mounted now applies to both the horse and the rider, which I thought was interesting. Archery has been buffed significantly from warband, especially horse archery; at max speed on a horse the reticle is surprisingly small (about double its normal diameter maybe.)

    The Bad: Not necessarily a bad, because this is still the beta, but it is important to note that the game is really unoptimized right now. I have a 1050 ti and highly clocked i3 and can only get decent framerates at low settings. In addition, the game frequently has lag spikes when calculating collisions or weapon hits.

    My Suggestions for improving gameplay: My biggest complaint with warband combat was always the dynamic between horses and spears. In real life, horses would often refuse to charge headlong into braced polearms, because they're not blind idiots. From a game design point of view, I understand this is unfeasible to implement because it places reality over gameplay, and not being able to control my horse completely would make the game pretty annoying. However, I'm a firm believer that bannerlord should allow you to brace polearms that are over a certain length, and that charging into this would be an instakill for the horse and heavy damage for the rider. This would make formations like square or circle almost impervious to cavalry. I feel this to be a necessary balancing addition because cavalry still feels too strong. The overpowered nature of cavalry has led to ridiculously small unit sizes of between 5-7, which is generally a third of what infantry has. However, to counteract polearm bracing, I also believe that cavalry charges should do waaaaay more damage than they do now. This would make cavalry more of a "glass cannon" because it would be more powerful offensively, but you would have to be more strategic in where you use it. Both of these balancing suggestions also make a huge amount of sense from a realism standpoint. If you've ever been near a horse in real life, you would know that they're towering, muscular creatures. If I got hit by one at full speed irl, I wouldn't be expecting 6 out of my 100 health points to disappear and my body to be so physically unaffected that I can just get up again after a few seconds. According to the International Museum of the Horse's website, a medieval era (14th century) destrier, which was the most common type of war horse, would weight between 1,200 to 1,400 lbs (544 kg to 635 kg), not including a rider. According to quora, the average horse gallops between 25-30mph. Imagine a 1,300 pound machine made of flesh and bone barrelling towards you at 30 mph, on one hand it has enough momentum to instantly skewer itself on your spear, but if it hits you, expect some serious bodily harm. Another suggestion is to create two modes for swinging weapons that you can switch between. For closely packed fights, make a "short swing" mode that minimizes your risk of hitting teammates, while the current combat swings can be used for more spread out engagements. This suggestion is motivated by the increased circumference of swings, and the frequency with which I find myself teamhitting in crowds.

    submitted by /u/A_LostAstronaut
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    So apparently, these foreign invaders have another dialogue. I need help again translating this too.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:27 AM PDT

    Just found my clone fighting others.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    Almost stuck the landing

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:13 PM PDT

    Uniting Calradia.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    I'm current playing 'Diplomacy with more Women' mod on warband. Joined the Butter King Harlus and now since rebelled. I have defeated every faction but the Kerghits. I took their last castle on day 620 in game. It's now day 835 but they remain 'undefeated', so the game hasn't said 'Calradia Unified'. Every other faction was defeated like 30 days after their last castle was taken. Is this a known glitch? Is it fixable or I am doomed to start a new campaign in order to win?

    submitted by /u/SageGawain
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    What do you think of Bannerlord’s combat?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    I know the game is still in beta and all, but I would still like to know your opinions?

    My experience so far isn't that great tbh.

    The long delay when my character stares into the abyss and THEN decides to throw away his swing feels clunky and lame unlike warband where it was much smoother.

    Cavalry combat is average at best, pumping into things is pretty glitchy and you kinda teleport everywhere if you pump into a group of infantry.

    On horseback I can barley judge the reach of my spear and it's almost always too short to hit my target, and the way the animation works you don't really get a good look at the spear before you thrust so judging if it's gonna land or not is very hard since you can't see anything.

    Trust me am having lots of fun and am not trying to trash the beta at all, I love it and am pretty sure it will improve much more further on, I would just like to know what do other people think?

    submitted by /u/xEka17
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    [Perisno] Tips for Third Legion Siege?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:33 PM PDT

    I have the Third Legion quest to siege the Third Legion Fort. However, my party only has 114 troops, and the fort has around 450. I haven't been able to find many tips regarding this siege, so I hope to have some questions added here.

    Here are some specific questions I had:

    1. What would you say is the bare minimum amount of troops you should have for the siege?

    2. Does the fort restock it's troops? Or can you "chip away" at the garrison?

    3. Is there any special formation or strategy for the siege?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/Scrivener4
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