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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    Mount & Blade Must be a Monday

    Mount & Blade Must be a Monday

    Must be a Monday

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Kenshi Warband module

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:07 PM PST

    Just Putting an Idea in your Heads.

    Wouldnt a Kenshi Module for Warband be awesome? I mean basically all troops are there, the troop strength is scaling, the Factions are Set, there are weapons etc, the only Problem i could think of is the actually modding, texturing and maybe implementing Martial artists.

    I dont want to Sound like a douche so i'll Stop right Here because i dont have a clue of modding in Warband.

    submitted by /u/Parsivaloknewacc
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    Every fucking war

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:18 AM PST

    [Discussion] My thoughts on Bannerlord so far

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:47 PM PST

    So far, Bannerlord has been awesome, with a few hiccups. After watching some old Warband footage, I can see how much the AI has been updated, how smooth the combat has become, improved level design, etc.


    • Graphics are great on Ultra, especially compared to Warband
    • The game runs very smoothly
    • The combat has been belt-sanded and is very fluid now
    • The AI is much improved over Warband
    • Horse movement is leaps and bounds better than Warband
    • Archery is so much better and satisfying
    • Level design is good
    • Captain mode is great, Skirmish is okay, and Deathmatch is great
    • Updated UI is much better


    • Faction/class balancing is quite bad
    • Hitboxes don't seem super consistent
    • Picking up weapons is a HUGE hassle
    • Weapon balancing is okay at best

    Personally, I think that the class and faction balancing is the main issue right now. I find myself getting disappointed when I get chosen for some factions (Khuzait, Sturgia) and very excited for others (Battania, Aserai). I have played as Vlandia maybe one time, so I actually have close to no experience with them. Anyway, this might be due to my personal preference, but I don't think that the Khuzaits have enough going for them. Their horse archers are pretty good, but in Captain mode, you only get 6(?) of them, so it's not enough to balance the lower level troops who just get absolutely wrecked by better infantry. Sturgia is alright, but I find them to be way outpaced in battle, both in terms of mobility and with weapons. Their weapons should do more against shields and are too slow to fight against the quick swords of other factions. Battania has some great infantry, and I think that, if you can get close enough, their long, curved swords are super dangerous because they're fast, have range, and do good damage if you know how to use them. Aserai seem to have really good archers. The Veteran class in particular is well-armored, has good bows, and is well-equipped enough in melee to actually do some damage before they're taken out by actual melee classes. Additionally, the maces that the Aserai have seem to be super quick and can out-swing a lot of other weapons. Overall, I don't think that there's a specific faction that's bad per se, but rather that some are much better equipped for more circumstances than the other. (And I know that they all have their strengths and weaknesses because of the cultural stuff, but I think the problem still persists.) Another thing is that hitboxes don't seem to be super consistent and I find that the consistency in distance of weapon strikes is a big problem. Picking up weapons continues through the series as a super annoying issue. This time, TaleWorlds has made the weapons highlightable when you look at them. (Awesome tip: if you hold ALT, it highlights nearby weapons, teammates, and objectives on the map). Still even with the highlighting, if you're trying to pick up a spear, good luck. That bitch is so skinny that it could walk down a catwalk wearing designer clothes. I got killed in a fight because I was trying to highlight the spear so I could get some more melee range. Finally, the weapons really could use some more balancing. In comparable melee builds, you have some classes with insanely strong swords and axes, while other classes get the equivalent of a wood club. Some swords are so short, that by the time you get into range (with no shield, because a some classes don't even have the option), you're already dead from someone else's longer sword, axe, or spear.

    submitted by /u/Howlett_
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    [Perisno] Managed to get a lord in my party somehow?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:35 PM PST

    So this is why they tell you to not level up past 63...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:17 AM PST

    Vaegir scout just before siege of Reyvadin (1260 colorized)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:55 AM PST

    The performance of the beta has increased alot! i get 200 fps now. and stable!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:28 PM PST

    I put away the game because it was running like shit and so sluggish. I had it running at 90 fps but it was dropping and s tuttering alot and the frames were tanking for no apparent reason. Just hopped on and when i set the graphics to 'low' i had 200 fps stable. In the beginning it was a little bit chunky but after 20 sec perfect stable.

    i have a 1070 ti @ 2000Mhz and a 2600x amd @ 4150 MHz.

    submitted by /u/ToplessTopmodel
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    Keanu? Is that you?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST

    What to do in my situation?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    So I want to start my own kingdom I have 9 friends 51 honour and rtr 42 but I have 1 town and 1 castle and about 300 vaegir marksmen 150 nord huscarls and about 50 nord veteran archers and 50 nord veterans i can hold 100 units but every castle i want to take to start a rebelion my king just gives it to me and I don't want to spread my armies too etc also I've got the worst town dihirim and I think i will get butt fucked if i start a rebelion so what do i do? (Also i besieged 3 castles and i got every single one all 3 at once and I don't know what are other ways to start a rebelion)

    submitted by /u/Grommash2561
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    Frod Ridere Faelcan vs. Geldarin Duke

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:04 PM PST

    I'm going for a noble troop only playthrough and I'm torn between Falcon and Geldar. Which one is the better shock cavalry?

    submitted by /u/Pilot_BEEM
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    Reggae Reggae

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Warband: Can you play as a tyrant

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:06 PM PST

    I've been looking for a game for a while that allows you to rule a kingdom how you choose, specifically as a ruthless tyrant. I am tired of fantasy games that make you play as the hero an I want to play as the evil king the hero has to save everyone from.

    Can I rule my kingdom with an iron fist in Warband?

    submitted by /u/WilliePlayz
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    Do I have a chance to get beta key if I have AMD FX 6300, GTX 950 and 8GB RAM?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:18 AM PST

    I heard they sent keys to people with low specs, but I didn't get any key, and I did that application for beta shortly after they made the beta.taleworlds.com page. So I wonder if I have to wait more, or do the application again.

    submitted by /u/Sam_SVK
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    How are Aserai troops different from the WB Sarranids?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:59 AM PST

    I'm talking about gear, stats, the troop-tree, all that.


    submitted by /u/DerPontifexDadaismus
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    I ride a unicorn apparently

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

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