• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Mount & Blade Better run away really fast.

    Mount & Blade Better run away really fast.

    Better run away really fast.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:24 AM PST

    Kingdom of Nords has declared war against Kindom of Swadia!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:05 PM PST

    Thought my opponent in front of me was yelling “BEHIND YOU” just to mess with me.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:16 PM PST

    It's hard being so popular

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST

    A breif opinion on the Rhodoks.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:56 PM PST

    So, I've been playing the game for a while now and I absolutely love it. I've gone for the Nords, because you cant have a Thor Odinson without some Nordic people am I right? So I managed to capture a castle and got myself the fief of Ibran. And I swear to Odin himself the Rhodoks are less of a threat and more of an annoyance. They seem to have a personal grudge against me or something, I guess turning their crossbowmen into shish kebabs really pissed them off as they only attempt besieging my castle and only raid my village. They're at war with every faction in the game at the moment but they only want to mess up my stuff. However every time they fight the Lord of Thunder they always end up loosing because there's only so much a crossbow can do to mounted calvary. And keeping their Counts in my prison a rocks throw away from their boundary line also upsets them greatly as I always win every battle. I could go into battle with my 76 man strong army and their 145 man strong armies and probably still come out on top, because awlpikes make crossbow men shish kebabs. And I absolutely love my shish kebabs!

    submitted by /u/tacobacobinkle
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    [Diplomacy] missing transaction sound

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    A minor bug i found in Diplomacy patch 1.173 from steam workshop. Not really a game-breaking bug but i'm curious if it could be fixed. So when i buy & sell items in the cities, i didn't heard the clinking sounds of coins like it suppose to. Didn't have this problem when i buy & sell items in villages though, so there's that. Could anyone help?

    submitted by /u/TigaMaskman
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    The deserteurs are evolving

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

    Last week as I decided to leave the Rhodoks for the Sarranids I went through the (former) Vaegirian territory to hunt some Khergits or sea raiders as I saw a troop of deserteurs but it wasn't 20, 30 or even 50 units. This troop had 121 units and they had Nord warriors, Khergit horse archers, rhodok and swadia crossbow units! They managed to kill some of my rhodok sharpshooters and rhodok sergeants! What the hell? How did that troop become so big?!

    submitted by /u/ShinjiIkari99
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    Bandits been actin' strange lately..

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    I'm finally understand why rhodocs are so good

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Spears keep the distance for the crossbows to pick off the back lines. Not to mention stopping cav in their tracks and getting picked off by sharpshooters.

    submitted by /u/That_Smart_Guy
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    What did the Rhodok Sergeant say to Jean-Luc Picard?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:44 PM PST

    Darmok and Jalad at Jelkala.

    submitted by /u/RingGiver
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    [BUG] Taking the "Rescue or Ransom Prisoner" quest increases relation by 1 with the quest-giver, but failing the quest neither removes the quest nor decreases relation. This allows infinite relation farming.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:49 PM PST

    Three Kingdoms mod (Interest Check)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:18 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am in the process of doing a bunch of research and prep for a mod set during the Three Kingdoms period in China.

    My aim is to be "Historically Accurate/Plausible up to and until the introduction of the player".

    I don't have anything to show at the moment, but I'm competent with the Mod System and have made a mod before (see my hardcore combat submod for The Sword and the Axe), so this won't just be an idea thread that never gets off the ground. I figured I'd post here to let folks know and generate some discussion.

    Specifically I have a question that I hope to get some feedback on:

    • What year should the mod be set at?

    Currently I'm debating between 191 and 208 AD. As for why, 208 AD is when Chi Bi occurred, and is probably the most ideal place that could be described as the "start" of the Three Kingdoms proper. But yet I like 191 AD because of the amount of factions that can be implemented, and there are interesting individuals who are still alive at that time (Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo, Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao, Taishi Ci, Sun Jian, etc.)

    If you could kindly vote on my poll here, I'd appreciate it: https://www.strawpoll.me/18998431

    If anyone has any other feedback, feel free to let me know. Additionally, if you are skilled at modding, eg. Scripting, 3D Modelling/Texturing, Scene Making, etc. and wish to help, please PM me (serious offers only).

    submitted by /u/Thegn_Ansgar
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    First Time

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:52 PM PST

    I'm downloading war and and was wondering if I should play through vanilla first before I gets started with playing mods?

    submitted by /u/TheLoneFrie
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    Vanilla Playthrough

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:56 PM PST

    I'm going on my first vanilla play-through of war and and was wondering what quality of life mods are essential for the play-through?

    submitted by /u/TheLoneFrie
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    Dealing with tailgaters...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:32 PM PST

    I like to have my cavalry follow me, but they have a habit of running into me, stopping my charge and boxing me in. I've tried having them spread out, and I still end up with a traffic jam. Am I doing it wrong or is this just a part of the game? Playing warband, no mods. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jwilkins82
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    M&B on Linux

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:18 AM PST

    Hi, I am buying a new laptop(in the mail) and it has Linux on it. I wondering how is Linux handeling Warband and esspecially its mods?

    submitted by /u/daki555555
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    cant install VC (non steam)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:50 AM PST

    Running the VC installer it says "Mount and Blade has not been installed on this computer" when it is installed in the default program files location

    submitted by /u/revamp44
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    Mount and blade

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:08 PM PST

    I like watching this game and want to purchase it but was wondering which versions should I buy on steam? I'm mainly playing for mods but will check out vanilla game as well

    submitted by /u/TheLoneFrie
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    A Viking Conquest Screenshot I took. ctrl + x really does wonders

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:14 PM PST

    Seeking Custom Troops Advice (Dickplomacy)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:48 PM PST

    Dickplomacy is a fine vanilla overhaul mod with the infamous "dick" parts turned off, and I find myself intrigued by the presence of both guns (exclusive to player's party) and the custom troop tree you design when creating a faction. My questions to anyone experienced with this mod:

    • Can you outfit your custom troops with guns? I assume so, but worry they might be limited to the player and companions

    • Are guns actually worth basing an army around, or do crossbows and archery outperform them? I suspect the latter is true given the reload time, but perhaps higher-tier troops with high levels in firearms (assuming you can even level that proficiency up for them) counter that a bit?

    • Bonus question tacking on even though it isn't Dickplomacy-specific: are short weapons worth giving custom troops? I know if I have a short-reach axe, for example, I can clean house on the walls, but I worry that the AI will just suck without a reach advantage. Thoughts?


    submitted by /u/VX295
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