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    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Mount & Blade Dustum Khan

    Mount & Blade Dustum Khan

    Dustum Khan

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:01 AM PST


    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:29 AM PST

    Marriage made difficult

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:41 AM PST

    I'm at day 500 and decided to marry. The girl likes me, the father likes me, I get the quest for marriage. But because Calradia is pretty unstable and more than 5 Lords are accused being traitors every day. So after some days the father joines another faction, the marriage fails and I start from beginning. Seeking the father, asking for marriage, waiting. Can I speed the time up so this finally works?

    submitted by /u/Erik_Haderstrike
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    Poor little sticky boyes really want their boy back

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

    Someone here suggested I play medieval conquests, totally worth it

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    Good mod for merchant playthrough?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:53 AM PST

    Like bandits are less annoying (especially in early game) and has interactive (?) Trade system etc?

    submitted by /u/Tormund_
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    How to stay at peace

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

    If you start a kingdom is there a good way to stop the other factions from automatically declaring war on you? I know you need to have right to rule but does your relation to the king also have a factor?

    submitted by /u/theyungbc1913
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    Assembling the army

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:56 PM PST

    Some Bannerlord backgrounds for your computers (If this doesn't work PM me)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:34 PM PST

    Closed beta question

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    Are they going to eventually give out keys to everyone? Or will there be some unlucky guys not getting a key before early access releases? Been checking spam folder daily

    submitted by /u/hestemat
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    Bannerlord beta is unplayable

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:57 AM PST

    The beta for this game is incredibly fun and is everything I wanted from a mount and blade sequel... when I can actually fucking play it. I cant go one game without my ping going to 1023 and eventually ending with me lagging out entirely. I can play other multiplayer games without this lag but for some reason this beta is broken

    submitted by /u/habsburg-jaw
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    How do you get a Bannerlord Beta key?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Are you just chosen at random? Do you have to apply? Im jeaolus of everyone's gameplay footage and i want to play myself.

    submitted by /u/theDolphinator25
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    I need some help/tips forming my kingdom!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:00 PM PST

    I have a really good relationship with King Ragnar (56) to the point where hes just throwing cities at me. I now have four cities as my fiefs (Veluca, Tihr, Khudan, Halmar). I have around 900 renown, a good amount of right to rule. My army is all elites (Huscarls, Rhodok Sharpshooters, Swadian Knights). I have dyeworks or other profitable investments in all cities, with over 200k denars with me personally. How exactly do I form my own kingdom in such a position?

    submitted by /u/M4D_M4X
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    Emperor Ferry should probably change his dealer

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Can someone tell me why my fiefs make me no cash?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:42 AM PST

    Rando Question

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:17 PM PST

    Just wondering if anyone from the NW tropical paradise server is here.

    submitted by /u/sheepbutnotasheep
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    (PoP) Hostile Knighthood Orders -- Reconciliation?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:06 PM PST

    So... A little while back, I manipulated many of the lords of Ravenstern into assisting me with sieging and capturing Javiksholm. Because it was totally my idea to even bother going after a city, everyone was cool with King Gregory awarding me the city. I pioneered the notion of capturing territory during war. No one in Pendor had even conceived of it until I came along!

    I previously posted about wanting to trade Javiksholm for Senderfall because Senderfall is much safer, and closer to friendly territory, and was apparently more wealthy... But I decided instead to keep Javiksholm and continue developing it. Also, I eventually want to break away from Ravenstern, and having territory that's not right on Ravenstern's front porch is probably a good idea.

    One of the perks of Javiksholm was that it was home to an order hall of the Valkyries.

    I joined the Valkyries and did many missions for them (including the annoying one where I had to get 190 renown in like 20 days or something!).

    Weeks and weeks later, I again manipulated the lords of Ravenstern to assist me in my next conquest (after Fierdsvain declared war on us again). This time, we captured Valonbray (sp?)… And this time, I literally supplied no troops whatsoever and came only with my companions... Just for fun.

    Again, the city was awarded to me.

    I learned after taking Valonbray that it too was hosting an order hall of a Knighthood. Knights of the Dawn, I believe.

    So that's neat. I now had two cities with two different knighthood orders for free.

    I was in the middle of siphoning garrison soldiers from my husband's castle, as I often do (Hopefully no one thinks to attack his castle!). After depositing all of my soldiers into the garrison and heading out for another 'recruitment drive', I was accosted by a group of patrolling knights representing the Knights of the Dawn.

    Uh oh... They hate me.

    I may have antagonized their group a few times in the name of the Valkyries before.

    I checked my relations with them and they are currently at -19 with me.

    Is it possible to repair my relations with this Knighthood order in a way that doesn't involve weeks of following a group of them around, hoping they get into a battle that I can jump in and assist them with?

    Or are they always going to be a problematic defender of my city that will rush to attack me the moment they sense I am weak?

    Do you get any kind of return/refund on shutting down a knighthood order?

    submitted by /u/HighSpeedLowDragAss
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    How do I defend a town?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    I'm playing Pendor if it matters.

    It's day 220 ish and after convincing a couple friendly lords to accompany me we took Ethos for Sarleon. However they didn't leave any garrison and ran away screaming at the first sight of besiegers.

    Both Bacchus and D'Shar are attacking and I can't beat them both alone.

    Is there a way to make peace or make lords help defend, or am I just doomed to lose it?

    submitted by /u/royalhawk345
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    Battle size keeps changing itself to 30 (Floris Evolved)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    I don't normally do this, but does anyone know why this is happening? Whenever I start a battle, end a battle, or load a save, it always sets my battle size to 30. I've gone as far as setting the battle size in the config and then making the file read-only, yet it keeps happening. The file is being read when I first launch the game and look at the battle size in the main menu, but never again while the game is running.

    submitted by /u/Plausible_Reptilian
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    Bannerlord Beta getting massive ping spikes up to 1023

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PST

    after I play on the beta for a while my ping spikes up to 1023 and stays there forever until I disconnect from the match and enter again, every other game has fine ping except for the bannerlord beta, is anyone else having the same issue? and is there a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/xEka17
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