• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Mount & Blade The Last Crusade - Calradic Campaign #46

    Mount & Blade The Last Crusade - Calradic Campaign #46

    The Last Crusade - Calradic Campaign #46

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Bravery or foolishness Sultan Arthanias wondered to himself. Which of these things had driven these young men so far from home and into his court. The older of the two, a boy no more than eighteen years, held a parchment high reading aloud to the Sultan and his emirs.

    "The newly crowned King Nethor of the Republic demands the immediate return of Ibdeles and Jamiche," His voice cracked and it took great resolve for the Sultan to keep from laughing in the face of these demands.

    The Sultan's heart was heavy and his legs fought to bring him to his feet. He approached the messenger who continued to ramble on about trade policy, political obligations, and a coalition against the Vaegirs. The poor boy had not been mid sentence when Arthanias' scimitar had left its scabbard. The speech had been concluded with the thud of the boys head rolling on the floor. The Sultan turned to the remaining messenger.

    "Bring the boy's head back to your faux king and tell him this," Arthanias wiped the blood off his sabre with the beheaded messengers tunic. "We have indulged ourselves in mercy for too long. Make peace with your gods. Enjoy your time with your loved ones. For we are coming for Jelkala."

    The boy hastily grabbed the head and ran from the court as a cheer went up from the gathered emirs. They thrusted sword and spear in the air as the faced their Sultan.

    "Come my Emirs and Knights. We shall teach these dogs what a real crusade is!"

    In Meta Terms

    This upcoming saturday the 46th CC shall take place between the Rhodok Republic and the Sarranid Sultanate. The event will be a field battle followed by a siege. If the Rhodoks win they stand to gain Ibdeles, Jamiche, and Wayyah Castles. If the Sarranids are victorious they will win Jelkala and Almerra Castle.

    To participate simply join our server at the proper time as well as our discord to coordinate with your team!

    Server Info

    • When: Saturday, November 2nd, 4:00PM EDT
    • Server: Calradic_Campaign
    • Password: reddit
    • Voice:Mount&Blade Discord

    Calradic Campaign Map

    Calradic Campaign Starter Guide

    Becoming Involved in the Calradic Campaign

    The Calradic Campaign team is always looking for new additions, whether it be scene makers, technical wizards, writers, or anything else of use.

    Particularly, we are always looking for mapping talent. Don't be constrained by our regular format either, get creative - an unorthodox battle map, a new dueling map, a really innovative use of an underused game mode, anything!

    If you'd like to contribute your area of expertise, be sure to join our Discord to connect with the members of our team. Many of us earned our positions by bringing something new to the Campaign. We hope you'll join us in continuing one of the top community events in Warband!

    Donating to the Calradic Campaign

    The Calradic Campaign server is our own, and we run it ourselves on a donation basis as we have for years. We now have a Patreon that you can put in a monthly or one time amount to contribute. There are multiple reward tiers with more coming, and with a larger pool of money we can expand our community events (like Mod Night!) as well as preparing for the expected high server costs of Bannerlord.

    Leave any question, complaints, observations, memes and faction based riffing in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/Perjunkie
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    hey ladies check out my pecs [Renaissance mod ]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    My vassals keep dumping their prisoners in my damn capital

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    Is it just me or is being a trader completely useless in Native?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:52 AM PDT

    I booted up native again and tried to play a wandering merchant type character. I've realized however that its basically kinda useless to actually try to be successful as a trade. I can go from one end of Calradia to the other and make maybe 200-300 denars in profit which I could have easily acquired just murdering bandits or doing basic quests.

    Am I doing something wrong or is trade just not worth bothering with in this game?

    submitted by /u/WritingWithSpears
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    It hasn't been even one day and you're already tired of waiting, Linthradil?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:51 AM PDT

    And so we ride to our deaths my brothers... But let us go fighting.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    Nice place, indeed.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    Chamber block this.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    Why can't I have a 300 Man Army like the other Kings?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:03 PM PDT

    I started a faction in warband about 500 days in after defecting from the Nords. I originally thought that I'd get a huge increase in party capacity, but lo and behold, I'm still stuck at 120 capacity. Is there a way of increasing capacity other than renown?

    submitted by /u/b00p_69
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    Fire and Sword is underrated imo

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Logged into a save from a while ago and encountered this herd of 93 cattle just chillin

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Your personal most epic moment in mount and blade?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:23 AM PDT

    Titel says it alll ^

    submitted by /u/RhodockSharpshooter
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    Nice medieval name, I guess?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:27 AM PDT

    Meet Spy in

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    Bariyye. There are a whole five ass people there, I've gone at each different time of day and even used every pass phrase just to be thorough. What am I missing? I swear this one guy is the spy with his out of place hat and clothes but he won't acknowledge it. Help, or not, might just take the whole damn town.

    submitted by /u/BenofMen
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    What is calradic campaign?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    Does anyone still play the NordInvasion mod?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:59 AM PDT

    I remember hours of fun defending myself and my comrades from wave upon wave of Nords. I kind of miss it, but I was wondering if the communitt still exists before I go and download it again.

    submitted by /u/MohicanHawkeye
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    Floris with WSE bug : "Activation key needed". I have a legit game. What should I do ?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    I think others had the same issue.

    I can't play any games through WSE, it asks for an activation key that I do not have (I bought the game via Steam a long time ago).

    I don't know what caused this change, I was still able to play any mod with WSE a week ago. I can still play in Native through Steam without problem.

    I have tried reinstalling everything, with no effect. How do I fix this problem ?

    submitted by /u/PierreBourdieu2017
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    How did they choose who got closed beta keys?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    On friday i recived an email from taleworlds with a key to the closed beta, i applied a long time ago but didnt think id get a chance to play before spring, so how does the closed beta work? Are they gradually adding more people og am i just lucky?

    submitted by /u/Pleistoanaxx
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    A Calradian Chronicle (Fan Fiction)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:17 PM PDT


    Arken stood at the edge of the tree line. With the woods to his back, the majesty of the sprawling city lay before him. It had been years since he had last laid eyes on Praven, and in that time the monstrous metropolis had grown further still. Outside the protection of the city walls, many farms had sprung up, hoping to capitalise on the fertile soil the city had been established on. While the odd farm had grape vines and vast wheat fields, it was mostly a scattered variety of produce being grown throughout the valley. The one thing all had in common however, was a cow pen somewhere in the property. These majestic beasts were essential in the creation of the capital's number one export: Butter. Any form of cow related product was available in the city, and it had truly become a staple of every meal in one form or the other.

    Beyond the gated horizon in the distance, lay the city proper. Thatch and wooden roofs peaked over the stone battlements where most of the city's inhabitants resided. The class divide was apparent as the quality of the sheltering improved with the elevation; the closer to the top of the incline that the city was built upon, the more extravagant and elegant the houses were. Classic Swadian architecture was apparent throughout the city, in every shop front and street, sharp corners and gothic statues adorning every spare space. Arken took a second to take in the familiar sights, letting the feeling of euphoria overtake him.

    With excitement, the young man mounted his steed. Gently squeezing his thighs around the horse, he put the animal into a mild gallop, eager to enter the city. It had been slow going for the last few days, but the nostalgia spurred him onwards now. Closing the distance as he passed by the farmlands, his eyes were transfixed on the citadel that lay at the very top of Praven. Its tall spire was silhouetted by the setting sun, casting the ivory façade in a golden glow. There, his fate awaited.....

    (Story continues here)


    Thank you all so much for the support on my previous post about sharing my writing!
    This is the first Act of the story, and depending on how its received, i would love to continue.
    This is the link one more time in case you missed it (SAUCE), and welcome back to Calradia :)

    submitted by /u/Uneducated_Guessing
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    What timeline is this?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    Blood Eagle or Balance mod?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:13 PM PDT

    Which one is better? Why?

    Are they very different?

    submitted by /u/DerPontifexDadaismus
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    How do I become a one man wrecking crew?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    I want to build up renown fast, and I want to do it by being the guy who kills 50 bandits by himself. What is the best outfit/skills/tactics that will let me do this?

    submitted by /u/Arothin
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