• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord's Character Creator is Pretty Good

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord's Character Creator is Pretty Good

    Bannerlord's Character Creator is Pretty Good

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    The Virgin one handed weapon vs The Chad two handed weapon

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:26 AM PDT

    A true hero. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to play Bannerlord! @battlejesus

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    Shocking footage of a man rescued after being stranded for weeks on a desert island

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:47 PM PDT

    I thought you guys would appreciate what I named my crossbow in Minecraft...

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    “Hey Sarge, got a longer spear than yours” “Shut up Spearman”

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:27 PM PDT

    The Experience of a Veteran Beta Tester When a New Bannerlord Key Wave Goes Out

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    What Rhodok should be like (pikes)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:23 AM PDT

    Prophesy of Pendor 3.9.4 Guide - From Peasant To King

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    This is King Aolas reaction, when he realizes, the Reich just declared war on his kingdom and there is no chance, this will end well for him.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    Is it just me or does no one play Fire&Sword?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    I never see posts about it and its my favorite of the bunch. What are your thoughts on it?

    submitted by /u/Tarwins-Gap
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    I just realized that one of bandit voice lines is a pun.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    My men would like a word about your PURSEnal belongings.

    submitted by /u/Delinard
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    Will siege or large game modes be in the multiplayer beta?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    There are currently only small 6v6 game modes. Is there any word on if they will include larger modes? I'm going to be super disappointed if we cant have 200 player battles like warband.

    submitted by /u/hixxstlol
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    While you guys worry about Eyegrim the Devourer, I'm here concerned about Sir Boris the Raven. (PoP)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    debt sim?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    Oh im so mad haha.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:43 AM PDT

    I just fought through a massive seige where i was defending yalen with 200 against 450 and i was victorious! But right when the battle was over and my men were shouting victory, the game crashed!


    submitted by /u/arrriah
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    [Prophesy of Pendor] What is your most unusual but effective CKO build?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    So I started a new playthrough and I'm thinking about what kind of CKO I'll build. One thing I have in mind is COST. As you grow into the late game, CKO troops, especially knights, cost a lot of money.

    Since cost will make me park any knights I induct as garrison, why not make them extremely competent as garrisons to begin with? A bit like the Kraken knights, only... better?

    Ideas? I wanna hear it!

    submitted by /u/Horrux
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    Giving away free beta key

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:28 PM PDT

    I just got it on email but my pc too bad to play it i only got a laptop i thought I was gonna run it like old mnb but i saw system requirements anyway imma sleep and most funny comment get key.

    submitted by /u/DJPunky
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    Can I run Bannerlord?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:20 AM PDT

    My specs:

    i3 processor

    NVIDIA geforce MX130

    8GB RAM

    submitted by /u/readerofreddit2
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    Anyone thinking of developing a Hundred Years War mod for Bannerlord?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Hello i just wanted to ask if someone is thinking of developing a mod focused on the Hundred Years War, or in the age of full plate armour for that matter.

    It's just before the invention of gunpowder so medieval technology was at its absolute peak, making for a much more complex and badass set of armours, weapons and fortifications.

    If you played kingdom come deliverance or war of the roses you probably get my drift.

    Tip for those that like this timeperiod: There is a mod for warband called La Guerre de Cen Ans which is set in this period, and its really really high quality. Just warning you its mostly in french because the dev just decided to shat on 90% of the mb playerbase lmao (im half kidding)

    submitted by /u/CountVP
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    Regular sign up bannerlord keys getting sent?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    I was one of the people that applied for a key on their website and I just got mine. Good luck all :)

    submitted by /u/LEGENDARY-TOAST
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    Sorry if this is against the rules, but is it taking a really long time to find a game for anyone else?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    The number of players waiting has been going up and down between 70 and 90 for like half an hour. I know it's a very technical and wip beta, I was just wondering if it's something on my end.

    submitted by /u/Someothercrazyguy
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    Lance Attack [Bannerlord]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    I've got over 1000 hours in the M&B series and never really bothered with lances because they seem annoying to use.

    In bannerlord I've been trying to just hold the attack button to couch the lance and then run into players but it's doing nothing, seemingly the only way I can do damage with the lance is by letting go of the attack button right before hitting a guy which seems really tricky.

    Am I using the lance wrong? Should it be couched already if I hold the attack button on the mouse? Is there another key I should be pressing???

    submitted by /u/BoatHack
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    How do you thrust attack in bannerlord?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    Just what the title says. I see people running around getting kills with spears, usually people who are like 30 and 3 (this is in private servers because the matchmaker is completely useless). No one else knows wtf they're doing. The spear tip just goes thru people without hurting them, and sometimes it kills someone that was nowhere near you.

    submitted by /u/Eldorian91
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