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    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    Mount & Blade Quality over quantity

    Mount & Blade Quality over quantity

    Quality over quantity

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:07 AM PST

    just me and the boys chillin

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:51 PM PST

    Just got bannerlord and I have this weird graphical bug on the map. No mods installed. Can someone pls lemme know how I can fix this?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:46 AM PST

    Ah yes, the perfect position to defend a breach

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:02 AM PST

    Pike and Shot MOD (Calradia Style) : Yah or Nay?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:51 PM PST

    Bannerlord Crafting: What Needs to Change

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:02 AM PST

    Gaming and Gambling: An E-sport and betting research survey (+18)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:43 AM PST

    Hey there!

    I'm a game development student from Sweden who is making an essay regarding the correlation between the growth of the E-sports industry (wherein Bannerlord is a growing title) and betting. I would deeply appreciate any help you could give by completing a short survey (takes less than 5 minutes). As an increased incentive, one randomly chosen participant will receive a gift card for 60$ on an online game store of their choice after the survey closes. Any help would be appreciated!


    submitted by /u/EsportsSurvey2021
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    Axe_on_Right_Hip? (Warband)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:09 AM PST

    Any ideas how I can change my 1h axe sheathed position from left hip to right hip? I can use Morghs M&B WB-WFAS Editor to change the position from "axe_left_hip" to "quiver_right_vertical", but that way my axe's edge points upwards when sheathed and looks weird. Can I create a custom "axe_right_hip" position and if yes how? Or at least can you tell me where should I look? In which file?

    Ps-I've got the BRF-opener and I've edited meshes before. I just want to put my axe sheath from left hip to right hip and have no idea where to even look.

    submitted by /u/LocksherMohes
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    Whats the most fun army in your opinion?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:20 AM PST

    (infantry, archery, calvary, mix)

    i personally dont find calvary to be as fun since its so op but give me some opinions in the comments.

    submitted by /u/throwaway82025
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    I'm not here for a good time, I'm here for a long time.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:20 AM PST

    Is it possible to marry someone which is already married

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Hello everyone sooo... I want to marry Sora but she is already married and has children is there a way to make her somehow divorce her husband ( I can take her kids under my wing and treat them as my own ) I was thinking of murdering her husband but I kinda don't want to go that path.

    And As plan B I want to marry Arwa she is single and doesn't have children but the problem is that she isn't at any castle , she is roaming around with other lords in a big army any chances to marry her somehow ? I'm just don't want my character to be lonely anymore Btw my character is 23 years old

    submitted by /u/Eduard_Lucan
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    CA - Eagle Rising - Next update - We felt the empire needed a new enemy.. The Battani (Proto-Battanian ancestors, a mix of celts / dacians / gauls / etc). Very WIP and still a lot more to implement!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:01 PM PST

    Warband experience calculation

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:15 AM PST

    Hi, how do you calculate experience from battles? Because I don't get it and I can't find a straight answer online.

    Can someone give me a link to a thread with exact calculations and not just estimates, if there is one, please.

    I'm on the brink of figuring it out and might make a new post if I do, but the math is just ??? Like who came up with this, it isn't terrible but it feels unnecessarily complicated and the game could really be much easier to understand if it allowed you to have more detailed experience gain messages.

    I mean, shared xp for example, while it's helping me to figure out how experience gain is calculated, the number itself has so many variables that affect it it's essentially completely useless information by itself. There's no way you can look at that number and have any idea what it means without getting pen and paper to try and dissect it, as far as I can find.

    This is especially frustrating because most other things experience related are otherwise rather well explained or easy to understand, like quest exp and trainer exp/skill, while battle experience is like trying to figure out how much is on your bank account based on the net worth of your bank.

    Edit: Before someone asks why I care, I'm trying to figure out the optimal way to level up my companions. Should I do battles with units/no units, sieges with units/no units, are quests just better time investments, etc... I'm thinking that sieges are long term better, but I'd still like to know how worth it may or may not be to have units to back my companions up once they are geared enough.

    submitted by /u/reborn_christian
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    Made my most expensive weapon

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:25 AM PST

    Made my most expensive weapon

    So I was fooling around in 1.5.7 doing blacksmithing, forging 2H swords and making money. Wanted to forge some javelins but had no shafts unlocked. So I thought "what if I made a polearm then smelting it ?"

    Long Glaive to compare

    How unexpected result I had ! Not only I raised my blacksmithing by 22 levels, but daaaaamn look at that price ! Guess I'll forge polearms more often, it seems worth !

    submitted by /u/Ryolith
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    question about some 3d models in some mods

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:11 AM PST

    so i played a lot of mods , my fav mods are "dynasty warriors vs three kingdoms - romance of the three kingdoms _ dynasty warriors - TQC 2.8 dynasty warriors E2.0 - storm of the three kingdom" (any mod that includes dynasty warriors & samurai warriors characters anyway)

    how they transfer 3D models from dynasty warriors/samurai warriors games (or even other games other mods) to mount and blade warband or to OPEN.BRF (include mesh-material-textures)

    i want to know how they do it? 3D Ripper DX?

    submitted by /u/kojiro1234541
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    Whether or Not to Accept a Defecting Lord

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:39 AM PST

    So the Vaegir's have no more kingdoms. Their lords (plus a couple from other kingdom) keep defecting to my kingdom.

    I find them in my castles waiting for a response as to whether or not I accept them.

    How do I know at this point if they're worth accepting?

    Is the decision based merely on their unit types, or are there other considerations?


    submitted by /u/rapidcatch4464
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    Is anything going to be done about multiplayer?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:08 AM PST

    I'm sure everyone knows how broken the queue times are. Especially for the siege mode. Does anyone know if there are any fixes coming soon or is multiplayer just an after thought?

    submitted by /u/RevengeOfMudbone
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    Trees - my biggest enemy in this game

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:14 PM PST

    So I am doing some khuzait on khuzait violence. My favourite tactic is to countercharge them as their horse archers ride on my left flank, take the glaive and go happy cutting. BUT THOSE FCKING TREES! Swing! - hit a tree; Swing! - oh wait... enemy horse archer hit the tree and suddenly dodged the hit. Swing! - now I hit the tree and miss. HATRED!

    submitted by /u/buky1992
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    What's the best version of Floris?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:42 PM PST

    So i'm relatively new to Warband, been playing since December and have been playing on an old version of Floris but i want to get the newest or best version but i'm confused with all the different versions. Should i get Floris Evolved, or Cadmus' expansion. I know Cadmus' is newer but i don't if it's as good as Evolved, or if it has all of it's features, and i want the lord executions feature from it. Can someone help me figure out which version to get?

    submitted by /u/Splattt808
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