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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Mount & Blade My idea for a bannerlord mod

    Mount & Blade My idea for a bannerlord mod

    My idea for a bannerlord mod

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Very old clip, from warband, but I think it’s still my favorite friendly fire of all time. Oops

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Don't Talk To Me Or My Son Ever Again!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Peasant rebellion but they send the berserkers instead lol axe to the face!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Got about 10 hours in fighting fairly normal-looking enemies, and then this.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Convincing lords to join your kingdom can often be very difficult and expensive. Here are some ideas to make it a more streamlined process.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    Currently, the only reasonable way to get a clan to join your faction is via a speech check and usually a lot of money. It can seriously hinder progress for players like myself, who want clans to join for more kingdom security. Here are some ideas to make the entire process easier:

    1. Allow kings to offer their currently owned fiefs in the barter menu when attempting to convince lords to join. Clan leaders should consider their current fiefs. If I want to convince a tier 5 clan with 2 cities to join, perhaps I need to offer 2 cities and a hefty sum, or throw in a castle. I'm aware that this exists as a charm perk, but the ability to give fiefs to convince a clan to join should exist independently of this perk.
    2. Make clan interconnections matter. If I married a woman from a clan, married my brother with a woman from that clan, and my sister when a member of the clan, perhaps it should be easier to convince that clan leader to join. This gives the player tangible goals in the early/middle game that they can harvest in the late game, and makes marriage feel more like the political tool that it should be.
    3. Clans should be able to choose to join your kingdom on its own merits without the need to convince them. Honestly, this might already be in the game but it's never happened to me a single time. Every clan that's ever joined my kingdom I had to convince to join.
    4. As a leader, I should be able to raise up lower clans with no power into positions of power within my clan. In Warband, it felt really good to prop up non-noble companions in my party even if there was a detriment because I felt like I was in control of who could join my kingdom to some extent. In Bannerlord, this should apply at the clan level. Very low tier clans should exist out in the world, waiting for kings to raise them up to a legitimate status. There should be a serious cost to doing this; established clans will be less likely to join a kingdom that gives power to non-noble or low-influencing clans, at least for a time; and clans that already exist in said kingdom will lower their relations with the king (not so dissimilar from Warband). The minor clan system is a great feature that already exists in the game that could be the backbone for an idea like this.

    Overall, I really love the clan system. It creates so much more potential and makes families feel much more cohesive than in Warband. I simply think that more options for getting clans to join my kingdom need to exist in the game aside from throwing money at them and hoping they don't leave right after.

    submitted by /u/Usernamehere1235
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    Mount and blade banner lord on console?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Hey does anybody have any clue when MB 2 will be released on console? Anybody read anything online? I cant seem to find anything even slightly mentioning a time frame, only that they wanna do it further down the line.

    submitted by /u/Skreethustlah
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    In order to learn the new scene editor I decided to build a famous castle. Can you tell which one it is?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    On the future of multiplayer

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Has Taleworlds said anything about their plans for multiplayer? Specifically custom game modes, private servers, and multiplayer mods?

    submitted by /u/JustSomeEgo
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    Warband question

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    So I want to put a iron works in Curaw but the Lord hates me apparently is there any way to fix that?

    submitted by /u/Alfarmuth
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    Is bannerlord 2 mp dead? Or have I just checked at the wrong times?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    I stole a castle and can someone tell me what to expect next

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    I'm still amazed at what shield wall + archers in proper terrain can do

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    This game is such a love hate

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Its so fun but you try to raid a castle with 300 guys vs 80 and somehow you lose you try to loot a village far far away and boom the entire kingdom shows up with there 657 men

    submitted by /u/dendydemon001
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    Cannot find a potential Spouse

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    In my current Bannerlord game I recently joined a Vlandia Kingdom.When I got a decent amount of influence and some kind of good relationship with lords (constantly saving them from hopeless battles) i finally decided to find a wife.I have a pretty good relationship with Ingalther dey Cortain. He acted like general assembling armies during last war and I fed all his armies all that time.So i just looked at encyclopedia and found out that he has 2 adult daughters that located in Charas.But I cannot find any of them in residents list in city menu. Also I just visited every corner in keep and city streets and still nothing. 4 days I waited and searched through city and 4 days in-game wiki says that they are located there.
    Please help

    TLDR: I don`t know how to find a specific noble NPC in town if they dont appear in residents list or as character model in keep

    submitted by /u/Inas_Yorl
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    A question for Viking Conquest! Need tips on how to conquer Scandinavia

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    After a very successful campaign playing Gekokujo I switched over to Viking Conquest as my main in Mount and Blade, I set my goal to become king of Scandinavia.

    and seeing as I wanted Pagan allies when I became king I decided join Northumbria in order to gain favour when I went on my conquest. And from there I played like a regular M&B campaign, doing tasks increasing my revenue flow, capturing and becoming a lord of settlements, eventually being voted Marshall and at this current stage I've destroyed the Alt Clut and pushed our borders from Scuin to Wessex. But I'm not close to my final goal yet because of a few reasons.

    (1) Norway and Denmark have been neutral this entire time, if anything they've increased in wealth with their cities having nearly 1 thousand men inside them depending on if a lord is visiting or not. (usually around 800) they've only recently declared war... Which was against us. But I've been trying to use that as an advantage, attacking their armies wherever possible.

    (2) this is the biggest one, I don't know how best to get my men across the sea. I can field a maximum of 700 men, and if they were all highly trained I'd feel comfortable attacking one of their cities but my fleet can only hold ~300 and I'm already level 34 so it would take ages to level up my sea king 👑 (I could sell my smaller ships and replace them with the biggest but those usually only spawn in Scandinavia which we're at war with)

    (3) this also kinda goes with 2, as marshal I could call a campaign and gather more than enough men to take Scandinavia but I have no idea how their fleets work, Could I just get into my ships and theirs will spawn with me as they're following? Plus if I capture any cities they'll go under Northumbria so I'm not sure if I'll get them when I declare independence. If I just requested ownership of every settlement we take will they automatically be mine when I go independent?

    (4) if I have to do this conquest solo, I worry about my settlements back in Northumbria because they're my main revenue and they'll probably be attacked while I'm gone so I'd need to replace them as soon as possible so should I go straight for the city and possibly lose most of my army so I can quickly replace my revenue? Or should I try to attack the smaller fortresses first, capturing as many as possible before I attack the city?

    Any advice would be welcome by more experienced players, I've played it for a while but I've never completed the main goal before.


    submitted by /u/Tsar_Ruswal
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    Enable cheat mode?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    EDIT: Found out how again. Type config.cheat_mode 1 in the console to activate cheat mode.

    I remember there's a way to enable cheat mode now with the console they finally added, and I activated it to murder my brother so I could marry my wife uninhibited, but now I can't remember how to turn it back on and all of the thing when I look it up are just telling me how to do it the old way by editing the files.

    submitted by /u/Point__hurt
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    Playing mount and blade warband for the first time

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Hi I just started playing and I'm wondering if there is a disadvantage to sending troops to attack while you stay back

    submitted by /u/Alfarmuth
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    Share you're best crafted weapon, with best stats that you love.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    I'm just curious of all the weapon combos and best ones.

    submitted by /u/Noslack8
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    what common troops are best by type?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I'm wondering which factions I should recruit from for a very specialized army, so if anyone has troop rankings that only include the ones you can easily find in a village. I usually go for about 1:1 archer:shield infantry but it would be nice to have a ranking of all of the types.

    submitted by /u/thaJAC
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    How are the MB2 patches coming along?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I played this game on release, and put maybe 20 hours into it before I moved on. I'll be back when it fully releases, but I'm curious as to how the improvements are coming along. How is the game now compared to when the first few patches were coming out? Is it worth giving it another playthrough? Should I wait a little longer? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mikeymora21
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