• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.5.1 & Beta Branch 1.5.2 Patch Notes

    Mount & Blade Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.5.1 & Beta Branch 1.5.2 Patch Notes

    Bannerlord Early Access - Mainline 1.5.1 & Beta Branch 1.5.2 Patch Notes

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Greetings, Peasants.



    Welcome to the patch thread, we make these threads to save us another pin space for other things.

    Taleworlds forum bug reporting thread

    Mount and Blade Discord

    Link to wiki - Previous patches and threads inside



    Native: e1.5.1

    SandboxCore: e1.5.1

    Sandbox: e1.5.1

    Storymode: e1.5.1

    CustomBattle: e1.5.1

    Previous Beta Hotfixes:


    Fixed a crash that happens after clearing Radagos' hideout.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a kingdom using the Kingdom tab during a siege.

    Fixed a rare crash that occurred when introducing self to a lord/notable.

    Fixed an issue with companions or the spouse teleporting to other cities.

    Fixed a crash that occurred on the clan screen.


    Adjusted healing for heroes:

    Base healing rate was increased from 5 to 8

    Settlement healing bonus was decreased from 10 to 8

    Bonus from medicine skill for heroes was increased from 0.1% to 0.5% of base healing per skill level.

    Fixed a crash that happened when the meet with Arzagos/Istiana quest timed out.

    Fixed a crash that could occur during battles.

    Chinese localisation fixes.

    War & Peace declarations were adjusted so that there are fewer short wars.

    Tribute amounts were reduced by 33%.

    Fixed an issue that caused dead clan members to be considered for marriage.

    Initial Beta Changelog



    Native: e1.5.2

    SandboxCore: e1.5.2

    Sandbox: e1.5.2

    Storymode: e1.5.2

    CustomBattle: e1.5.2



    Fixed a Save & Load crash that occurred because of armies that were on an invalid navigation mesh after map changes and had the wrong parties attached to them.

    Fixed a crash that occurred after a rival gang quest battle mission.

    Fixed a crash that occurred when creating a kingdom during a siege.

    Fixed a crash that happened when the Company of Trouble issue quest completed.

    Fixed a crash that happened when a party tried to disband and merge to a neutral city with prisoners that are in a war with the disbanding party's faction, but not in war with the merge city's faction.

    Fixed a crash that occurred after character creation.

    Save & Load

    Fixed a crash that happened during saving.


    Chinese localisation updates.

    Turkish translation updates.

    Minor text and punctuation fixes.


    Removed old sheep model. Added new sheep model and animations.

    Fixed lighting issues on one of the Empire Towns (empire_town_h).

    Fixed gate problem on one of the Aserai Castles (aserai_town_b).

    Tree size corrections were made (flora_tree_high_004).

    Minor texture improvement on harness Saddle of Aeneas.

    Added new Battanian chainmail armour (battanian_chainmail_armor_03).


    Improved Select Ruler, Policy, Make Peace, Declare War and Expel Clan decision panels in kingdom decision popup.

    Fixed some localisation issues.

    Added new crafting material icons to inventory.

    Battles and Sieges

    Fixed an issue on siege tower connection to Khuzait castle walls.

    Improvement on some of the Battania villages.

    Fixed a bug that caused sieges to continue in the background if a player became a prisoner during the siege.

    Character Development System

    Entering the character creator window with V key is enabled again but hair and beard options are kept limited to few basic ones. Hairs and beards can be changed using the barber NPC.

    Fixed missing perk description parts in Non-English languages.

    Clan and Party

    Disabled infertility chance and instead introduced a reduced pregnancy probability with every additional child.

    Fixed a bug that caused a governor companion to disappear from the governed city.


    Fixed a bug that allowed players to pay 0 influence while asking lords to join their army through the dialogue option.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy

    Fixed a bug that caused a settlement claimant decision to be proposed for enemy kingdoms.

    Fixed a bug with clearing old diplomatic states when joining a kingdom.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)

    Fixed a bug that caused alley gang leaders to start the conversation with the wrong dialogue after the second phase of the fight.

    Quests & Issues

    Notable Wants Daughter Found quest:

    Companions will get more scouting experience when completing this quest.

    Quest rewards (relation changes, Renown changes) won't scale with issue difficulty.

    Quest effects (quest giver power, town security) won't scale with issue difficulty.

    While searching for the daughter, the player's scouting skill amount will affect the quest.

    If players activate Rival Gang Leader quest and wait for the quest battle in the quest settlement, they will be directed to a new menu when the battle is ready.

    Fixed a bug that caused the Lord Needs Horses quest to end immediately after starting it.

    Fixed a bug that caused the Family Feud quest to fail after a successful persuasion.

    Conversations & Encounters

    Fixed a bug that allowed players to move and control the camera freely in a multi-agent conversation.


    Training field ranged agents were not shooting to entity targets. This was fixed.

    A mounted trainee was added to the training field.

    An option to disable map notifications was added

    Party speed now updates as soon as the day ends. This should resolve issues with the night's movement penalty not being applied properly.

    Not being able to talk to prisoners between cell bars is fixed.

    Modding tool fixes in preparation of the eventual release.

    Automatic nav mesh generation improvements for the modding tools.


    Map Related


    Added a new asset to breach the wall. Small bug fixes.

    Other - Miscellaneous

    One-handed throwing axes can now be used as melee weapons. (Default button: "X")

    Fixed a physics bug that occurred while riding a horse over a ladder that is on the ground.



    Ranged weapon calculation could cause an application crash. This was fixed.

    Dropped equipment from dead agents could cause a crash related to weapon calculation specifics. This was fixed.


    The format of streaming textures was changed. This improves texture streaming speed and reduces hard disk size of the game by 10GB.


    Mount and dismount animations and timings updated.


    Pushed mounts used to push back against agents to restore their original position. They now no longer do this and remain at their new positions.

    Known Issues

    submitted by /u/Arthanias
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    Revenge of the Empire - Star Wars Galactic Campaign

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Against seemingly all odds, the Imperial garrison on Endor rebuked the Rebel assault. With the shield generator secured, a shot of morale has surged through the Imperial Army, as its super weapon creeps closer and closer to completion.

    Now that momentum has swung back in the Empire's favor, they have been quick to capitalize on it. Already the Imperial fleet moves on Muunilinst, an extremely wealthy planet known for its contributions to the rebel cause. The rebellion has been expecting this attack forever, but it will still be a sure bloodbath. If the Empire can sever the rebel alliance's funding, it will make it that much harder to maintain an insurgency.

    In Meta Terms

    Welcome to the fifth Galactic Campaign! This event will see the Empire attacking the Rebel planet of Muunilinst in a series of battles with Jedi and Sith masters present.

    The event will be fought on an assortment of battle maps. The first team to win 2 out of the 3 maps will emerge victorious. If the Empire can endure the troubles of urban warfare, they will take over the planet.

    To join the event, just join the server! There are no sign-ups required, and while it is recommended to join voice chat for bants and vague tactics, it isn't required.

    Getting Involved in the Campaign

    Be sure to join our community Discord, where you'll be able to proclaim your allegiance to the Rebellion or Empire, which will allow you to plan your strikes against the opposing faction with fellow members.

    Subsequent planets will be attacked based on voting happening on our community Discord. Be sure to join and select a faction role to decide the course of the war for the galaxy.

    Feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments.

    Server Info

    Donating to the Galactic Campaign

    The Galactic Campaign server is the same used for the Calradic Campaign, Mod Night, and all other associated events provided by the /r/mountandblade subreddit, ran entirely on a donation basis as we have for nearly five years. We have a Patreon that you can put in a monthly or one time amount to contribute. There are multiple reward tiers with more coming, and with a larger pool of money we can prepare for the expected high server costs of Bannerlord (custom servers when lol).

    submitted by /u/SuicidalCake
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    I don't know if Arwa would be so excited to marry me if she knew my deal with her dad

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    Nothing more satisfying then a green kill feed

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Hast thou any need of butter?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    Finished my in-game campaign that lasted over 24 in-game years. Here's a list of changes, features, etc I was left wishing while playing.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    So, just for background, I was playing on 1.4.0 still, because I wanted to play with the AI Values Life, Getting Old, and Heroes Must Die mods which added permadeath for the player, companions, lords, etc etc.

    I played as 5 different characters in my Clan at different points, 3 men and 2 women. I was a vassal of Vlandia fairly early in the game, and Vlandia was snowballing but then melted away when the Khuzaits came knocking. By the end of my campaign (when my last blood relative died), only the Southern Empire and the Khuzaits were left.

    As I've been playing on 1.4.0 some of this stuff may already be patched in, but I have read the patch notes and removed anything that seems like it has.

    Changes/Features I'd Like to See

    • Reinforcements during a battle should arrive outside of the Red Boundary, and then make their way into the battlefield. Too many times I've been attacking the enemy positioned at one point of the map, and their reinforcements appear behind my soldiers.

    • Formations should have an option to target a specific troop type of the enemy. For example, if I want my archers to shoot at the enemy archer formation, instead of wasting arrows on their shields.

    • Use Spears/Use Blunt/etc commands to direct units with multiple weapons to use a specific one. This was a feature in Warband. Either this, or limit units to having only a single melee weapon. This way at least we'll know that if we recruit spearmen, they'll be using their spears.

    • Pull Rider from Horse it should be possible to pull a rider from their horse as a way to dehorse them. If a cavalry unit is moving at a very slow speed, or is static, foot units should have this option.

    • Order Clan Parties on Map You should be able to order your clan parties to some degree. Simple commands such as patrol around X town. Raid caravans/peasants. Fight bandits.

    • You should be able to pay a premium to have a blacksmith forge a custom weapon for you Instead of having to forge it yourself. How many kings were forging their own weapons? No they had a master smith do it.

    • Checkbox for Smithing Weapons to make the item unique This would prevent it from appearing in-game as another item in markets/tournaments.

    • Noble Tournaments This would be like the existing tournaments, but instead of allowing all-comers, it would require a certain level of renown or rank within a faction. It would be populated with lords, and higher tiered units as fillers where needed. The rewards would be greater, and the renown.

    • Encampment Option Similar to Warband, you should be able to set up camp when on the campaign map. Setting up camp should take a short period of time, at which point you're vulnerable to attacks as you cannot move until the encampment has been broken down. The larger your party, the longer it takes to make/break camp. While in camp, passive XP gain is higher, healing is also faster. Additional options for Encampment battles would be great too.

    • Fort Creation - Lords should be able to create small forts on the map. These could be used to create chokepoints, fortify regions, etc. These forts would be very small, but would provide rudimentary defense in a siege, and also allowed to act as sort of 'Hideouts' for kingdoms to garrison soldiers in. Forts, require upkeep cost and a garrison, otherwise they fall into disrepair and disappear from the map.

    • HideOut for Player - Perhaps as a perk of the Roguery skills. The player could create a Hideout like the bandits have. This could act as a stash, a small garrison, and a dungeon. The player would want to place it in a place lords wouldn't be likely to find it. This would be a nice alternative for players who might enjoy the mercenary/outlaw playstyle.

    • Peace Treaties - Similar to the treaties of EU4. The parties involved should be able to negotiate terms if the war was fairly even. If the war was exceptionally one-sided the winning faction may be able to enforce demands more severe on the losing party.

    • Vassal Kingdoms - If a nation becomes too small or weak, it should have the ability to become a tributary kingdom to the larger more powerful kingdom. However, there is a risk that the vassal eventually goes to war with the overlord for independence.

    • Slight Castle - If you conquer an enemy castle, but don't want to take the time or give up men to garrison it, you should be able to slight the castle. This would destroy some of the buildings, maybe take the wall level down a level, and also make it unusable for a short period in the same way a village is unusable after it's been raided. This would allow you to continue your offensive, without actually taking control of the castle, but also not having to worry about the enemy immediately taking it back and loading up a fat garrison.

    • Disease Mechanic - Diseases could pop up in towns randomly and spread around. This would reduce prosperity, hearths, and the number of available recruits. An additional building such as 'Hospital' could reduce the impact of the disease on the town/villages.

    • Feasts, hunts, tournaments - The player should be able to hold feasts, hunts, and tournaments in their town/castle. This would be a nice way to gather lords and their families for easier charm/courting. Hunts could involve just riding through the woodlands looking for a deer or something to shoot with other lords. The one who brings it down getting bonuses in renown/relation.

    • Hear Grievances - While in a town or castle, you should have the option to hold court and hear grievances. Quest givers could come to you with various quests/issues and you make decisions on those which affect their relation, prosperity, tax income, etc.

    • Detachments When you've got a huge army, or a large party, and you spot an enemy lord riding away with his 50 or so men, you have no hope of catching them. You should be able to quickly dispatch a detachment of a number of your soldiers to chase the enemy down. This would allow your army to catch up and hopefully engage the enemy with the bulk of your forces.

    • Inter-Faction Clan Feuds/Wars Within a given kingdom, clans which are enemies of one another should be able to have a private conflict. These feuds would involve clan members of one clan being in a state of war with clan members of the other. It might be best to prevent actual sieges and taking of towns/castles as there wouldn't be any legitimate way to vote on it in the realm. But instead allow just the raiding of villages, their caravans, and open field battles until the feud ends.

    • Revolts/Unrest This would also help with snowballing more than anything. When a kingdom grows very large, and begins taking lands not of it's culture, there would be a penalty. Similar to the old Total War games like MTW/RTW/MTW2 (I haven't played any newer ones), the unrest level would rise if the garrison was small, prosperity was low, no governor, governor has cruel trait, or the governor wasn't of the same culture. A chance would then exist for there to be a revolt in which a large party of enemies spawns in the countryside under the kingdom of which they claim to represent. If the kingdom they would typically represent no longer exists, perhaps this could revive it, or even better, generate an entirely new kingdom and perhaps name it based off the town/castle it originated at. Ex: The Kingdom of Rhotae, The Chaikand Khanate, etc.

    • Civil War The powerful lords of the realm vote to depose the current king, in which case those who vote for join the rebel faction, those who vote against it join the loyalist faction. The rebel faction's leader would be determined by another subsequent vote of those rebel lords. The end of the Civil War would be when either one of the leaders of the war is captured, and the fate of that king would be execution.

    Anyways, long wishlist, but after playing these are just some things that came to mind.

    submitted by /u/indrids_cold
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    Tubilis Castle looking like a painting.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    A World of Ice and Fire 7.0 has Been Released

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Short cinematic snow battle

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    TIL: smithing a two handed polearm with a voulge head break the game

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Biggest issue that is preventing me from getting back to Bannerlord...

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Is that unlike Warband, 90% of the scenes are reused and redundant....

    You aren't as excited to conquer as before when you come across the same Empire Castle 4 times in a row....

    Also the Castle/City upgrades don't feel very significant. Pretty much the only aesthetic change to Cities are different walls. Thats it.

    submitted by /u/THEKONIG
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    The most visually spectacular battle I've had the pleasure of fighting.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Cant get my brother married.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    I asked caladog for a bride and he said go talk with her but when i talk to her there isnt an option for marriage. tried this with 3 woman but nothing happaned. is it possible to wingman our bro ? :d

    submitted by /u/hecklex
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    When to Defect

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    When should I defect from my King? I currently have 51 right to rule, over 1000 renown, and ~80 honour. I have no enemies, many friends, and almost all my relations are above 20. Of course, there's still some under 0 but only around 7 or so people. Weekly income of 17-20k and 140 party size. Any advice?? Thanks 🙂

    submitted by /u/cda809
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    For all the people who remember the Spudgun PK videos and shitposts

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Mark Meldrum, a CFA holder and guy who teaches literally everyone who's taking CFA, plays M&B??

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Orm the black is a fake

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    I just beat Orm the black with ease and he didn't even go berserk, also he has a false Ulfberch sword unlike other high tier soldiers and berserkers. What are your thoughts about this ?

    submitted by /u/bigdongus_rex
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    Does Ctrl + H and Ctrl + Left Mouse click work now?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Hey guys, do the teleportation and healing in the middle of the battle combination work as of 1.5.0, or 1.5.1.? Considering how few hours I get to play during the day restarting the same battle 6 times would not work for me, I mostly don't use these, but still, to save some time I do need teleportation sometimes. As of now I am still playing 1.4.3. so does this button combo work now? Also, I don't wanna ruin my save game with the updates, in which a lot of people die of old age, but they don't get married, this will probably make the game feel pretty empty in an in game year or so.

    submitted by /u/Historian22Latvia
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    Save family quest help?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    So I was wondering if anyone could help me. I got the quest to save my family then forgot about it. Now there is no bandit camp to go save them and I have no idea how to sort it. Any advice? I left it 459 days if that helps...

    submitted by /u/Defectivevoid
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    Question About Parties + Mercenary Contracts

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Hello friends,

    I have a general question about parties and then a specific one about mercenary contracts with a kingdom. First and foremost, when is a good time to begin establishing parties? I am doing a Mercenary to Warlord campaign and want to secure my first fief without swearing vassalage to one of the kingdoms. My thought process is as follows: build my army to roughly 200~ soldiers, off load 50-60 medium-high level troops onto a follower party, send them off to wreak havoc, increase mercenary payout.

    When my kingdom was at war with 2-3 nations, I was netting roughly 3-5k daily with supplemental income from workshops and a couple caravans. Now with my nation only at war with 1 nation, I find myself hitting negative about equal to the days I'm positive. Moreover, I feel like my parties aren't lasting far shorter, basically wasting 60 good troops I grinded to level OR are chewing up an unneeded amount of my income for those high-level party wages. In sum, am I using my companions and troops effectively? Or am I basically burning money and troops unnecessarily? Any economy advice and troop management advice for early-mid game would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MetaOrMetta
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    Are workshops worth it?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    I wanna know if it's worth it buying the Smithy In Sargot. I got around 60k and it costs like 12k. So why not? Or is it unprofitable?

    submitted by /u/DasJonas
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    Came back to the game recently - what patch made Derthert look like a pleb? (his crown helmet is gone)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    Why can't I run over (stampede) infantry with heavy cav?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Is it just me or the impact damage of a barded horse into a naked looter is waaaay too low? I mean why can't my warhorse run him over? I would love to see a heavy cataphract regiment just flatten archer by simply charging them down.

    submitted by /u/buky1992
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    Is it normal to not be able to vote at all when my kingdom captures a fief? (Beta 1.5.2)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    I see the "voting has started" banner notification but nothing appears on the right side of the screen nor is there anything on the Kingdom panel.

    submitted by /u/Oinoid
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    It's been several months since Bannerlord came out. How playable is it now?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    I bought Bannerlord the day it came out. I tried it for a bit and decided that I would rather wait for the game to become "full release" (or at least closer to "full release") and develop further before I actually fully play the game. So now, after several months, I'm wondering how playable the game is. I've heard that the devs have been pumping out updates so I'm sure that the game is much more complete now than before!

    Just to give some examples:

    I remember that workshops back in release were OP. The devs nerfed their income dramatically and said it was only a placeholder nerf and that a sort of "rework" would come later. How are workshops now?

    I also remember that many perks back in release didn't work even when you acquired them. How are the perks now?

    I also remember that on release factions would usually get steamrolled quickly and usually the whole map would be controlled by 1-2 factions pretty fast. How's this now?

    I also remember reading somewhere back in release that all the features of kingdom management weren't in game yet. How robust and complete is kingdom management now?

    These are all I could think of off the top of my head, hopefully you guys get the gist of this post.

    submitted by /u/poddi-
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