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    Mount & Blade How to play the Khuzait Khanate (Sound)

    Mount & Blade How to play the Khuzait Khanate (Sound)

    How to play the Khuzait Khanate (Sound)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    I wonder why does the earliest blades you can craft looks so good. I mean this bad boy has a golden scabbard with gems and shit.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Man of many talents

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Oh Yeah

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Bannerlord Simps + Monks

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    The story behind original Mount and Blade from Armagan's himself

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    I translated a Twitch stream of Jahrein with ArmaÄŸan where he tells the story of original M&B.

    ArmaÄŸan: The times i started was very different from those times. When i was at university i always had thought about making a game, as a dream. Physical ground of making a game was very harder than compared to today. Doing it as a profesional and making profit was like a dream. It was just like running from house and becoming an artist. I remember, when we were at university, there was a thing Wacom, John Carmack used it to make Wolfenstein. Just finding it was a very hard task to achieve. Today, for example, there are unity, unreal game motors. Downloading them and start using are only a few clicks away for game developers. It wasn't like that back than unfortunaletly. How i started? when i was in middle school i had Commodore 64. When you buy a computer, it was like, a kind of machinine, no monitors. You connect it to TV. It comes with a user guide for Basic and game programming even though it was at a very simple level. I liked it very much back then, making my own small games.

    Later at university, technology has changed. While it was changing, there was a strange period, suddenly game developing become much harder. Because of that i had to repress that enthusiasm. I studied computer engineering at university. In order to become more realistic, I gave up my dream of developing a game and focused on academically valid topics like AI. Later I graduated from university and got a master's degree. while continuing to doctorate, I got married to my wife, left the university and came to Istanbul (from Ankara, capital of Turkey). Then we started to do some work with our own company, like making softwares for banks. Just at that period, economic crisis of 2000 happened, a lot of banks closed. At those time I still wanted to do something about game development. Meanwhile technology improved a lot and i wondered what changes are there in like, computer graphics. I wondered and started to make small demos.

    Jahrein: Wasn't there any available game engines at that time?

    ArmaÄŸan: There was game engines, but the game engines used by large companies was very expensive. They were available only after paying a-couple-million dollar license fee and free game engines are most likely developed by amateurs and weren't that powerful. Actually, i could start with them but because i was interested in the graphics side, i chosed to build my own systems. It started as game demos like that. Then, as I improved slowly, i started to show the demos to my friends. Everybody said like "it is very nice. You must improve it. It surely gets somewhere". When I got reactions this way, i gained self-confidence. I gradually started to wonder if i get a product out of these. My wife is actually a computer engineer, her programming side is strong. Her arts side is also strong. Okay, I can do the programming side but it also needs art to developing a game. Somehow i tried to direct her that side. I taught her Blender. The first model she made was an extraodinary model I couldn't do even if I try for a year. And ÅŸhe started doing it in a very short time. So we created a team of two people.

    First, we started doing it as a hobby. When the product reached a certain point, we started to think whether we could make it a commercial product. With this way, it has become a project desired to be done professionally from an amateur project. After a point we sent it to the publisher abroad. The launching we know was like that: there are big publisher companies abroad, you send your game to them and they publish. So, we prepared a demo and sent CDs to a few companies abroad and started waiting.

    Jahrein: We have to say this, guys there wasn't steam back then. There may be people who can't understand this. Maybe born after Steam, possible. There wasn't an option like this. "I will not sell the physical copy of the game. Let them download digitally and I will get the money from one of the payment gateways." There was no such thing. At this point, we are in those years

    ArmaÄŸan: Yes, ... (he talks about Wolfenstien where you could download the first chapter of the game. If you like it then you could pay and download the rest). Other than that, there was nothing like this. As I said, we sent our demo and started waiting. We waited and waited. In the end there was no response. We took a lot of risks ourselves. I was developing the game personally, my wife also left the job at the stock market and started working with me. We were like, two crazy people developing the game. After all, our entire business plan was developing the game and selling it. When such a thing didn't happen, we were suddenly left without income. Since we stucked in a state like this, as a last resort we decided to develop a system, influenced by Wolfenstein. We said "let's distribute our unfinished game, the demo, to players free of charge". Then "if you like it and support it, you will have the finished product for free", We said, let's develop a business model like this. This was probably one of the first early accesses. I'm not claiming that we are the first but i know, developer of Minecraft Notch said "i was inspired by you". We inspired many. So we became one of the pioneers of crowd funding.

    Then we made a website for the game and prepared a downloadable demo. Because there was no steam, we prepared a credit card purchasing system. Then we posted on the forums to promote the game and started waiting. This was our last resort. If that doesn't happen, we decided to stop developing the game. We posted on the forums, then the post becomes a mockery first. Then, a few curious ones said "i downloaded the game and it doesn't look like a bad game". Then other said "there was a such feature in the game, I was very surprised" then others... And the replies became one page, two pages, five pages, thirty pages. Also we started to see sales slowly. At first, one or two were sold a day. Later we started to sell 20, 30 then 50 a day. Then i said, "i think we will do this work" After that, we came to the point of the establishment of Taleworlds.

    submitted by /u/Pattes123
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    Just a screenshot from my new cinematic video! Byzantine Empire inspired army

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    got a cool screenshot from a siege from my last campaign

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    That sounds bad...

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    "You see that village with an army over there, lets extort it." - a deserter last known words.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Warband save file to diplomacy mod , does anyone know how to fix this shield transparency?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    'Legendary Smith' perk in 1.4.1 removed?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Servers for campaign to play online with other people?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Idk if this is a good idea but I thought it would be kinda cool if we could play campaign but online. Like servers, where its pretty much the solo campaign but online and you can interact and have war against other players. Or you could co-op in quests or banding lair raids.

    Maybe the idea is better than the reality because if im being honest, idk how it would even work out. It was just a thought.

    Im also not sure if this has already been mentioned, but anyone else thinks this is a decent idea?

    submitted by /u/OceanSause
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    Settings keep resetting to default

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    Since the newest beta patch (1.4.2) my settings keep resetting to default every time I launch the game. Does anyone have any idea what may be the cause of that and how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Wicked1009
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    Putar SilkyBeard? wtf

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Fix To Netereyz folly

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    If you have all the check marks on the quest complete then all you have to do is first (save as) then make a kingdom without talking to them and make it either the empire or vlandia(whoever you sided with) then go talk to the person you sided with and it will add the dragon banner to your kingdom

    Good Luck!

    submitted by /u/Armonxx
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    I can't seem to find any Hafted blade like weapons anywhere?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I'm 50 hours deep into a khuzait walkthrough and I can't seem to find any weapon to the like of warband hafted blade ( a really long two handed cutting weapon). I could swear steppe bandit bosses and my darkhans use weapons like this, but I can't find them in any shop or ever seem to loot them. After some googling I came across the Romphalia, but that seems to be super rare. Are there no stock easy to get hafted blades?

    submitted by /u/slevente
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    I don’t understand Fire and Sword

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    I really really really want to have fun with a gigantic musket line and such, and get immersed in With Fire And Sword, but while I've long since gotten the hang of Warband and its economy, but I just cannot get anywhere in wFaS. it seems I need a bunch of renown to even become a mercenary, and to get renown I have to win battles, but I can't win battles without overwhelming odds because I only have access to more basic troops that get killed by the elite units that run around as scouts and such, and I don't get renown for heavily stacked odds or beating up bandits. I try to do quests instead, but the only quest that lords will give me is where some dude owes them money, and they'll refuse to pay it without spending reputation, but to get reputation I need to do other quests...then I get shot by a bandit and loose my only musket and am back to square zero, worse off than when I started

    submitted by /u/Fuzlet
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    SP Bannerlord Troop Tree Changes BETA 1.4.2

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Delayed by my long weekend, here is the troop tree changelog for e1.4.1 -> e1.4.2:

    ``` Release Version e1.4.1 ==> e1.4.2 empire aserai beni_zilal_tier_3 equipment(removed): set #1: arm_armor: 37
    body_armor: 36
    equipment: ['aserai_sword_5_t4', 'barbed_arrows', 'barbed_arrows', 'composite_steppe_bow', 'half_mail_and_plate_barding', 't2_aserai_horse'] head_armor: 20
    leg_armor: 35

    sturgia sturgian_veteran_warrior equipment(removed): set #1: arm_armor: 24
    body_armor: 48
    equipment: ['northern_horsemans_shield', 'northern_javelin_3_t4', 'sturgia_axe_4_t4'] head_armor: 36
    leg_armor: 31
    equipment(added): set #1: arm_armor: 24
    body_armor: 48
    equipment: ['heavy_round_shield', 'northern_javelin_3_t4', 'sturgia_axe_4_t4'] head_armor: 36
    leg_armor: 31

    sturgian_warrior equipment(removed): set #1: arm_armor: 9
    body_armor: 7
    equipment: ['northern_scouts_shield', 'sturgia_sword_1_t2'] head_armor: 11
    leg_armor: 16
    set #2: arm_armor: 5
    body_armor: 7
    equipment: ['light_horsemans_kite_shield', 'sturgia_axe_2_t2'] head_armor: 11
    leg_armor: 16
    set #3: arm_armor: 5
    body_armor: 9
    equipment: ['light_horsemans_kite_shield', 'sturgia_axe_2_t2'] head_armor: 13
    leg_armor: 16
    equipment(added): set #1: arm_armor: 9
    body_armor: 7
    equipment: ['northern_round_shield', 'sturgia_sword_1_t2'] head_armor: 11
    leg_armor: 16
    set #2: arm_armor: 5
    body_armor: 9
    equipment: ['northern_round_shield', 'sturgia_axe_2_t2'] head_armor: 13
    leg_armor: 16
    set #3: arm_armor: 5
    body_armor: 7
    equipment: ['northern_round_shield', 'sturgia_axe_2_t2'] head_armor: 11
    leg_armor: 16

    vlandia battania khuzait karakhuzaits_tier_3 skills: Riding 90 ==> 100

    karakhuzaits_tier_2 equipment(removed): set #1: arm_armor: 22
    body_armor: 48
    equipment: ['default_arrows', 'eastern_spear_2_t3', 'khuzait_sword_3_t3', 'steppe_harness', 'steppe_heavy_bow', 'storm_charger'] head_armor: 24
    leg_armor: 16
    equipment(added): set #1: arm_armor: 22
    body_armor: 48
    equipment: ['default_arrows', 'eastern_spear_2_t3', 'khuzait_sword_3_t3', 'steppe_harness', 'steppe_heavy_bow', 't2_khuzait_horse'] head_armor: 24
    leg_armor: 16

    nord vakken darshi looters sea_raiders mountain_bandits forest_bandits desert_bandits steppe_bandits neutral_culture ```

    Not too much to look at. The base tree at:


    is available as usual. Happy Raiding!

    submitted by /u/Iaks
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    Bannerlord's leveling system is WACK

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    A noob's guide to get Battanian Archers fast (Best Archers)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:37 AM PDT

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