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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    Mount & Blade Monty Python in Bannerlord

    Mount & Blade Monty Python in Bannerlord

    Monty Python in Bannerlord

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    Man's Gotta Loot.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    It's 3AM and I have work tomorrow. What have I done.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    And Now My Watch Begins. Since we have no GoT mods yet i did some minor modding myself and created a Night's Watch troop tree.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Asterix and Obelix Companions in Bannerlord.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    From Duh at Taleworlds: “Just to give folks a brief update - we have come across some complex issues with the current beta branch that we want to address before pushing it to live.”

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Link: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?posts/9421456/

    Rest of the post:

    "Naturally, this doesn't mean that development has halted. We continue to work on the game and look forward to sharing our progress with you as soon as we can."

    submitted by /u/K-Rose-ED
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    Mom said it's my turn to play Bannerlord

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    When you attack a caravan then suddenly the player's 300 army arrives to help

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Asian players are being censored/banned on MP

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Good afternoon, according to Steam reviews, it looks like Taleworlds has given a Chinese team the moderation authority on Asian multiplayer servers, and these mods are banning any and all dissenting information that goes against their communist party. With all the praise they get here, this should not go unnoticed.

    submitted by /u/Will12239
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    (bannerlordperks) I've finished adding all the perks to my perk info website, and added a few more features

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:51 AM PDT


    Hey, just one more post from me. I've finished adding all the perks to the site and have added a few more features, such as a table/list view. I've also added a FAQ to answer some common feedback.

    Here's a quick run down of which skills are good in terms of perks:

    Pretty Good:

    • Smithing
    • Charm
    • Leadership
    • Trade
    • Medicine

    Really Bad:

    • One Handed
    • Two Handed
    • Bow
    • Crossbow
    • Throwing
    • Athletics

    They Didn't Even Try:

    • Riding
    • Scouting
    • Tactics
    • Roguery
    • Steward
    • Engineering

    Note that most of the skill-level based bonuses do work, even if the skill's perks are non-functional. You can check analysis for the skill bonuses by clicking on the "Skill" tab on the site.

    That's it from me, until TaleWorlds changes all the perks and I have to do all this work again. Let me know of any comments/suggestions in this thread, or in the website feedback.

    submitted by /u/Gregorio246
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    About to crash a party at Iyakis

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Best girl of beta 1.3 anyone?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    My wife killed me.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    I was besieging a city and busted down the walls with fire onagers, then I personally charged the breach with my overpowered late-game armor and started massacring the poor AI using my Long Glaive. I was feeling like a god, having racked up a hundred kills on my own.

    Then a fucking fireball comes over the wall and noscopes me in the face.

    I look up to the kill feed and find that Liena - my pregnant wife - was the one who killed me. Presumably because I stole her armor after marrying her.

    10/10 would play Crusader Kings 2: Banterlord again.

    submitted by /u/Aurora_Fatalis
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    We underestimated the Villagers power.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    The hero every garrison needs but dont deserve

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    it do be like that sometimes

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Join Battania they said. It will be fun they said

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Fast Smithing Leveling without Mods [1.3 beta]

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Ah yes

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    I hate the starting wars, could some brave modder help me?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    After the untold number of times starting a game, I started to notice the monotony and strangeness that is the starting wars in the game.

    The Empire:

    Why, in the middle of a civil war, would the three crowns ignore each other and instead fight and die fighting Barbarians? They should be convincing lords to their banner, rounding up traitors, securing their position on their thrones. Why does it seem like they never attack each other, opting for taking over when its already overrun by Powerful Barbarians.

    A fix would be that these factions are always at war until their rivals to the throne are eliminated AND any Barbarians that declare war on one factions declare war on all three. Basically the Emperor/ess should see the entire Empire as their dominion, just currently controlled by pretenders and invaded by Barbarians.

    The West (Vlandia v.s. Battania)

    Vlandia's starting war makes no sense because of one regard. Both Vlandia and Sturgia have to walk through Battanian lands to get to each other. They literally both pass a Battanian castle in order to attack each other.

    On the other hand, their troop trees are wildly mismatched. And more times than not, Vlandia pulls ahead because of their heavy cavalry. Vlandia pulls an early lead over the rest of the factions by steam rolling the Sturgians.

    Fix; Have the Vlandians fight the Battanians. Their positioning is ideal and their troop trees are equal but opposite of each other. Noble Heavy Cavalry v.s. Levy Light Cavalry, Levy Crossbows v.s. Noble Archers, and Heavy Armor v.s High Damage Infantry.

    The East (Aserai v.s Khuzait)

    The problem that the Aserai face at the beginning of their War with the Southern Empire is that they have to trek across the whole of "North Africa" in order to attack the Southern Empire. Meanwhile they often lose their fortress and city on the peninsula.

    Fix; Instead have the Khuzaits attack the Aserai instead. Historically the Mongols invaded West Asia long before Europe, thus isn't too much of a leap to say that they try the same thing here. This way, both nations have to trek across the map in order to attack and resupply.

    The North (Sturgia)

    This is where randomness and be included. Sturgia should be the opportunistic and almost cautious at the start. But when one of any of the enemy nations starts to slip, they should be there to plunge in the knife. Perhaps even be the first of the nations to capitalize on the civil war within the Empire.

    Well that's all I have to say about it. If you guys want to discuss the topic feel free to comment.
    Also this is my second post, I deleted the first one because my first post was about dealing with caravans after version 1.10 but then 1.2 shutdown most of my tips.

    submitted by /u/Austinsaygroovy
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    The Simpire sued for peace immediately

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Hostile caravans will trade with you, or blockading Aserai for fun and profit

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Joined the southern empire as a merc just so I could try this and its working better than it really should. It's the only war for either faction, and it obviously centers around Danustica and Husn Fulq. So I and my band of scrubs set up operations outside Ortysia.

    Chase down one of the many enemy caravans. That long narrow stretch is great for trapping them against the sea. It helps to click over on the Aserai side so they run away from you down that little trap area instead of across the straits.

    Now trade with them. Dump all unwanted battle loot in exchange for their trade goods and horses. If they can't afford all the loot, you can exit and talk to them again, and their money will reset but not their inventory. Cheesy but another thing defs should think about changing. Cities run out of money to buy your loot with, then starve by not buying food. Caravans don't pay nearly as well, but battle loot is free and caravans have infinitely deep pockets.

    Now that you have all their goods, money, and horses, attack them. You'll get loot from your kills, plus some of their cargo, i.e. the loot you just sold them.

    As needed, stop in Ortysia and unload all your stolen trade goods. It will count as "lost" money for trade skill xp, but you paid the iron price, so it really is all profit. This drives the price down until other caravans come and gets the goods back in circulation.

    You have now monopolized all Aserai trade with the western half of the map. Your horse herd will snowball quickly, which gives you the ability to haul all those goods and promote cavalry to run down caravans.

    Aserai lords are busy fighting in the east, and don't come police western empire land, so you operate with a free hand.

    As you build the cargo capacity, hold onto dates, desert horses, and other Aserai monopoly goods. Eventually the war or your blockade will end, and you can unload them then at artificially high prices and make some trade xp.

    Tldr: you can trade with hostile caravans before you kill them, and exploit their infinite regenerating money. Both these things need to be changed.

    submitted by /u/EricAKAPode
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